With a few inches of water in the pool, pressure is reduced and evened out, reducing the risk of damage if you go on to fill the pool using a high-pressure water flow. While the gallon jug method is a very easy way of determining your water pressure, a bigger bucket can be slightly more accurate. And once you have all that great water, take some care to keep it in your pool and reduce refills and topups, so you can enjoy it for longer. These will mostly be underground swimming pools, but there are some above ground pools in this style as well. If you have a small pool of 5,000 gallons or less you will easily be able to fill it in one day. If you don't have these few essentials, your pool maintenance is a lot harder than it has to be. If youre lucky and its timed for when they do their hydrant flushing, you can possibly get your pool water refilled for free! To determine the Radius, measure across your pool to determine the diameter. It works for pizza, so why not your pool water? This could cost hundreds of wasted gallons of water that does nothing but soak your lawn and can occur once the water begins to rise.As the water begins to fill, it is best to try and remove wrinkles and bends in the liner prior to the water covering the entire bottom. I mean, who wouldnt want to jump into a freshly refilled pool right? Finding a pool store you can trust is paramount to make sure you can get what you need, not spend more than you have to, and fully enjoy pool ownership. To determine your GPM (Gallons Per Minute) divide the GPH by 60. Filling a pool seems like such a simple thingand it can be. Why fork over your hard-earned dough when you can get your pool water from Mother Nature? If you find your pool is losing an inch of water or more per day, its likely theres a leak somewhere. Time: Using well water takes about as much time as using a garden hose, but it also depends on the capacity of your pump. Now that the hard part is done, dont forget to check your pool water regularly! Youll spend far less on incremental chemical treatments to maintain already-clean water than you will replace the whole shebang. 7 Reasons Your Pool Pump Keeps Shutting Off - With Fixes. Have a friend hold a stop watch. Length Width Depth (average) 7.5, Kidney Pools:: Congratulations! But however you do it, a little planning, a bit of math, and careful water conservation can help you save money when its time for a fresh fill-up. I am the owner of an above ground 24 foot swimming pool and a 140 gallon Softub. Prepare the skimmers and wall returns for everyday use by removing the expansion plugs and reinserting the fittings. The bottom line might be sunnier than youd expect. I would recommend avoiding watering the yard or other major use of water during this time. Monitor your wells water levels carefully to make sure it doesnt run dry, since that will damage or destroy your pump and might lead to having an expensive new well dug. Dont add any chemical until after youve completed filling it. Whether you drained your pool in the fall, are installing a new swimming pool, or experienced a significant loss of water, use the best way to fill your pool with water. Avoid filling the pool too fast to keep your liner taut and wrinkle-free. Time: It can take up to 48 hours to fill a standard sized swimming pool with a garden hose. Believe it or not, you can get pool water delivered, almost as easily as ordering from Amazon. There are a number of ways to fill an empty swimming pool, with varying costs and considerations for each. One of the most annoying parts of owning a pool is when it gets dirty because your pump isn't functioning correctly. This is the most common, and slowest way to fill a pool. Depending on the method youve chosencity water, well water, or pool water delivery servicethe exact procedure for filling your swimming pool will vary. Your best bet is to consult your local utility office and find out how much you can expect to pay per gallon. You might feel a bit of sticker shock when you calculate the total (especially for a complete fill or refill), but chances are itll still be far less expensive than having the water delivered from a remote location. There are several reasons that this is a good idea, because its your opportunity to: There are some severe water quality issues that can only be addressed by completely draining and cleaning a pool. The average home outside faucet will usually pour somewhere between 4 to 12 gallons per minute out of the water hose. Lets try a couple examples below in determining the water capacity. Click on your pool shape to calculate the volume of water. Simply choose the best way that fits your time and budget and that should be it! Carefully follow the instructions on the test kit to ensure you add the right amount of salt and stabilizers. No worries, we're here to help! Well water is often much harder than city water, with lots of minerals, sulfur, and other elements you dont want in a pool. Example 1:You have a 24-foot circular round swimming pool that is 52 inches deep. While every pool, household, and municipality is different, heres an overview of the most common swimming pool water delivery methods. While per-gallon cost might not be an issue, capacity is. GPH = (GPM X 60)GPH = (6 X 60) = 360 GPH. Or maybe you have to replace the water that splashed out when your Big Uncle Jimmy did his famous cannonball at your last pool party. Make sure you check the capacity of your well to see if it has enough water for your pool. So what can you do? As long as you keep these caveats in mind, filling your pool from your own well may be a winner for you and your wallet. There are a couple easy methods you can do with items you probably already have in your garage or backyard. In fact, before adding any chemical, allow your pool to water to circulate for at least 24 hours and then test it to see the exact state of your pool chemical balance before adding any chemicals. You can also use a separate rain basin and add that water to the pool when you have a downpour. You wont need to bother with permits (the delivery service will handle all of that for you) and you can even opt to have pre-treated pool water as not to mess up your pool water balance too much! Time: This method is fast. One advantage of using a pool water delivery service is that they are professionals at filling pools, and will be mindful of using the correct amount of pressure, and not damaging your pool liner. It is 4 feet deep in the shallow end. Here are some ways to keep all that water in your pool where you want it: Because evaporation and splashout are so normal, it can be hard to tell if your pool has a leak. Most pool owners need to top-up pool levels in summer (with water loss from sun and evaporation, splash out from frequent pool use, and reduced inflow from rain) every week or two. Chances are, you wont even have to be home when your water arrives. And while we love Bob Dylan as much as the next person, the answer to evaporation woes definitely isnt blowin in the wind. Dead leaves, bugs, dirt from the construction down the street all end up in the Can An Above-ground Pool Be Put on Pavers? Think of pool water delivery as a concept rather than a specific service. 3.14xRadius Squarexaverage depth in feetx7.5=Water capacity. But if youve built a new pool or are filling your pool for the first time (e.g., after buying a new home), you might need to do a little math to calculate the precise amount of H2O you need. In fact, in-ground pools made of concrete with no liner are very porous and quite susceptible to algae growth. Considerations: You should call your water company or utility office and ask them about the rate for filling a pool. Dont bother the nice people at the Coast Guard.). Remove any debris, such as leaves and sticks, that may have fallen into the pool over the winter. If there are other family members using water at the same time your swimming pool is being filled, it may slow down the filling process. Filling your pool with cheap, contaminated water can lead to more problems like heavy-metal staining, abnormally high or low pH levels, and other things that can wreak havoc not only on your pool balance but can potentially damage your pool and equipment as well. Reduce pressure. Well, not quite. But remember that youll be moving many thousands of gallons of water through your softener system, so be sure to factor in the cost of salt and the electricity required to pump the water to your pool. You can always connect your garden hose to an outdoor tap, and use it to fill your pool. Cost: The average American household uses about 12,000 gallons of water a month, so, depending on the size of your pool, you can expect to roughly double your water bill when filling a pool. Once the bottom is covered with water the weight of the water will take over and it will be hard to remove wrinkles. Ensure that you follow the manufacturers' instructions. As it fills, frequently check the water level and the hose to ensure nothing has moved or damaged. As soon as the water runs clear, stop backwashing. Whatever the reason, you need an affordable method of pool water delivery. its been three to five years since you last filled your pool. For others that are filling a much larger pool it could take multiple days until your pool water has reached capacity. While you can certainly have water delivered to your home by truck, its not the only option for filling your pool. This method should only be used to top up pools that already have water in them. This free printable cheat sheet helps keep your inground, above ground, or Intex pool clean and clear without messing with confusing water chemistry. Dont forget to budget your time, too. An ounce of prevention is worth a few thousand gallons of cure, so to speak. The health and performance of your well pump is another consideration when filling your pool with well water. They will usually install a metered standpipe and youll basically pay for the water used. This will keep you from spending more than you need to on water, and help you budget for future refills. The elements that permeate the water table are usually filtered out by city water plants. Choose the most cost-effective pool water delivery system for your needs, and carefully conserve water thats already in your pool. Its just another term for moving water to your swimming pool, by land, air, or sea. Keep pets and other objects out of the pool as well. Length (long diameter) Width (short diameter) Depth (average) 6.7, Round Pools: Well, theres more than one way to fill your pool this summer! In addition, especially if the pool is empty, thoroughly scrub the pool's liner to eliminate algae and bacteria that may be starting to grow. It doesnt require any permits, doesnt require any input from your part aside from the initial installation and it keeps your water levels in check to prevent loss of water and chemicals! Note: If youre concerned about an extra sewage fee, give your local utility a call and let them know youre filling a pool. Danielle Smyth is a writer and content marketer from upstate New York. Matt Giovanisci is the founder of Swim University and has been in the pool and spa industry since 1995. They might give you a discounted rate, or even cancel the sewage charge altogether. This can make it very difficult to balance pool water and keep it balanced. Y = The number of seconds it took to fill the gallon jug. Youre on your way to a summer of fun. Use a soft bristle brush and a vacuum to regularly clean the sides of the pool and prevent algae growth. They will help you estimate the total costs, and may waive or reduce sewer fees if they know you are filling a pool. Plan on at least a day or two to fill an average-sized swimming pool. As with city water, keep an eye on your pool as it fills. And is there a way to save money on pool water? Considerations: If you have a fire hydrant near your home, it may be worth calling your local fire department to ask about the possibility. The amount you pay for a pro to fix the leak will be recouped in water savings. Whichever water delivery method you choose, many experts recommend that you secure some sturdy fabric over the end of your garden hose to reduce the water pressure, and fill the bottom 2-6 inches of your pool yourself. Twice a week with the Water TechniX 7in1 test strips should do the trick. In some places, a fire department will do it for free, as an exercise to flush the line. This method should only be used to top up pools that already have water in them. Important: If your well is your homes only water supply, you might have a softener system and pump attached. As a rule, its better for your pool and your budget to keep your pool full of clean, balanced water rather than draining and refilling it unnecessarily. Do you have any questions about this topic or the featured products? Take the time to understand how much water your pool can hold. If you know the dimensions of your swimming pool and the average water depth once filled there is a very simple formula you can use to determine water volume capacity. You can fill your pool with a hose from the tap, just like you would with city water. That is your radius. Finally, use a test kit to ensure the water's saline content is correct. Length in feetxlength in feetxaverage depth in feetx 7.5 =Water capacity. So where does all that pool water come from? The best way is to check the SPASA Australia site here. pool covered when it isnt in use, lowering the temperature on a pool heater, Soda Ash Vs Baking Soda For Pools (When To Use Which), Best Pool Slides: A Review & Buying Guide, What Does Chlorine Do In a Pool? Keep an eye on kids (and adults acting like kids) to keep them from cannonballing you into the poorhouse. Most above-ground and in-ground pools have liners, and they can be cleaned using this method. You will probably need to weigh it down with a brick to keep it in place, Fill inside of the bucket to the exact same water level as the pool water on the outside of the bucket, If you come back the next day and the water level inside the bucket is higher than the water level in the pool, you may have a pool leak. A little caution and water care can save you considerable cash. If you click this link and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no additional cost to you. But while well water doesnt have a price tag attached to it, it does have a couple of characteristics that need special attention. Filling up your pool water is pretty straightforward. There are a lot of pool options you can choose from when creating your backyard pool. They can also fill your water in a couple of hours (as opposed to the whole day) as these water delivery trucks are equipped with high flow hoses. To determine the volume of water you would simply need to follow the formula. Water delivery services can cost a pretty penny since not only are you paying for the water itself, but for the equipment, the permit cost, and of course the service itself! Drought, limited water supplies, and natural disasters can mean you might pay a premium to fill your pool, especially if the demand for potable water has led to water rationing in your area. The downside? Press stop on the stop watch as soon as the jug is full. In some cities with water shortages or rationing, a water delivery service may be your only option. Pretty self-explanatory. Your friendly pool water delivery people will roll up in their transport truck, drop their hoses, fill er up, and be on their way. Example: Your pool is 30 feet long x 10 feet wide and is 7 feet deep in the deep end. For more information on how to keep your pool water topped up during summer, we have a very informational article on how to keep your water levels during Australian Water Restrictions here. Water pressure is the biggest factor that can make a pool fill much slower or faster. Once you find the pool leak, you can take steps to fix it. your pool water has become unbalanced or contaminated and doesnt respond to chemical treatment. It will cause your water pressure to decrease making your GPH drop and causing a longer fill time. Not sure restrictions are in place for your state? Filling a swimming pool for the first time or after a drain will take quite some time. When its time to fill or refill a pool, you have a lot of options for water delivery, including well water delivery. Place the hose you will be using in your bucket. These test strips are extremely easy to use, so easy that they can be used by kids to check your pools chemical levels. The formula to determine your water capacity is different depending on the style of swimming pool you own. But life is full of surprises, and pool ownership is full of regular maintenance. All pools do need the occasional top-up, because the water level lowers due to splash-out, evaporation, backwashing, and other factors. To avoid wasting more water than is necessary to clean the filter, keep an eye on the sight glass. To determine exactly how long it is going to take to fill your swimming pool, you must first know a few things about your water pressure and swimming pool. If your pool is more deep and shallow or vice versa you will need to make adjustments accordingly. Cost: Usually this method is very affordable, but does carry some risks. Next, circulate the water and salts and the stabilizer with the pump. If you get a little overenthusiastic when you backwash your pool filter, you can burn through hundreds of gallons of water in minutes. Oval Pools: The speed of your refill will vary based on available water pressure and the diameter of your garden hose. You should perform any routine maintenance required for your pool before filling it since it's typically easier to do so without water. Or, if you feel thats beyond your skills, you can always call a professional. Grab a stop watch for someone else to operate on your command. Not properly treating the water may lead to its becoming unsafe for swimming, and you may even end up needing to drain it completely, clean and refill it. Have your helper start the stop watch at the same time you begin adding water into the gallon jug. Its crucial to make sure your well can handle the volume needed to fill your swimming pool. Make sure that the pool water level reaches about halfway above the opening of your skimmer opening. Use a solar pool cover on your pool between swims, and add a liquid solar cover in the spring and fall. In determining the average water depth I simply average a close middle ground number between the highest and lowest point of the pool. The formula is quite simple. You can cut down on your water expenses by reducing or eliminating the four biggest pool water wasters: They might seem fairly innocuous, but every drop adds up, and before you know it, you might find yourself spending money like water. Summer is here, the sun is out, and the best way to beat the heat is with a dip in a nice and refreshing pool! This will allow you to sleep with ease during nap time or overnight without worrying if you swimming pool has a chance of overflowing. Considerations: Its a good idea to call some local water delivery companies and request a quote before making a final decision. So you might need fresh water if: If youre refilling a pool youve owned for years, chances are you already know how many gallons it holds. The best way to avoid going through the hassle of refilling your pool water is to keep it automatically topped up through the use of a water leveling device! An uncovered pool loses an average of about a to inch of water per day to evaporation, barring any extreme weather conditions. The longer the pool leaks, the more water is wasted, and the higher the probability of other damage occurring behind the pools walls. Now this is one of the fastest ways to fill your pool and it can possibly be one of the cheapest methods ass well. Well water often has a distinctive scent and taste thanks to hydrogen sulfide and other minerals. When do You Need to Fill or Refill a Pool? For more information on how to keep your pool water topped up during summer, we have a very informational article on, The best way to fill your pool this Summer. Drop us a question down below and we'll get back to you ASAP. Put the other end of the hose into your pool. The distance is going to be 24 feet across in all directions. Example: Assuming it took 10 seconds for completely fill 1 gallon of water the formula would be:(60 10) X 60 = 360 GPH. Youll come home to a full pool, ready for testing, balancing, sanitizing, and swimming! Now you can calculate it. Consult the experts at a pool supply store as to which chemicals you need and why. If not, check that the connections are still functional and were not damaged during the cold months. Test your pool water daily and treat it accordingly. If your home has a well as its primary water source, you can use the same method to fill your pool as with city water. Err on the side of caution and test your well water for excessive amounts of hydrogen sulfide, copper, and iron before you fire up the pump. Just remember thats not the pumps intended purpose, so it can put quite a strain on your pump, diminishing its ability to do its actual job of pushing pool water through your filtration system. Simply choose the best way that fits your time and budget and that should be it! Whether youre pumping from a well to fill your pool or just top it off, make sure your pump, hoses, and other gear are in good repair. To determinue your Radius Square you simply multiply the radius by itself. Its also possible to use your pool pump to bring well water into your pool. Tell the person with the stop watch to press start at the same time you turn on the water faucet. Continue filling the pool until it reaches your desired level. DBE55523-A44D-49A6-A989-EEE5C3376099 Rectangle pools formula will apply to any square or rectangle pool. (OK, mostly just land. Premier Pools and Spas recommend you do this once per week. Example: After doing steps 1 thru 4 you realize it takes 50 seconds to fill a 5 gallon bucket with your water house. Turn on the water and allow the pool to begin to fill. Patience is a virtue! Since then, his mission is to make pool and hot tub care easy for everyone. It'll help you save $100 right away on pool care! This method of filling your pool is certainly one of the easiest, but it can get pricey depending on where you live. Heres a quick test: If you have a leak in your pool, its important to get it fixed right away. Summer also brings with it water restrictions which may limit our ability to keep pools topped up. Your swimming pool can only add water as fast as your faucet will allow. Now that you have determined your water volume and your water hose GPH you can determine how long it will take to fill your pool and start filling right away. Your costs may also vary depending on how your local water rates are determined by your supplier. If your pool has water features like fountains or waterfalls, turn them off when theyre not in use, and make sure theyre not sending buckets of water out of the pool while theyre turned on. A good pump may save some time. Determine how many gallon of water you swimming pool will hold to reach capacity. If you own a well with the capacity to fill your pool, you might save yourself some serious cash by filling your pool for zero cents a gallon. youre filling your pool for the first time. They will be classified below in 2 categories. We cut out all the confusion of pool maintenance in this easy-to-read illustrated ebook and video course. Just make sure the folks delivering your water have access to your pool, and if youre concerned about safety or want to supervise, schedule the appointment for a time youll be home. Divide the diameter by 2. Yell "Stop the clock' as soon as the bucket is full. Circular or Rectangle. And each year, he continues to help more people with water chemistry, cleaning, and troubleshooting. A standard pool can be filled within a couple hours. Make sure that the hose is flexible enough that it won't kink or become dislodged. You may have heard about pumice stones and how they can do wonders for your swimming pool surfaces. There are companies that will bring a tank of water to your house, and use high-capacity hoses to fill your pool quickly. Cost: This method is the most expensive, and costs increase based on the size of your pool, or any balancing or pre-treating options. In this example 360 60 = 6 GPM. This is an advertising program in which some links on this website will send visitors to Amazon and we may receive a commission from purchases. You can use the 5 Gallon bucket formula with any size of bucket, simply plug in the numbers accordingly. As a matter of fact, depending on the state youre in, you may need a permit for filling up pools with more than 10,000L of water! There are a lot of variables that affect the length of time that will take to completely fill. Are you really saving as much money on pool maintenance as you could be? In addition, ensure that nothing can come in contact with the hose to damage or move it, including lawnmowers, electrical lines, pets and kids. Keep it low enough that normal fun in the pool (including a little splashingwere not monsters) doesnt have water slopping out of the pool. Take a large, watertight bucket, ideally one with transparent or opaque sides you can see through, Set the bucket on your pool steps, partially submerged in the water. Water is water, right? Now that your pool is ready, connect a standard garden hose to your outdoor faucet. Maybe youve got a brand new pool. If youre expecting a list of exotic pool chemicals, then youre going to be disappointed! If your pool water levels are needing to be topped up more frequently, you may have a leak, or follow these tips below to help conserve water. 30 length x 10 length x 5 feet deep average x 7.5 = 11,250 Gallons. Maybe your pool has a bad case of contamination, or youre refilling a pool you had to drain for repairs or a new pool liner. Experts recommend turning off the water overnight and when you're not at home to avoid accidents. The formula we will be using to determine this is:(60 Y)X60 = GPH. If you are filling a saltwater pool, follow the same steps until the end of the filling process. Not only are leaks expensive, but they may damage your pool or property. poolonomics.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. One of the best ways to save money when you refill your pool is to protect the balanced water thats already in it. For top-offs, monitor the refill until the water hits your desired level (usually around the middle of the skimmer). You have recieved Free Shipping Australia Wide* on your order. Small appliances such as the dishwasher and washing machine will not be enough to affect the pool filling process long term and can be continued as normal without much affect on the total time. Place the other end of the hose in your pool. Length Width (average) Depth (average) 7.0. Some companies make things even simpler by providing pre-chlorinated water. However, if your pool is in-ground concrete but doesn't have a liner, you still need to clean the pool. Only fill your pool with water that comes from a good source. how your local water rates are determined, Hallmark Industries MA0343X-4 Deep Well Submersible Pump, The Best Pool Supplies You Absolutely Need in 2022, a pool water delivery service (yes, they actually exist!). Watch your water level, too. This is the most common, and slowest way to fill a pool. Ensure your softener system (if you have one) is in good working order. She also runs her own lifestyle blog, Sweet Frivolity.