The disease may be chronic and recurrent. Here are some ways you can help support your cats skin health. When the fur becomes greasy or oily in appearance, some step in the process of oil production and removal has been disrupted. Your veterinarian will be able to perform a more thorough visual inspection, in addition to other tests like skin scrapes. Giving your veterinarian a thorough history of your pets health will be critical in getting your cats skin back to normal. You can help your cat groom by using tools such as a damp rag and a rubber grooming brush. This guide will discuss the most common cat skin conditions. The most common cause of miliary dermatitis in cats is a hypersensitivity to flea bites, even in indoor-only cats. Microscopic and laboratory testing are usually recommended to determine the underlying cause of cat skin disease. Skin injuries are often precursors to scabs. The good news for cat owners is that, unlike dogs, cats bodies do not typically turn into skin tumor factories after a certain age. Let your veterinarian know of any other symptoms, even those not related to the skin, that your cat has exhibited. Because many cats live indoors only, pet parents can be quite skeptical that a parasitic infection is the cause of their cats symptoms. Therefore, when you notice a growth on your cats skin, it is highly recommended to have the growth evaluated by your veterinarian. As with dandruff, oily fur can be caused primarily by skin disease, or can be attributable to other problems, especially obesity and thyroid disorders. Although most are unaffected by rash, where noticed a broad rash can be concentrated to the back of the neck, scapular (shoulder blade) and surrounding areas, and/or the lower abdomen and surrounding areas. Tests may also be necessary before a diagnosis and treatment recommendation can be made. A cats skin acts as a barrier between their body and the outside world. Itchiness, along with perhaps one or two of the symptoms mentioned above may be the only signs that a skin infection is present. Although many pet parents will change their cats food to minimize the itching, food allergies account for only one in five cases of itchy cats. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian before initiating treatment. However, its still a good idea to take pictures of the problem, especially over time. Are there any sources of stress in your cats environment (even a minor change in the home)? Itchiness, which veterinarians call pruritus, occurs when skin irritation creates inflammatory molecules that send signals to the brain, inducing the sensation of itch. Although assisted grooming can be an appropriate treatment in cats that have difficulty doing the job themselves, especially cats that are older or overweight, you should not bathe or groom your cat too much, as this can cause its own set of problems. When our hair looks greasy, most of us would take a shower to wash away the excess oil in our hair. However, bacterial infections, ringworm infections, other parasitic infestations, autoimmune disease, and certain cancers are also possible causes. As with rashes, red spots are common in cats and not indicate a specific disease, but instead can be caused by a wide variety of conditions. Does your cat have any chronic medical conditions? Alopecia can be the result of almost any cat skin diseaseallergies, infections, parasite infestations, nutritional disorders, endocrine disease, and even certain cancers. (not recommended, but your vet will want to know). A bump, a rash, a scab, a patchthere are almost as many words to describe cat skin disorders as there are skin issues themselves. An excoriation is self-induced, usually from scratching at an itchy skin condition, whereas a crust can be caused by any condition that ruptures the protective layer. While a geriatric dog is certain to be littered with skin tags, soft fatty tumors, and warts, a cats skin is just not as prone to developing growths in the same fashion. Treatments for parasitic infections are generally straightforward, but keeping your cat on monthly preventatives is the surest way to minimize the risk. Although microbial infections cant be seen with the naked eye, the associated symptoms can often point to cat skin infections: Epidermal collarettes (flaky skin encircling an area of reddened or darkened skin), Yellow, green, or chunky discharge coming from your cats skin. Like dandruff, oily fur is a condition that encourages pet parents to transfer their knowledge of human hair care onto that of cats. Skin Infections and Loss of Skin Color Disorders in Cats. Chat live with a licensed veterinarian, or schedule a video call to get expert advice for your pets health., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 December 2016, at 07:35. When the blood clots and closes the injury, a scab is formed. In most cases, though, these infestations are surprisingly subtle; you may only notice your cat scratching intermittently, or perhaps a rash or bumps along your cats back. You can imagine their surprise when I run a flea comb through their cats fur and show them the flea dirt. Although the most common skin diseases in cats are generally itchy, non-itchy skin diseases include certain types of bacterial and fungal infections, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, and endocrine diseases. Get pet health tips and insights from top veterinarians delivered to your inbox weekly! If no clear answer is identified, a biopsy may be needed to achieve a diagnosis. If a cat has a skin condition, that barrier can be impaired. In older female cats, especially, firm lumps under the skin of the belly should be examined immediately to check for mammary tumors. When cats overgroom and barber their fur, it can be caused by itchiness, pain, or stress. Your veterinarian may close the wound if possible, although only fresh wounds can be stitched closed. Parasite infestations remain one of the most common causes of skin disease in cats, so its always a good idea to take your cat to the vet as soon as you suspect skin disease. In general, people use the term rash to describe cat skin conditions that are flat and red and encompass a medium to large area of skin. A symptom that is often related to hair loss is itchy skin. Pain in the abdominal cavity from pancreatitis, foreign body obstruction, tumors, or UTIs will often cause cats to groom and barber their undersides in a futile attempt to reduce the pain. Thats why its best to go to the vet for a correct diagnosis. Oily fur is commonly seen in cats with miliary dermatitis, but it can also be the sole symptom. Is the problem getting worse over time, or better, or is it about the same? Are any other cats in your house affected? Barbering can also be psychogenic, meaning that neither pain nor itchiness are the cause of your cats overgrooming. Hair loss can be divided into two distinct symptoms: alopecia and barbering. Cat Skin Conditions: Signs and Possible Causes, Questions Your Vet Will Ask About Your Cats Skin Condition. Are there any factors that seem to worsen your cats skin condition? Although achieving a diagnosis can often be time-consuming, it is ideal to figure out the cause of your cats symptoms so that the treatments can be targeted toward that cause. Collecting cells from the growth with a fine needle aspirate (FNA) and examining them under the microscope (cytology) is an important first step in deciding whether a growth is concerning or not. Parasites love cats. Unfortunately, the way a particular skin disease shows up does not neatly align with the underlying cause. Flea and tick preventatives are very important, even in indoor cats. Miliary dermatitis is classified as a cutaneous reaction pattern of inflammation and can be the manifestation of a wide variety of skin allergies, infections or parasitic infestations. Mites, ticks and other ectoparasites can live on or in your cats skin, where they create discomfort, spread secondary diseases, generate allergic responses, and potentially infect the humans in the family. While cat dandruff can be caused by primary skin conditions, especially infections, it can also be secondary to other problems like nutritional imbalances, obesity, or conditions that can cause your cat to feel too sick to groom. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. Have you tried any treatments at home? Secondary infection with Staphylococcus intermedius is common. Theres at least one case report of a cat developing a stress-induced UTI after all the curtains in the house were changed. Examining the cells or the fluid beneath a crust microscopically is sometimes useful for achieving a diagnosis. Sometimes, you might see one of these parasites with the naked eye. Instead, stress can cause cats to exhibit all sorts of behavioral changes, including barbering their fur. The basis of the treatment is identification and management of the underlying cause. Since a cats skin is one of the few organs we can see pretty easily with the naked eye, cat skin disease is easy to spot. Does the skin issue keep coming back at a certain time each year? Miliary dermatitis is a common class of feline skin disease in which numerous small, grainy bumps appear on the surface of the cats skin. Minimizing stress for your cat can minimize the risk of psychogenic skin issues like overgrooming. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations for stress-relieving products such as cat pheromone diffusers. Microscopic testing is almost always recommended. Veterinarians will often recommend application of a product containing antibiotics, antifungals, and anti-inflammatories. Covering the wound is sometimes useful, but more often, these types of skin conditions are left open to heal. While defects in your cats skin might be quite obvious, distinguishing the typesabrasions, ulcers, lacerations, punctures, abscessesis a job for your veterinarian. Has your cat traveled with you to other parts of the country or the world? These pictures can be useful in at least narrowing down the underlying cause of your cats skin condition. (Even if you think its in his file, it never hurts to remind your veterinarian at the time of the appointment.). Your veterinarian may need to take a sample of the cells on the surface of the skin with a piece of clear tape to see whether bacteria or yeast are present in the skin cells. Cats, however, should be able to self-maintain the appearance of their fur coat. Article wasn't very helpful and needs improvement. Whats stressful to a cat can be much milder than what a person would consider stressful. Article was somewhat helpful, but could be improved. Other allergies such as adverse food reactions or atopy commonly cause this symptom as well. Barbering is a self-induced thinning of the hair that occurs when a cat bites the hair shafts in two. Since open wounds create an ideal environment for bacteria and other infectious microbes, preventing access to the wound is ideal. This article had helpful info and advice that I trust. With alopecia, if you run your hand over the area of hair loss, it will usually feel smooth because the remaining hair is normal. In many cases, medicated shampoos can help, but testing is needed to get the right diagnosis to determine the best course of treatment. One of the most common and most obvious signs of feline skin disease is hair loss. Cats with miliary dermatitis have a rash consisting of fine papules surmounted by small crusts. And to further complicate things, theres usually more than one symptom present at a time. For cats and for us, however, the idea of unwelcome guests occupying our skin doesnt sound quite so lovely. Sometimes, the growth will need to be removed and sent out for a biopsy, where a pathologist will see exactly what the cause of the growth is. Scabs occur after somethingusually traumaopens the skin enough to cause bleeding. It weakens their bodys defenses, and in many cases, generates a severe amount of discomfort. A fleas idea of heaven is drinking your cats blood while she naps in a sunbeam. Treatment involves antibiotics and/or antifungal medications, given topically or by mouth, depending on the infection and the available products. Letting your veterinarian know whether your cats skin condition seems to be itchy or not itchy can help narrow down the list of possible causes. I hear things like, How can my cat get fleas if he hasnt left the apartment in 3 years? or I havent seen any mites, and yet the parasites are there, far more often than youd think. Alopecia refers to a thinning or total loss of hair at the level of the hair follicle. Keeping your cat at an appropriate body condition score, meaning not underweight or overweight, will allow them to continue grooming for the duration of their life. Since the treatment for human dandruff is often as simple as a shampoo change, you might assume that a medicated shampoo that promises to moisturize the skin is all thats needed to correct a cats dry, flaky skin, or what veterinarians call scale.. Barbering is a trickier symptom to evaluate. I treat itchy New York City apartment cats on a near-daily basis. Here are some of the most common cat skin conditions, signs to look for, and possible causes. They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here are a few questions you should be prepared to answer when you go to your veterinarian: When did you first notice your cats skin condition? Veterinarians actually have two words for scabs: crusts and excoriations. When I mention parasites as a contributing cause of itch, nearly all owners are in disbelief. Rashes are typically associated with inflammation, which can either be a primary problem (like allergies) or a secondary problem (like infections). Barbering along the back can be caused by spinal pain. There are many words for abnormal growths on the skin, and their definitions are often interchangeable. Thats why its not usually possible for a vet to make a diagnosis based on just a picture of your cats skin. Cats may also be treated with antibiotics and cortisone drugs. Experienced vets answer all your pet questions via chat or video. It is not uncommon, however, for owners to bring their cat to the vet for hair loss on the belly, expecting a diagnosis of skin disease, only to discover that the cat has a painful UTI. However, there are hundreds of causes of skin disease in cats, so the only way to know for sure is by taking your cat to the vet. How can my cat get fleas if he hasnt left the apartment in 3 years? Medicated shampoos can often help alleviate this symptom, but you should have your cat checked out to determine the cause. "Rash is another extremely broad term that can encompass everything from hives to pustules to fresh bruising. With barbering, if you run your hand over the area of hair loss, it will feel prickly because of the sharp, bitten ends of the hair shafts. In many cases, however, feline skin that becomes infected does not look very abnormal at all. for only one in five cases of itchy cats. Then they can determine which treatments are needed, if any. As with sores, it is important for your veterinarian to visually inspect any rashes on your cat.