If the customer wants to push it to 2 or 3 years, they will have to be prepared to live with some staining or etching.
Learn how to seal granite when you first make the purchase and keep it looking new for years to come. Simply spay the granite surface with the cleaner and wipe dry with a paper towel or a rag. Isn't it worth the best. If the sealer has been absorbed by the granite after the first coat, simply repeat the first step. ALWAYS TEST PRODUCT ON A SMALL AREA FIRST and allow a 24 hour cure time to determine the ease of application and desired results. The bottle goes a very long way! I ordered your product, which arrived quickly. This product seems worth the price. It doesnt require any specialized equipment, only a few drops of water and 15 minutes of your time. Okay.none of that sounds good.doesnt look good eithersee below for real-world examples of etching. While water will not leave any residue, these other everyday kitchen liquids will. It went on easy and is providing great protection! At First Impression Marble Restoration, Ken is proud to be the sole distributor of TuffSkin Gloss and Satin sealants in Southern Ontario. COVERAGE:STAIN-PROOF will cover and seal far more stone per ouncethan conventional sealers. These polymers form a protective barrier in or on stone tiles. I would like to ad, your product is amazing! These molecules are thousands of times smaller than other sealer types.
We have requested a refund from the company.
Do not allow product to dry on surface without removing excess product and buffing completely dry as indicated in step 7. Accurate sourcing and objective Stands up to alkaline cleaners and pressure hosing. You were the only retailer who had it in stock. Oh, yes, and it is very well protected as well. Why is it so widely used? Thank you for your product! Would definately recommend. We have a zero-tolerance policy for unethical practices One properly applied coat is much better than two thin ones. If there are several pieces, then the price would come down to as low as $20/ft, this usually has to be done annually to keep the marble looking as good as new. If the water droplets are beading on top of the stone and is not being absorbed, this indicates that the countertop sealer is doing its job and no action should be taken at this time. If the sealer is able to penetrate the stone, a second coat might be necessary, so go ahead and apply another coat. You must be logged in before you can vote. We just installed new countertops that I wanted to protect. My Typhoon Bordeaux granite was treated after it was installed by my contractor (5 minutes to apply and wipe excess). Great product for the price providing maintenance free application, I had an exotic granite installed and the company told me that it was sealed but I immediately noticed that liquids didn't bead and that it quickly absorbed grease from the edge of a pan. So, the advantage of applying a sealer is that it allows far more time to clean up a spill.
Professionals agree that darker color granite will require less sealing than lighter slabs because dark granite is denser and less porous. Utilizing nano-technology and specially engineered molecules Stain-Proof Sealer penetrates more deeply into your stone for more complete coverage. Superior Zero Stone Sealer comes in an easy-to-use spray bottle, and can be applied to granite or to virtually any natural stone surface: like quartzite, slate, onyx, or marble. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Marble.com. Easy to apply. Make sure to have good ventilation as it is a very strong smell. You have probably heard of VOCs as they apply to household paints. The sealer penetrates granite pores and can be effective for up to 3-5 year on interior surfaces.
I did 3 coats. However, its important to remember that its also a porous surface, and the pores in the surface of the stone allow for the entrance of fluids. Water doesn't soak in now. Each stone is different and results may vary. TuffSkin is quick to install and, and adheres to a stones surface substrate. For any sealer "coverage" is the relevant measure not volume. Policy, Terms of For todays guest post, I contacted a LOT of stone restoration companies asking them for their feedback on sealing marble & granite countertops. Once a stone shows signs of etching, there are two options, learn to live with the marks, or have them removed and the surface restored by a stone restoration professional. Ensure surfaces to be treated are dry, clean, and free of residues. The only thing I do not know is how long this will last. Protects against efflorescence, freeze-thaw, and salt spalling damage. Natural stone, including all marble and granites, needs to be sealed to protect against staining because it is porous, meaning it has many pores or gaps within its structure that are not visible to the naked eye. These molecules are also engineered to form chemical bonds directly with the stone that are as strong as the bonds holding the stone itself together. We applied Stain Proof to our new kitchen granite counters 3 years ago and it was the smartest thing we have ever done. If you are looking for extra protection for your stone, consider using multi-purpose granite cleaners.
Amazing sealant! There are dozens of options on the market, and they differ in application and lasting durability. Super results. It was very easy to apply - you really can't mess it up. We were very worried. For complete, detailed information regarding sealers and sealer application please consult the All About Sealing ebook. powered by Disqus. Once sealer cures it is completely inert, non-toxic and safe for food prep. Granite is also a great investment for a home, as having it installed raises the value of the property and can be enjoyed and admired for many years. I wanted to take a little time to say thank you for your wonderful support and service. It is more expensive. Wash surface with mineral spirits to remove residues. Ken Frotten from First Impression Marble Restoration was the only one who treated my offer as an opportunity to genuinely help homeowners.
I have plenty left to do the granit on my bathroom counter. But then again, maybe youre like most of us humans who makes the occasional expensive mistake. A proper stone sealer application will result in the surface having a beading effect when water is applied as seen in these two pics: If your stone does not bead like this, then it needs more sealant in order to provide protection against surface staining. -- Jonathan Cohen ++++++++++ CTS COMMENT: Yes, all sealers have fumes similar to acetone or nail polish remover. No longer worrying about stains and oils penetrating the surface is a great thing. They are fully transparent and breathable, and they also enhance the polish, colour and definition of most stones. Generously saturate the surface with product using a low-pressure hand sprayer bottle and spread evenly using a clean paintbrush. I was looking for a product to seal very porous granite. Conversely, TuffSkin (the sealant Ken uses) can be installed for $25-$30/ft and will provide lasting protection from between 3 years for an extremely busy bar, to up to 10 years in a home. In 2013, Ken became owner of First Impression Marble Restoration, and recently has acquired the rights to TuffSkin Surface Protection in Ontario. For example, a regular granite countertop will require 12 months or more between sealing. Enhanced stone sealants enhance or darken the color of most stone tiles, although they typically have little to no effect on polished stone. There are several products available to seal natural stone, and the formulas are constantly being changed and improved. Short answer: NO. Topical sealants bond directly to the surface of your stone countertop. a reaction takes place. Within days I saw the dark spots where water was penetrating. Recently bought and applied the product and so far, seems to work exactly as advertised. Note that you should follow instructions re using a breathing mask/filter when applyingthis stuff has a powerful/toxic, smell/impact. Sadly, most of them replied with a bunch of marketing speak. I think it has paid for itself in just the savings on 6 month reapplications of regular sealer. As a result, we have quite a bit of sealant remaining. A low surface energy liquid like oil will penetrate a high surface energy material like granite. Tested a mix of turmeric, cinnamon, and water on the extra pieces. You filled and shipped my order quickly. Maybe the Dupont sealer prevent Stain proof sealer from completly penetrate the pores. Granite, after all, is heat- and scratch-resistant, and very hygienic. I received the product earlier than expected and already put to use. He stated that Stain Proof is the Best sealer product he's used in the past 12 years! For long-lasting protection and easy application, consider DuPont StoneTech Professional BulletProof Sealer. And no smell once the sealer is cured. I feel much better about my granite and travertine backsplash being safe.
Whats not cool is that solvent-based sealants often have a higher VOC (volatile organic compound) rating than water based sealants. Resistance to stains Class 5 (highest class) as tested in accordance with ISO 10545-14. Granite is a porous material, which means the material will absorb liquids on its surface to some degree. Anyway seems like a great product and looking forward to years of maintenance free granite now.
In contrast, some of the light colors might need to be sealed as often as once every 6 months. Product is to be applied without thinning. There are clear instructions on how to apply the sealer and the actual application was pretty straightforward. I say mostly repelled, because the initial surface protection and tension can be broken down if staining agents are not wiped up quickly. We discovered after we left a bottle of mouthwash on the bathroom granite that it was never sealed because the chemicals from the mouthwash seeped from the bottle into the granite! Told you it was nerdy. Chemical Etching: Stain-Proofsealer will not protect against chemical etching by acidic compounds. With an enhancing sealer, youll notice that the stone will have a sheen to it otherwise known as a wet look. Anything over 30 minutes is considered effectively sealed. My kitchen is the sole focal point in the house so protecting my investment is the highest priority. To get a better idea of what can happen to an unsealed countertop, I asked Ken to outline the natural stone countertop damage that most end users need to learn about: STAINING and ETCHING. The added protection makes it much easier to maintain the stones against usage stains. When shopping for granite youll find that the unanimous answer to that question is: yes! +++++++++ Countertop Specialty Comment: Thanks for the feedback Linh.
If you notice that the area of your countertops around the sink is darker after doing the dishes, thats a sign the stone is absorbing water.
Other marble & granite sealers rely on weak hydrogen bonding and mechanical holding (clogging the pores). The transaction went through smoothly. The prep and application was extremely easy. 5 hours is a long time. Surface should have a mirror-like wet look for 3-5 seconds. Instructions were easy to follow. The only sealant I can purchase at a store I would have to reapply every 3-5 years. It depends if the stone surface to be sealed is indoors or outdoors. It will not change the color of your natural stone or any surface. I bought 2 bathroom vanities with granite countertop. We believe that youre going to find great value from the blog.but just in case you dont, there will be an Un-Subscribe link attached to every Blog email.We hate having our email inbox filled up with un-read emails too. As this form of sealant dries, the water begins to evaporate and the polymer molecules are drawn together, becoming entangled and forming that barrier we are looking for. The granite is sealed. These sealants are recommended for interior applications and for textured surfaces. Application:(See Application tab above for complete instructions) One bottle of STAIN-PROOF will cover an estimated25-250 square feet depending on how porous and absorbent the stone is. The stone has a very broad use in construction: granite can be used as kitchen countertops, floor tiles, around the fireplace, or as the faade of high-rise buildings. The Whole Story
Poulticing would involve applying a mud type solution to the surface that will pull the stain out of the stone and absorb it, a successful poultice usually requires knowledge that the surface had been previously sealed, knowledge of the staining agent, and often several applications for full removal of the stain.
Avoid using cleaners such as Windex, 404, Fantastik, and other cleaners that contain ammonia in order to maintain the protective layer provided by the sealer. comments Found this product, sealed my counter and a piece from the cutout sink 2 days ago. It remained looking "wet" for quite some time when applied, leading me to think the stone had very little porosity. But it was improved a lot. No impregnating sealer will prevent chemical etching that leaves dull and light-colored spots on calcitic stones like marble, travertine, limestone, and (rarely) some granites. Applied it to a tile/grout shower and it worked fine. When a stone is properly sealed, these pores are essentially covered by the sealer, and staining agents are mostly repelled from penetrating too deeply into the stone. Every so often, you may wonder whether or not your granite countertop is sealed properly. It also tolerates heat over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Your method of answering questions online by a ticket number is very efficient. Very easy/ great protection! Once cured, this product is food contact safe. I am happy to tell everyone about your product and will purchase it in the future if I ever need to protect granite again!!! The specialized molecule then breaks apart while displacing the water molecules. Retains natural surface color and finish. We have had many foods that stain, like beet juice, not leave a mark and have cleaned with just a damp cloth, no soap, no polish, no anything else. Unique super-penetrating, permanent bonding technology for long-lasting protection. Part of the molecule is attracted to water, so it is drawn into the stone by water molecules in the stone. Thank you for signing up for the Interior Design Toronto blog. Certain commercial cleaners are not recommended for use on granite as they will remove the sealer from the stone. Performing the water test after the first coat has cured for 24 hours will help determine if the stone is effectively sealed or if a second coat is necessary.
Professionals agree that darker color granite will require less sealing than lighter slabs because dark granite is denser and less porous. Longer answer..when it comes time to seal your marble or granite countertop, there are a number of considerations: Natural sealants leave your stone looking natural. Before they would immediately absorb water. I purchased this Permanent Marble and Granite Sealer 2 years ago. In general, granites that are light in color are more porous than ones that are dark and will require more frequent sealing. Granite is an extremely durable natural stone material that is used in residential and commercial properties around the world. Do not buy this stuff.
We chose your product to use. During this process, the polymers actually link themselves together to create that protective barrier in or on the stone. Sealer will not prevent surface etching, scuff marks, or wear and may lighten or darken some surfaces.