It should be ok to say that none of you will install this amount of LEDs on the front of a motorcycle, but just in case you do, keep this information in mind. Pennsylvania Code: 175.66. Auxiliary lighting may be added to a motorcycle including blue dot illumination, standard bulb running lights and LED pods and strips. There is no mention of any other colors or restriction on LEDs. A lamp not enumerated in this section and not located as described in Tables III, IV and V of this chapter, is prohibited unless it is available as original equipment., No mention on after-market lighting in this states legislature. In addition, stay away from blue LEDs as well. For instance, Arizona traffic laws only allow amber or white lights (without glare) on the side portions of a car. A person may not operate or move equipment or a vehicle, other than a police vehicle, with a lamp or device that displays a red light visible from directly in front of the center of the equipment or vehicle. Welcome to Honda Shadow Forum., There is no mention of LEDs in the written law nor authorized colors. If you have any questions, we'll be glad to help. I was told by some goldwing buddies that as long as they dont face forward or to the rear they ars safe. South Dakota joins the ranks of states with no law or code when it comes to LEDs regulation on motorcycles. The state's four most populous cities are Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, and Erie. I have nothing to back this up, just what I have been told by several officers who have given me warnings about my other bikes. As a general principle, LEDs are legal so long as they remain concealed and unlit on roads and do not flash or include the colors red or blue for obvious reasons. Our information about car neon underglow laws in. So here is the law on motorcycle lighting,
alt="Click for Ambridge, Pennsylvania Forecast" height=50 width=150>. On or near the rear of the motorcycle shall display any other color than red. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. All aftermarket lights must not be installed within 12 inches of vehicles required lights. I will try to get this clearafied for you but I will tell you I just had a buddy of mine, hense the word buddy, that is a local cop here check on this and he found it to be correct., Blue and red LEDs are prohibited in this state so stay away from these colors. Therefore its our conclusion that in Pennsylvania neon underglow is illegal. I work for the pa doc and have friends that take single leds drill a hole through the fairing on their wing and make designs. Auxiliary LED strips of solid colors are legal in PA on motorcycles. We don't. i got the seven color lizard lights and the cover for my hypercharger now if i could just make sure that it is legal to use on the street., When it comes to LEDs here the law is pretty much straightforward. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I inspect cars and bikes,not legal in Pa. Lighting under this subdivision shall be: No oscillating; and directed toward the engine and the drive train of the motorcycle to prevent interference with the drivers operation of the vehicle. In Florida it is illegal to have the lights on while you are moving, I think most states have the same law. You could also talk to the police, as they will be the one to pull you over for a violation, but each officer and department is going to have their own 'interpretation' of what the laws mean.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NRS486Sec261,,,,,,,,,,,, . This law only applies to vehicles operated on the streets and highways, including freeways, in Pennsylvania. :cop: I live in n western pa and have 120 inches of blue leds on my silver 109 work midnights and ride with them on all the time. Some states like California, Kansas, and Arizona, allow the use of neon underglow car lights with restrictions on a particular color and location. As of the side cowls only white or amber lights without glare. There you have it folks and violation shall be punished by up to $1,000. Subscribe to Justia's A forum community dedicated to Suzuki M109 Motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Come in and discuss any Honda Shadow models: VT1100, VT250, VT750 and the VT500. It also states that it shouldnt display any red, blue, or green light visible from the front. Pennsylvania law prohibits all additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which includes neon underglow. All lights that are visible from the front of your car must be either white or amber. Pennsylvania Code Chapter 153: Lamps, Reflective Devices and Associated Equipment [required vehicle lighting]., No oscillating, flashing or blinking LEDs here in Michigan. Is it illegal to use neon undercarriage lights in PA?, The law here is very specific and as long as the LEDs are not blue, red, no flashing, no oscillating, and directed towards the engine and the drive train of the motorcycle Maryland see the LEDs as a safety plus because it gives the rider more visibility. To stay up to date on any changes that might occur in the future visit the Archived Indiana Code:, Lighting devices installed on or near the front cowl can only be white, yellow, or amber. White or amber on the front cowl, amber on the sides, and amber or red on the rear. Any other color should be ok but that is what common sense tells me because the way the law is written. Im just lookin to get some more current up to date information. JavaScript is disabled. ALSO I WOULDN'T SUGGEST TURNING ON IF PARTAKING IN A LITTLE DRINKY DRINKY, i'm very new to this site but my family owns a auto repair shop in Ambridge, PA and we do bike inspection to. Therefore its our conclusion that in Pennsylvania neon underglow is illegal. The code makes an emphasis in Headlamp Modulators which had cause some motorists to ride away with a fine but according to the law, these modifications are allowed even though it has created confusion. Thank you!! So remember to turn it off when leaving that local bike night gathering. in 05 or 06 the PA house passed a bill that allows motorcycles to add led lights and blue dots for saftey. I found a old website saying its legal to put auxiliary lights on to increase visibility. Verbatim out of the code; there is no mention of LEDs legality but according to the law except for these 2 colors any other lights should be fine. Keystone State. Except for the headlights, no other light source installed on the vehicle can project a beam of light with an intensity greater than three hundred candlepower (300 cp) which in lumens we are talking approximately about 3770 lumens. Illegal. Lighting laws benefit both the riders and other vehicles on the road by allowing the motorcycle to be seen at all times. A motorcycle may be equipped with, and an operator of a motorcycle may use, the following auxiliary lighting: A motorcycle may be equipped with a lighting device that illuminates the ground directly beneath the motorcycle if all of the following apply: Very straight forward the code in Wisconsin. On a last note, the only flashing lights should be those indicating a turn or the hazard lights. According to the way the law is written colors shouldnt be an issue. Type your question in the form provided or ask legal experts on JustAnswer directly! In the state of California (CA), neon underglow lights are legal to use, though there are some restrictions of course. However I drive with them on when I'm out in the country anyways (not many cops out there) and turn them off once I get into a more populated area. In California neon underglow is legal, as long as you follow these restrictions: Red color may not be visible from the front of the car., The law does not make any reference to after-market lighting on motor vehicles. (1)Chromaticity coordinates. But remember if your tail and brake lights are LEDs your motorcycle is within the parameters., No person shall drive or move any vehicle or equipment upon any highway with any lamp or device on it displaying a red light visible from directly in front of the center of it. Underglow is not specifically mentioned and not part of vehicles standard nor required lighting equipment. The only person who is really going to be consistent is the lawyer you're paying to defend you. You would think that your instructer at a dmv sponsered ms safety class wouldn't make this up but who knows. and of course to make it more complicated, you might notice the documents actually conflict. Red light visible from the front is not authorized so other than that and because of the way the law is written there shouldnt be any issues with other colors. AnswersToAll is a place to gain knowledge.,, A person may operate a motorcycle equipped with LED ground effect lighting that emits a non-flashing amber or white light., Motorcycle may be equipped with the following auxiliary lighting: LEDs pods and strips that are non-blinking, non flashing, non oscillating, and directed toward the engine and the drive train of the motorcycle to prevent interference with the drivers operation of the vehicle. Gasoline is for washing parts, Alcohol is for drinking NITRO is for racing! Pennsylvania may have more current or accurate information., Blue lights are prohibited in this state. Call the dmv if you want up to date information., It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or move any vehicle upon a highway with any red or green light thereon visible from directly in front thereof. Under glow lighting is permitted for the purpose of participating in shows or other exhibitions but needs off while on the move on a public way. The code establishes that no additional lighting equipment should interfere with the headlamps and taillights already installed. Under the Title 21>Chapter 43 in Additional lighting equipment your motorcycle shouldnt have more than 2 side cowl lamps which shall emit an amber or white light without glare as well as an under glow bar which is restricted to only one. The code is very vague when it comes to motorcycles here. Traffic law experts are on call 24/7 ready to answer any question you have. State law specifically states ornamental lights are prohibited. Only authorized emergency vehicles can use them. There are no provisions in PA law which would allow undercarriage lights while driving, and the law completely prohibits using any lamps not specified in the Code. So, if its crossed out its illegal? 13.04. Thats the only information displayed under the code in Minnesota. Led underglow isn't the same as auxiliary lights. Pennsylvania underglow laws in certain cities or counties may be different from state legislation., The state of Kentucky currently doesnt have a code or law referring to aftermarket lighting on a motorcycle with the exception of flashing lights which are permitted to warn others of traffic hazards, but not for decoration purposes., No motorcycle may possess any lamp, or illumination device which appear to be the color blue except for law enforcement vehicles. Someone inspects cars and bikes and answers wrong. I've got Blue underglow on mine, The whole bike lights up, but I'm not allowed to drive with them on, Red and Blue are only allowed to be on when parked. Even the actual law in black n white is confusing lol., A motorcycle may display a blue light of up to one-inch diameter as part of the motorcycles rear brake light. I'm giving very serious consideration to adding LED accent lights and ground effects lights to my 9. Far-reaching of super massage in our day-to-day schedule, How Cryptocurrency Can Change the Entertainment Industry, Enhancing your Cybersecurity as a Remote Worker, What To Do If Your House Is Damaged By An Act Of God. Well there you have it stay away from red and white LEDs. now are these lights in plain veiw or just the glow ? Even though there is not a particular code concerning LEDs in this state; there is a clear statement. Press J to jump to the feed. Because the laws on LEDs vary significantly by state, riders looking to add colorful lights should first check under the unlawful vehicle modification laws of their specific state to elude potential penalties. So as long as the LEDs are installed facing the engine and in the underbody you should be within the law. Other colors, amber or green than are on constant are ok., No specific laws regarding after-market LEDs on motorcycles. Though safety issues are less talked about with underglow lights, most car (or even motorcycle or truck) owners attach neon lights to their vehicles simply to make them look cooler., Red and blue lights are prohibited with the exception of Law Enforcement and Emergency Response vehicles. Don't know about Pa. but in North Carolina they are legal as long as they are not flashing blue or red while operating on the highway. NRS486Sec261, Blue and red lights are restricted to Law Enforcement and Emergency Response vehicles only.