(May 2020 - present). Create personalized lists of bills you wish to track through the 2021-22 legislative process. Prospects for the passage of pending bills and.
Topics include admissions, enrollment, appropriations, athletics, campus safety, college preparation, corrections and prison education, credentials, credit for prior learning, dual enrollment, financial aid, affordability, free speech, rural education, student loans, student supports, tuition and fees, undocumented students, veterans, vocational educationand workforce development(, This database reportssignificant state pretrial release legislation enactedstarting in 2012. Contains passed, pending and failed legislation and executive ordersrelated to custody and visitation, economic stability, enforcement, family violence collaboration, father engagement, guidelines, health care coverage, prevention, healthy family relationships, implementation, and other relatedissues(2012 to present). Past biennia: 2019-20, 2017-18, 2015-16. Track specific issues by selecting a topic, such as proposed increases to the state minimum wage, indexing of future increases to the cost-of-living, tipped wages, subminimum wages, state authority over local minimum wages, Constitutional amendments, or other issues(2014 to present).
Retrieve a list of all bills and their current status. This database tracks all legislation from the 2016 legislative session, including 2015 carryover legislation, and covers various disability employment and general disability legislation(2016 to present). The status of bills listed inthese databases is updated every week. Follow local proposals as they move through the ordinance process in the cities and counties of your choosing. Tracks state legislation addressing issues of school safety, including, but not limited to, firearms at K12 schools, school resource officers, threat assessments, building infrastructure, and the coordination of mental health services(2017 - present).
Learn how a bill moves through the legislative process. Historical information back to 1991.
BillTrack50 offers real legislative bang for your policy buck.
Through a combination of machine learning technology developed by our in-house legislative and regulatory compliance software engineers, along with a highly trained staff of attorneys and research specialists, StateScape takes the guesswork out of tracking. Monitor the legislative actions that matter to you most from introduction through enactment.
Retrieve tables that cross reference bills with RCW sections and Session Law chapters. NCSL has partnered with the Annie E. Casey Foundation to maintain a juvenile justice legislation database. Retrieve summaries of the bills introduced and amended on the selected day.
Search documents from the current year, back to 1985 and current web pages using search criteria & terms, Bill/RCW/Session Law Cross Reference
Four distinct teams each covering all 50 states, the District of Columbia and selected U.S. territories and a discrete group of issues provide state legislative monitoring information to clients about bill introductions, bill tracking, amendments, floor proceedings, interim committees, and other legislative actions. Invalid Bill Number. This searchable legislative database brings you up-to-date, real-time information about scope of practice legislation that has been introduced in the 50 states and D.C. You can search legislation by state, topic, keyword, year, status or primary sponsor (2015to present). Join a company that values fierce curiosity and radical innovation. Initiatives and Referenda
Topics include climate change, composting, energy efficiency, fossil energy, green jobs, grid and transmission, landfills, radioactive waste, recycling, renewable energy, transportation energy, utility policy, water conservation and water planning (2008 to present). Every year numerous bills are considered by state legislatures that can affect tribal communities. At Stateside, issue expertise, state expertise, client knowledge and robust use of many information resources are our hallmarks.
These bills address a variety of issues including the environment, education, health care, taxes/revenue and education(2010 to present). Using the interactive Power BI format, users can also find and sort legislation by state or year since 2015.
Find bills by subject as organized in the Topical Index prepared by the Code Reviser's Office. Contact Us Now! This database includes enacted state laws relating to health reforms and policy innovations.
Tracks significant enactments related to community supervision including length of supervision, violations, conditions, fees, eligibility, administration and the impact of fines and fees on supervision (enacted legislation only; 2019-present). The database addresses laws related to sex and labor trafficking, thetrafficking of children, and the intersectionwith child welfare agencies, survivorservices, judicial protections for survivors, collaboration amongstate agencies andtrainingforpublic and private personnel on human trafficking issues (enacted legislation only; 2015 to present). Retrieve the Senate Calendar and link to bill text, amendments, bill histories, and roll call votes. 703-525-7100 | 114 N. Patrick St. Alexandria, VA 22314. Detailed Legislative Reports
Retrieve a report of the bills that have been prefiled in the House and Senate for the current biennium. Retrieve the House Calendar and link to bill text, amendments, bill histories, and roll call votes. Senate Introductions (latest)
Personal monitoring list with saved searches from the national legislative search engine and private RSS feeds to stay informed. You want to share your results with others. NCSL's Transportation Funding and Finance Legislation Database tracks legislation and executive orders in many topic areas including motor fuel taxes, sales taxes, bonding, fees, public-private partnerships, vehicle-miles traveled or VMT fees, tolls and other ways to fund or finance transportation infrastructure(2013 to present). The NCSL Education bill tracking database tracks state educationlegislation on more than 50issues. Search engine query for full text search. (Updated for July 15, 2022.). Our diverse client base keeps our expertise razor sharp on topics ranging from financial services to pharmaceuticals, and everything in between. *These NCSL databases are powered by State Net.
Past biennia: 2019-20, 2017-18, 2015-16. This database, developed in cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, brings you up to date information about injury prevention legislation that has been introduced or enacted in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Bills found here deal with campaign contribution limits, disclosure requirements, independent expenditure requirements and other campaign finance-related issues (2015 to present). New online training to hone your communication skills, Weekly fintech news straight to your inbox, Protect your older customers from financial exploitation. Get the latest news and corporate developments.
Search documents from the current year, back to 1985 and current web pages using search criteria & terms.
Minimum wage bills from the current legislative session are available in a searchable database. By the mid-July, six states legislatures (CA, MA, MI, NJ, OH and PA) and the District of Columbia have convened their regular sessions. We assist our clients in developing detailed subject descriptions which speak to their specific interests, rather than leaving things to chance with a keyword based research method that just scratches the surface. Introductory subscription service for more active individuals that require tracking legislation from multiple states or expanded to unlimited monitoring list slots. We are a professional-focused government affairs firm providing state legislative tracking services designed to support issue management activities.
Receive monitored email alerts, create simple dynamic reports sharable with friends and colleagues. The Elegislative database covers ten topics:asthma; body art; children's environmental health; drinking water; food safety; indoor air quality (includes mold and radon); pesticides (includes mosquito control); toxics and chemicals (includes asbestos, lead and mercury); environmental tracking, surveillance & biomonitoring and waste water, Findup-to-dateinformation about enacted maternal and child health (MCH) legislation.
or enter keywordsto identify bills.
You may search all unemployment-related bills or select specific topics, such as SUTA, employee misclassification, and taxes and solvency (2010 to present). To illustrate what sort of evaluations states are conducting, NCSL, with the generous support of The Pew Charitable Trusts, created a database of state tax incentive evaluations. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (19752020), Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (19692020), State Bans on Abortion Throughout Pregnancy, Bans on Specific Abortion Methods Used After the First Trimester, Abortion Bans in Cases of Sex or Race Selection or Genetic Anomaly, Counseling and Waiting Periods for Abortion, Regulating Insurance Coverage of Abortion, Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers, Parental Involvement in Minors Abortions, Nurses Authority to Prescribe or Dispense, State Family Planning Funding Restrictions, Medicaid Family Planning Eligibility Expansions, Protecting Confidentiality for Individuals Insured as Dependents, An Overview of Consent to Reproductive Health Services by Young People. All Intros
Search on topics such as contribution rates, early retirement incentives, cost-of-living adjustments, elected officials retirement programs, deferred retirement option plans, retiree health benefits, defined benefit plan changes and divestiture (2012 to present). Lists the bills to be introduced in the House today. Link to the text of initiatives and referenda. 1120 Connecticut Ave NWWashington, DC 20036, ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference, ABA/IBA Women and Allies Leadership Symposium, Onboarding and Workplace Essentials Online Training, Marketing & Communications Online Training, Certified Financial Marketing Professional, Structured Scenario Analysis Benchmark Reporting Portal, Environmental Social and Governance Network, Americans with Disabilities Act Peer Group, Community Engagement and Reinvestment Committee, Cyber and Information Security Working Group, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Group, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Open Forum, Environmental Social and Governance Working Group, Minority Depository Institution Advisory Council, Moderate or Limited Trading Assets Working Group, Mortgage Markets & Lending Technology Committee, Risk Metrics/Key Risk Indicator Working Group, Telephone Consumer Protection Act Working Group, Ability to Repay and "Qualified Mortgage" Exemption, Affordable Housing and Community Investment, Bank Secrecy Act / Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) Reform, Current Expected Credit Loss Standards (CECL), Fiduciary Regulation by the Department of Labor, Flood Insurance Reauthorization and Reform, Community Development & Affordable Housing. Our professionals receive extensive training about clients, issues and the states they monitor.
FiscalNote State offers text search and filtering options to find exactly what youre looking for. Washington, D.C. 20001
Bill Number is required
Reproductive rights are under attack. Search legislation from a variety of topics, ranging from correctional reentry programming, certificates of employability, and the restoration of civil rights for former offenders (2019 to present).
Bill Tracking
This database provides a 50-state review of state public and private school choice policies. Tracks enacted legislation related to economic mobility, including tax credits and deductions, financial literacy, benefits eligibility, SNAP and TANF benefits, workforce training opportunities, supplemental social security, and much more. Find bills by subject as organized in the Topical Index prepared by the Code Reviser's Office. Find the status of banking legislation in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Our professionals receive extensive training about clients, issues and the states they monitor. REQUEST A DEMO. Link to the text of initiatives and referenda. Public service for concerned individuals tracking their home state and Congress. Tel: 303-364-7700 | Fax: 303-364-7800, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 515
Thats hard, too. Lists the bills to be introduced in the House today. The State Tax Actions database contains details on recent state tax changes and allows you to search and view the changes in various categories(2015 to present). The Stateside approach to monitoring includes seasoned in-house professionals, customizable delivery options and unmatched staff support. Here are just a few of the popular issue areas we cover: Legislative and regulatory tracking of all 50-states, the federal government, and thousands of local jurisdictions, Legislative and regulatory tracking, including English language summaries. Anything less is a handicap. House Introductions (latest)
Learn how a bill moves through the legislative process. The Energy databasebrings you up to date, real-time information on bills that have been introduced and enacted in state legislatures, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico. The database covers legislatition from 2014.
Expand your global regulatory data coverage with our Australian legislation research and tracking solution, Customize your policy efforts with the help of our team, Launch advocacy campaigns to amplify your message with lawmakers in minutes, Keep your PAC on track with a centralized system for managing donations, Build deeper relationships with your constituents through an integrated CRM and communication solution, Improve your ESG performance, reporting, and benchmarking through our comprehensive data and AI-powered software, Get expert geopolitical analysis and advice on strategies, operations, policies and investments, Power your market monitoring strategic planning, and international growth with our global market intelligence, Monitor patterns that reveal early indications of geopolitical, economic, and security risks, Dive into peer-to-peer communities for people leading meaningful change at the worlds biggest companies, Transform unstructured data to provide insight and accelerate decisions with regard to risk, investment, and operations, Identify and label images, videos, data and more through AI and machine learning, Transcribe and analyze every word spoken by public figures - finding trends, correlations, patterns, and outliers in the information, Extract value and insight from unique alpha capturing datasets to drive your most important business decisions. Search by subtopics, year, status (e.g., pending, enacted, to governor, etc.) Injury prevention topics include those related to prescription drug abuse, including prescription drug monitoring programs, prescribing guidelines and limits, provider education or training, rescue drugs, and pain clinics and pain management. States across the country are gathering data and usingevidence to systematically evaluate tax incentives. Professionals can use our free trial to see if our tools are right for you. It covers several broad topics to promote a more efficient and effective health care system, including the payment reforms, price transparency, surprise billing, state responses to the Affordable Care Act, alternative coverage options, Medicaid and state telehealth policies (enacted legislation only;2015 to 2021). We are not a search engine or a data aggregator like other firms. Simplify your life with FiscalNote State. Delivered online in real-time, our approach ensures that you have advance notice of important state, local, and federal proposals from the point of introduction to final resolution.
Use our tool, that leverages technology that houses 10-20 years of legislative and regulatory data and 1.4 million bills, to be proactively alerted to legislation and regulation that impacts you from all 50 states, DC, and Puerto Ricoincluding bills, research reports, committees, hearings, voting records, and state executive orders! All Intros
Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable. Will you help us fight back with facts? Lists the bills to be introduced in the Senate today. The Scope of Practice Legislation Tracking Database contains 2013 legislation dealing with commissions and reports, licensure and credentialing, Medicaid/health insurance plan reimbursement, practice autonomy, prescriptive authority, truth in medical education, and truth in advertising for 22 health care professions. Retrieve the Senate Calendar and link to bill text, amendments, bill histories, and roll call votes. Retrieve tables that cross reference bills with RCW sections and Session Law chapters. StateScape is proud to be an NWBOC approved Woman Business Enterprise.
This database tracks constitutional amendments, legislative alternatives to initiated measures, recall issues, and numerousother issues,across the 50 states, from 2014 onward. Get the latest research and policy analyses on sexual and reproductive health and rights around the world. This database contains state legislation related to the administration of elections. Expand your reach with official social media profiles for state legislators and educate and engage key stakeholders on issues by targeting outreach by party affiliation, committee membership, and chamber. Develop ideas with senior executives that drive thought leadership. The insight our clients gain from this process helps them align resources with real threats and opportunities. The NCSL Student Loan Bill Tracking Database is a comprehensive tool for following state action on student loan debt issues. Manage your issues, stakeholders and teams efficiency in one powerful platform, Monitor and report on key state legislature and regulatory information in seconds, Monitor global policy with our issues management solution, Track legislation and review analysis from our experts in Brussels, Unlock precision bill alerts, summaries, analysis, transcripts and more - as it happens, Glean actionable policy insights from the most trusted newsroom on the Hill, Access non-partisan coverage of the people and politics of Capitol Hill, Stay ahead of issues you care about most to monitor risk & find opportunities in local government, Get your hands on Congress At Your Fingertips, the definitive Congressional directory. LexisNexis Terms and Conditions. The Early Care and Education database tracks and updates early care and education legislation from the 50 states and the territories. In addition, our new StateLink Monitoring Platform features a more personalized monitoring experience that allows you to easily see the bigger picture. Data API service providing structured JSON streams including detailed bill information including history, full bill text, sponsor, roll call votes and meta data. LegiScan is an impartial and nonpartisan legislative tracking and reporting service utilizing GAITS and LegiScan API.
Legislative topics includenewborn screening, women's health, childhood obesity and nutrition, maternal and infant mortality, maternal and child mental health and the impacts of substance use on the MCH population (, NCSL, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor, the National Governors Association and the Council of State Governments, is working to research occupational licensing to help states identifybest practices and solutions totheir licensing issues, including to help decrease barriers to labor market entry and to increase the portability of licenses across state lines. Our team of professionals provides customized legislative summaries written on our clients behalf and are available for additional research and follow-up. Tracks public health legislation related to infectious disease prevention and treatment, public health information and reporting, public health workforce and vaccines (2021 to present). Learn how we empower people, organizations, and governments to better navigate opportunity and risks. 7700 East First Place
BillTrack50 is here for you with lists, maps, tables, scorecards, even an app. For over 25 years, StateScape has set the highest standards for tracking and analysis. Our Approach To State Legislative Monitoring.
Topics include alternative payment models, health systems consolidation and competition, price transparency, Medicaid reforms, telehealth and more(2022 to present). The 9-1-1- database covers issues related tofees, service fees or surcharges;funding and appropriations;administration, plans, boards and commissions; privacy and confidentiality; enhanced 9-1-1 (e9-1-1); next generation/advanced 9-1-1; and wireless 9-1-1(2012 to present). Telecommunications Technology and Regulation, Health Costs, Coverage and Delivery State Legislation, Transportation Access and Mobility Legislation Database, Tracks state autonomous vehicle legislation, including issues relating to commercial use, insurance and liability, privacy and cybersecurity, infrastructure and connected vehicles, and vehicle inspection, licensing, registration and testing, Tracks significant capital punishment enactments in the states including execution methods and procedures, trial and appellate procedures, aggravating factors, intellectual disability and mental illness, repeal or reinstatement, ballot measures, resolutions and studies, and other significant enactments, Current legislation on labor unions and collective bargaining is available in a searchable database, Tracks COVID-19 legislation on topics such as child welfare, commerce, education, finance, health access and coverage, housing and homelessness, legislative operations, public health, workforce and more, Tracks environment and natural resources legislation on topics such as air quality, climate change, disaster mitigation, environmental cleanup, land use, waste and recycling, water and wildlife, Environmental health addresses environmental factors that may adversely impact human health or the ecological balances essential to long-term human health and environmental quality. This database on pensions and retirement legislation is made possible through the generous support of the Pew Charitable Trusts. Generate PDF reports and alerts for easier printing and sharing. Ready to get started? Most tracking firms try to define your subject interests by keywords because they simply dont grasp the complexity of your issues. Injury and violence prevention topics include adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), child abuse and neglect, older adult falls, teen dating violence and traumatic brain injury. The first state legislative and regulatory tracking firm on the internet. More detailed information used less often. At LegiScan we recognize that fact and the significance of being informed and engaged about the results of elected legislators. Let us find a solution to meet your needs.
StateScape can track any subject that you have in mind. Find the most comprehensive and complete 50-state information in NCSL's searchablebill tracking databases. Not only do we provide legislative and regulatory updates within minutes to hours of their public posting, we also maintain an accuracy rate that is at or above 99% so that our clients never have to worry about missing a bill, regulation, or local action that could be vital. Meet the innovative leadership team behind our success.
With FiscalNote State, you wont have to search through multiple online state registers to stay on top of developments that impact your organization. Covers enacted child welfare legislation, including adoption, foster care, child protection, child welfare services and additional issues (enacted legislation only;2012 to present). All rights reserved.
All of which are aligned with the needs and expectations of state and local government affairs managers. Over 2,000 clients use FiscalNote to track state data, including: Learn how FiscalNote can help you manage your state-level issues. Retrieve a list of all bills and their current status. This database contains legislation from all 50 states covering 34 distinct occupations.
This website uses cookies to analyze traffic and for other purposes. Denver, CO 80230
See what legislative ethics and lobbying bills are making their way through the nation's state legislatures at NCSL's Center for Ethics in Government's Ethics and Lobbying Legislation Database. Gaining additional user tracking data fields and simple bill classification groups. 703-525-7100 | 114 N. Patrick St. Alexandria, VA 22314, Real analysis requires a multifaceted approach, Your subject scope should be tailored to you.