The worthy intent is to provide unvarnished answers from the top in response to whats really on peoples minds. For more resources, check out these lists of conference quotes, leadership books, and womens leadership books. The element of surprise in this exercise can have a galvanizing effect, and identifying individuals creates opportunities for networking. Larger breakout groups? To sign up for Ashp Leadership conference. A leadership conference is an event that brings together company executives and experts to discuss leadership, collaboration, and other workplace challenges. The event transcends from learning to sharing, connecting, and having fun. The conference brings together the countrys most innovative and fastest-growing firms in an exclusive setting that allows them to learn from one other and exchange ideas. Four to six weeks before the meeting, the content editor should begin to assist all presenters, including outside speakers, in using one or more of the meetings objectives as the starting point and backbone of their presentations and to coordinate the presentations with one another. During leadership conferences, you will get the opportunity to participate in workshops, network with other professionals, and get actionable insights to solve various business-related or industry-specific challenges. The conference will feature workshops and enlightening lectures. This event is for digital and IT leaders heading digital transformation who would love to hear from colleagues at the forefront of digital transformation. This conference features keynote addresses from leading digital experts. Here are some frequently asked questions about leadership conferences: Leadership conferences are events that bring together industry leaders and experts for keynote presentations, brainstorming sessions, and workshops. Focusing C-level and other stage presentations on the objectives and making sure the presentations tie together requires appointing an individual as a single point of editorial contact. The conference covers talent management, leadership development, mentorship, and approaches to fight bias. In the healthy discussion that ensued, a consensus emerged that growth was being constrained by an inability to tell consumers a compelling story. Instead of wasting valuable conference time explaining the structure, top leaders were able to have a problem-solving session about its implementation with knowledgeable, well-prepared attendeesthe people who would ultimately have to make the new structure work. GLOCs mission is to create innovative approaches to attain universal health coverage and financial access for people living in extreme conditions worldwide. Sign up for HOSA Annual International Leadership Conference. Eight to 10 weeks before the meeting, attendees should be surveyed so that the summit director can determine how much time to spend on each objective and identify related issues that should be addressed. The event promises to be exciting and give participants a unique opportunity to meet industry experts and decision-makers from the industry. For example, the percentage of people saying they fully understood the companys growth strategy rose from 37% in Kalloss pre-meeting survey to 82% after the summit, and the percentage describing themselves as optimistic or very optimistic about the companys prospects rose from 49% to 80%. To avoid embarrassing participants, the comments can be provided to them individually rather than posted publicly. Established in 2014. the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference focuses on empowering and promoting women working in the technology sector. When executed well, annual gatherings of an organizations high-level leaders are worth the effort and expense. Questions? Complex judgments? You will also get networking and mentoring opportunities during the conference. In addition to networking possibilities, the one-day conference will provide attendees with strategies for creating high-performing teams and energizing the spirit of cooperation among groups. Learn more about the Wonder Women Tech Summit. But thats hard to do if all theyve brought back is a notepad full of haphazard observations, doodles, and a few vague slogans, as so often happens. When 90% of the 200 respondents indicated that they were proud of the brand, the focus of the objective restore faith in the brand was shifted to determine how to communicate our pride in the brand to sales reps. Open-ended survey questions included the standard Whats the one question you or your team would like addressed at the upcoming conference? and If you were riding in the elevator with the CEO and could tell him the one thing that would most improve the companys prospects, what would it be?. There will also be round-table discussions. By attending the conference, you can join other technical leaders to acquire new skills, grow your professional network, and get new perspectives. Later sessions address topics, such as a new ad campaign or a product rollout schedule, that concern only a portion of the people in the room. They can serve as a powerful catalyst to align leaders, develop solutions to problems, introduce new strategies, and fuel collaboration across the organization. The Conference Boards Womens Leadership Conferences aims to improve the world of business by promoting women in leadership positions. Next, check out this list of the best HR conferences and these fun leadership activities for work. But most leaders and meeting planners simply assume that the events are too unwieldy to allow for much more than an annual update and marching orders from the top. Working with a design team, the director should oversee the creation of all pre-meeting, in-meeting, and post-meeting materials and activities. Participants will learn insights and strategies from some of the worlds most eminent leaders. During lunch, a guest speaker addressed the drivers of successful direct selling, offered a case study, and took questions from the audience. Every table significantly reduced the amount of money budgeted for product development and packaging and increased the allocation for marketing. The following is a list of all the leader conferences to consider should attending, together with descriptions, dates, and registration links: Considered one of the top executive leadership conferences, the EntreLeadership Summit will refresh you and your organization and provide fresh leadership insights. They handed in the original and kept the copy. Participants will also be able to tour The Lab, an immersive experience that offers mixed reality and futuristic products. Morale may have been lifted, but the absence of clear direction usually results in halfhearted follow-up and few tangible outcomes. These events help you keep abreast of the most recent developments in the industry so that you may put them into practice. The conferences also allow you to meet other CEOs who may be dealing with the same difficulties. The answers arent always readily apparent. This is commonsensical, but rare. In addition, there will be a live stream of the conference for virtual participants. The director should begin by asking two questions: What do you want the outcome of the meeting to be from the perspective of the attendees? and What do you want them to say when their teams ask, What happened at the big meeting?. Take, for example, a consumer products company well call Kallos, which has more than 35,000 employees and hundreds of thousands of sales reps. A new leader had succeeded a celebrity CEO, who in his wake left financial problems, low morale, and a culture that tolerated broken promises on the part of managers. Read more on Future of Everything Summit. You can learn a lot from other leaders. Remarkably straightforward strategies and practices can ensure that information flows not only down from the top but also up from the group, and across it, in a way that allows leaders to direct the conversation without inhibiting creative responses. Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. Some of the best leadership conferences for women include The Wonder Women Tech Virtual Summit, Womens Leadership Conference, and The Women Lead 2032 Festival. Breakout sessions allow you to interact with other attendees in a more engaging setting while also providing an opportunity to learn and network with like-minded individuals. The event honors the accomplishments of women in business, charity, and society. The conference will highlight topics ranging from data science and content to automotive technology and environmental sustainability. If each breakout room holds 50 people, each participant will see 100 requests for help and 100 offers. The event focuses on supporting the advancement of women in leadership positions. The conference runs with TechEx Europe, which focuses on the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, and Cyber Security, allowing participants to learn about key corporate IT solutions. is a leading authority on team building and engagement at work. Thats because the first time anyone other than a speaker or a few of his reports hears any of the podium presentations is often at the meeting itself. The typical summit begins with a numbing sequence of platform presentations from a parade of C-level executives. Because Kallos was looking to jump-start a culture change, it dialed up both features. Read more on the Saint TeamLead conference. The conference aims to help participants establish communities that foster creativity, facilitate information sharing, and provide support via highly interactive workshops. During the evening, unbeknownst to the attendees, 200 linear feet of eight-foot foam-board walls were constructed in the auditorium. If, however, youve begun with a purpose in mind, you can do some simple things to make sure it is achieved. Not only did the quality of the promised actions greatly improve, but attendees learned what colleagues throughout the organization would be focusing on in the coming months, creating opportunities for collaboration. Learn more about the Women Lead Festival. In several instances, participants formed teams to work on initiatives, coordinate their efforts, or establish discussion groups about commitments that dovetailed. More importantly, leadership conferences provide a platform for CEOs to connect with other leaders in the industry. These and other exercises, designed to ripple far beyond the walls of the meeting venue, can be explicitly tied to the objectives of the summit. Contrary to what leaders and planners assume, you can have genuine and productive conversations with hundreds of people at once. The design and execution of the meeting itself should make that work come alive in what is in essence a series of structured conversations, carefully orchestrated to generate ideas, alignment, and, often, surprises along the way. Typically, executives will want to specify several outcomes, but the important point is to formulate them as outcomes, not as a grab bag of agenda items loosely connected by a vague theme. Include only the minimum amount necessary to set up discussions planned for the event. They may suggest a few more speakers. Perhaps someone needs help developing a product feature, reconfiguring a plant layout, or adjusting a customer contract to achieve a certain outcome. A leadership conference may also be a great opportunity to evaluate your own leadership skills in an informal setting. Participants asked questions and provided input on every objective (captured on the lowly flip chart), an opportunity that top-down podium explanations cannot provide. You can also enhance your companys digital culture by being familiar with the essential tools and procedures that can help you make better business decisions, increase operational efficiency, and improve client retention. Given the many moving parts of large, multiday meetingspresentations, breaks, meals, breakouts, audiovisual setup, and the likedeviation from the schedule is impossible. Within 48 hours of the meetings conclusion, conduct a survey to see if the goals were fulfilled and to ask participants about what worked, what could be improved, and what should be jettisoned for next years summit. Attendees will also get the chance to network with professionals from across the globe. He struggles to get on the executive teams calendar to discuss it. Every year, in virtually all large and midsize companies, high-level leaders come together for a leadership summit. Over the past decade we have designed and conducted leadership summits for thousands of executives in scores of companies, ranging from Fortune 50 multinationals to German Mittelstand family businesses, and weve seen such conversations take place. Learn more about digital transformation week. And enthusiasm will build for each succeeding summit, as people look forward to a memorable event thats strategically significant for everyone. Typically, this exercise is part of a breakout session with anywhere from 30 to 60 people. Employing some simple principles and tools can make that happen. But for many companies, the leadership summit is a numbing series of presentations in which information flows only from the topand not that coherently. Take, for example, an exercise we call the poker chip game, first described in Off-Sites That Work (HBR, June 2006), which allows small groups using a game board and some poker chips to determine how a company should allocate its resources. By applying the appropriate techniques before, during, and after the summit, C-level leaders can seize this rare opportunity to harness the collective knowledge of frontline executives. Atlanta hosts the conference each year, and the event streams live across the globe. Far better to supply them with communication aids such as talking points, pithy presentations, or video links to drive home the objectives of the meeting and form the basis of discussions with their teams. Attendees will also demonstrate to customers and peers how their products and services ensure a healthy future. He must hold the line against presenters who say they have a few extra slides but promise they can get through them in the allotted time and those who try to cram mountains of information onto each slide. This role may be filled by someone from HR or corporate communications, or by a third-party speechwriter, but whoever it is should enjoy the protection of the meeting owner, who must deflect attempts to interfere. Most leadership summits also include an open-mic Q&A session in which attendees ask questions of the CEO or the executive team. What are the most effective tools for gathering that kind of input from that unit: Polling? HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Business Plan Development. Depending on a companys circumstances, objectives might include aligning everyone around a common set of priorities, solving problems impeding company progress, driving a cultural transformation, or accelerating the integration of a major acquisition. Dubbed as the largest conference for women in tech, the Wonder Women Tech Summit takes a hybrid format, with over 500 speakers from across the globe and three days of virtual events. Keynote speakers give you an inside look at how strategies and technologies can transform IT and your company. Learn how to create a winning business plan. Seven to 10 days before the meeting, attendees can be given reading material focused on the objectives. How Great Leaders Structure and Manage the Teams Around Them. Whos in the Room? You can follow us on LinkedIn for team building tips! When done well, these events are worth the considerable effort and expense. Among the responses were: We lack focus, Too many initiatives distract our attention, We lack new products, The plan to grow is not clear, and Our ability to attract and retain top-notch talent is questionable. The responses were compiled and a subset was displayed on a screen at the front of the room for discussion. Answers to all questions that were not addressed at the meeting, whether from executive team leaders or from attendees, should be provided within one to two weeks. In his current role, Patrick aims to accelerate the development of technical leaders via coaching, mentoring, and education. Learn more about the National Leadership Conference. With the guidance of a firm editorial hand, hours of formerly must have presentations by a succession of C-level executives will be transformed into short, pithy, coordinated talks. The summit may be the only time in the year when many participants see one another. Five executive team members, each responsible for explaining one of the objectives, rotated through the groups. An orientation webcast, similarly lasting no more than an hour, can also prepare participants to make meaningful contributions at the summit. There is also a virtual version of the conference for those who cannot attend physically. Participants leave slightly better informed than when they arrived. Because these complicated conferences are scheduled so far in advance, theres plenty of time to take the steps needed to create a coherent, focused event. A motivational speaker adds a dollop of entertainment. Executive committee members will know that theyre going to get valuable input and that the meeting will be well worth the considerable investment. During conferences, top-down communication generally takes place in three ways: podium presentations, videos, and Q&As with the executive team. If the editor responsible for coordinating content has done a good job, the podium presentations will be succinct and integrated. As they wandered the perimeter of the room reading the comments about their own and their colleagues commitments, some were visibly embarrassed. Additionally, continuing education credits are available for attendees. Before the summit, its crucial to clarify roles and responsibilities (a director, who oversees planning and owns the agenda; a design team; a content editor; and so on), define a clear set of objectives for the summit, design the event around those objectives, and prepare attendees for productive conversations through reading material and brief webcasts. These events usually last two to four days and can rack up millions of dollars in costs: airfare and accommodations for the 50 to 500 or so attendees, fees for outside speakers, production expenses, the many person-days that go into planning, and the enormous opportunity cost incurred by taking so many top managers away from their normal duties for several days. After the meeting, all the Gives and Gets are recorded and distributed to the appropriate individuals for follow-up. Because the lines between directing, designing, planning, and coordinating a summit can blur, it often turns out that no one is clearly in charge of shaping the event. The Women Lead, 2032 Festival is a series of conversations and networking events for senior executives and emerging leaders from all around the nation. This conference features keynotes and discussions by experts in pharmacy practice management. A few executives may shy away from a real exchange of ideas for fear of losing control of the meeting. Participants commitment sheets were posted on the walls under their names, affiliations, and photos. During the conference, you will get the chance to learn from a group of senior IT executives and visionaries sharing real-world ideas on how to impact both the business culture and the IT environment. In real time or delayed? The event gives leaders the chance to learn about the newest e-commerce trends, innovative company models, and how to build the perfect workplace. Kallos, for instance, used a technique called the Wall of Commitments to further its goal of getting participants to follow through on their promises. Company executives and leaders can build a crucial network and get new knowledge by attending leadership conferences. This era is a tumultuous time for both technology and business. A huge opportunity has been missed. The result was eye-opening for top management. To gauge peoples current view of the five objectives, Kallos administered an anonymous survey that asked respondents, among other things, how proud they were of the quality and performance of the companys products, how comfortable they would be describing the financial situation of the company to a newly hired employee, and to what extent they believed that managers they dealt with on a day-to-day basis behaved as if they were accountable for their actions. We argue that, in fact, this approach is ultimately more democratic, because it ensures that a cross-section of questions are answered in a way that brings substance to what is often an empty exercise. The keynote speaker of the 2022 event, Patrick Kua, has more than 20 years of experience as an IT executive. After the summit, organizers should track commitments made during the event and equip attendees with talking points and presentations that help them discuss with their employees what happened at the summit and how to turn the results into action. The flagship IIoT event brings together over 450 top experts from leading European manufacturing companies on-site in Berlin and virtually via the hubs101 online event network. As a bonus, these events are a great way to learn about work-related challenges and barriers and what steps to take to overcome them. The conference provides an avenue for members to learn about leadership and other FCCLA topics, explore career options, and interact with notable guests. A coordinator, reporting to the director, should be appointed to handle scheduling, travel, production, and logistics with the venue. Attending the National Leadership Conference is an excellent way for members to learn more about Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). Press "CTRL + D" or "Command + D" to bookmark this page for updates. Some breakout sessions and an open-mic Q&A with the top team, emceed by the CEO, pass for an exchange of ideas. The conference will last for two days and have two seminars to help participants improve their leadership skills and expand their professional networks. Another template was used to capture the suggestions from all five dialogues around the table and to communicate those results to the entire assembly. A round robin variation of the breakout can be particularly effective in eliciting a full range of reactions to a series of issues. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. After lunch, presentations from the product and marketing group, along with several exercises, focused on communicating pride in the brand, particularly to sales reps. Day twofeaturing a similar mix of presentations, exercises, and breakouts, and a Q&A with the executive teamwas devoted to the remaining objectives: cost reduction, accountability, and commitment. The planner, lacking any real authority, attempts to allot them all time. In the Get column, each participant posts a card that completes this sentence: If I could get help in one area that would make me and my team more successful in the coming year, it would be The card is like a classified ad, asking for a particular type of expertise or assistance. And then they promptly forget about the summit until a few weeks before the event, when the planner starts reminding them that they need to pull their presentations together. This conference provides rare opportunities for high school students to meet peers and health professionals from across the nation and the globe. What characteristics should the communication have: Anonymous or public? The summit directors first contact with the CEO and the executive team may need to include a discussion of locationsan issue that requires a long lead time. Solutions to a specific problem? Repeating the pre-meeting survey questions will give you valuable insights into the impact of the event. Weve found that carefully focused and framed material usually takes no more than about 60 minutes to read. But after some discussion, most executive teams develop a few concrete objectives. But both features can be adjusted. For example, at the luxury goods companys leadership summit, the division president conducted an instant poll asking attendees if they would feel comfortable explaining to others a strategy shed just outlined. The annual Global Leadership Conference (GLOC) brings together global leaders, legislators, academics, and non-governmental organizations representatives. Free for a limited time! Podium presentations, breakouts, and interactive sessions should be not only relevant to the meeting objectives but also coordinated so that together they form a coherent whole. Many leaders resist this technique as somehow manipulative or undemocratic, feeling that an open mic is more honest. Such tools can make brainstorming, often unwieldy and unfocused when conducted with hundreds of people, more productive. Ernst & Young has planned a two-day conference for CEOs and high-growth entrepreneurs where they can meet and exchange ideas. Attendees at the conference include company owners and entrepreneurs, corporate partners, and lecturers who give guidance and insight on several topics. We are a little obsessed with company culture. During the conference, participants will meet and hear from some of the worlds most prominent female leaders on the most critical topics of our time. But many companies squander this rare opportunity to harness the collective knowledge of their frontline leaders. The annual strategic off-site should be designed and managed differently from all other meetings. When you join the FCCLA, you will meet others who share your interests in family, leadership, community service, and accomplishment. Worksheets? Leaders will know in advance that theyll be heard.