The former is hardy, attracts butterflies and birds, and shelters small animals and insects. Your local flower shop, BRENHAM FLORAL COMPANY of Brenham, TX can help you choose the perfect indoor plant variety for anyone or any occasion. Our selection of carnivorous plants is the most diverse in the U.S. Venus Flytraps, North American Pitcher Plants, Tropical Pitcher Plants, Sundews, Butterworts, Bladderworts, carnivorous bromeliads, and all sorts of other carnivorous plant odditieswe have it all! They grow in the sun and shade and are low maintenance and resistant to pests and diseases. Thank you for sharing this history! This flowering plant is full of color and can be quite low-maintenance once acclimated to its new home. Get ready for Spring Planting with Plants-'N-Things. Bec Joy Prints Bec Joy Prints is a small shop run by artist Becca Hovey. In appreciation for their efforts, Bluebonnet Garden Club presented them a gift certificate to a local nursery. Zone 9 Tropicals A large selection of Alocacias, Calatheas, Hoyas, Philodendrons, and much more. Bee Weaver Meet the Beekeeper! Terra Cotta Plastic Bowl,   Dish Garden Of Assorted Green Plants,   Yellow Button Poms,   Orange Alstroemeria,  small Mushroom Bird. Yeti Sunshine Soft and fluffy shaved ice Real fruit flavors Nothing artificial. We also have a selection of companion plants, such as Calopogon orchids and other bog plants, and jewel orchids and unusual Philodendron species to accompany tropical carnivores. The Bluebonnet Garden Club awarded the October Yard of the Month to John and Sherry Lacy, 809 West Stone Street. The Bluebonnet Garden Club awardedYardof theMonthfor May to Jay and Robin Hill at 1506 S. Jackson Street. No picture available. This delightful garden is filled with summer flowers that seem to enjoy the hot, dry Texas summer. A multi-container vegetable garden is behind the garage next to the outdoor fireplace patio area. New York ferns also work well as ground covers and other spring plants. This tropical plant is a beautiful bloomer that is easy to grow indoors and extremely resilient. With just a little TLC, your gift of live plants can flourish and bring continued enjoyment year after year. Around the side of the house are yellow bells, coral cannas and roses. Decorative planters filled with Japanese Yew and juniper accent the walk to the front door. In the center of the garden is a strategically placed American flag, which made this yard an even more appropriate choice for July and the observance of Independence Day. The pool area is surrounded with a variety of color filled urns and clay pots. Large gold dust and Hawaiian Ti Red Sister plants give added color to the garden. Choose one of our three sizes: 4" (STD), 6" (DLX), 8" (PREM).
There are buckets of hot pink Geraniums on the front stairs leading up to the front door. Earthworm Castings are a natural, organic soil enrichment. We sat in our car next door in Charles moms driveway at 304 Pecan St. to watch the moving. All this atmosphere works together wonderfully to create the beautiful and fun-filled garden of Barbara and Danny Ross.. An ornate stone urn shows off a fiery red Geranium. Japanese boxwoods surround the stone and brick mosaic floor of his courtyard. fungicides, fertilizers and weed killers. Completing the front and side of this pristine yard are sego palm, white crepe myrtle, roses, encore azaleas and Lorapetalum.
Choose one of our three sizes: 6" (STD), 8" (DLX), 10" (PREM). Suzanne Longley Farms Suzanne Longley Farms is a wholesale tree farm located in Brenham, Texas. December, Yard of the Month.the day of our December meeting, the committee awarded YOM to Debbie Lehrmann on Peachtree. Giant and variegated liriope, dwarf mundo grass, ajuga, creeping juniper, foxtail fern, nandinia, sedum, plumbago, and English ivy create a beautiful combination of plants. Mystic Multiples Mystic Multiples is a Houston artist duo creating risograph and letterpress goods. A birdbath and a blanket of red mulch add a finishing touch. Additional offerings will include art, ceramics, jewelry, food, drink, music, and other entertainment for the whole family. Flanking either side of the antique leaded glass front door are magnificent Boston Ferns. All rights reserved. Were sorry but pets will not be allowed on the property.
Yard of the Month for August was awarded to Martin and Luanne Coles at 1803 Walsch Street. In the back yard, the deck surrounds a massive oak tree and the swimming pool is surrounded by many plants creating a lush, tropical and secluded atmosphere to be enjoyed by the family at the pool house. Sago palms anchor the gardens and feature red knockout roses and lavender lantana. Cottonmouth Cannabis Cottonmouth Cannabis is a veteran-owned, family operated, regenerative hemp farm producing exclusive handmade and raw wildcraft goods. The back yard centers around a fountain with a lovely arbor covered with wisteria. The front walkway is accented with large urns of colorful begonias and coleus, while the front porch welcomes visitors with comfortable rocking chairs and a bench.
Terra Cotta Plastic Bowl,   Dish Garden Of Assorted Green Plants. Plants-'N-Things offers a complete line of chemical insecticides, Granite and flagstone pathways continue throughout the garden and a meandering dry creek divides the garden. This lively arrangement is a plant lover's dream! We Ship Our Bareroot Plants To Everyone Nationwide. Choose one of our three sizes: 6" (STD), 8" (DLX), 10" (PREM).
One Sunday morning years ago when our kids were small, we allowed them to miss Sunday School and church to watch this house being moved from the corner of Market St. and Pecan at the present site of the strip mall containing Wildflowers and Classic Care. The Bluebonnet Garden Club awarded the Yard of the Month for April to Vincent and Mary DeSalvo at 505 Hickory Hollow, in Scenic Estates. Numerous trees border the home and property, which include mountain laurel, desert willow, Kieffer pear, plum, peach, apricot, Meyer lemon, limequat and a fig tree that is over 100 years old. Plumbago, New Dawn roses, gardenias and ornamental grasses adorn the homes side garden. Theyre sure to love these fresh and lively plants! Walking fern is hardy, deer resistant, and is suitable for ecosystem support. Lady, silvery glade, and leatherwood ferns also perform well in flower beds and gardens and on borders. Mrs. Dippel was a Knolle from home (Yes, Im old time Washington County and fully understand where the expression comes from!!) Congratulations! Fern Plantation 100 different types of Ferns and sphagnum moss. Viburnum frames the left side of the house and the front gardens include Formosa azaleas and Pride of Mobile azaleas, Chinese Fringe flower, Golden Daisy bushes, purple Agapanthus, white Dianthus and Bridal Wreath Spirea. Presenting the award to Wende L. Ragonis, President of Washington County Chamber, are Judy Pendergrass and Joy Goedeke, co-chairs for Tip of the Hat; and Charlotte LaRoche, club present. From tools, pots, soils and mulches, Plants-'N-Things is your complete home grown garden center. Bluebonnet Garden Club awarded the March Yard of the Month to Rodney and Cindy Foerster at 2401 Rosedale. The brilliant blue plumbago, the perfectly maintained knock out roses (not a spent bloom in sight) and the lush green lawn made this yard an obvious choice. For their effort to bring pleasure to their neighborhood and make Brenham even more beautiful, the Derkowski family is awarded the Yard of the Month for November and presented a gift certificate to a local nursery. Leatherwood ferns are drought resistant, provide safety and protection for young birds, attract butterflies, and have medicinal properties. It is surrounded with tall trees and lush shrubs creating a private retreat, which is perfectly accented with elephant ears, iron plants, potato vines, bougainvillea and geraniums. On all four sides of the home are an abundance of beautiful pink knock-out roses along with mexican sedum, skull cap, lantana, agave, native grasses and a bed of a variety of bulb plants like Easter Lily. The well-manicured lawn is Tiff Bermuda.
Hardy silvery glade ferns are easy to grow, drought-tolerant, and act as backdrops or ground cover. Choose one of our three sizes: 6" (STD), 8" (DLX), 10" (PREM). Evelyn explained the back yard had undergone extensive damage during the recent floods however it looked beautiful and well cared for.
African Violet Plants , Round Basket With Liner Ribbon. On the front porch of the home hang giant Boston ferns that may be the largest you will ever see. He is the pastor of Abiding Word Church. And then suddenly off in the distance, you begin to focus on what looks like a bicycle hanging from a distant tree limb. The Bluebonnet Garden Club awarded September Yard of the Month to Gene and Jean King at 405 Tanglewood Drive in Scenic Estates.
The impeccably manicured front yard is flanked by a Natchez crepe myrtle tree and a young Live Oak. Ballad of the Bird Dog A range of mercantile offerings from t-shirts to candles to pantry/bar items. As you walk into the back yard, even more of Dannys personality begins to emerge. Also known as the Umbrella Tree, this Schefflera is very tolerant of the indoors and can grow up to 6 feet tall. The second Tip of the Hat award for the 2017-2018 garden club year was given to Blue Bell Creameries, Brenham. There were trees on both sides of the house which offered shade and gave the yard a tranquil feeling. A great deal of time and care has gone into making this home a well-deserved Yard of the Month.The Bluebonnet Garden Club awarded the Yard of the Month for November to Tracy and Dan Moran at 403 Ross. On the opposite side of the front, a semicircular bed with Baby Gem boxwood, Encore azaleas, daisies, chrysanthemums and a variety of perennials surround a playful seasonal welcome scene. Choose one of our three sizes: 6" (STD), 8" (DLX), 10" (PREM). Magic Worm Ranch bags of our MAGIC-Grow Earthworm Castings. This eye-catching landscape is an array with color, large, mature trees and a manicured lawn. Anchoring the left front corner of the home is a crepe myrtle. Famous for its stiff, sword-like leaves, this gorgeous plant is also known as a Snake Plant. Add some tropical vibes to your space! Awarded to Carl and Dianne Clover at 1401 Yager Drive. Pots and hanging baskets of Boston ferns and yellow chrysanthemums adorn the porch. Used for vegetables, flowers, plants in and around the house, trees, shrubs and lawns. The yard is beautifully landscaped with a rich variety of plants, such as bird of paradise, roses, crotons, dwarf yaupon, sweet potato vine, cedars, lantana and several varieties of ferns and shrubs. Easy to care for and durable, the Chinese Evergreen plant is one of the most popular houseplants and perfect for beginners.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club awardedYardof theMonthfor May to Jay and Robin Hill at 1506 S. Jackson Street. We do not ship to New York, Hawaii, or Alaska. We will also be offering a selection of rare cycads, including Macrozamia moorei, Zamia inermis, Zamia domingensis, Zamia vasquezii, Ceratozamia kuesteriana and a 5 gallon Zamia integrifolia. As your eye travels beyond the wrought iron backyard fence, there is a uniformly planted grove of paper shell and native pecan trees. Knockout roses, lantana and red cascade roses add colorful accents. Jim is the keeper of the grounds and does a wonderful job of keeping everything so beautifully groomed. WildFlyer Mead Company We make mead to showcase what our amazing state has to offer. Choose one of our three sizes: 8" (STD), 10" (DLX), 12" (PREM). The beautiful yard of Chuck and Carol Doersom, 407 College St. was chosen as the October Yard of the Month. The side yard continues with a large holly Christmas Jewel, blue plumbago, Abelia Twist of Lime, dwarf Hamelin grass, Butterfly iris, and a ground cover of coral sedum and mint.
Lady fern is a resilient, naturalizing specimen plant that works as ground cover and accents brightly colored plants.