Their customer service is awesome. If you are darker, the light burns the pigments in you skin instead. There is another product from them specially for facial hair.
0000052163 00000 n
As you continue treating the area the hairs will fall out on their own. Another reason for continued growth could be that the area was missed during treatment. A Remington iLIGHT Pro Hair Removal Review Won't Answer These 155 Questions - Part 4 of 4. Skin types are based on the Fitzpatrick scale of skin colours. (More: How to Embrace Your Gray Hair with Highlights). Ideal body areas include the underarms, bikini line, arms, legs, face (female facial use only), back, shoulders and chest.
Seems to be fine just not for skin that is sensitive too it like my wife's. Do not use the product with a damaged cord. I think you are better off getting professional treatment on a promotion( groupon offers them a lot). 0000010889 00000 n
I don't know as I haven't used it for that and don't intend to. The operating temperature is between 10C to 35C. 0000053051 00000 n
Ready Light5. The Advanced Triggerless Technology ensures hair removal is fast & easy. The treatment window creates temporary pressure marks on the treated area so you can see areas you have treated. Doing so can cause serious and permanent eye injury.The Compact Control IPL is a light-based device for permanent hair reduction designed for home use. Tips for Successful Laser Hair Removal at Home. Its under the ilight bulbs should cost $24.99. Yes it does. I don't believe it could hurt. Mid-armpit zap, you'll likely be cursing your parents for your hairy genes, too. Always read these instructions fully before using i-LIGHT Compact Control. HAS ANYONE HAD THIS MACHINE FOR MORE THAN A YEAR? I don't think so. Even professional laser treatments will not have any effect on hair with little or no pigmentation. hb```b``c`` l@Q
&v930;'+3#;H);N We recommend you re-familiarise yourself with the instructions before each treatment.INTENDED USEThe Remington Compact Control IPL is intended to remove unwanted hair and effect long-term, or permanent hair reduction.
I did not use it because the instructions said, not for grey hair. I called the company, they sent me a shipping slip and I return the whole device free of charge and after a week they sent me a new machine which was great!
On the other hand, you shouldn't wax for at least a month before at-home laser hair removal treatment, since waxing typically removes the root of the hair, and the laser needs to be able to find that to effectively get rid of it. Scratches and chips can reduce the effectiveness of the unit. TATTOOS HAS ANYONE ACTUALLY USED THIS ON A TATTOO? Replacement accessories are available to buy through your Remington Service Centre.
It was burned my mustache area a little bit and turned red. I love mine!! Exhaustible components (such as shaver heads, cutters and foils) of the Goods are included under this Warranty only where there is a defect in workmanship or materials used. 0000051338 00000 n
To choose the right energy level, test each treatment area separately (refer to the skin colour chart at the front of this manual). Immediately. Three full treatments according to directions and no observable difference for me. In the event that you need to dispose of your i-LIGHT device, to ensure proper disposal of the product, please take the appliance to a recycling centre, where the battery should be removed by a professional and recycled separately. No, you probably are asking if a teen can use it safely. CAN YOU USE THE NEW Q BULBS FOR THIS UNIT? Treatments 9+: Treat as needed, until desired results are achieved. Be VERY careful.
"!brteXy{kn};k. The instructions say light skin dark hair is best and that it won't work for darker skin tones. What Mandy answered about shaving is fine. Defects from repair by an unauthorised dealer are not covered. I've missed shaving a hair a few times and it's quite painful when I do. i-LIGHT Compact Control features a safety system that prevents unintentional flashing when the device is not in contact with the skin. Well, I can only speak from my experience, but through the process, I learned a handful of things you should know before giving any at-home laser hair removal a try. but that doesn't mean it's always permanent. 0000013265 00000 n
Remove the adapter from the electrical outlet. Make sure that the treatment window is always touching your skin. The darker the skin, the less it will work. Overall though, it didn't bother me. yes, it is advisable that you wear eye protection. It's a rip off. Decide if you wish to treat the area by Gliding or Pulsing (refer to section PULSING AND GLIDING). Do Electric Scalp Massagers Really Stimulate Hair Growth? Use this appliance only for its intended use described in this manual. Approximately 1 second after pressing the control button, the ready light will turn on. I have noticed that the first time I use it there is not much change but after the first time the results are great. 'fYg8!a.E ('rrA`s
D,P_|!-c bB)fFZEYqAiyMPUm%#S oP^Z]W4675 UV1et06@ p3Aa III !P>P2 4@Ia 0]1 If you buy new it would be more likely. Energy Level Indicator Lights (5)3. Repeat this test for each part of the body you wish to treat. This warranty is only valid and enforceable in Australia against Spectrum Brands Australia Pty Ltd and in New Zealand against Spectrum Brands New Zealand Limited. 11).PULSING AND GLIDINGPulsing is the best technique for working at higher energy levels. 0000054379 00000 n
On the flip side, lasers can't pinpoint gray or blonde hair, either. Also - I am the 'right' skin tone to use it - extremely fair with dark brown hair. No it will burn your skin the darker you are the worst, I BOUGHT A PRODUCT IN JANUARY WAS USING THE PRODUCT, I'VE USED 03 CARTRIDGES AND EVERYTHING WAS GOING WELL, BUT NOW STOPPED. WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT RESULTS LAST FOR 6 MONTHS? Not sure - mine was refurbished, so no. Can hurt if darker skinned. My husband is caramel brown and I was able to use it on him. ARE THE BULBS INTERCHANGABLE? Simply put, an at-home laser hair removal before-and-after transformation takes time. It's about $25 here on amazon. CAUTION: Avoid treating areas that contain only vellus hairs (very thin, fine hair known as peach fuzz) as this may result in undesired hair re-growth. 0000013011 00000 n
0000069363 00000 n
As long as you're not looking directly at it when you click the button, you should be good without the eye protection, as long as you're using it below the neckline. Will not work on light or white hair. Treatment Window6. Does not destroy light or white hairs. The energy level indicator lights indicate the chosen setting (refer to section ENERGY LEVELS). It is also possible that your skin colour is too dark. I also wanted it for facial hair on my chin; it was not for facial hair either. Learn more about our. ), But here's a reason to power through it: higher intensity levels the Tria at-home laser hair removal device has up to five settings for strength levels yield much quicker results. 0000030492 00000 n
Want to give at-home laser hair removal a shot, but unsure about what you're actually signing up for or whether it's the right option for you? Got burned, my skin was peeling and got infected because i used a lip pencil to mark where i zapped last. 507 45
You can shave a few days before an at-home laser hair removal treatment. Contact Remington and tell them what happened. They are very good and should be able to help you. None of the hair is gone permanently. In the event of the Goods being replaced during the Warranty Period, the warranty on the replacement Goods will expire on the same date as for the Warranty Period on the original Goods which are replaced. To clean the flash window, use a dry clean cloth. The instructions forbid using it above the neck. 0000067300 00000 n
As the energy level increases, so do hair reduction results, as well as the risk of possible side effects and complications. The device has 5 levels of energy from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest), represented by 5 energy level indicator lights. When the device is turned on, the energy level is set to level 1 automatically. '9F]Lj~qHd0[PAl-t*-'0cBaC-l
! So what can you expect when you DIY? Considering that it is in my opinion very weak compared to professional laser i doubt it will do much since facial hair is lighter than shaved body hair. A limited 90-day Warranty applies to any industrial or commercial use of the Goods. Work in rows, either across or down. Honestly wish I would have bought this sooner. I've had great success with removing hair. This warranty does not cover the cost of claiming under the warranty or transport of the Goods to and from the Supplier or us. I'm on my second one too.
HAVE HAIR ON UPPER LIP ANS FACE WILL THIS WORK FOR UPPER LIP AREA. DOES THE PRODUCT WORK FOR ASIAN WITH BLACK HAIR? It worked on mustache area much better than anywhere else I've used it. It is dependent on skin tone and not gender. Be sure to read all warnings, contraindications and safety precautions before use, and follow them strictly. for Goods purchased in New Zealand, Spectrum Brands New Zealand Limited, as the case may be, contact details as set out at the end of this warranty; Supplier means the authorised distributor or retailer of the Goods that sold you the Goods in Australia or in New Zealand; andYou mean you, the original end-user purchaser of the Goods. @*0jD}i E-d"EtF m@}+3SP2G;;4'o{h!FDBrk]TwI7fd}rEhE
5,42m1 G. This will increase the energy level. startxref
Depends on your tolerance to pain. I THOUGHT THIS WAS PERMANENT Just like when you go to a laser spa or Dr's office there is some hair re-growth. (It doesn't mean that hair is more difficult to treat, though. Probably should do it more often WILL THIS WORK TO REMOVE THE HAIR FROM THE TOP OF MY HEAD. ENERGY LEVELSThe energy level determines the intensity of the light pulse delivered to your skin. The device uses the hair under your skin to disable your hair at the root, so it is not effective if the hair has been pulled out. I don't, but that may be just me. This Warranty does not apply should the defect in or failure of the Goods be attributable to misuse, abuse, accident or non-observance of manufacturers instructions on the part of the user. trailer
I hate it! HI CAN THIS PRODUCT BE SHIPPED TO ROMANIA, Hello Pissed Off, The product can be shipped only if you are willing to pay the shipping price to Romania. The Goods are designed for domestic use only. In the beginning it would be better to space it out every two weeks. I have even though the instructions say not to use on your face. I'm somewhat tan so, I could only tolerate up to level 4 most areas. 0000006697 00000 n
As another respondent said, this answer of "yes" presumes that the criteria for skin color and areas of application are met. If you do not experience abnormal discomfort press the control button again. usually it costs 450 for six treatments ,which will last for a year or more and you will see immediate results since stronger lasers are not avaliable for public. 551 0 obj
You'll likely need touch-ups every so often after you've reached your desired results. So you can target the bikini line, but you just shouldn't get into the triangle. I wouldn't recommend doing more than your chin. After the initial treatment, I used it once a week to spot treat certain areas. I thin I you should protect your eyes by wearing laser beam protective glasses (they are not expensive ) when you're using the product. 0000013915 00000 n
0000002113 00000 n
DOES THIS THING COME WITH A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND? I have med. The small amount of light emitted during treatment is similar to that of a camera flash and is not harmful to the eyes.The specially designed treatment caps minimise light leakage.
I have used it on my neck with fair results. No, you are not supposed to interchange the bulbs. Yes, it sure does. This is not supposed to be used on the face. endstream
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Use a lower energy level if you experience any discomfort. I started shaving again same day. Make sure that the treatment window is evenly and firmly pressed to the skin and that you are moving the device across your skin.
It says clearly on the manual not to use for facial hair. on hand, as we wont be able to help you without it. I hear from people who are lighter that lvl. AFTER TREATMENTWhen you have finished your treatment session:1. And i just put in a brand new filter!
No. WHAT ARE THE BEST SAFETY GLASSES FOR THIS MACHINE? Hope this helps best of luck. 0000051569 00000 n
(FTR, what you do with your body hair, armpit hair, and pubic hair are your choice, and there's nothing saying you must get rid of it. Zap the same pigment over and over, and it'll damage it enough to prevent future growth, which is the name of the game of any kind of at-home laser hair removal treatment or device. I HAVE SEEN GOOD AND BAD REMARKS ABOUT THIS PRODUCT. doesn't work on blonde hair.. the laser has little to nothing to be absorbed by. Slowly but only if the hair is dark. I haven't tried it on my face.
If the reflected light is unpleasant, you may want to close your eyes before each flash. the light turns on every time you press the button, but its recommended to wait 3 sec to press it again and again, and so on. The instructions say not to use on your face. Do not plug or unplug the appliance with wet hands.
It is a powerful electrical device and should be used with special attention to safety. 0000011535 00000 n
The skin tone tester light and the ready light blink. A Remington iLIGHT Pro Hair Removal review will not answer these 46 questions.
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X%x$r9DB}XLk? The only thing I am disappointed in is you can't use it on your face. I would be skeptical. 0000007981 00000 n
It takes several sessions to permanantly remove hair so be patient. So instead of it taking eight sessions to reach hair-free status, you could be done in half that. I&#39;M LIGHT SKINNED, FITZPATRICK SCORE AT LOW END OF LEVEL 2. If youve waxed, plucked or epilated hair in the treatment area, wait at least 6 weeks before using i-LIGHT. Females can also use on facial hair below the cheekbone.Q. Do not twist or kink the cable and do not wrap it around the appliance. The device will turn on, the level 1 energy indicator light will be on, and a fan sound will start. Hope this help. Before treating an area, the skin should be shaved, clean, dry and free of any powders, antiperspirants, deodorants or moisturisers. Switch the unit off, unplug and allow to cool for 10 minutes before storage. Worked great for me. I'm fair skin, thin dark brown hair. It stings like a son of a gun when it zaps the hair and will sometimes smell when the hair burns. WARNING TO REDUCE THE RISK OF BURNS, ELECTROCUTION, FIRE, OR INJURY TO PERSONS: Before you start using i-LIGHT:Be sure to read all Warnings and Safety Information. The instructions say no, it works best on fair skin dark hair. TL;DR: You'll spend more up-front with an at-home laser hair removal kit, but less total cash over time. Apply the treatment window to the skin. During this time, multiple treatment sessions are required to achieve permanent hair reduction.A typical hair reduction plan during a full hair growth cycle includes: EXPECTED TREATMENT OUTCOMESThe individual response depends on hair type as well as biological factors that may affect hair growth patterns. Yes, I've had it for almost a year now and I just had to replace the bulb but it's like $20 and worth it. *Individual results vary.