Topfgriff 2. The pressure cooker has several safety systems to ensure that your pressure cooker will function safely, even in the event of a technical fault. Where can I get a replacement? Ls 7. Deckelgriff 8. Never use your pressure cooker without adding water, this would seriously damage it. Plata m ikke vre strre enn bunnen p trykkokeren. It's best to use a pair of pliers and use light pressure to remove the dowel. Brn ttu ekki a vera nrri hrasuupottinum mean hann er notkun. 15-25 Min. 15-20 min. Also I have not used it but I have examined it at IKEA. Steam is escaping from the safety opening. (I might be paranoid, though). Spesialnkkel 11. Gryde 10. Grydens hndtag 2. Pressure regulator 4. In order to enjoy your pressure cooker for a long time, please ensure you always observe the following cleaning instructions. 1. It is possible that some steam may continuously escape during use. Never fill the pressure cooker with food and liquid above the MAX mark on the inside of the pot. Give IKEA a call and explain the problem. Otherwise the pressure will instantly drop which can lead to the base as well as the food being ruined. During that period, should the appliance fail to operate properly, return the appliance with your sales re BA-3800B Electric Pressure Cooker Instruction manual, 8. (Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary).
Attention ! I am relieved about the danger aspect - your info is greatly appreciated. Safety opening 3. My friend bought one a few months before me and has the same issue, so it may be an issue with the model. The biggest difference is that a pressure cooker can always be closed airtight and a rice cooker cannot. Forsegling (ikke synlig, er indvendigt i lget) 9. Too much steam is coming from the pressure regulator. Vri lokket til grytelokkhndtaket 7 og grytehndtaket 11 str over hverandre, og klikk p plass. Hvis , 14 Food Cooking time Cooking level Vegetables Cauliower Cauliower, whole Endive Carrots Potatoes, in skins Potatoes, peeled Turnip Carrots, chopped Peppers Mushrooms Brussel sprouts Beetroot Red cabbage, green cabbage, savoy cabbage Black salsify Celery Asparagus Tomatoes Artichokes Pumpkin Onion Spinach Leek 4-6 min 6-8 min 6-8 min 5-7 min 10-15 min 6-8 min 4-6 min 6 min 6-8 min 6-8 min 4-6 min 15-25 min 8-10 min 5-6 min 15-25 min 7-8 min 2-3 min 5-8 , 17 Benutzung des Schnellkochtopfs 1. Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. Unter Druck stehenden Schnellkochtopf vor, 46 Voedsel Kooktijd Instelling voedselbereiding Gevogelte en wild Kwartel Konijin Fazant Haas Eend Kalkoen Patrijs Duif Kip (afhankelijk van grootte en gewicht) 10-15 min 20-25 min 10-15 min 25-28 min 20-25 min 20-25 min 14-18 min 12-15 min 20-25 min 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Voedsel Kooktijd Instelling voedselbereiding Peulvruchten Bonen (geweekt) Erwten (niet geweekt) Erwten (geweekt) Erwten, groene (geweekt) Linzen (niet geweekt) Linzen (geweekt) Tuinbonen Kikkererwten 15-20 min 20-, 70 1. The lock 6 can only be slid forwards to open the pot when the pressure has been equalised and the red safety valve 5 drops down as a result. The safety valve 4 releases any excess pressure if the pressure regulator malfunctions. Don't overfill and place it on a sturdy surface while latching the top. 5-6 Min. Poigne longue de couvercle 8. Caution! Ne pas toucher les surfaces chaude, 35 Aliments Temps de cuisson Niveaux de cuisson Volaille et gibier Lapin Lapin sauvage Faisan Livre Canard Dinde Perdrix Pigeon Poulet (selon le poids et la taille) 10-15 min 20-25 min 10-15 min 25-28 min 20-25 min 20-25 min 14-18 min 12-15 min 20-25 min 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Aliments Temps de cuisson Niveaux de cuisson Lgumes secs Haricots (pr-tremps) Pois (non pr-tremps) Pois (pr-tremps) Pois, verts (pr-tremps) Lentilles (non pr-trempes) Lentilles (pr-trempes) Fves Pois chiches 15-20 min 20-25 min 10-15 min 20-2, 4ENGLISH 1. Pressure cooker not closed correctly. Re-insert the pressure regulator 8 into the lid. Lokk 5. When the pressure cooker is used on a gas hob make certain the flames do not touch the handles. Without JavaScript our website won't work properly. Ikke ta p varme overater. Den Schnellkochtopf nie ber die MAX-Markierung im Inneren des Topfs befllen. Name of the parts 1. Topfstiel 2. Never let the pressure cooker boil dry, this would seriously damage it.The pressure cooker is designed exclusively for cooking, not for storing food. Ngle 11. Pot handle 2. Informations importantes, lire avt utilisation Lire toutes les instructions. Although these two products are very similar, they are fundamentally different. thank you so much :) Good to know about the extra few minutes and wetting the rim. My reaction upon reading this. Ikke la barn vre i nrheten av trykko- keren nr den er i bruk. Fit the pressure regulator correcdy and tighten the union nut on the inside of the lid using the key 10. Upvote this post for visibility.
Are you satisfied with this IKEA product? You should therefore be careful not to scald yourself. Ls 7. The pressure cooker starts now cooking food quickly and saving energy. Advarsel! Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. Turn the lid until the lid handle 2 and the pot handle 1 are aligned and audibly click into place. Steam is escaping from between the lid and the pot. The pressure regulator 8 ensures the pressure remains constant within the pressure cooker. Cuve 10. 6 min. 5-7 mn. 2. After cooking meat with a skin (e.g. Pottur 10. See section Instructions for use. thanks, I will give these a go. Fr lange Haltbarkeit sollten die folgenden Reinigungsmanahmen stets grndlich durchgefhrt werden.
If the lid is particularly dirty, soak it for a little while in water and a mild detergent. 2. 1. De snelkookpan zit niet goed dicht. Gasket (not visible; inside the lid) 9. Sicherheitsffnung 3. 3-6 mn. Always ensure that the pressure cooker is closed correctly before putting it on the hob (see section Instructions for use). Als het rode veiligheidsventiel 5 nog steeds geblokkeerd is, staat de snel- kookpan nog onder druk en kan de deksel niet geopend worden. You should therefore be careful not to burning your hand. 1-3 mn. Schnellkochtopf nicht in einen heien Backofen stellen. You're awesome! Follow the instructions in section Opening the pressure cooker. ne jamais remplir lautocuiseur daliments ou de liquide au-del du repre MAX lintrieur de la cuve. Pour ce faire, il y a trois moyens. Warning! This can be done either of three ways. Langsom tilberedning: Trykkregulato- ren viser n hvit ring. , 40 Zo open je de snelkookpan Pas op! 3. Note! 1. Dette kan nem- lig fre til at vann renner inn i gryta o, IKEA VARDESATTA 78 8. Close the pressure cooker again correctly. If the red safety valve 4 is still raised, the pressure cooker is still pressurised and the lid cannot be opened. Dat kan je op drie manieren bereiken. 10-15 min. Do not touch hot surfaces. If the vapor is coming out of the valve is normal. Remove the remains of food if necessary. The manual recommended conditioning seal with mineral oil and it always made a world of difference. Do not tamper with any of the safety systems beyond the maintenance instructions specified in the instructions for use.Only use manufacturers spare parts in accordance with the relevant model. Close the pressure cooker again correcdy.
Pakning (ikke synlig, er inni lokket) 9. The hob should not be bigger than the base of the pressure cooker. Hold trykkokeren under rennende vann til sikkerhetsventilen 5 faller ned (vanntrykket m ikke vre for kraftig). 4-6 mn. Dompel de snelkookpan nooit volledig onder water.
How often should the grommet on my pressure cooker be replaced? The pressure cooker can be used as a traditional pot (without the lid) to brown food before pressure cooking.By placing the pressure cooker on a hob with the same or a smaller diameter you can save energy. Place the lid 5 on the pot 10 in such a way that the circular mark on the lid is pointing to the circular mark on the pot handles lower part 1. The pressure cooker is not to be used again until the error has been corrected. The protective caps in the pressure regulator are defective or not properly fitted. Something is either bent, dirty, damaged or misaligned.
Dies entspricht ma- ximal 4 Litern (bei Schnellkochtopf mit 6 Litern Nutzinhalt) und maximal 2,5 Litern (bei Schnellkochtopf mit 4 Litern Nutzinhalt). What should I do? Always ensure that the pressure cooker is closed correctly before putting it on the hob (see section Instructions for use).The pressure regulator 8 should never be covered by any objects. Always lift the pressure cooker when moving it on a glass ceramic hob to avoid the risk of scratching the hob.Bear in mind that the pressure cooker gets hot during use. In fact, the Department of Transportation considers anything below 40PSI to not be pressurized, for the purpose of transporting compressed gas cylinders. The minimum marking on it appears to be more than 250ml of liquid (1 cup). Food that is stored in the pressure cooker for a longer period may affect the surface and take on the taste of metal. The gasket should not be squashed or deformed during storage. Sikkerhetspning 3. Good to knowThe pressure cooker is suitable for use on all types of hobs, including induction hobs. Sett trykkokeren p ei plate som er omtrent like stor som bunnen p tryk- kokeren. These foods should not be cooked in a pressure cooker. How can I order these.
Loki tti ekki a vo uppvottavl. 2. Ne pas mettre lautocuiseur dans un four chaud. Langsom tilberedning: Trykregulato- ren viser 1 hvid ring. 1. This corresponds to a maximum of 4 litres (for pressure cooker with usable capacity of 6 litres). Before each useBefore cooking with the pressure cooker, you should check all the safety functions to avoid causing any damage to the pressure cooker.
There is a screw/plug/nail missing from my IKEA product. 5-6 min. Vlg den nskede tilberedningsmetode p trykregulatoren, 3. Table of cooking times Food Cooking time Cooking level Fish and seafood Fishsoup Clams Tuna Squid Conger Lobster Prawns Sole Codsh Mussels Hake (frozen) Hake (fresh) Angler sh Trout Salmon 16 min 2-4 min 4-5 min 6-10 min 8 min 5-10 min 4-6 min 3-7 min 4-8 min 2-3 min 3-6 min 3-4 min 5-8 min 4-7 min 5-8 min 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Food Cooking time Cooking level Fruit Apricots Cherries Prunes Apples Peaches Oranges Pears 1-4 min 1-2 min 1-3 min 2-5 min , 32 rgulateur de pression sont dfectueux ou mal xs : dvisser le rgulateur de pression et vrier que les bouchons de protection sont bien xs et en bon tat. Setji hrasuupottinn ekki inn heitan ofn. Steam is escaping from between the lid and the pot. If there is no ventilation then condensation may develop which could lead to a build up of bad smells and may even damage the pressure cooker. I've got another old pressure cooker. Sometimes when I am cooking, it is like the lid isn't sealed properly and steam comes out the side under the lid - what can I look for to prevent this? 1. Ideally the grommet on the pressure cooker is checked at least once a year and replaced if necessary. 1. 1. Be aware that the pressure regulator 8 is facing away from you when you open the pressure cooker as this method means that hot steam will escape from the pressure cooker. Rgulateur de pression 4. Check the safety caps (seesection Cleaning and storing). 2-5 mn. Handfang potti 2. Sikkerhedsventil 6. So, there should be high amounts of vapor coming constantly from the valve. , IKEA VARDESATTA 13 Food Cooking time Cooking level Poultry and game Quail Wild rabbit Pheasant Hare Duck Turkey Partridge Pigeon Chicken (depending on size and weight) 10-15 min 20-25 min 10-15 min 25-28 min 20-25 min 20-25 min 14-18 min 12-15 min 20-25 min 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Food Cooking time Cooking level Pulses Beans (pre-soaked) Peas (not pre-soaked) Peas (pre-soaked) Peas, green (pre-soaked) Lentils (not pre-soaked) Lentils (pre-soaked) Broad beans Chickpeas 15-20 min 20-25 min 10-15 min 20-25 min 15-20 min 8-10 min 5-8 min 20-27 min 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Food Cooking time Cooking level Soups, 75 2. Carefully turn the pressure regulator 8 to the steam releasing setting. Only a slight emergence of steam from the pressure regulator 8 is normal.What to do if: SHAQ Pressure Cooker User Manual INSTRUCTIONS: STEP 1 Slide the Release Switch to the Open position. Verriegelung 7. Method 3: Saving timeMethod 3 requires you to remove the pressure cooker from the hob once the food has finished cooking. Note! My pressure cooker has the following printed in the lid: P1: 60kPa P2: 100kPa PS: 300 kPa. Check that the gasket 6 is not damaged in any way, i.e. Grytelokkhndtak 8. Pour faire cuire des aliments qui gonent la cuis- son, comme le riz ou les lgumineuses, ne jamais remplir la cuve au-del du repre lintrieur, 65 Svona rfur loki (4) Athugi! De pakkingring is ver- sleten. Caution! De pakkingring is vuil. The lid should not be washed in the dishwasher. 25-28 min. 6-10 mn. Lgets hndtag 8. Velg nsket innstilling p trykkregulato- ren 3. FORSIGTIG! Ef loki er srstaklega hreint m lta a liggja svolitla stund vatni og mildri spu. Mikilvgt vinsamlega lesi fyrir notkun Lesi allar leibeiningarnar. 4-7 mn. Note! Warning! Poigne de cuve 2. Do not fill the pressure cooker above 2/3 of its capacity (see MAX mark inside the pot). Hurtig tilberedning: Trykregulatoren viser 2 hvide ringe. Kogepladen m ikke vre strre end trykkogerens bund. Frequency of cleaning: How to clean the pressure cookerAlways wash the pressure cooker after use.The pressure cooker should always be washed by hand. 3. It has two settings so I assume that the second setting corresponds to P2 which is about 15 PSI then. 1. No steam is coming from the pressure regulator. You might need a replacement gasket or the unit could be defective. Wait until the pressure has stabilised and the red safety valve 4 drops down. Place the pressure cooker on a hob which is a similar size to the base of the pressure cooker. 3 times that pressure? I will check for anything that could be bent/dirty/damaged/misaligned. 6-8 Min. 2. Note! Lg 5. Never force open the pressure cooker. Reddit needs more commenters like you and me, sir! Important safeguardsFor your safety, this device complies with the applicable standards and regulations.Take the time to read all the instructions and refer to the "Instructions for use".As with any cooking appliance, supervise cooking closely if using thePressure Cooker with children nearby or certain severely disabled persons. Do not put your Pressure Cooker into a hot oven. W P4110764 CLIPSO CONTROL PLUS Electric Pressure Cooker Maintenance manual, 28. You could check out the Safety Check and Test Run sections at hip pressure cooking to try and ferret out why the leak is intermittent. Rask tilberedning: Trykkregulatoren viser to hvite ringer. 6-8 Min. If the pressure regulator 8 and the safety valve 4 both malfunction, excess pressure will escape through the safety pressure window 7. 8-10 min. Your pressure cooker is easy to clean and maintain. I ask because I have an old Revere Ware pressure cooker, and sometimes put the gasket in upside down and it won't seal. Otherwise this could lead to too much heat rising up the sides of the base, thereby damaging the plastic handles. IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS please read before use, IKEA FYRTUR 100 Wireless Battery Operated Roller Blind Instructions, IKEA FYRTUR 23 Blackout Roller Blind,Wireless Battery Operated Instruction Manual.
The pressure cooker should never be stored with the lid on. Advarsel! Dichtungsring (nicht sichtbar, liegt im Deckel) 9. Couvercle 5. 15-25 Min. Ceci correspond un volume maximum de 4 litres (pour les autocui- seurs dune capacit utile de 6 litres) et de 2,5 litres (pour les autocuiseurs dune capacit utile de 4 litres). Bitte mit d, 60 rstingsmlirinn og rstingsventillinn bili, kemst gufan einnig t um ryggisventilinn 5. Srg altid for, at sikkerhedsbningen, 2, vender vk fra dig under brug, og at den ikke peger i en retning, hvor andre gr forbi. Turn the pressure regulator 3 to the, IKEA VARDESATTA 12 8. , 74 Metode 3: Spar tid Metode 3 innebrer at du tar trykkoke- ren av plata med en gang maten er ferdig tilberedt. So be sure to tack-on a few extra minutes when following recipes written for modern pressure cookers that reach 13-15PSI. You should know that the IKEA pressure cooker operates at about 11PSI - that is below the pressure "standard" pressure cookers use. Dvisser lcrou de xation de la sou- pape de scurit 5 en tournant dans le sens co, 47 Voedsel Kooktijd Instelling voedselbereiding Groente Bloemkool Bloemkool, heel Andijvie Wortel Aardappel, ongeschild Aardappel, geschild Koolraap Wortel, in stukken Paprika Paddestoelen Spruitjes Rode bieten Rode kool, witte kool, savoyekool Schorseneren Sellerie Asperges Tomaten Artisjokken Pompoen Uien Spinazie Prei 4-6 min 6-8 min 6-8 min 5-7 min 10-15 min 6-8 min 4-6 min 6 min 6-8 min 6-8 min 4-6 min 15-25 min 8-10 min 5-6 min 15-25 min 7-8 min 2-3 min 5-8 min 7-9 min 5-7 min 3-5 min 3-5 min 1 1 , IKEA VARDESATTA 57 Mad Tilberedningstid Tilberedningsniveau Fjerkr og vildt Vagtel Vild kanin Fasan Hare And Kalkun Agerhne Due Kylling (afhngigt af strrelse og vgt) 10-15 min. Advarsel! Vervang de pakkingring (1 x per jaar). Remplir la cuve daliments et/ou de liquide. Skyll trykkregulatoren med varmt vann. Method 2 requires the pressure cooker to be turnedoff a few minutes before the food has finished cooking, leaving the pressure cooker on the hob. Lid handle 8. Grytehndtak 2. Lykill 11. Another possibility is that you're jacking the pressure up too high and the gasket is deforming and venting as designed. Sikkerhetsventil 6. Vigtig information - ls fr brug Ls alle anvisninger. Wichtige Information - vor Gebrauch durchlesen Anleitung aufmerksam durchlesen. I am just worried about the safety of it, now that I have used it a few times. If necessary, use protection. How to clean the pot (10)Clean the pot 10 after each use: How to clean the lid (5)Caution! Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Gasket is broken/worn away 1. ryggisventill 6.
Working pressure: 0,6 bar (setting 1) and 1,0 bar (setting 2).Usable capacity: 6 litres.Licence holder: IKEA of Sweden, Tulpanvgen 8, SE-343 81 LMHULT, Sweden. General safety advice Be sure to check before every use that the pressure regulator 3 and the safety valve 5 are manoeuvrable and not blocked up (see section Instructions for use). 20-25 min. 20-27 min. Almennar ryggisleibeiningar Gti ess a athuga fyrir hverja notkun a rstimlirinn 3 og ryggisventillinn 5 su ekki fastir ea stair (sj notkunarleibeiningar). Grydens hndtag 2. Handfang loki 8.
The cap of the shut-off valve of a pressure cooker (vardesatta) is lost, is it still available? I can't see any specific connection to the times when it has worked properly and when it hasn't. Ne jamais plonger entirement lautocui- seur dans leau, parce quainsi la pression diminuerait instantanment, ce qui pourrai, 28 Comment utiliser lautocuiseur 1. Poke the safety valve (4) using the included thin pin (11) and check that the safety valve (4) moves smoothly.
This will prevent the food from reaching the lid and potentially blocking the pressure regulator and the safety valve. 1. Ensure that the safety opening 2 is facing away from you when you open the pressure cooker as this method means that hot steam will escape from the pressure regulator. Do not open before making sure that its internal pressure has completely dropped. 4-6 Min. 5. Greatly appeciated! If you have any questions, please contact your nearest IKEA store/Customer service or see The pressure cooker comes with a pressure regulator in the lid which keeps the desired pressure setting constant. Do not use steel wool or anything that may scratch the surface.If possible you should clean the pressure cooker directly after use so that any leftovers do not dry and stick to the pot. Tabell over koketid Mat Koketid Innstilling Fisk og sjmat Fiskesuppe Muslinger Tunsk Blekksprut l Hummer Reker Sjtunge Torsk Blskjell Lysing (frossen) Lysing (fersk) Breiabb rret Laks 16 min 24 min 45 min 610 min 8 min 510 min 46 min 37 min 48 min 23 min 36 min 34 min 58 min 47 min 58 min 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mat Koketid Innstilling Frukt Aprikoser Kirsebr Svisker Epler Fersken Appelsiner Prer 14 min 12 min 13 min 25 min 25 min 47 min 4, 15 1.
Aeins er hgt a renna lsnum fram og opna pottinn egar rstingur hefur minnka og raui ryggisventillinn 5 fellur kjlfari. Sicherheitsventil 6. Joint 9. 6 mn. Lid 5. Super helpful! 20-25 min. Ls 7. 6-8 mn. I'm not quite sure what I am looking for to ensure that it seals correctly and comes up to pressure. I have only ever used recipes that use more than a cup of liquid (not much more). 6-8 min. Reinig de pakkingring. See section Instructions for use. For kunne ta av lokket med det samme, m trykket i gryta frigjres manu- elt. 1. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mad Tilberedningstid Tilberedningsniveau Blgfrugter Bnner (udbldt) rter (ikke udbldt) rter (udbldt) rter, grnne (udbldt) Linser (ikke udbldt) Linser (udbldt) Hestebnner Kikrter 15-20 min. 6-8 Min. Caution! As soon as there is pressure in the pressure cooker, the red safety valve 4 will move upwards thereby locking the lid. Press J to jump to the feed. 1.
Gasket is dirty. Cl 11. Extreme caution must be used when moving a pressure cooker containing hot liquids. Om ndvendig, bruk beskyttel, IKEA User Manual Electric Pressure Cooker OVERST (12 pages), Manual: IKEA tradfri, VARDESATTA (#68T32B, 60 pages), #9372KG IKEA Electric Pressure Cooker Manual (32 pages), User Manual: IKEA DILLKTT, VARDESATTA (#6V3F7P, 18 pages), VARDESATTA Compatible User Manual (#28937O, 24 pages), #2ZN388 Electric Pressure Cooker User Guide, 64 pages, IKEA User Guide Electric Pressure Cooker tradfri (32 pages), Electric Pressure Cooker (68 pages), #99ZE5M, Indoor Furnishing JWDIW Specifications, #KRHM82, Aroma Instruction manual & recipes: AHP-311 (#1F3936), Network Card FortiGate ASM-CX4 Quick start manual, #T9GI41, FortiGate ASM-CX4, 1, fortinet/fortigate-asm-cx4.pdf, Excalibur Operation manual Remote Starter RS-360-EDPB (#K61A32), RS-360-EDPB, 2, excalibur/rs-360-edpb.pdf, BREEZE YFA1R, 154, yamaha/breeze-yfa1r.pdf.














