-hoka shoes @livecrude Cozy Earth -Studio Abasi Skin Systems skincare line @fleurishpodcast, Eating Disorders, Healing, & Some Major Sex Advice, Today Madds shares her experience with a 9 year ongoing eating disorder, her healing journey, how to help others who may be walking the same path; and of course we throw in some major sex advice, feeling sexy for yourself, and so much more juice. From spa days & date nights, to sexy surprise lingerie, sexy pics at lunch, the girls give you plenty of tips to try in your own relationship! @cozyearth Sexy, Fun, And Simple Ways To Spice Up Your Relationship! Puracy body wash lotion
Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! fleurishpodcast@gmail.com Their "chill the f* out" has changed my life (naturally boosts serotonin and decreases cortisol) FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! Get your order as described or receive your money back. WE ARE FREAKING BACK BABY!! SHOCKING job secrets you wont believe!!! -Korean dramas! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Saranoni Tent Sale https://londonsuthe.medium.com/my-journey-of-balanced-translocation-pcos-hashimotos-and-surrogacy-6aeffe34c485 FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! Today Nic and Jules sit down with Leah, a former United States Marine who courageously served our country in Afghanistan. Code: Fleurish10 for 10% off -pink lily clothing Well have first quality blankets available for huge discounts, as well as prizes, food trucks, and more! RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! Today Nic and Jules go through Brianna Weists tips on being grateful for the things in your life that you already have instead of always trying to chase bigger and better! Maybe my role with the people I love is not imagining the truest, most beautiful life for them and then pushing them toward it. SEX A feel good episode with so many good takeaways that you wont want to miss! Grab your coffee, tea, glass of wine, or Culvers shake! @alisa.vitti Whitney Simmons: Its A Beautiful Day To Be Alive Opening Up About Something She Never Has Before! Get your notebooks ready, and get ready to learn a wealth of knowledge on how to have a healthy body! Crude Skincare: RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! Magic Spoon Protein Cereal: https://www.thehydrojug.com/discount/Fleurish Today Nic and Jules are back with a What Would Fleurish Do? Episode! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Today join Nic & Jules as they talk about this passage from Untamed by Glennon Doyle. Maude sexual wellness -Dakota Johnsons Brande (condoms lube vibrators candles) Agent nateur(deodorant) BOOKS Today join Nic and Jules for their Season 1 FINALE of Fleurish This episode is filled with great information to help you survive the holiday season!
https://livecrude.com to strangers @ But I know you High amount watching. My fitness pal Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! They also share all of your favorite apps as well! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! This week Nic and Jules expand on this quote by sharing experiences theyve had in their lives that have helped them see the harder things in life from a different angle and to form a new perspective! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! From relationships to Mental health, they really cover it all. Tune in! So much good Info, we can promise youll learn something new! RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! P.S. Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Asking for their perspective on all your write-ins to do with sex! Fave Clean Beauty, Sex & Feminine Products!!! Please subscribe, rate, and review! -Malibu Undo goo shampoo Period things: ZW Zara PREMIUM marine Straight Leg Mint Green Jeans Size 10 BNWT. 24 me? - todoist Others:
Todoist @fleurishpodcast - Blankets of all sizes, and luxury loungewear- truly something for everyone! https://cozyearth.com/pages/instagram Fav apps 5 min Journal link: https://rstyle.me/cz-n/fupvb6cud8f Vivant Mandalic Acid Serum - Every dollar: budgeting app that categorizes your expenses and you set dollar limits for each one! FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! They also give creative ideas of things you can do this summer to truly enjoy it and live up every moment! -alani Nu energy drinks You will be mind blown with all of the information you will learn about your body!They talk about breathing correctly, constipation, peeing your pants, why your glutes wont grow, low back pain, tail bone pain, pain during sex or during tampon insertion, and SO MUCH MORE! Kim Scott on Radical Candor Book Link: https://rstyle.me/cz-n/fupu73cud8f App for LH strips ovulation testing: Code: FLEURISH for $5 off! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! https://www.thehydrojug.com/discount/Fleurish, *TALK OF SANTA- warning for parents with younger children!! -Notion!! @chlobrud You all wrote in and theyre here to confirm if your thoughts of them are true or false! Special guest appearance at the end haha IYKYK! shower with my husbandtake Magic Spoon Protein Cereal: RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! -The Stanley cup Code: Fleurish20 for 20% off Theyve got no filter this episode, lots of laughing, realness, and topics we all want the dirt on! -apothkary!! Native deodorant and body wash Books: Today Nic and Jules are joined by Edie, who is extremely educated in Nutrition and Dietetics! Myfitnesspal @maloriemiles Sexual self improvement Farmer & Chemist CBD: https://livecrude.com * Today, Whitney Simmons joins Nic and Jules for a very open and vulnerable conversation about mental health and the world of online bullying. FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! -olipop sodas Avalon organics shampoo cond Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! -Anastasia glow contour kit Today nic and Jules are prepared to lose all of their friends by disclosing every popular trend that they hate. She has a passion for medicine and an incredible knowledge in her field! The big secret is finally out and we are all freaking excited out of our minds!!! Blood Book I like the pants but I dont know if they will fit or if I like them on me. Condition is "New with tags". @Nutritionrewired FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! @fleurishpodcast, YOU ARE PERFECT//A major self love pep talk!, Picture this episode as a virtual hug from us to you! - Smiths grocery pick up FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! -hot tools 1 curling iron in 50 different places ASOS FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! @fleurishpodcast, Non-Hormonal Birth Control & Natural Hormone Balancing 101, Part 2 of our womens health series, today Nic and Jules cover ALL non-hormonal forms of birth control, and what their favorite is. -soap brow -Bananas broiled with brown sugar on top and mini chocolate chips VAGINAL CARE In todays introduction episode, you will get to know your hosts, and what this podcast is all about! https://magicspoon.com Mallories they're magical and fit everyone, plus ethically made & great company Health: In the Flo @fleurishpodcast, What I Wish I Would Have Known Before Having Babies - Moms Tell All, Today is a major moms tell all episode! Tune in to find out if your communications style is a bit aggressive- or if your empathetic ways are actually doing more harm than good!! Clean and non toxic. FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! @necessaire High waisted with patch back pockets. Today Nicolette shares every little detail of her birth story bringing Billy earthside! - a luxury blanket company based in Logan, Utah 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! - Blankets of all sizes, and luxury loungewear- truly something for everyone! Today Nic and Jules share all of their tried and true practices of establishing balance in all areas of their life, and living efficiently! Hydro Jug: You wont want to miss! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! BUDGETING 101: Manifest $$$ Into Your Life!!! -weekly blowouts -Journey of Souls by Newton Woods Cross High School (parking lot) Those matching sets!! 0% negative feedback. : personal assistant RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! When Is Jules Joining Nic In Motherhood? RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! -Waterpik For more information visit our website or Instagram@saranoniblanket The girls go into wild details about their first dates with their husbands. -crocs -In the flo Who doesnt love some saucy sex talk?Today Nic and Jules talk about some very fun and also very sexy ways to keep your relationship fun, healthy, and exciting!! -Too Faced Born this way foundation FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! - Credit karma: Wedding disasters, things we wish we would have known before getting married and so much more! https://magicspoon.com @fleurishpodcast, HAPPY SUMMER!!! 15% off starter kit with code Fleurish Tune in to hear tasty recipe ideas, to learn all about your blood sugar, and ways to optimize the foods youre already eating! -the great alone @fleurishpodcast Spilling The Tea!!! RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! They talk about how to quiet the static in your life, so you can be more connected and truly using your superpower to its fullest potential!
Crude Skincare: Reborn Pelvic Health & Wellness RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! They talk about their own struggles with this in their lives and what theyre doing to try to learn to love and trust instead of trying to control! Saranoni Luxury Blankets And Gifts They also talk you through channeling your jealousy into personal growth and what they both look for in a good friend! FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! @fleurishpodcast. They also dropped their first round of merch and are SCREAMING! Hydro Jug: -Birth, Breath, and Death by Amy Wright Glen She talks about not boxing yourself in to one career, and going after everything that makes you happy! CLOTHING Pinterest - my fitness pal RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! You will want to have your fingers ready to download some of these right now! Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd t Class. RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! Lots of fun and even some embarrassing Christmas song singing, this is a feel good episode to bring on the holiday cheer! -sound machine to sleep Code: FLEURISH for 15% off Power stretch fabric. RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! They are by shea Mitchell. Today they share all their must-haves, that theyd die with out! What Would Fleurish Do! https://magicspoon.com -Prevident fluoride toothpaste @fleurishpodcast. www.cedarpsychiatry.com House of wise CBD sex gummies Canva https://farmerandchemist.com/ RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! peppermint essential oil. -Verameat (jewelery store in NYC owned by a Ukrainian woman) All good tinted sunscreen @fleurishpodcast, Today Nic and Jules get chatty about making hard choices in life and how to weigh all of your options! Happy new year!!! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! some of the scrub and warm it in Nic and Jules were screaming the entire time so you know its a good one! @hydrojug https://www.instagram.com/fleurishpodcast/, No better way to start the year off than learning new strategies to help you reach your goals. Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! They also give a fun life update and give their opinion on cancel culture. Taking Charge of your Fertility FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! -Platos closet So many gasps, laughs, and jaw drops! -breakfast sandwiches RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! @livecrude Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Code: Fleurish for 10% off By the end of it, they arent sure they have much faith in humanity @farmer_and_chemist RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! Knix period undies Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! http://Www.pelvicguru.com -fleurish sweatshirt https://magicspoon.com. Honeypot pads tampons for after birth @fleurishpodcast Spilling All Our Truths To All Your Assumptions About Us! Necessaire: - Good reads: worlds largest community of readers. FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! Magic Spoon Protein Cereal: Vivant Totaloe Moisturizer (oily skin) Nic and Jules are spilling the wildest things about them theyd want no one to hear! -True Refuge by Tara Brach Code: FLEURISH for 15% off RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! -untamed By applying the principles of radical candor you will be able to build stronger relationships with those around you in a healthy and productive way! @fleurishpodcast. If you would like to receive the email containing more than 200 of the personal experiences our listeners shared with us, email us at Condition is "New with tags". Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! @fleurishpodcast DISCLAIMER: Nic and Jules are not doctors, and believe you should always consult with your physician when making any health decisions for your body! Honest (especially for babies). - The wonder weeks: discover your babys developmental milestone leaps, helps you know what to expect week by week, skills they have, tips etc makes for a really pleasant BJ Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! ZW Zara PREMIUM marine Straight Leg Mint Green Jeans Size 10 BNWT. App For Macro Tracking: RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Today Nic and Jules are back with a womens health episode all about their favorite clean and organic beauty, feminine and sex products!
We have a fun $10 Five Day Reborn Adore Your Pelvic Floor Kickstart online @cozyearth Planoly @fleurishpodcast, Are you sick of not feeling successful because you dont have a six figure income? SUCH a good one you wont want to miss!!! -Toluca swim suits RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! You wont want to miss it! They also tackle all of your hair care and teeth care questions, and even throw in a game of 2 truths and 1 lie to see if they can stump each other! Check out the Fleurish Podcast Instagram highlight bubble to know how to get your hands on a sweatshirt! They encourage everyone to take a close look at themselves and to try to learn who they REALLY are instead of being who they think others want them to be! -Sensodyne sensitivity toothpaste @fleurishpodcast I love curling up in it on a chilly morn
Website: WARNING: Discretion advised for young listeners: sexual content included. -ACT Fluoride rinse GIRL TALK & Our Current Wellness Routines! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! -Sydney Adamss on ig and tik tok FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! This episode covers all our faves, and all of yours! RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! Money, death, murder, sex and more! @fleurishpodcast Uberlube Code: FLEURISH for $5 off! Smile makers vibrators @fleurishpodcast Insta: @mckennalouryan Modibodi undies swim bras postpartum -rare beauty RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! Just Ingredients dry shampoo But if it doesnt work for you no hard feelings. @spatrouve -Cricket hair pick or wide tooth comb Plain coconut oil https://www.mmskinclinic.com/ We are celebrating everything about what makes you you, and embracing all of our quirks. She even opened her own forest school! - Amazon 7513/064, Zara New Woman Jeans Zw Premium Kick In Harmony Blue Pant All Sizes 9863/242, Zara Ecru Zw Premium Collared Worker Jumpsuit With Rear Patch Pockets Size Xs, ZARA ECRU ZW PREMIUM COLLARED JUMPSUIT WITH PATCH POCKETS. FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! -Verb curl cream - Notion: notes & tasks -The Souls Code by James Hillman But today, Nic & Jules get vulnerable and dive deep into searching for the good that came from such a wild year. @branchbasics, Dont you ever get FOMO over not knowing what all the must-have products and things are that people love?? Specializing in preconception, pregnancy, postpartum & beyond -Epionce purifying toner -The bonds that make us free by Warner FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! because it's sweet f) Branch Basics - Blankets made by hand using the highest quality material Join Nic and Jules as they share their intentions for the year and their hottest tips! -fitOn app free workouts breath for sleep) You will be shocked! FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! @fleurishpodcast. Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Sliquid -Beyond the Pill chloeheartsart.com They cover EVERYTHING when it comes to fertility, hormones, gut health, supplements for every stage of life, and overall wellness! -tru fru Disasters, Regrets, Advice, Trends We Love & Hate, The Good, Bad, Ugly, Love is in the air! FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! -Listerine mouthwash (for bleeding gums) We also answer questions about our mental health and their honest opinions about each other!!!! https://livecrude.com. @fleurishpodcast. They may or may not let their 14 year old selves show through for a moment as they swoon over celeb crushes too! @mandinelson_ As a topic that is often overlooked, London sheds light on the beauty of surrogacy as an option for infertility and exposes the sacrifices women often make in order to carry a baby on their own. Money saving -Charlotte tilbury You will be mind-blown, justified and empowered! From visible dark figures, visitations from deceased loved ones, and even vivid predictions of the future that really happen. Code: FLEURISH for $5 off! Skinceuticals CE Ferulic Acid RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! Ava RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! RATE & REVIEW to show your support!!! Dreamy travel destinations during the pandemic/major hacks to save that cash! Everyone
@fleurishpodcast. We-complexion rescue but bare minerals Code: FLEURISH40 Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! FOOD @fleurishpodcast the ways I enjoy using it is in the Untamed https://www.amazon.com/dp/1984801252/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EFW8A1C8P7AEZFQEEGZX. - Target: deals -How to Change Your Mind by Pollan @mandinelson_ Code: FLEURISH for $5 off! Rel chapstick(only chapstick with out bad stuff) Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Code: 40FLEURISH FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! @hydrojug -Psychedelic Explorer's Guide by Fadiman Menstrual cups(Cora,saalt, bloody buddy, lilly) A listener said theyve saved 5k with out even doing anything except use the app! So Im kinda firm on my price. Organization/efficiency https://www.thehydrojug.com/discount/Fleurish, The Clear Skin Bible - With Acne Specialist Malorie Miles, Today Nic and Jules are joined by Master Esthetician Malorie Miles, a skin care expert who specializes specifically in treating acne . They each share some examples of things that they do in their own relationships and also share listeners tips as well! Youre not going to believe the things youre about to hear. -drunk elephant skincare http://pelvicrehab.com, Today Nic and Jules talk about living in this exact moment and being present! Alba FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! L organics cotton pads and tampons
Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Life lists Code: Fleurish when you purchase full size wash, hydrating gel and spf.glowy or matte. -Dr bandt skincare needles no more FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! They openly dive deep into their own relationships and spill what works best for them. Book: Come As You Are 2255 Van Ness Ave Ste 203, San Francisco, CA 94109. Curtsy sellers never receive your credit card information. Goodreads HAPPY VALENTINES DAY FROM YOUR BEST FRIENDS! -acai bowls FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! 6/22/22 They also give a billy update and let you in on their latest favorite treats and tv shows! Thrive mascara(I love their bb cream) -lip liner They also share some of their favorite travel destinations in the US and tease a limited addition travel brochure that you will want to get your hands on! @fleurishpodcast. From organization, efficiency, and creativity they share them all! -sauna tent @fleurishpodcast. FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! -Coleen Hoover -Peroxyl mouthwash Cocokind skincare -Perfect bars -Impress press on nails. Theyll share what they do to save money, how to plan and organize your trip, and how to stay safe along the way. JUICY things you do when no ones watching!!! Saranoni Luxury Blankets And Gifts Vagina washes: 15% off Course with code: fleurish, Unexplainable Supernatural Experiences & Dreams, Today Nic & Jules are sharing not only their own supernatural dreams or experiences, but all of yours! @hydrojug @chloeheartsart From hidden pregnancies to crashing cars, starting fires, and even lying about rescuing the family pet, these lies are BIG! Beauty by earth self tanner TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains talk of sexual assault, suicide, and explicit language Buckle up because this one is juicy!! Books she recommends: Recipe book for your cycle seasons Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! -Ilia super serum skin tint Other Nutritionists and Dieticians: @fleurishpodcast, Today Nic and Jules talk about inspiration vs. comparison! @mandinelson_ Todays episode has answers to them all! Rare beauty(I love their mascara and blush) @hydrojug FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! Woman Code Code: FLEURISHPODCAST for 10% off Honeypot vagina wash Crude Skincare:
Now she spends her time helping fellow entrepreneurs work fewer hours and make more money. FOLLOW us on Instagram!!! Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! -pretzels with melted rolos This episode has a bit of everything, and is sure to make you smile! Item: 114552431426 Castor oil - Rakuten: every time you shop you get cash back and rewarded at favorite stores, coupons, earn up to 40% cash back Today we talk with Tessa, a Nurse Practitioner, specializing in Psychiatry; she walks us through Ketamine; an alternative route to curing & treating depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, addiction, chronic pain and more with little to no side effects -as opposed to more commonly used medications. -Celsius energy drinks Crunchi Code: Fleurish20 for 20% off Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! Magic Spoon Protein Cereal: - Widgetsmith Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! @fleurishpodcast, Today we dragged the husbands in the studio(who are we kidding, they wish they had the limelight 24/7) and did some rapid fire questions along with some celeb hot or not!