Removing the headrest wasnt an issue in my 2014Civic (photo below, on left). CarseatBlog makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. The ARB is not required but its a nice safety feature to have. Then you check for tightness, and it will likely be rock-solid, although up to an inch of movement is okay. Britax is a company with a great reputation for making some of the best car seats in the business, and the Boulevard ClickTight has earned numerous recognition and awards for safety and quality. The steeply sloped seats in these vehicles are known for being problematic with RF carseats. What are this models NHTSA ratings? And in the process, I gathered a ton of info! In that case, just loosen the belt a little bit and try again. If you have to install a carseat with LATCH (which will mostly be RF since the NextFit has a 40 lb FF LATCH limit), the Chicco seats win hands-down. No other compensation was provided and all opinions expressed in this review are those of CarseatBlog.
Products and components are subject to change without notice and may vary from images depending on the model. It has outstanding crash protection, and the ClickTight secures it when rear-facing or forward-facing. Difficult to un-install when using LATCH installation, Child seated shoulder height: 18.65 inches or less, Car seat dimensions: 18.5 wide x 23.5 high x 23 deep with a 10.5 x 11.5 seating area, Identical harness and buckle heights and increments, Identical NHTSA ratings: 4/5 stars, for the same reasons. Its easy to get overwhelmed when youre trying to sort through the barrage of marketing ads and videos. Forward-facing the lower LATCH anchor weight limit is 40 lbs. On the other hand, my 3-year-old hasnt complained once.
My husband is a strong guyformer firefighter and all that. If not, youll need to use a different seating position. The ARB can be used rear-facing with any Britax ClickTight Convertible (Marathon, Boulevard or Advocate). One compelling reason might be in situations where you have a child in a booster seat next to the installed convertible. However, onceinstalled, the recline wound up about midway on the rear-facing spectrum. I just wanted to demonstrate all the room above her head.) Cool Flow ventilated mesh fabric, Does this model include an infant insert pillow? ClickTight installation locks the car seat securely into place, in either front-facing or rear-facing installations, using just the vehicle's belt. With push-on LATCH connectors, you can just push a red release button and the connectors will pop off the anchors. (Its also most easily reached when the seat is upright.). The cover can be hand washed and line dried. All opinions at CarseatBlog are those of the individual author for informational purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect any policy or position of Carseat Media LLC. Check your vehicles owners manual! He routed the seatbelt through the correct beltpath slots, but only the lap belt portion of the seatbelt. It offered good leg support, and since there are so many acceptable angles, it would have been easy to install it more reclined or more upright if it had been necessary/desired.
You can also purchase additional accessories such as a cup holder and anti-rebound bar for even more safety. Not sure if you do or where its located?
And when they accidentally do that, they often forget to tell you. Doing that resulted in a rock-solid install with the base flat on the seat, and the recline indicator showing almost maximum acceptable recline. The recline mechanism is extremely smooth and easymuch easier than on some other seats. However, the ClickTight convertibles, have standard hook-type connectors instead. Once your child reaches 35 lbs. That said, Im not going to call it fool-proof. However, when the strap is very tight, this is difficult to do. Conversely, if the seat is too loose, open the panel and pull out a little more slack and try again. Just quick, easy cleanup so you can keep moving. Sign in. is available separately as an accessory if you already own a model that didnt come with one. Simply pull the lever and gently guide the seat forward or backward as necessary. Safe to Machine Wash & Dry; No added FR Chemicals, P03810300a user guide advocate boulevard ct us web (pdf), Boulevard ClickTight Convertible Car Seat. The photo below shows how much room she has left before outgrowing the seat.
The Boulevard CT has a 10-year lifespan and a one-year limited warranty. I wish the button wasnt so far down in a hard-edged space. All information is provided on an as-is basis for readers in the USA & Canada. Ask me how I know. Finally, I pushed down on the back of the seat while closing the ClickTight panel. The one drawback of the Boulevard is that it is not easy to uninstall. Ill explain that in a moment, but first, an overview of the LATCH system on the ClickTight convertibles. Finally, he was able to get the ClickTight panel open. The most important thing to remember is that you must ensure the cover goes behind the red tabs on the front of the ClickTight compartment to avoid interfering with the mechanism. Hes about 37 and weighs 30 lbs., so hes on the smaller side. With two kids of my own, Im passionate about child safety! Click & Safe Snug harness system, What is the quality of padding (overall)? Best of all, he really likes the seat (every time I open the door to the van, he exclaims, My new seat! like he expects it will have disappeared). Forward-facing 20-65 lbs., 49 or less, at least 1 year old (, LATCH limits: 35 lbs. He couldnt get the adjuster to budge and was convinced it was broken, even though I kept assuring him thats just how it is. One of the usual selling points of Britax seats are the premium, push-on-style LATCH connectors. Getting that rock out was a bear and my kid got a little panicky that I couldnt loosen the straps enough to get the bottom buckle released so I had to just try and pry the rock out with him in the seat. Would. The insert pillow (if used) should be removed once the child fits comfortably and properly without it. Pros and Cons of Britax Boulevard ClickTight, Britax Boulevard Clicktight Review By Albee Baby.
He fit great with tons of room to spare.
Remember to attach the tether strap to the tether anchor in your vehicle if the carseat is installed forward-facing, whether with LATCH or a seatbelt.
When the seat is installed forward-facing, the angle indicator should be somewhere in the green zone. Also, my forward facing 5yo is only 44 inches tall (around 71 percentile), but already his shoulders are at the highest shoulder setting so I believe he is about to size out because the straps will soon be lower than his shoulders. The anti-rebound bar is available separately as an accessory if you already own a model that didnt come with one. Children can rear-face until their heads are 1below the adjuster on the headrest, which can be fully extended. What is included with the Britax Boulevard ClickTight? This makes sense, because youre pushing down in the foot area of the seat, bringing the seat more upright. The steel tensioner automatically tightens the seat into your vehicle, taking care of the hard work for you.
For parents who need to frequently move, change, or adjust a car seat, the ClickTight system is a huge advantage, and Britax clearly designed the ClickTight system as an advancement and improvement on the LATCH technology they helped to invent. Overall, because the two models are virtually identical in most respects, and the Boulevard is only slightly heavier and slightly more expensive, it seems a better choice to invest in the Boulevard. The quick-adjust 14 position harness and 2-position buckle keeps your child secure and comfortable over time. Good instincts, but not correct for a ClickTight convertible seat. Im happy to report that the Britax Boulevard ClickTight is a game-changer in the carseat world. The NHTSA has rated the Britax Boulevard ClickTight: Child seated shoulder height rear facing, Child seated shoulder height forward facing, 8.35 - 19.4 in .85 increments per setting, 14 positions. She would be able to rear-face until her head was an inch below the red adjuster, or until she reached 40 lbs, whichever came first. *Tip the ClickTight panel wont open when theres a lot of pressure on it, so to uninstall the seat, youll want to unbuckle the seatbelt first, and then open the CT panel. To use the LATCH belt, you remove it from its storage cubby, open the ClickTight panel, and route the strap to the childs left side and through the appropriate belt slots in the seat. The Britax Boulevard ClickTight Convertible has a little bit of everything. Each Boulevard ClickTight model comes with an easy-to-remove cover,EZ-Buckle System (keeps buckles and straps out of your way when placing your child in the seat), optional infant body insert for newborns, optional harness strap covers and energy-absorbing rubber HUGS pads. nough to one side that I could get just enough leverage to loosen the LATCH strap, then unhook the connectors and open the panel. The Boulevard has two levels of side impact protection, with an energy-absorbing shell and the foam-lined head rest.
Many parents think the tether anchor is only for installations with lower anchors, but thats not true. Know Your Rights! What is this models child weight limit? And the harness release button is easy to reach. For rear-facing, the angle indicator should be in the light blue zone for younger babies and can be in the dark blue zone for older babies, toddlers, and olderkids who still ride rear-facing. Each video is short and covers a specific installation method, so you don't have to search for the right video for you. If your older kid is comfortable sitting rear-facing at 25 degrees from vertical, Britax has no issue with that.mid-range position, I had the passenger seat in exactly the same place I usually do. After all, a convertible car seat is the only car seat you need to help your child travel in safety from infancy through their school years, so it seems smart to spend just a little more and get the model with better protection. The Blvd CT offers a wide range of recline angles, and theseoptions create more potential for finding a suitable recline angle and taking up less space in the vehicle. I sat in the seat. But federal regulations say the seat has to have LATCH, so it does. 9"-19.5", Buckle Strap Depths Below are pics with a 20 newborn-sized doll. However, the NHTSA also provides car seat ratings for usefulness factors beyond basic safety. The manufacture date and model number sticker can be found on top of the ClickTight panel when you peel back the cover over that section. Add to that a super-tall shell for rear-facing, plus extra goodies like the versa-tether and optional ARB and this seat is hard to beat. Im always afraid of taking off covers (and more afraid of putting them back on), but the Boulevard CT proved easier than I expected. The seat takes up considerably less room when installed more upright, as it can be for older babies, toddlers and preschoolers. The seat isnt completely foolproof, but its closer than anything else on the market. 23" x 18.5" x 23.7, Seat Area Depth/Width I was thinking, based on his height curve, that Id have another year for him in this seat. (The straps are above her shoulders here, which is incorrect for rear-facing. We get it and were here to help. (For reference, she wears a size 5 shirt.). Because the Britax Boulevard ClickTight can be installed rear-facing or front-facing, and with a LATCH system or with a vehicle's lap belt, Britax has a whole series of convenient installation videos.
However, LATCH installation (or more accurately, uninstallation) might discourage anyone from actually using it. The patented ClickTight system makes installation a snap, and premium paddings and fabrics keep kids traveling in comfort. Im a research nerd whos on a mission to make the world a safer place for kids starting with car seats! Despite my best efforts, I could not get the strap to loosen, even when I sat in the seat. In reality, most parents probably wont install the CT models this upright rear-facing, but we asked Britax for clarification and we all agreed that there is no such thing as too upright for older RF kids who dont have any special healthcare needs. Britax follows NHTSAs guidelines for replacement after a crash. With one install (rear-facing), I was able to shove the seat enough to one side that I could get just enough leverage to loosen the LATCH strap, then unhook the connectors and open the panel. There are two positions for the crotch strap. Outgrowing this seat in the rear-facing position by height wont be an issue because its so tall that all kids (even the really tall, really skinny kids) will fit height-wise if they are still under 40 lbs. uld be an issue with LATCH installations, but given how easy the seatbelt installation is, theres really, . Thats a huge advance toward eliminating misuse. My last option was to go get my husband, who had just settled in for a nap. Besides that, though, the seat installed nicely with LATCH in both my vehicles, rear- and forward-facing. The ClickTight feature adds security, but it can be difficult to open when you remove the seat. Britax says that if a vehicle headrest interferes with your ability to raise the carseats headrest to the correct position, the vehicles headrest should be removed or raised, if possible. Designed with clean lines & gentle color palettes for a sleek look that kids and parents will love. Another issue is that when fully reclined, the seat does take up more front-to-back space.
Depending on your upholstery choices, the Marathon averages $20-$40 less than the Boulevard. Once your child reaches 40 lbs. This is where things get a little tricky.
It's an incredibly stable, sturdy installation that is simple and easy in almost any vehicle. And does this seat have frontal, rear, side and roll over protection? All carseats are tested for frontal protection. Patented SafeCell Technology acts as a crumple zone, absorbing crash energy to help keep it away from your little one. The cover is not machine washable, and needs to be hand washed and line dried. It was very easy for me to do as a tech, but a typical parent likely wouldnt think to do that. Safe to machine wash & dry, the removable car seat cover stays looking like-new, mile after mile. The Britax Boulevard, with two layers of side impact protection, has slightly larger headwings than the Marathon, and therefore weighs more. No more hand washing or waiting for it to air-dry. The ClickTight models take up verylittle space rear-facing if installed in a very upright position. Plus, seatbelts are available in every seating position, whereas LATCH is typically limited, plus. Side impact testing is nebulous; theres no standard so how companies test their carseats is completely up to them. Product Dimensions Note that bypassing the ClickTight panel is for airline installations only. Same with rollover testing, though as far as I know, Evenflo is the only company touting it. Gear guides and safety resources to help support you through the journey. With ClickTight, theres no stressing or struggling! you MUST install with seatbelt. As your child grows from baby to toddler, the Boulevard ClickTight convertible car seat easily transitions from rear-facing to forward-facing. 13/13, Harness Slot Heights You might be wondering if ClickTight is just some marketing gimmick or if it actually lives up to the hype? The cover comes off in four pieces, and the manual does a great job of outlining the steps. Shes been forward-facing for more than a year now, but she could easily rear-face in this seat. Car seats have come a long way in the past decade, and it seems like every manufacturer has some special feature to sell you their product. The Britax Boulevard Clicktight lasts for 10 years. It may be harder to install than some seats because of the multiple safety systems; however, it is nearly effortless to use once installed. Less than 49", Forward-facing Harnessed Weight
She also has a lot of room before she outgrows the Boulevard CT forward-facing. Even better, the ClickTight system works with nearly any vehicles existing seat belt system, unlike some car seats that are only compatible with certain makes and models. Two layers of side impact protection surround the head, neck and torso.
Maxi-Cosi RodiSport Booster Review: Stylish, Versatile, Comfy, Speed limiter mandate overdue for large trucks, New Hyundai EV earns Top Safety Pick+. I suspect that if Britax could have made this seat without LATCH, they would have. But there are times a person may want or need to use LATCH.
The reason that it is a bit lighter is because the Britax Marathon has less side impact protection than the Boulevard. Britax cup holder,vehicle seat protector mat, protectivetravel bagsand anti-rebound bar areavailable as accessories (for purchase separately). All car seats that are rated by the NHTSA meet federal safety and crash performance standards, so all NHTSA rated car seats are safe. For additional information on the Britax ClickTight convertibles please visit the Britax website: For parents who want a single car seat that will protect a child from infancy through their first several years of life, and who need a near-universal installation system that is fast and easy, the Britax Boulevard ClickTight is a fantastic choice. When I put the seat in my Civic using the tricks I outlined above, I was able to get it more reclined without needing noodles: In some vehicles or seating positions a piece of foam pool noodle or rolled up towel might be necessary to achieve a suitable recline angle for a newborn or young baby. Offers an easy and safe way to install your childs car seat. How does it compare to the chicco next fit zip? N/A. N/A, What is the quality of padding in the head area? It. However, if you are looking for almost all the features and benefits of the Britax Boulevard, for a slightly lighter weight and slightly lower price, the Britax Marathon ClickTight is an excellent choice. When it comes time to uninstall, though, you might be in for a challenge. Shower them with love and attention! The amount of room it takes up fully reclined will vary from vehicle to vehicle but if youre planning to use the seat from birth the best advice, as always, is to try before you buy.
My opinion, YES. Only downside: Just wait til your kid gets a cheerio stuck in the harness release hole and you smash it when you go to release the harness. Installation with the seatbelt is just so easy, plus the federal LATCH regulations have people confused and frustrated. The space created for the rear- and forward-facing belt paths can also be used to hold the harness straps out of the way so you dont need to dig for those either. Loosen. Harnessfitevenwithoutthe newborn insert pillow that comes with the seat was excellent in this case. She said it was very comfortable and liked it a lot (especially liked the shoulder pads). The Britax Boulevard and Britax Marathon convertible car seats are extremely similar models with many of the same features. Learn more, January 1, 2022 by Sam Webster Leave a Comment. N/A, Is the seat fabric breathable? How upright can it be for older rear-facing kids? While the Britax Boulevard ClickTight comes with a LATCH installation system, because it is required by law, LATCH installation is a bit slower and more cumbersome than the ClickTight system. The Britax Boulevard CT is all that and more which is why its an Editors Pick on our list of Recommended Convertible Carseats. Get one-on-one assistance from our team of child safety experts. Ill explain that in a moment, but first, an overview of the LATCH system on the ClickTight convertibles. There is a push to follow one particular set of guidelines, but until something is passed and put into effect, were left with as many different ways of side impact testing as there are manufacturers. A LATCH system has more straps and tethers, and lower weight limits, than the ClickTight system. Your email address will not be published. I always forget to use them, though! Britax does not allow the use of inflatable seatbelts with its ClickTight seats. The seats have taken almost all of the difficulty and frustration out of installing a child restraint with a seatbelt. However, the ClickTights rock seat belt installations. Or A ROCK.
Let's find the right car seat for your child's age, weight and height.
Do you know if the Cool Flow fabric is machine washable? Best July Car Seat Deals, Sales & Coupon Codes + Strollers & Baby Gear. We asked Britax about this, and they said they were aware that this could be an issue with LATCH installations, but given how easy the seatbelt installation is, theres really no reason to use LATCH. Beware of Fraudulent Britax Websites - Learn More. I also LOVE the click tight system and it has made me loyal to this brand. The great news is that this seat practically installs itself, both rear-facing or forward-facing, if youre using the ClickTight system with the seatbelt in your vehicle. Features ClickTight technology for struggle-free installation and a SafeWash cover with no added flame-retardant chemicals. The Britax Marathon ClickTight is lighter in weight than the Boulevard, at 28.5 pounds instead of 29.4 pounds. The LATCH strap is stored in a little compartment on the back of the seat. So, did the Britax Boulevard ClickTight live up to the hype? It was very easy for me to do as a tech, but a typical parent likely wouldnt think to do that. is reader-supported. The Britax Marathon is a very safe convertible car seat, with ClickTight convenience, and is slightly more affordable than the Britax Boulevard. The Britax Boulevard ClickTight has the patented ClickTight installation system, which makes installation fast and easy using any vehicle's existing belt system, without the make and model restrictions of some car seats, and without the weight limits and complexity of LATCH installation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They all have the same safety features now, so it comes down to which have better installation features, which harnesses adjust better for you, which fit your child better, etc. (In all fairness, these arent necessarilyproblems but I list them here to inform potential consumers of specific Blvd CT issues). Its also important to make sure youve taken the slack out of both portions of the seatbelt. I also couldnt get the ClickTight panel to open, which didnt surprise me, but I figured was worth a try. Britax Boulevard Clicktight (click image for more info). The fabric wears nicer than the Britax One4Life and the chest clip stays in place significantly better than that seat. I decided to try some tricks. I intentionally introduced a little extra slack into the seatbelt. *Recommendation Britax strongly recommends that children ride rear-facing to the highest weight or height specified. Both have ClickTight installation, and both are rated for children of the same size and weight.
rear-facing, 40 lbs. His head is also near the top of the seat, although that should be ok for forward facing.
Welcome to parenthood! A final word of caution: When installing rear-facing, make sure you keep the harness adjuster strap out of the way of the ClickTight door! It earned a recommendation and won the Editor's Pick award from, won the 2015 PTPA award, and has been recognized by Babylist and Babycenter. In my Odyssey, though, I did need to remove the restraint in the captains chair because it pushed on the Boulevard CTs headrest (below, right). The full list of Britax Boulevard videos can be seen here: The Britax Boulevard ClickTight user manual is available online in English and Spanish, and can be found here: Click to download Britax Boulevard Clicktight manual here. Fill in your email address below and well send you a link to quickly reset your password. Its well labeled and efficient. The seat belt paths are fully open, clearing the way for quick & confident installation. At least he never did it again. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. In situations where the two seatbelt buckles are right next to each other, sometimes the kid in the booster unlatches the wrong seatbelt. The belt slots in the ClickTight panel are narrow and padded by the cover, so its easy for the seatbelt to get hung up if youre not paying attention. With ClickTight Installation, you'll know it's right in three easy steps: open, buckle, close. Also, it has complete side impact protection because of its protective shell and energy-absorbing headrest. Heather, Kecia, Darren & Team: The Most Trusted Source for Car Seat Reviews, Ratings, Deals & News Since 2008. 5.5" - 8", Rear-facing Harnessed Weight Helps you find the most comfortable fit for your child and the best fit for your vehicle, High strength steel frame & crumple zone help absorb crash energy; patented v-shaped tether, Staged-release stitches help slow and reduce forward movement in a crash, Create the perfect fit as your baby grows, Help you find the correct recline angle for your vehicle, Padding and Fabrics for premium comfort and a quiet ride, For easy cleaning without taking off the harness, Naturally flame-retardant fabrics are safe to machine wash & dry, Resists stains, wicks away moisture, extra padding.