He said that our client was the aggressor. Please complete all required fields below. (Note: I am using the female pronoun as a shorthand for the victim; though often the defendant may be female and the victim male; or it may be a same sex relationship). Many people do not know that if they make contact with the complaining witness during this time, in violation of the terms. Cook County, If the defendant is released from the station, the police officer may make an appropriate determination, based on what they know about the incident and the relationship. There are consequences imposed outside of the criminal justice system that you may experience if convicted due to the stigma of this crime. Law Enforcement Response A witness who fails to appear for a subpoena could also be arrested and brought to court. AnIllinois criminal defense attorneyis equipped with the experience and expertise to use certain defenses for purposes of reducing your sentence. The victim and our client later reconciled. complaining witness, A domestic battery defense lawyer will be able to appear in court almost immediately in order to ask the judge to permit contact. This can be a very big problem because the case often lasts several months. Many people assume that body attachments are rare. If the defendant is released from the station, the police officer may make a. determination as to what is appropriate based on what he knows about the incident and the relationship. The police arrested our client. contacted a witness despite the no contact order, the prosecutor will seek to file a charge of violation of bail bond. An order of protection may: prohibit abuser from continuing threats and abuse (abuse includes physical abuse, harassment, intimidation, interference with personal liberty, or willful deprivation). Digital photographs were taken by the police. Also, law enforcement should know that the Illinois Domestic Violence Act assumes it is in the best interest of the child to remain with the you or someone you choose. Comparing Criminal Sexual Abuse & Assault Under Illinois Law. He provided me with the knowledge and communication I needed as I had plenty of sleepless nights worrying about my outcome. In this rare scenario, the victim will cooperate with the Defense attorney and testify truthfully and put in context, for the court to understand, what really happened. A witness who fails to appear for a subpoena could also be arrested and brought to court. What Qualifies as Forgery Under the Illinois Criminal Code? However, in many counties around the Chicago area, prosecutors are using, the body attachment process more and more often. If the prosecutor does not have the full cooperation of the victim at this stage, the prosecutor will often let the domestic violence victim drop the case and the prosecutor will dismiss the charges without anyone having to participate in a trial. An attorney client relationship will only be created with our firm upon speaking with one of our attorneys and signing an engagement agreement. Criminal Prosecutions Tagged as: We have a successful record of winning cases at trial and are respected by judges and prosecutors. What if I got a DUI but I already had two supervisions in one year? A victim cannot directly drop Domestic Violence charges. sheet states all the terms and conditions that apply to that person when they are released. A client should speak with the firms attorneys for an assessment of likely outcomes in their case. If Abuser Contacts You After an Arrest This is punishable by 1-3 years in the Department of Corrections and a fine of up to $25,000. Because a domestic battery offense assumes a domestic relationship between the offender and the complaining witness, there, are special considerations for bond conditions. The prosecutor will turn over a copy of the letter to the defendants domestic violence defense lawyer. For example, making contact with a family member, spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, or child, in violation of a no, contact order can result in a violation of bail bond charge. The investigator then had the victims neighbor knock on the door and, when the victim answered, the investigator served the victim with the subpoena. Any unauthorized use of material contained herein is at the users own risk. Our client was FOUND NOT GUILTY AT TRIAL. Go to your local circuit court clerk's office and get papers to seek an order of protection for yourself. In this case, you didn't purposely make an effort to see your accuser. A conviction for Domestic Battery would have devastated his life. Once charges are filed, the prosecutors office is in charge of the case. A domestic battery prosecution is a criminal case that is brought by the government, through the prosecutors office. How Does Illinois Address Possession of a Controlled Substance? The prosecutors were not willing to drop the charges and fought hard for a conviction, even going so far as attempting to hold the accuser in contempt of court if she did not go forward. Transmission of the information and material herein is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an agreement to create an attorney-client relationship with the firm or any member thereof. Greater than 95% of all cases, are dismissed by Step 3, in our experience, when the victim wants to drop the charges. They include but are not limited to the following: In order to convict you of violating a no-contact order, or contempt of court, the prosecution must be able to prove three things beyond a reasonable doubt. She said that our client had hit her. Our legal team was able to convince the prosecutor to COMPLETELY DISMISS ALL CHARGES! If the victim writes a letter to the police, the police will turn over a copy of the letter to the prosecutor. spouse, 10, subsection (d) of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 [725 ILCS 5/110-10], commits a Class A misdemeanor. Any conviction on your record creates a criminal record, which can be detrimental to many aspects of your life. The law does not recognize specializations within law, except for patent or admiralty law. The good news is that you don't have to fight this legal battle on your own with Dolci & Weiland in your corner. body attachment, My process with Gus was swift and easy. The victim told the police that there were prior domestic violence incidents that were never reported. We are particularly skilled at cross examination of opposing witnesses and police officer and in asserting self defense claims. telling you about the importance of saving evidence, such as damaged clothing or property and taking photographs of injuries or damage. For our downtown Chicago office, call 312-238-9007, and for our DuPage location, call 630-261-9098. Serious crimes like violating a no-contact order definitely require the assistance of a legal professional. Our experienced trial attorneys examine all of it very carefully to look for defenses to win the case. A conviction for Domestic Battery would utterly destroy his life. The reality is that the domestic battery case will have a few status dates whereby the judge will require the defendant, or at least the defendants lawyer, to appear. A domestic battery victim who wants to drop charges should immediately call the defendants lawyer to coordinate changing the bond conditions so that they can have contact. The judge orders that the Defendant is to have no contact with the victim. So, if the abuser does contact you soon after an arrest, you should call the police because the abuser can be charged with an additional offense, violation of bail bond, which is a Class A misdemeanor. The police made the decision to charge the case in the first place. No attorney client privilege is created as a result of reading or use of this website, or use of the contact form. That is why it is very important you talk to an attorney as soon as possible. According to Illinois (740 ILCS 21/5), It is unlawful to violate, or not comply with a no-contact order. As domestic battery offense requires a family or household member relationship between the offender and the complaining witness, there are special considerations for bond. An order of protection is a court order which restricts an abuser and only is available to family or household members. It is found at 720 ILCS 5/32-10 in the criminal code. A far better strategy, than mere recantation, is for the victim to cooperate with the defendants attorney and give truthful testimony that is consistent with innocence. Our experienced trial attorneys have collectively tried hundreds of case to verdict. violation of bail bond, Previous post: Illinois law on felony probation sentences, Next post: Dissecting the Illinois Laws Against Speeding in a School Zone, Illinois law on felony probation sentences, Dissecting the Illinois Laws Against Speeding in a School Zone. Judges put people in jail for violation of bail bond. Eventually, we were able to get both, COMPLETELY DISMISSED. An arrest for domestic battery really is not. We demand that the government turn over all police reports, videos, and other evidence. This phenomenon is known as collateral consequences, and are carried out by society during post-conviction life. We were successful in getting the case dismissed. The victim said that she had fled her apartment after our client, who was her boyfriend, had punched her on the head. For instance, in Cook County, all persons who are arrested for domestic battery appear before the judge. The no contact provision of bond is enforced strictly against the defendant. It is extremely rare for a case where a victim wants to drop a domestic battery charge to proceed all the way to trial. The bond. They will not simply drop the charge if the victim calls and asks them to. The most effective way of avoiding all this trouble is to fight the conviction. The bond sheet states all the terms and conditions that apply to that person when they are released. Protection & No Contact Orders, Illinois Orders of Protection & No Contact Orders: Poster, http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/fss/provdrs/dom_violence/svcs/, How Illinois Law Can Protect You From Stalking: Illinois Orders of. Domestic battery is unique in the Illinois criminal code because a defendant may be charged with more crimes while out on, bond. After an arrest for domestic battery, typically the police will release the offender upon payment of a small bond or signing a recognizance bond. There are a number of common, but false, beliefs that people have about how a victim can drop domestic battery charges. Each case is unique. A witness who is duly subpoenaed who neglects or refuses to attend any court, under the requisitions of the subpoena, shall be proceeded against and punished for contempt of the court.. Illinois Domestic Violence Act: ], knowingly violates a condition of that release as set forth in Section 110-. For the day of trial, the prosecutor will send a subpoena to the victim compelling her appearance. Our client is a registered nurse who had been beaten by her boyfriend. What is the process for involuntary commitment as a sexually violent person? The victim cooperated with the defense attorney, rather than with the prosecutors and, at trial, the victim gave truthful testimony that was consistent with the defendants innocent. Many people assume that body attachments are rare. The prosecutors were not willing to dismiss the case and threatened to hold the victim in contempt of court if she neglected their subpoena and did not appear in court. At trial, we aggressively cross examined that accuser as well as the police officer. A police officer was charged with retail theft. The bond most often will state that the defendant is to have no contact with the complaining witness. No attorney client privilege is created as a result of reading or use of this website, or use of the contact form. But if the perpetrator has a previous conviction for aggravated battery or similar offenses, then domestic battery can transform into a Class 4 felony. Where you can get help and advice: Law enforcement officers should try to prevent further abuse by: arresting the abuser when appropriate and completing a police report; driving you to a medical facility, shelter or safe place or arranging for transportation to a safe place; if there is probable cause to believe that weapons were used, taking those weapons; telling you about your right to an order of protection; and. The victim reported our client, her husband, to the police for Domestic Battery. Do not assume that you can guide yourself through a domestic violence matter without legal representation. Sometimes they may motion the judge for a continuance, but our trial attorneys vigorously object, causing the case to get dismissed.. DISCLAIMER: Material presented on the website is intended for information purposes only; it is not professional legal advice. Many cases in the case highlights section were dismissed because of the unavailability of necessary witnesses, or their reluctance to testify at trial, or as result of acceptance into a formal diversion program. This type of warrant is called a body attachment.. Orders of protection This is why it is very important you talk to an attorney as soon as possible. The case highlights are examples of successful cases and may not be indicative of the results in an average case. She claimed that our client followed her and again grabbed her and threw her against the wall. After our office continued the case in court, and cooler heads prevailed, the victim decided not to proceed with her allegations. a simple matter of the witness not showing up in court. In cases where the prosecutor is not willing to dismiss charges, the defense lawyer sets the case for trial. 18W140 Butterfield Rd #1504, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181, Can a Victim of Domestic Violence Drop Charges in Illinois, See How Far the State May Go To Subpoena the Victim, Example of a Victim Cooperating with the Defense at Trial, Whether the victim is cooperating with the Defense or with the Prosecution. The firm does not necessarily sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of the materials appearing in such sites. We do not suggest that the firm can achieve a favorable result due to relationships with the Court, prosecutors, police officers, or via any improper means. family or household member, The two later reconciled and the victim wanted the domestic violence charges dropped. Our clients ex-girlfriend accused him of Domestic Battery. In fact, most of the suburban counties surrounding Chicago do not require the person who was, When the person is released from police custody, or from jail after a bond hearing, he receives a bond sheet. A skilled domestic violence defense lawyer will know how to block hearsay evidence, how to raise self defense and how to cross examine adverse witnesses. He selected our law firm to represent him. The judge can issue a warrant for, the arrest of that witness and actually have them held in custody prior to trial. It is found at 720 ILCS 5/32-10 in the criminal code. The bond sheet is been provided to the person along with his other property. And they do not want to. domestic_violencehelpline.html, How Illinois Law Can Protect You From Stalking: Illinois Orders of Sometimes a victim who wants to drop a domestic violence charge will hide from the police officer who is trying to serve the subpoena and not answer the door. http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/fss/provdrs/dom_violence/svcs/ We can then convince prosecutors to dismiss the case. They can also use photographs of the victims injuries to bolster their case. It is also important to be able to coordinate with the Defense if the victim wants to drop domestic battery charges against her husband or boyfriend. If you are the subject of a no-contact order and have been accused of violating it, contact Dolci & Weiland for help to fight any criminal charges. The penalties can include up to one year in jail and a fine of $2,500. 720 ILCS 5/32-10, This is the say that even where a third party, relates a message, it is still a violation of bail bond. For instance, in Cook County, all persons who are arrested for domestic battery appear before the judge. Our client had never been in trouble before and was in graduate school for a health care profession. The law says, the following: Whoever, having been admitted to bail for appearance before any court of this State, while charged with a, criminal offense in which the victim is a family or household member as defined in Article 112A of the Code of Criminal, Procedure of 1963 [725 ILCS 5/112A-1 et seq. My team of three attorneys helps people in Domestic Violence, Order of Protection and Violation of Order of Protection matters. By posting and/or maintaining this Web site and its contents, the firm does not intend to solicit legal business from clients located outside of Illinois. This is where it is important to read the fine print. When a person is charged with a criminal offense and the victim is a family or household member .. the restrictions shall include requirements that the defendant do the following:(1) refrain from contact or communication with the victim for a minimum period of 72 hours following the defendants release; and, (2) refrain from entering or remaining at the victims residence for a minimum period of 72 hours following the defendants release.. This is the say that, even where a third party relates a message, it can still be a violation of bail bond. The attorney responsible for the content is Kostas Kostopoulos. It may be helpful to contact a local domestic violence program so they can help you through the system. In every county, the prosecutor takes contact between a defendant and the complaining witness very seriously. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The prosecutors can then have their own investigator attempt to serve the subpoena. Domestic battery is unique in the Illinois criminal code because a defendant may be charged with more crimes while out on bond. As aforementioned, this crime can also be charged as a Class 4 felony. Although it is not mandatory by law, Illinois statute does provide that in determining the terms and conditions of. This very rarely succeeds in getting the domestic battery charge dismissed. Thank you for contacting us. arrest warrant, The police believed the boyfriends story over hers and wrongly arrested our client. Alternatively, the, judge or the police officer can set as a condition of bond that the offender shall have no contact for a period of 72, hours. In many cases, the judge goes beyond the mandatory 72 hours and orders that the Defendant have no contact with the victim until the case is resolved. Violating an order of protection is a Class A misdemeanor, and the abuser could go to jail for up to 364 days and pay a $25 fine. In fact, this may backfire because the prosecutor may use the victims letter at trial against the victim if she tries to testify to help the defendant. A conviction for Domestic Battery would completely destroy our clients nursing career. The prosecutors were not willing to dismiss the case and threatened to hold the victim in contempt of court if she ignored their subpoena and did not appear in court. Our legal team is comprised of advocates who are dedicated to protecting the rights of the accused while fiercely defending their charges. A person commits perjury when, under oath or affirmation, in a proceeding or in any other matter where by law the oath or affirmation is required, he or she makes a false statement, material to the issue or point in question, knowing the statement is false.. Our office litigated the domestic battery case against the husband and were involved in litigating the contempt petition against the wife. In Kane and DuPage counties, for example, prosecutors commonly use body attachments. The vast majority of our clients get their Domestic Violence cases completely dismissed. Our firm was successful in getting the contempt petition completely dismissed. Not all other counties follow this practice. If you are seriously considering an attorney for a case, I highly suggest you give Gus a call first. We aggressively cross examined the accuser at trial and were able to show that he was really the aggressor. Upon arrival, the police officer met with the victim, who had injuries to her face. Let me provide you with a free consultation about your case! The victim may contest service of the trial subpoena or may choose to assert her fifth amendment rights against self-incrimination and avoid testifying. In every county, the prosecutor takes contact between a, defendant and the complaining witness very seriously. release, the judge should consider a 72-hour cooling-off period. Our firm can offer advice on a clients eligibility for various diversionary programs and advice on how to maximize the chances of being accepted into these programs. If a victim ignores a subpoena, she may be held in contempt of court and punished with jail. Prior prosecution experience is mentioned only for purposes of highlighting the attorneys trial and litigation experience and knowledge of the justice system. He has earned a reputation as a tough and aggressive attorney who achieves outstanding results for his clients. I literally spoke with 5+ attorneys and all recommended guys for my case. The police were notified that a woman was at a service station requesting police for a domestic battery. Prosecutors offices generally take a hard line in Illinois Domestic Battery cases. NOTE: This page includes new information to account for the passage of Public Act 101-223 (effective January 1, 2020) and Public Act 101-651 (effective August 7, 2020). For example, in Kane and DuPage County the prosecutors use of the body, It is in your interest to speak with a competent criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. It is important to point out that the victim has a perfect right to communicate with the Defendants lawyer. You didn't have any knowledge of the no-contact order. conditions of release, Any person who hits, chokes, kicks, threatens, harasses, or interferes with the personal liberty of another family or household member has broken Illinois Domestic Violence law. http://www.thehotline.org/, Chicagoland Domestic Violence Help Line On the day of trial we were succssful in getting the charges dismissed. She claimed that he slapped her, grabbed her, and threw her to the ground, causing her head to hit the sidewalk. When this order is served and imposed, a defendant must essentially avoid contacting the accuser as the name of the order implies. Under Illinois law, domestic battery applies to situations where the perpetrator and the victim are related as family or household members. Working as a prosecutor, he was in charge of a team of lawyers and paralegals and thousands of open cases. This defense can be claimed when an accuser accuses you of attempting to contact them when you didn't. For that time, the defendant and the victim, who may be husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend, may be forced to live in separate residences, which they cannot afford. Under Illinois law family or household members are defined as: people who are married or used to be married; people who share or used to share a home, apartment, or other common dwelling; people who have or allegedly have child in common or a blood relationship through a child in common; people who are dating or engaged or used to date, including same sex couples; and. It does not matter that is made indirectly. He denied the allegations and asserted innocence. Our client is a cancer research scientist, from another country, who was charged with Domestic Battery. They may also coax you into violating the order by initiating contact or setting up a meeting with you. The State had its investigator go to serve the subpoena at the victims residence. Our client and her girlfriend were in a same sex relationship. Every witness who testifies in a trial or other proceeding is legally obligated to tell the truth or they can be charged with perjury. It is a criminal offense, punishablable by jail, to obstruct service of a subpoena. When the person is released from police custody, or from jail after a bond hearing, he receives a bond sheet. people with disabilities and their personal assistants. States Attorneys office investigators are sworn police officers who work directly for the prosecutors office. Allowing contact between the victim and the defendant is important if the two of them want to continue their relationship. If a victim, or any other witness, ignores a subpoena, the prosecutor can ask the judge to continue the trial and seek to hold the victim/witness in contempt of court. State legislators created the offense of violation of bail bond out of concern that defendants were coercing or pressuring victims not to come to court or testify. Some defenses that are commonly applied in these cases are: You didn't intend to violate the no-contact order. If you are subject to a domestic violence no contact order, it is in your interest to speak with a competent criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Class A misdemeanor, My name is Gus Kostopoulos. To obtain an Order of Protection, you can: Ask your attorney to file in civil court. Free Consultations | Speak With a Lawyer 24/7, Aggravated DUI with Death or Great Bodily Harm, Sexual Predators and Offenders Loitering in Parks, Non-Consensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images, Presence of Child Sex Offender in School Zone, Patronizing a Minor Engaged in Prostitution, Failure to Report Sexual Abuse of a Child, Interfering With Reporting Domestic Violence, Disclosing Location of a Domestic Violence Victim, Division of Retirement, 401(k) and Other Accounts, Directly or indirectly contacting the person in any capacity (in person, by phone or text, email, social media, through another person, or even by mail), Refusing to move out of a residence where you live with the protected person, Failing to stay away from the protected person's place of employment (even if you work at the same place), Failure to comply with court-ordered child visitation rules, Failing to pay court-ordered child support, Threatening a protected person with physical abuse, The no-contact order of which you are accused of violating is legal, You had knowledge of the no-contact order, You intentionally violated the terms and conditions of the no-contact order. The judge can issue a warrant for the arrest of that witness and actually have them held in custody prior to trial. The end result.. Professional, helpful and knowledgeable about the law. The police are merely witnesses that may be called to testify by the prosecutor. There are no promises or guarantees regarding the outcome of any case. To be convicted of a no-contact violation, the prosecution must prove that you had knowledge of the order. Not all other, counties follow this practice. If an arrest wasn't made and you wish to seek criminal charges against your abuser, bring all relevant information, including the police report number and this form, to your local state's attorney. Our law firm represented the client in court. The violation of a no-contact order is taken incredibly seriously by prosecutors in Illinois. The seriousness of the injuries, the Defendants background, and whether there is a history of abuse. For the past 21 years, I have practiced criminal law, including Domestic Violence Defense. The victim and the defendant do not need to wait until the first court date, which may be as long as a month away, in order to change the bond conditions to permit contact.