Cult expert Janja Lalich points out that leaders can use their emotional intelligence skills for ill in the same way they can for good. And sometimes there is no difference. The differences between how cult leaders and conventional leaders influence their followers can be subtle. And how do leaders learn to use it? George Washington had to work hard to control his fiery temper before he became a role model for the republic, and Abraham Lincoln had to overcome deep melancholia to display the brave and warm countenance that made him a magnet for others. Thus, effective management often depends not on coolly and expertly resolving conflict, or simply avoiding it, but on embracing it at the gemba. If you think youll lose your job because youre not adequately tuned in to your employees, you might become determinedly empathetic or compassionate for a time. They can read and regulate their own emotions while intuitively grasping how others feel and gauging their organizations emotional state. I am here to support and guide you. But he avoided asking his people the tough questions: Does our program actually solve our problem? He served as an adviser to presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton. When followers give a leader this power, there are obvious dangers. You will gain a different perspective of yourself as a leader in relation to your MBTI Personality Type. This is not that helpful as emotions cannot really be labelled in that way. If leaders cultivate these resources and practice continually, they can develop specific emotional intelligence skillsskills that will last for years. It takes many years of hard work and the ability to learn from extreme difficulties and disappointments. It doesnt necessarily include the qualities (like optimism, initiative, and self-confidence) that some popular definitions ascribe to it. The practical activities have been carefully designed to help you to do this. She asked me what I thought, and I told her, kindly but clearly, that I thought she should have the dog put to sleep rather than spend her money keeping it in an environment where it would be miserable and perhaps die anyway. If youre excessively empathetic, you risk being too hard to read. The course also covers the myths around positive and negative emotions and why this terminology is not appropriate when working to understand emotions and emotional intelligence in the workplace as a leader. Richard Boyatzis ( is a professor and the chair of the department of organizational behavior at Case Western Reserve Universitys Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland. Ive always felt that my intuition was pretty darn good, and I think I can read people well. In doing so, the VP was undercutting the sales directors independence and confidence. Consider, for example, a vice president who complained to me recently about his new hire, the head of sales. Emotionally intelligent leaders know when to rein it in. If Im conducting my own orchestra, I can see in the musicians bodies and faces how theyre feeling that day, and it becomes very clear who may need encouragement and who may need cautioning. For example, if you overemphasize the emotional intelligence competencies of initiative or achievement, youll always be changing things at your company. There were times when Id launch in on an issue and make gut-level assertions like, Our customers feel this, and Our employees feel that. Though everyone in the group would probably deny it, I know that part of their reaction to my outbursts was, Oh, thats just Colleen, and shes on a tangent, and they would tend to disregard what I was saying. They are part of our Confucian emphasis on wah, or social harmony. Autistic children typically dont develop those pathways. I watch body language and how people interact. In the first few months of the jobwhen criticism of the company was at an all-time highit became clear that this position was a lightning rod. This is a time of growing realism about emotional intelligenceespecially concerning what it is and what it isnt. People need to connect emotionally, and with flexibility, in order to succeed. She boarded the dog and went away on her assignment. All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant. Business managers should do the same. Theyre self-aware and empathetic. Conversely, a person may be highly self-confident and optimistic but lack emotional intelligence. Robert Goffee ( is a professor of organizational behavior at London Business School and a cofounder of Creative Management Associates, an organizational consulting firm in London. Over the last few years, I have delivered workshops at global emotional intelligence and neuroscience conferences. There are a series of interactive exercises that involve some activity with other people and some reflection. David Gergen directs the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Universitys John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Its your understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, your purpose in life, your values and motivations, and how and why you respond to situations in a particular way. Eight years ago, we acquired Becker Radio (now Harman/Becker) to help us develop the dashboard navigation and media systems that are now the major part of our business. Trying to drum emotional intelligence into someone with no aptitude for it is an exercise in futility. She came to appreciate that I had cared enough to tell her what I thought was best, even if what I said hurt at the time. Every point increase in EQ(emotional quotient) is equivalent to $1,300 in annual salary. I know the expectations of our employees. It begins with a belief that people with autism can be taught to value relationships, to seek out interactions that are not merely transactional (I will deal with you because there is something I want from you) but where the whole point is to enjoy the shared experience. Only 3% leave home. Our emotional intelligence programmes are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management. I grew up in a very traditional Chinese family. That heightened sense of need for security led some of his followers to perform dangerous, antisocial activities in their desire to protect and defend their ashram and Rajneesh himself. When books on emotional intelligence were first translated into Japanese, people said, We already know that. In the same way, emotional intelligence develops through a combination of biological endowment and training. I went into the meeting with only a rough notion of how we should proceed. Cult leaders also make it difficult for people to leave. I have the most comprehensive range of on-line courses based on emotional intelligence in business - not only on Udemy but anywhere on the internet. My kids are part of my 360-degree feedback. The best example is Nissans Carlos Ghosn. If youre incredibly smart, you can cover for an absence of emotional intelligence until things get tough for the business. These findings make the case profoundly that one gets only so far on IQ. Nobody would know what you were going to do next, which would be quite destabilizing for the organization. The good news is that emotional intelligence can be learned and improved at any age. Cult leaders dont do anything mysterious; they just know how to package themselves and their promises well and how to target responsive audiences. Researchers have used performance tests to measure peoples accuracy at identifying and understanding emotionsfor example, asking them to identify the emotions conveyed by a face or which among several situations is most likely to bring about happiness. In 1975, my wife dragged me, kicking and screaming, to a weekend course in Transcendental Meditation. When she returned, the dog was at deaths door and had to be put to sleep. But where does emotional intelligence come from? In the past, neuropsychologists were mostly concerned with cognitive impairment. Humer told me and my colleague Gareth Jones that he developed the skill while working as a tour guide in his mid-twenties. But with RDI, which uses cognitive exercises and activities to motivate the children to learn specific behaviors rather than social scripts, I think we can create the neurological traffic to establish those pathways. However, when they finally reach the leaders chair, they can be very destructive because they havent focused on the hard work of personal development. Their responses varied, but some common themes emerged: the importance of consciouslyand conscientiouslyhoning ones skills, the double-edged nature of self-awareness, and the danger of letting any one emotional intelligence skill dominate. These popular definitions have been accompanied by exaggerated claims about the importance of emotional intelligence. Of all a leaders competencies, emotional and otherwise, self-awareness is the most important. Once followers own the ideas, its difficult for them to extricate themselves from the leaders message. They think, I could never be good at this, so why bother? The central issue isnt a lack of ability to change; its the lack of motivation to change. Self-awareness is not a trait you are born with but a capacity you develop throughout your lifetime. The course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour's training. Richard Nixon thought he might transform himself through his own years in the wilderness, and he did make progress. Nonautistic people begin to have these kinds of relationships early in life; at about ten months, most babies start developing the capacity for social referencing, the appreciation that my actions should take into account your emotions. Among adults with Aspergers syndrome (a form of autism marked by average or above-average IQ), fewer than 12% hold jobs. I have meditated 20 minutes, twice a day, ever since. Authentic leadership begins with self-awareness, or knowing yourself deeply. They are using their emotional intelligence to grasp what people want, only to pander to those desires in order to gain authority and influence. If these skills are developed disproportionately, they can interfere with your relationships. Theyre very good at influencing, or, to be more precise, manipulating, followers. Indeed, this emphasis on environment is one of the hallmarks that differentiates emotional intelligence from cognitive intelligence, or IQ. Emotional intelligence is powerfulwhich is precisely why it can be dangerous. Friends said, Board the dog, though behind my friends back, they ridiculed that option. Old-school conductors liked to hold the lead in their hands at all times. Is there value in scales that, based on popular conceptions, measure qualities like optimism and self-confidence but label them emotional intelligence? Id say you have to look for those with a genuine, instinctive interest in other peoples experiences and mental worlds. You need some degree of emotional intelligence to be an effective leader, but you do see some one-hit wonders out therepeople who have limited emotional intelligence but can still excite a particular group. You can develop this skill through jobs in which youre exposed to a wide range of people and have a motive for watching their reactions. My articles and papers on resilience have been published in international books and journals. Linda Stone ( is the former vice president of corporate and industry initiatives at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington. I do not. People can develop their emotional intelligence if they really want to. The support they need is someone to talk to as they practice how to handle different situations, what to do when theyve blown it, and how to learn from those setbacks. My courses go beyond the fundamental basics of emotional intelligence covering many aspects of how it can be applied in day to day work to lead, grow and develop people in ways that build authentic relationships. Additional, specific study methodologies and assessment techniques are shared so that you can build upon this, if you are interested in taking this further. Im trying to encourage them to play as one, which is a different thing. Ive learned to rely on calmer people around me to give me those raised eyebrows that say, Lower the passion a little bit, and people will listen more. When Im making my arguments, I have to really prepare and try to beand this is very difficult for mefactual and dispassionate. Today, our sales are approaching $3 billion, and our stock price is at an all-time high. Certainly these personality traits are important in business, so measuring and (sometimes) enhancing them can be useful. Whereas cognitive intelligence is fixed by about the age of ten, emotional intelligence increases with age. The problem is that they were promoted because they were outstanding individual performers, and being a solo achiever doesnt teach you the skills necessary to understand other peoples concerns. I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this. Like Duke, many people with high emotional intelligence and charismatic authority arent interested in asking the deeper questions, because they get so much emotional gain from the adoring crowd. If people with autism can learn emotional intelligence, anyone can. The guidance they need is a specific developmental plan that uses naturally occurring workplace encounters as the laboratory for learning. In fact, too much self-awareness can reduce self-esteem, which is often a crucial component of great leadership. We wouldnt be here if we hadnt taken the radical steps conceived in that meeting. But many managers jump to the conclusion that their complement of emotional intelligence is predetermined. I'm a registered practitioner with the British Psychological Society and sit on the NW committee of the Association for Business Psychology. I have been self-studying EQ - Emotional Intelligence and any related matters of this field. Its primal hunger for authority. Franklin Delano Roosevelt provides an even more graphic example: In his early adult years, FDR seemed carefree and condescending. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Leading People. The art of sustained leadership is getting others to produce superior work, and high IQ alone is insufficient to that task. Then followers can fall into what I call uncritical obedience, never questioning the leaders claims. Sometimes the only difference is their intent. Part genetic predisposition, part life experience, and part old-fashioned training, emotional intelligence emerges in varying degrees from one leader to the next, and managers apply it with varying skill. Emotional intelligence is necessary for leadership but not sufficient. Not all people succeed, then, in achieving self-awareness and self-control. Eighteen leaders and scholars explore how to manage emotional intelligence. It starts with the relationships our 4.5 million independent sales reps have with their customers and goes right up through senior management to my office. A person high in emotional intelligence may be realistic rather than optimistic and insecure rather than confident. He and Yale psychology professor Peter Salovey are credited with first defining the concept of emotional intelligence in the early 1990s. The course contains a series of Lightbulb Moments resource cards, which have been created to provide you with handy reminders of key points around topics covered within the course. What we have been told since the time of the Greeks is that every leader must try to control his own passions before he can hope to command the passions of others. But he could never fully control his demons, and they eventually brought him down. Within this leadership course, you will discover how the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) can be used in leadership. Just look at the treatments for alcoholism, drug addiction, and weight loss: They all require the desire to change. Thank you Robin for this wonderful class. My approach to teaching emotional intelligence skills to children with autism, which I call relationship development intervention (RDI), takes a different tack. Self-awareness, self-control, empathy, humility, and other such emotional intelligence traits are particularly important in Asia. The job was part ombudsperson, part new-initiatives developer, part pattern recognizer, and part rapid-response person. To do this, they rely on a keen ability to perceive others vulnerabilities and longingsto know what people want. How do you identify the naturally gifted? William George is the former chairman and CEO of Medtronic, a medical technology company in Minneapolis. Theyre satisfying their own hungers and vulnerabilities: their need to be liked; their need for power and control; or their need to be needed, to feel important, which renders them vulnerable to grandiosity. Im guiding the performance, but Im aware that theyre executing it. Without it, you cant identify the impact you have on others. This course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding how work tomore effectively with others as a leader. People with autism do learn the scripts, and some even blend in. But recent research makes it clear that these characteristics are distinct from emotional intelligence as it is scientifically defined. Feedback is always welcome. Janja Lalich ( is an assistant professor of sociology at California State University, Chico, and an expert on cults. Balance is essential. Self-awareness is the key emotional intelligence skill behind good leadership. Its their sinews, their heartstrings. For example, a leader may exaggerate his own importance. But where does emotional intelligence come from, and how do leaders learn to use it? The course, also, covers emotional intelligence coaching and how to manage and resolve situations where conflict arises. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. In my case, overdoing empathy took a physical toll. In absorbing everyones complaints, perhaps to the extreme, I had compromised my health. In May 2000, Steve Ballmer charged me with rebuilding Microsofts industry relationships, a position that I sometimes referred to as chief listening officer. One way a cult leader manipulates is by exploiting followers eagerness to be part of something bigger than themselves. I hope you enjoy working to develop your resilience and your emotional intelligence and I look forward to working with you. Their responses differed dramatically, but there were some common themes: the importance of consciouslyand conscientiouslyhoning ones skills, the double-edged nature of self-awareness, and the danger of letting any one emotional intelligence skill dominate. The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant. To mask their inadequacies, these leaders tend to close themselves off, cultivating an image or persona rather than opening up to others.