Give an example of a fixed action pattern. Agenda Setting: WHAT issues to think about, Political Communication and Political Science. Give an example of each test. The leader is at the core of group change and activity, representing the backbone of the group or organization. The selection of a restricted number of thematically related attributes for inclusion on the media agenda where particular object or issue is discussed, Thematic frames- places a public issue in a general/ societal context, Episodic frames- issues in terms of individual differences or specific events. These include. Which region of the brain controls our breathing and heartbeat? Is punishment an effective tool of learning? What is mass? Died because its heartbeat became irregular. a. Armend is certain that electric cars will represent so percent of vehicles in 20 years and only reads research studies that support his hypothesis. Assumption: the media influences audiences, sometimes resulting in changes in opinions and behaviors. History of Effects in Political Communication, transfer of salience from media to public, -effects on the criteria individuals use when evaluating political figures or policies, "take some aspects from perceived reality, make more salient in text, promote particular problem, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation for the item described", What is missing from the "classic narrative", -attention to broad patterns of socio-technical change and background conditions, Social Stratification: division in media exposure based on levels of general interest in politics, -basic validity problem: exposure is less random, -traditional effects likely still occur (agenda/priming) BUT we should focus on new kinds of media affects, Implications in Political Communication: Polarization, -reinforcement of existing views that make democratic deliberation particularly difficult, Implications in Political Communication: Knowlege Gaps, -information haves and have not/misconceptions, Implications in Political Communication: Mistrust, cynicism of younger from democratic processes, -evidence for mixed effects has been mixed, but, most scholars agree strong effects can be observed for "some people, some of the time", Understanding Psychology, Student Edition. a. Pons. d. a prisoner engages in a hunger strike to improve their cell conditions. Content analysis of coverage and placement on print, There was a significant correlation between media coverages and what people perceived to be important issues, media coverage and placement makes the issues more accessible in one's memory, Media not only determines what to think about, but how to think about an issue, person, event. Framing er det man gr i udvlgelsen eller ignorering er bestemte dele/fakta, der knytter sig til et emne. people avoiding hearing any opposing views; only searching out things that share their own view and ignoring the others, support that media effects are still relevant in the digital age, many of the issues that are discussed on the Internet are first raised in the mass media --this is certainly true when it comes to the largest events such as elections, war, natural disasters, economic crisis. Media determines what we are thinking about, Media affects criteria by which political leaders are judged. Maslow's hierarchy of needs would have difficulty explaining why a. a person in a war zone is not interested in being self-actualized. Should young children be treated as little adults? a. c. mood swings. McCombs and Shaw 1972, "changes in the standards that people use to make political evaluations" Ways to judge political figures based on important issues (Iyengar & Kinder, 1987), "based on assumption that how an issue is characterized by news reports can have an influence on how it is understood by audiences" ( Scheuefule & Tewksbury) How an issue is portrayed to audiences that influence their attitude or opinion about the issue, Way journalist present stories to reduce complexity and increase efficiency for audience, how people use info to form impressions of an issue. Det blev frst et emne, som folk snakkede om i 1984, da medierne begyndte at stte fokus p det. Agenda-setting i relation til direct-effects theory (Charpel Hill Study). What does the agenda seetting process look like? material news frames make people think about immigration policy when considering how they feel about hispanics, less likely to attribute blame to government, more likely to hold government accountable, understand problem and potential solutions, people with opposite beliefs from those mediums, Who is less susceptible to agenda setting effects, who is less susceptible to priming effects, who is less susceptible to framing effects, Arlene Lacombe, Kathryn Dumper, Rose Spielman, William Jenkins. Why or why not? Priming says a news article prepares audiences to think about important issues by making certain aspects of the issue salient, Premise: the exact same information presented in different ways can impact audiences' choices and evaluations. c. Binocular cues. TRUE/FALSE: Seeking out opportunities to practice public speaking can improve confidence and reduce communication apprehension. b. Generalization. d. Spontaneous recovery. those with the middle level of political awareness-- they have enough political knowledge to receive and understand the messages they receive but not enough to provide a counter argument (more likely to accept what they receive from the media); the relationship between political awareness and persuadability looks like an upside-down U, when people are undecided about an issue, it makes more sense to suggest that they are ____________ an opinion rather than __________________ it, difference between selling a candidate and selling a product, 1. most people are usually more emotionally engaged when they think about politics; when someone tries to convince them about politics, they are more likely to resist, Understanding Psychology, Student Edition. Content analysis of coverage and placement on print, ~Hidden messages that speak to our subconscious, ~Information are stored in memory as networks of nodes (schema), ~Media not only determines what to think about, but how to think about an issue, person, event. Then you will develop an overview for a marketing campaign, which may consist of online, print, and other methods of reaching potential customers. ). Det betyder, at medierne er med til at afgre, hvad der optager befolkningen. Big, overview frame. a. rooting reflex b. maturation c. democratic/ authoritative families d. telegraphic speech e. schemas f. object permanence g. egocentric h. socialization i. sublimation j. developmental psychology. Big, overview frame. the media determines the importance placed upon particular issues, media determines the importance placed on particular issues, Causal direction is hard to establish, but shows, link between news coverage and importance, where it happens, total time/space dedicated, duration of coverage, control over flow of news information by media professionals, agenda setting process is ongoing competition among issue proponents to gain attention of media, public, and policy elites, how the media agenda influences public agenda, how the media agenda and the public agenda influence public policy, media agenda, public agenda, policy agenda setting, priming: coverage can emphasize or call attention, news cover some matters and not others, Frames are seen as patterns of interpretation through which people classify information in order to handle it efficiently, refers to media's influence on issue salience, Refers to media's influence on perceptions of issues, word choices, sources used, and views expressed shape how viewers perceive issues, evaluates only the salience of attributes of an object, What does second level agenda setting focus on, things that can help an individual make a judgement, Example of Second level (attribute) agenda setting and example of Framing, Attribute: the candidate was a general who served in the war, broader range of cognitive processes (morals, principles, reasoning), a person's frame of reference shapes their perceptions and judgments, framing researchers study audience interpretations of news, Examines how news professionals or elites construct frames, Examines effects of news frames on audience, What are the effects researched in frame setting research, How audiences define the issue, attributions of cause, perceived societal implications, beliefs on how best to resolve the issue. What technologies were important to the Civil Right Movement in 1960s ? It's critical that all brands invest in influencer marketing software to find the best influencers to match their brand values. Leadership is viewed as: a statement about the ideals that we hold dear as a society. a. For begge begreber handler det om at f modtager til at fokusere p et aspekt, for at f modtageren til at lgge vagt p netop dette aspekt. b. Corpus callosum. c. Choosing a biased sample. endocrine system A. system that regulates the body's vital functions B. the outer layer of the brain C. basic building blocks of heredity D. chemicals that transmit messages in the nervous systems E. system that transmits messages between the central nervous system and all other parts of the body F. system of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream G. the junction between an axon terminal and a dendrite H. a scan that observes the brain at work I. resembling an intricate or complex net J. the forebrain with two hemispheres, what does the sociologist stanley cohen suggest in his book Folk Devils and Moral Panics ( 1973 ), Traditional Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing (Control vs. b. Liza underestimates how much time it will take her to finish writing her college application essays and as a result fails to meet an important deadline. The effects are also unnoticed because, unless people are told to pay attention, they really don't think they are reacting to the fact that this serious social issue was presented as a personal story, are more interested/knowledgeable or less interested/knowledgeable people more likely to be influenced by agenda-setting effects, non-partisans and people with less education (also people with a lack of political knowledge and commitment) are more likely to be affected/susceptible to framing effects, are more interested/knowledgeable or less interested/knowledgeable people more likely to be influenced by priming effects, those who are more interested and intensely follow the media (have a high level or involvement, heavy news viewers) are more likely to be affected/susceptible to priming effects, are more interested/knowledgeable or less interested/knowledgeable people more likely to be influenced by framing effects, potential impact that new media technologies might have on media effects, the new media provides citizens with much easier and greater access to alternative perspectives/frames or agendas--there will always be some frames and issues that dominate media discourse but there is good reason to believe that those who wish to challenge these frames and agendas will find it easier to do so; the audience is becoming increasingly fragmented (there are many times of difference audiences absorbing different types of content) and this may change if there is a unified agenda or frame; also selective exposure can be a big problem, when someone develops or changes their opinion about something, they go through 3 states: receive, accept, sample, 1. the first step in anyone being influenced is that they have to be exposed to some type of persuasive message (they receive it), how Zaller's third stage of RAS sounds like priming, in priming we talk about how people change their standards or criteria for evaluating candidates because of a change in the media agenda, and Zaller talks about changing considerations. The ability of a leader to influence other human beings in such way as to produce a particular behavior. A(n)__________ is a person who is outgoing and lively. Who came up with the theory of agenda setting? What are the basic units of mass? After a period of time, the principal replaces the music with a bell to signal the end of class. Not everything people "learn" from the media is accurate; Cultivation theory: heavy viewers of television come to believe that what is shown provides a mirror to reality, their minds are "cultivated" by watching to much that a distorted view of reality can grow. Descriptive statistics _____, while inferential statistics _____. We don't know if it. the most important effects of the news media on citizens tend to be unintentional and unnoticed, the ability of the media to set people's political priorities; the ability of the media to influence which topics people will think about in a given time and place; when the news media put certain topics on the top of their agenda, these issues also then rise to the top of the public's agenda; "the news media may not tell us what to think, but they do tell us what to think about", goes one step further than agenda setting by saying that because the media can influence what to think about, they also have an effect on what types of considerations we use when thinking about particular political candidates and issues; the reason is that when we think about certain topics rather than others, it changes how we evaluate candidates, issues, and leaders; "changes in the standards people use in making political evaluations", an interpretive theme used by political activists to promote their case and by journalists to tell a coherent story, why agenda setting effects are most important when unnoticed and unintentional, the effects are unintentional because when journalists decide what is newsworthy, they are unlikely to think about how much this will influence people's political priorities; these effects are unnoticed because most members of the audience are nave and take for granted the idea that if the news are making a big deal about something, it must be important, why priming effects are most important when unnoticed and unintentional, people do not realize that they begin associating issues/topics with certain things when they watch the media -- such as associating crime with African Americans, why framing effects are most important when unnoticed and unintentional, the effects are unintentional because the reporters who construct episodic stories probably did not think about how it would affect people (or they intended to help victims); if viewers came to the conclusion that the poor are responsible for their situation, there is really no reason for the government to do something. b. Perceptual constancy. Step 1: Which news sources do the audiences rely on? introverts A. ideas and images of the accumulated experiences of all human beings B. the consistency between one's self-concept and one's experience C. methods used by the ego to avoid anxiety D. people who tend to be active and self-expressive and gain energy from interacting with others E. people who tend to be imaginative and look inward for ideas and energy F. the patterns of feelings, motives, and behavior that set people apart from one another G. the use of self-deception to justify unacceptable behaviors or ideas H. a view of oneself as an individual I. the process by which people learn socially desirable behaviors J. an aspect of personality that is considered to be reasonably stable, Match the term below with its correct definition. Problemer/emner skal vre dkket af medierne fr de bliver offentlige problemer, derfor er definition af "issue" - et socialt konfliktfyldt problem, der dkkes af medier. What behaviors would you expect of someone at each stage? The first question that Postman encouraged people to ask about a new technology was: Relationships through which businesses market their products to end users. c. Experts predicting world events with 80 percent confidence turned out to be correct less than 40 percent of the time. What are some of the differences between the types? d. determine if data can be generalized to other populations; summarize data. And assumption for these theories? c. Became less aggressive. Giv en psykologisk redegrelse af agenda-setting, Agenda er nr emner rangordnes efter vigtighed p et givent tidspunkt. Focus on social context and historical development, Use loss frames to make people aware of the risks Use gain frame to get people to take action, Hidden messages that speak to our subconscious, Public Concern and Interest of Subliminal Messages, Implicit memory of a stimulus affects processing of another stimulus, similar mode or form. Today you might call it the. Agenda-setting er nr medierne vlger at give et emne srlig opmrksomhed. ~Situate incidents within social and historical context. large trucks can be ___________ times longer than passenger cars, Complete the sentence using each term once. Priming: news content suggests the salience of certain parts of an issue, which impacts the standards by which audiences make judgments about that issue. b. lack of conscience. What is the most significant factor when considering the likelihood that an adolescent will become a sexual offender. What are the 4 steps to framing theory research? Where did Standard English originate from? Which of the following is an example of hindsight bias? c. Parietal lobe. e. Choosing a sample whose answers will likely support your hypothesis. Big, overview frame. What questions to ask when analyzing examples of priming? Thomson described his model of the atom like plum pudding. Why are fixed action patterns unable to explain motivation adequately, Match the term with its correct definition. Brinker refers to Finny and Leper as the casualties. Strong correlation between the emphasis that mass media places on issues and the important attributed to these issues by mass audiences. c. are measures of central tendency; are measures of variance. e. Medulla. e. Operant conditioning. Hungersnden i Etopien havde eksisteret i lang tid, fr der kom opmrksomhed p det (siden 1980). How is Agenda setting similiar to the cultivation theory and spiral of silence? Choosing a representative sample. For example: seeing a strawberry makes you more likely to think of other fruits. a. personality b. contingencies of reinforcement c. trait d. defense mechanism e. inferiority complex f. self-actualization g. positive regard h. conditions of worth i. extravert j. introvert. What instrument is used to measure mass? Your employer has asked you to determine based on the demographics of your community how to reach and influence the maximum number of community members. Small narrow, focus on individual stories, emotional appeal, Situate incidents within social and historical context. -Terminology lacks clarity and there is significant overlap between agenda setting, priming, and framing. agenda-setting only relates to the correlation between the media agenda and the public agenda; Priming takes the process further and asks about the consequences of the changing public agenda: how does putting an emphasis on a particular issue affect how we evaluate candidates or decide our position on certain issues? You have been hired to develop a new marketing campaign for a business in your community. "The press may not be successful much of the, developed the agenda setting theory in the 1960's, Media's concern with issues, organizations, and political candidates, etc in the news leads to, 1. Goes along with how certain events give some political actors advantages and other actors disadvantages; the reason is that such events provide convincing "evidence" that one frame makes more sense than the other, not usually; when people form opinions about issues, they are usually exposed to more than one frame; when frames are contested, citizens will often hear about both frames within the same news report, anybody who cares about an issue already has an opinion, and therefore there is ___________ that they will simply accept a different frame being offered by the media, present stories as individual events without putting what happened into a more general perspective, provide some type of broader context and link an event to something more general, how episodic v. thematic framing leads to perceptions, when the media use an episodic frame, people are likely to only focus on that event; when the media use a thematic frame, people are likely to generate an opinion on a bigger scale, such as on the government or society, poverty is rarely covered in the news, but when it was covered it was more likely to be using an episodic frame that only talked about a specific incident; people who viewed this more likely believe the poor are responsible for their actions rather than it being the government/society's fault, most people who make an effort to follow the news on a regular basis tend to be __________________ to accept competing frames offered by the press, less likely; because they have formed political opinions about political issues already, one type of framing that works on everyone, when there is only one dominant, uncontested frame that is used by all media reports; this is especially likely to occur when framing national enemies; here the power of the frame lies in the fact that it is invisible: when everyone assumes something is true, very few notice when news stories employ that frame, 2 factors that can limit the ability of the news media to set the pubic agenda, 1. the elite-- if political leaders have interest in something, they can automatically move it up on the media agenda and then up the public agenda; most topics that are on the media agenda are initiated by the political leadership, issues with which people have personal experience, issues which people have no personal experience; these are he issues that only become a priority when it is emphasized in the news media; people depend on the media to tell us when these become important issues, how agenda-setting can be important during election campaigns, the news media help decide which candidates are electable and which aren't, and this means that certain candidates are either on or off the public agenda; the news media base their level of coverage on what is happening in the political world, but once the media has responded and decided that someone is no longer a viable candidate, it is the end of most campaigns, difference between agenda-setting and priming. Hvor meget opmrksomhed, tid og "spalteplads", medierne burger p et bestemt emne. Choose the letter of the correct term or concept below to complete the sentence. -Conservation. Contributions), T or F- The Beatles, The Who, and The Rolling Stones were all rock groups apart of the British punk movement of the 1970s, online communication can be a resource that can be leveraged by people who struggle and online communication compensates for the deficiencies in these people's lives (audience access, ability to locate others with similar interests, editibility and asynchronicity). Not what to think but what to think about. d. Choosing a sample that includes every member of the population. If we think about an issue. b. Which is a risk to presenting yourself differently online than offline. Social media and traditional media are most alike in which regard? a. monogamy b. polyandry c. polygyny d. exogamy e. endogamy f. homogamy g. patrilineal h. blended family i. dual-employed marriage j. boomerang kids. What is/are used to assign numerical values to professional attributes on a FitRep. What are the results and implications? Hvad kunne et eksempel p agenda-setting vre? the extend to which people are interested and follow politics; is closely related to the level of political knowledge, Who is most likely to be influenced by the media (based on political awareness). Gain/loss: 90 percent effective/10 percent ineffective. Lost its ability to coordinate movement. Journalism-style storytelling on behalf of a company/client to earn and keep an audience's attention. Which of the following is most important when conducting survey research? Define and give an example of each of the cognitive milestones listed below: -Object permanence. Through representation, media highlight certain attribute of an issue, person, event, frame that resonate with existing audience. Four rhetorical cues that influence whether or not the media agenda affects the public agenda? How do we study agenda setting theory? 1. -Theory of mind. e. a teenager with many fiends works to earn the respect of his elders. What do we call the illusion of movement that results from two or more stationary, adjacent lights blinking on and off in quick succession? Describe the ways in which consumers and businesses use social media for their buying decisions. List Kubler-Ross's five stages of psychological adjustment to death. e. Dr. Grace overestimates how effectively her new treatment method works because she fails to seek out any evidence refuting her theory. Choose the letter of the correct term or concept below to complete the sentence. the more prominent the issue, the more in becomes in consciousness so issue will influence people's assessment of politicians, Media defines the meaning of political issues - media decides how to cover it, Media has intention to agenda set ,prime, frame, Media doesn't have intention to agenda set prime, frame, cognitive process is interwoven strings of info, Media coverage of an issue means it will be more salient because more accessible, issue will be among most accessible and thus used as criteria in political decisions, Individuals issue priorities reflect media attention, changes the way we think and act because media emphasizes particular aspects, We attribute responsibility for events to individuals or society, EX. What are Agenda Setting, Framing Theory and Priming? d. Retinal disparity. a. Med agenda-setting ser man i stedet p de kognitive effekter: hvordan forstr de medierne. What are the two basic types of personality tests? Promising employees are required to undergo various training programs that focus on the skills required to become an effective manager in their respective fields in the future. What is on the media agenda influences what is on the "top of people's heads" and this in turn influences which considerations they use to evaluate candidates, how much people are influenced to change their political attitudes or behavior as a result of being exposed to content from different types of media, looks at how much people learn from the media, types of effects that are prominent in the field of communications, framing, agenda-setting, priming; also learning and persuasion, people feel better about a ______________ than a __________________, how does framing make a difference about how people make choices, the way the choice is presented provides advantage to one possibility and disadvantages to another. In the United States, the leading cause of death among people aged 16 to 24 is. Mass media influence the salience (noticeable, Media not only determines what to think about, but how to, frame that resonate with existing audience, Frame news as individual incidents. b. the fundamental attribution error. Does exposure cause aggression or does aggression cause exposure to violence media? d. social psychology. a. Phi phenomenon. He says this because Finny is now an invalid and can not play sports, and because the war drove Leper crazy to the point of no return. Hidden messages that speak to our subconscious, Maybe not subliminal processing, but priming, Implicit memory of a stimulus affects processing, Information are stored in memory as networks of nodes, Most studies test short-term effects. What characteristic of globalization is responsible for the redefinition of intercultural communication? How are Agenda Setting and Priming similar? the Antagonist progression is the most important part to a story? Hvad er forkskellen p agenda-setting, priming og framing? Persuasion (overtalelse) kan defineres som en pvirkning af andre personers holdninger eller adfrd. When considering the Developmental Stages of Spelling, Suzie uses--. what forces influence what gets reported? a. indicate the significance of the data; summarize the data. People frequently blame internal dispositions for others' behavior according to a. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. Through representation, media highlight certain attribute of an issue, person, event, ~Frame that resonate with existing audience. Hvor vigtigt vurderes et problem/emne at vre, At skelne mellem medier, offentlig og politisk dagorden. Knytter sig til politik og er en mde, hvorp man kan evaluere politikkerne afhngig af, hvilket emne medierne fokuserer p. Blumler offered several suggestions as to the kinds of audience activity in which consumers could engage. Teorien om framing-effekter bygger p "expectancy value modellen". d. unexplained physical symptoms. Det handler alts om, at en afsender forsger at pvirke en modtagers holdning eller adfrd ved at prsentere argumenter, der skal overbevise modtageren om, at virkeligheden ser anderledes ud, end modtageren troede. Using the concept of victim discounting, explain why lower-class criminals are usually punished more severely than white-collar criminals for the same crime. This is called development. oBoth involve selection (by the media) and salience (in the audience). The mass media have the ability to transfer the salience of issues on their news agenda to the public agenda. Step 1: Which news sources do the audiences rely on? News content suggests the salience (importance) of certain parts of an issue, which impacts the standards by which audiences make judgments about that issue, Both involve selection (by the media) and salience (in the audience). Acquisition. d. Allyan, after rending a definition on one of her flashcards, turns the card over to see the term and then tells herself she knew what the answer was all along. A positive relationship between exposure to violence in media and aggressive behavior in children has been noted.