It may be necessary to distinguish between different dive computers used to upload dive logs to Subsurface. When exporting data from spreadsheet software, the field separator needs to be specified in order to create the CSV file. JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to display the table of contents. Note that this information is saved in raw text form, not encoded in any way. This dive has photographs or videos taken immediately before or immediately after the dive. Below is a dive plan for a pSCR dive. dev/ttyUSB3) and with write permission to the USB port, the dive computer interface can connect and you should be able to import dives. Display invalid dives: Dives can be marked as invalid (when a user wishes to hide dives that he/she doesnt consider valid dives, e.g. Show tools for recording wave height, surge and chill during a dive. Be careful when clicking on a thumbnail. Drag the waypoints to represent an accurate time duration for the dive. Double check the .CSV file by opening it with a text editor, and then import the dive data as explained on the section Importing CSV dives. Lets say you wish to see how many dives you performed each year. (see image B, above). If the dive profiles are printed, what gas partial pressure information should be shown? If this does not work, select the Clear button, then scan again for Bluetooth devices using the Scan button. In the section headed Subsurface cloud storage, enter an email address that Subsurface can use for user registration. Like the Subsurface dive log, the planner screen is divided into several sections (see image below). This means if some fields have been edited for a particular dive among the selected dives, these are not changed while editing the dives simultaneously. This is a common export format used by closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) dive equipment and many software packages that handle dive computer data and/or dive logs. A comma-separated file (.csv) can be used to import dive information either as dive profiles (as in the case of the APD Inspiration and Evolution closed circuit rebreathers) or as dive metadata (in case the user keeps dive data in a spreadsheet). As in the planner, a setpoint value of zero shows the diver is breathing from an open circuit system while any non-zero value shows the use of a closed circuit rebreather (CCR). This shows only the dive sites that have been described for Genova, assuming that the word "Genova" forms part of the dive site name or description. the dive company that was used, the general weather and surface conditions during the trip, etc.). However, for others, e.g. Provide a set name, click the OK button and the set is now permanently saved as part of the overall dive log. The central range in B includes the colors from black to light green, when the inert gas pressure of a tissue compartment is higher than the equilibrium pressure but less than the ambient pressure. This is done by editing the dive notes or the equipment for any one of the selected dives. Wait for 24 hours and check again for an email with a PIN. Image A below shows quarterly count data of dives while image B shows quarterly count data, subdivided by dive mode (some dives open circuit, other dives rebreather). Below is a (rather small) example of the output for one particular page. Last step to do is save the log file in Subsurface. Font for lists and tables: Specify the font type and font size of the tabular data, e.g. The tool can be closed using the Close button at the top left. Which variable should be along the horizontal axis? This option exports the information presented in the Profile Panel. Be sure Bluetooth is enabled on the Subsurface computer. Another variable that Subsurface exports is print_options. There are two combo-boxes associated with the Location constraint. It gives extensive statistics about depth, gas and ceiling characteristics of the particular dive. This allows easy selection of the dives within a particular geographical area to inspect them or to calculate statistics for them. The calculation takes the oxygen drop across the mouthpiece of the rebreather into account. Check any warning and error messages in the console or in the graphical window: some may be relevant as support for Galileo family of dive computers is still a work in progress. Even though the .GPX standard requires dive tracks in UTC time, most GPS devices can show the local time. Now select Download in the Download from dive computer dialog which should still be open. The divelog is kept in a SQLite database at C:\ProgramData\AtomicsAquatics\Cobalt-Logbook\Cobalt.db. For many divecomputer this means downloading a cable specific driver (these tend to be for example FTDI, Silicon Labs, or Prolific drivers). GPS position: use decimal degrees, e.g. UDDF is a generic format that enables communication among many dive computers and computer programs. The matching parts of the paths are emphasized. The text version of the dive plan is appended to the Notes in the Notes Tab. Subsurface can capture this information, using dive details from a wide range of dive computers. visibility and current. You can create a template, export a new template, import an existing template and delete an existing template by using the appropriate buttons under the Template dropdown list in the print dialog. For more information on configuring a CSV import, see Importing data in CSV format. Subsurface can be launched from the command-line to set some specialized settings or as part of an script-based automated process for manipulating a dive log. Show any changes in gas cylinder used by indicating gas changes as explained in the section hand-creating a dive profile. Closing the Filter Panel activates the Map Panel, allowing viewing the map locations of the filtered dive list. One of the nice side benefits of using Subsurface cloud storage is that you can also access your dive data from any web browser. This is the default setting in Subsurface. Having selected the local folder or Internet image to be imported, the time synchronization dialog appears (see image below). A text box opens to provide a name for this set. In this case the variable along the bottom horizontal axis would be "Year". The column with no star indicates dives for which a Rating has not been selected. This creates a zipped file DiveOrganizerxxxxx.dbf. The dark green area at the bottom of the graph represents the pressures of inert gas in each of the 16 tissue compartments, following the Bhlmann algorithm, with fast tissues on the left hand side. Copy the coordinates of the active dive to the clipboard in decimal degrees e.g. Normally, when a dive plan has been saved, it is accessible from the Dive List, like any other dive log. Subsurface simply synchronizes the data with the cloud server the next time the program is used while the computer is connected to the Internet. The default dive depth is 15 m. If the dive depth was 20 m then you need to drag the appropriate waypoints downward to 20 m. To add a waypoint, double-click on any line segment. If a name is found, it is automatically inserted into the tags box. These settings control the screen display of Subsurface. (See image of the Clod Preference panel here). The variable along the horizontal axis is also called the "base variable", the "X-axis variable" or the "independent variable": it defines the basic units or categories used for analysis. For instance, when counts of number of dives are extracted for years, this could be in increments of a year, a quarter (3 month period) or a month. This means dive tables overestimate the nitrogen load incurred during previous dives. For some variables, e.g. A line containing this new constraint is added to the filter panel with a dropdown list of days that are selectable. Click the Ok button at the bottom of the import panel. : The indicated gradient factors are NOT the gradient factors in use by the dive computer, but those used by Subsurface to calculate deco obligations during the dive. However, no oxygen setpoints are specified for pSCR dives. Since recorded during different dive trips might have the same filename, the names of the parent folders are likewise compared. Do this by selecting (from the Main Menu) Log Renumber. If that copy is saved with the same start time as the original, the two dives are considered two versions of the same dive and do not influence other each during decompression calculation (see next section). by adding a dive, the remote copy in the Dropbox server in the Cloud will be automatically updated whenever Internet access is available. This makes it possible for divers to share dive sites and sites can be created before any of them are dived. Graph B indicates the situation after a descent to 30 meters. Typically this would apply to a case where a user wishes to delete workshop calibration dives of the dive computer or dives of extremely short duration. Now only the selected subset of points is shown on the graph. This information can be controlled and changed by right-clicking on the header bar of the Dive List, bringing up a list of columns that can be shown in the dive list (see above). There is continuous effort within the _Subsurface development team to add new dive computer models to those that can be downloaded from and to represent cylinder pressures correctly. This can be used in flow layout templates only (when data-numberofdives = 0). Then, different setpoints can be specified for dive segments in the Dive planner points table. This is useful if the labels for different bars are long, preventing them being displayed with vertical bar charts. To solve these problems, launch Subsurface with a --user= command-line option. Inspecting each individual dive in order to determine whether there are associated media can be time consuming. Please discuss issues with this program by sending an email to our mailing list and report bugs at our bugtracker. The list box (Titled Dive sites on same coordinates") at the bottom of the dive site panel contains the names of other dives sites used at the current location. This brings us to the end of the section dealing with Subsurface Preferences. This opens a file selection dialog. When connecting a dive computer by using a USB connector, usually, For dive computers communicating through Bluetooth like the Heinrichs Weikamp Frog or the Shearwater Predator, Petrel and Nerd there is a different procedure to get the devices name to communicate with, The Uwatec Galileo dive computers use infra red (IrDA) communication between the dive computer and Subsurface. Zoom out. Media taken in rapid succession during a dive (therefore sometimes with large overlap on the dive profile) can easily be accessed in the Media tab. Towards the top of the dialog is a time setting tool immediately under the heading Shift times of image(s) by, in the image below. If media are loaded from the Internet, Subsurface assumes there is an Internet connection each time this item is viewed within Subsurface. To move an additional waypoint, drag it. The cylinder change is then shown on the dive profile with a cylinder symbol. This is because Subsurfaces calculations describe the deco obligation at each moment during a dive, while dive computers usually take the upcoming ascent into account. Useful information here includes the surface interval before the dive, the maximum and mean depths of the dive, the gas volume consumed, the surface air consumption (SAC) and the number of oxygen toxicity units (OTU) incurred. Select the appropriate dives by dragging your mouse across the scattergraph (see image above) and restrict the data by activating the "Restrict to selection" button. In the Dive List, highlight the dive plan as well as the data for the real dive and merge the two dives, making use of the Dive List Context Menu (available by right-clicking a dive). Water temperature is shown as a blue line with temperature values placed adjacent to significant changes. Preferences for information shown in the Dive List are saved and used when Subsurface is re-opened. This completes the first two steps above. When possible, this information is presented in the Extra Data tab. Realistic values range from 3 to 5, reflecting the gas use of two divers sharing a single gas cylinder after an OoG situation. Available gases: In the Available gases table, enter the cylinder information for the diluent cylinder and for any bail-out cylinders. If not, consult Appendix A. The history only keeps track of the total number of dives and total amount of time spent below surface. Current: Provide a qualitative rating of water current strength during the dive on a 5-point scale by clicking the appropriate star. This is a file with filename extension of either .xml or .ssrf. Video thumbnails: In generating thumbnails for videos associated with dives, Subsurface needs to have the appropriate information (see section on View Images). This is important, for instance, when Subsurface needs to communicate with web services such as Cloud storage, or when you want to communicate through a proxy. Enter any other contextual information about the dive site (Description and Notes), then select Done to save the geolocation for this dive site. helium and oxygen content). Creating meaningful statistics that convey the information you are looking for is surprisingly hard. Refer to Appendix C for more information. From the dropdown list at the bottom right select OSTCTools Files (.dive .DIVE). The profile can also include the dive computer reported ceiling (more precisely, the deepest deco stop that the dive computer calculated for each particular moment in time) as a red overlay on the dive profile. Deco ceiling: The deco ceiling calculated by Subsurface is not very accurate because the precise pressure of nitrogen in the loop can usually not be determined from the dive log imported from the CCR equipment. The saved dive plan will appear in the Dive List panel of Subsurface. when a positive setpoint is specified) but this is calculated for bail out ascents. When a dive is manually added to a logbook, Subsurface presents a default dive profile that needs to be modified to best represent the dive described: Modifying the dive profile: When the cursor is moved around the dive profile, its position is shown by two right-angled red lines as seen below. When mounted as a USB drive UDDF files are available in LOGBOOK directory. Single-click a thumbnail in the Media panel to select a photo/video. In the Dive List, select the dive to be edited and specify a name for the dive site using the Locality field in the Notes panel. The pressures in all the tissue compartments are still at the surface equilibrium pressure because no diving has taken place. This step should only be needed once for initial setup. Define the amount of gas the cylinder must have at the end of the bottom section of the dive just before ascent. The latest list of supported dive computers can be found at: Supported dive computers. The Dive List is an important tool for manipulating a dive log. The colored icon to the right of the Start and end times in the above panel shows the degree of synchronization between dive computer and GPS device. On Mac and Linux, make sure the ffmpeg command is in the path. For BTLE devices the address often starts with "LE". Remember for some dive computers progress information could be inaccurate since Subsurface doesnt know how much downloadable data there are until the download is complete. If you have a USB dongle that came with your dive computer, try that before any others. After searching, the dive computer should be listed (perhaps as one of a number of Bluetooth devices) in the main list box on the left-hand side of the dialog (see image above). A 1:10 ratio is commonly used. Alternatively, if you select the Personalize radio button, units can be selected independently, with some in the metric system and others in imperial. Therefore, when planning a dive, the color is a representation of the breathing gas density. Ascent rates at deeper levels are often in the range of 8-12 m/min, while ascent rates near the surface are often in the range of 4-9 m/min. Unit system: only one unit system should be used (no mix of imperial and metric units). Select Edit name. It does not include the dive profile. Clearing the connection buttons requires that when the next download is done, a new connection needs to be established first. b) Which variable should be displayed along the bottom horizontal axis of the graph? Important actions on dives or trips, described above, can be undone or redone. Has my SAC rate decreased over the years? Please note that some of the variables like notes need to be extended with |safe to support HTML tags: Otherwise tags like br would not be converted to line breaks. However, the user additionally needs to load a driver for the IrDA interface with the dive computer. The Import Import from option should be selected from the Main Menu. Examples are Year, Buddy, Rating, Max. Importing dive information from is simple, using a single dialog box. A user who is not absolutely sure about any of the above requirements should not use this feature. Specifying a filter set (as above) can take some time and experimentation, and we may wish to save this set for later use. If a photo is therefore more recent than its original thumbnail, checking this checkbox allows a new thumbnail to be created after a photo or video has been edited. She said Jan - Apr is the best time. The pSCR metabolic rate is your rate of oxygen metabolism in liters/min (commonly between 0.5 and 2.5). DiveManager is a Windows application for Suunto dive computers. With this information, importing the data into Subsurface is straightforward. These data therefore differ from the raw dive information imported from a dive computer. IMMIGRATION AND THE SELECTION OF NATIVES ACROSS LOCATIONS - Javier Ortega Gregory Verdugo - OFCE, Supplemental Guide: Pathology - Pathology Supplemental Guide - acgme, Ballsbridge College of Further Education Prospectus 2021-22 - Business Criminology Marketing Social Studies Community Development Property. Some dive computers disable this drop-down as they use other means to find and connect to the device. Question: I cannot download all my dives, only the most recent ones, even though my dive computers manual states that it records history of e.g. Make sure that the GPS date and the dive date are the same. Buddy or Rating, a binning value is not relevant and cannot be selected. Subsurface provides a largely operating system independent Bluetooth interface. Different methods are used to represent these two types of variables, evident from the way in which the axes are organized. Notepad (Windows) or TextWrangler (Mac). The HTML export cannot be changed or edited. If the Discard changes button is clicked, the newly entered dive data are erased from the computer memory, although the dive profile is retained. After preview, you can change the options in the print dialog, so the layout fits personal taste. 2) The Colors tab (image B above) allows editing the colors used for printing the dive log. CSV files can be used in many contexts for importing data into a Subsurface dive log. 4.Ensure Subsurface is paired with the Bluetooth-enabled dive computer. When checking these boxes, the user is prompted to select a folder where the information will be saved. If asked for a password, enter 0000. Below is a two-cylinder dive, starting off with EAN28, then changing cylinders to EAN50 after 26 minutes for decompression. In this case the CCR equipment maintains the low setpoint and overrides the OC or pSCR conditions. The position of the Information Box is saved and used again during subsequent dive analyses. Subsurface gets the exact time the photograph was taken, using the metadata the camera stores within each photo and compares this with the time visible on the photo. Select the appropriate device name (or mount point) in the dropdown list at the top of the configuration panel and select the appropriate dive computer model from the panel on the left-hand (see image below). Clicking that button inserts a new site entitled "New dive site" into the list (image below). Inside the zipped directory is a file DiveOrganizer.sdf. Each line contains the information for a single instant in time during the dive, 30 seconds after that of the previous instant. Graph A indicates the start of a dive with the diver at the surface. The dive information shown is only the contents of the recorded dive logs, NOT the calculated values shown in the Profile panel, including some cylinder pressures, deco ceilings and O2/He/N2 partial pressures. This is a compressed version of the dive log using a proprietary format. On the bottom right panel of the dive planner, under Dive Plan Details, the details of the dive plan are provided. The procedure below is virtually identical for hand-entered dives and for dives downloaded from a dive computer. c) Gas management: With open-circuit dives this is a primary consideration. If these are not evident and the numbers are aligned in columns, the file is probably TAB-delimited (i.e. After taking these actions Subsurface should see the dive computer.