It doesn't stand out which is what I wanted, but if you notice it at all it's got a nice, clean modern look. This is not valid if the company or one of its legal representatives or vicarious agents is guilty of intention or gross negligence or if the company guaranteed a condition of the service or if the company is liable in accordance with the regulations of the Product Liability Act or for damages due to injuries to life, body and health. It was super easy to hang and set up. Les vendeurs, fabricants ou clients qui ont achet ce produit peuvent rpondre votre question. I ordered my lamp at 11.45 on Thursday morning and it arrived the next afternoon, delivered by FedEx, with the facility to track my parcel. xX PTW(rc*Mb(%16 5%(1! The lights are terrific and I would not hesitate to recommend them. The customer must, in individual cases, establish an adequate period of grace before he can claim damages if the company is late with a delivery. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. xcd|dP/r$%c WXo0MkZ:$PQn/K?Xw0&e8
pu#Fwb;vle`c`Qan T b6 I've bought a second one. % Here is a sample of feedback from our customers, click here (opens in new tab) to see all of our 4.7 G o o g l e customer reviews! I have to carry my 15 year old mini poodle out to potty as he is going blind and cant go down the stairs anymore. This LUTEC APP is designed for LUTEC SECURYLIGHT camera systems with LED lights. 10.3 The company reserves the right to resolve the deficiency or to make a replacement delivery assumed that a deficiency exists for which the company is responsible. Respecter lenvironnement et la valeur humaine dans chacune des entreprises du groupe. Love it. Agrments de fournitures compltesDAHER, SAFRAN, LIEBHERR AEROSPACE,, AGILITEAM by JINPAOZ.I Pyrne Aropole65290 LOUEYTL : +33 (0) 5 62 45 63 80, LUTEC (Bordeaux)ADB (Tarbes)SPEM AERO (Tarbes). Il y a 0 commentaire et 1 valuation venant de France, Vos articles vus rcemment et vos recommandations en vedette. Les avis sont galement analyss pour vrifier leur fiabilit. This also applies to verbal orders. The claim for damages is limited to the difference between purchase price and the value of the deficient matter. Faire de la rindustrialisation de nos territoires une priorit RSE. 2.1 The following terms and conditions are valid for all sale, delivery and service operations of the company. Only the general terms and conditions of ADV PAX Lutec GmbH are valid. 3.2 When ordering the product, the customer makes a binding declaration that he wants to purchase a product. 13.3 The company establishes a liability claim against the customer if the product is used or transferred for the purpose of an illegal commercial usage. 5.2 Timely completion of the contractual obligations of the customer is the basis for adhering to the delivery period. Vous pouvez publier votre question directement ou la modifier par la suite. An explicit rejection is not required. 10.2 Objection to identifiable deficiencies must be claimed in writing within five working days after receipt of the goods. I have had this light for about two months now and I am very happy with its features. Si vous ntes pas satisfait d'un produit que vous avez command auprs d' ou si celui-ci est dfectueux ou endommag, vous pouvez nous le retourner sous 30 jours suivant la date de livraison, et nous vous rembourserons ou remplacerons l'intgralit de l'article. 6.1 Delivery is made against pre-payments. 2.4 The used objects of the company as for example punching moulds, embossing moulds, printing plates, films etc. 3.6 The customer is responsible for ambiguities in the orders. LUTEC 3 Packs Led Plafonniers Encastrs 7.7w Spotlight APP Contrle Dimmable Et Changement De Couleur Projecteur Intrieur, Downlights quivalent Pour Salon Chambre Cuisine, La fonction de contrle APP, 2700K-6500K, 522LM-588LM, RVB peut fournir une varit de lumire de couleur, qui peut tre facilement commute par LUTEC APP. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. Otherwise, the legal statue of limitations applies. The device has become more and more unreliable and difficult to control. 5.3 The delivery period is also met if the product leaves the factory/the warehouse or the listed shipping station on the agreed date or if the shipping availability has been reported to the customer but the product could not be sent in time without fault of the company. After feedback, we turned camera off for a couple of hours and replaced the memory card with a new one and it works perfectly. Pour calculer le nombre global dtoiles et la ventilation en pourcentage par toile, nous n'utilisons pas une simple moyenne. D-72581 Dettingen / Erms. 7.3 The customer must neither pledge the product nor assign it as a security. Construit en alliage d'aluminium moul sous pression paissi avec traitement antirouille, sans tache et sans rouille. 5.1 A delivery ex-factory or ex-warehouse is automatically agreed assuming that the order acknowledgment does not state otherwise. are property of ADV PAX Lutec GmbH, even when they are charged separately and they will not be delivered. En savoir plus sur le nettoyage des ampoules. Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2020. These terms and conditions are applicable for each individual order even if these terms and conditions have not been explicitly agreed to assuming the lessee/customer has a continuous business relationship with the company. Pour plus dinformations, veuillez consulter notre page, Comment fonctionnent les avis et les valuations des clients, Good Lamps but See This For Programming Mode, Comment au Royaume-Uni le 3 juillet 2021. Respectant lenvironnement et la valeur humaine dans chacune des entreprises du groupe. The short period of limitation is not valid for cases covered by 11.1. However, the customer does not have the right to alternative payment terms. The acceptance can be made in writing or by delivery of the product to the customer. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. 9.2 Small quality, quantity, color or design deviations do not represent deficiencies. I have this on a tree in my yard for extra security. 3.6 Employees of the company do not have the authority to enter into agreements or to make promises that deviate from these general terms and conditions. I highly recommend this light. 7.4 The customer is obligated to inform the company about the access of third parties to the products that are under retention of title as well as about all damages or demolition of the products. PLEASE NOTE you need the hyphen in the web address as there is a similar named company with a similar address, but no hyphen. You can still see all customer reviews for the product. Les tiers utilisent des cookies dans le but d'afficher et de mesurer des publicits personnalises, gnrer des informations sur l'audience, et dvelopper et amliorer des produits. When press playback message says find failed, did not find corresponding file. This is also valid if the circumstances occur with the supplier of the company or its sub-suppliers. Executing officers and third parties must be made aware of the assets of the company. The light also activates at a different time to the recording which is also pointless. This assumes the following: 10.1 The shipment must be checked for transport damages immediately after receipt and the shipping company must be informed immediately about possible transport damages and these must be documented (as a complaint). AGILITEAM, acteur local denvergure internationale, nous runissons et associons des savoir-faire franais pointus, au service de lexcellence industrielle de nos clients. O7ti}}Mvv
WW>k[\aE~;mL. Subscribe to our mailing list now! 16.3 The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Bad Urach or Tbingen. 6.5 The customer has offset rights only if his counter claims have been legally established or are recognized by us. Why they failed to put adequate detail in the instructions supplied with the lamps is beyond me!
Une quipe multiculturelle, aux savoir-faire pointus et spcialiss, au service de lexcellence industrielle de nos clients. Even that was inadequate and eventually an email exchange with their customer service team resulted in an email with the key information. Chaque plafonnier encastr est quip d'une bote de jonction de scurit pour empcher le contact direct avec les fils lectriques, rendant l'installation plus sre. The payment will be repaid immediately. Nous utilisons galement ces cookies pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services (par exemple, en mesurant les visites sur le site) afin que nous puissions apporter des amliorations. The liability exclusion is also not applicable if the company violated an important contract obligation. 3.4 The company does not accept risk of acquisition. <>stream Contradicting conditions by the lessee or the customer are invalid. Excess or short deliveries by up to 10% cannot be objected to and they are therefore viewed as approved. This period must at least be two weeks. Vue informations sur le recyclage pour d'ampoules. And as for the 'notifications' we'll let's say they aren't very swift to say the least even on the same WiFi, let alone on 4G or 5G. 1996-2022, Inc. ou ses affilis, aux Prfrences pour les publicits sur Amazon, Cliquez-ici pour vous assurer de la compatibilit, Voir les 100 premiers en Luminaires et clairage, en savoir plus sur les Retours et remboursements, en savoir plus sur les retours Marketplace, En savoir plus sur le fonctionnement des avis clients sur Amazon, Traduire tous les commentaires en franais, Afficher ou modifier votre historique de navigation, Recyclage (y compris les quipements lectriques et lectroniques), Annonces bases sur vos centres dintrt, Information indisponible sur les pices dtaches. Contractual changes, addenda and side agreements must be confirmed in writing by the company. Have reset device but still the same. In case of sentence 3, the liability is limited to those damages that were foreseeable for the company as possible consequences of a contract violation based on the circumstance known at contract closing. The customer must inform the company immediately about the change of ownership of the product as well as about a residence change. The delivery period starts after verification of all details and the execution of the order and the receipt of all documents and other information to be provided by the customer, which are required for the completion of the order, and after receipt of an appropriate pre-payment or down payment. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Excellent customer service and would definitely recommend this company. 8.2 The transfer of risk to the customer takes place with the announcement of the readiness for shipping if the shipment is delayed due to events that are not the responsibility of the company. The delay is only valid after a written reminder has been received by the company, even if a time in accordance with the calendar has been determined for the service or if a time can be calculated based on a previous event. It is bright and makes using my dark side door possible. The restrictions listed above are applicable accordingly; these cases are covered by the legal statue of limitations. 10.5 The warranty period is one year after delivery of the goods, except if the contract subject is a building or a matter that is normally used for a building and which has caused the deficiency of the building. The customer must inform the company immediately about seizures, confiscations or other decrees by third parties and he must provide all information and documents required to retain the rights of the company. Recording set to sensor record. Adherence to minimum order values is required for certain product groups; otherwise a fee for a small order has to be charged. The delivery period is extended by at least the duration of such measures and obstacles. :+49(0)7123/38007-0 Innover pour soutenir notre avantage technologique et privilgier notre proximit gographique par loptimisation continue et un investissement dynamique soutenu. I'm now going to replace with a more controllable and reliable competitor. 7.1 The company retains ownership rights to the product until the purchase price, as well as all other receivables of the company against the customer, have been completely paid, including those that are due in the future. Nouveaux downlights LED de 7,7 W, pas besoin de changer l'ampoule, trs faible consommation d'nergie et ne chauffent pas, ce qui est plus sr et beaucoup plus efficace que les downlights halognes. The company will immediately acknowledge receipt of this order to the customer. 10.4 The customer does not have a right to claim for damages if the customer canceled the contract after a failed supplementary delivery due to a title or material defect. Fax:+49(0)7123/38007-50, Vogelsangstr. The customer will immediately be informed about the non-availability of the service. Other payment terms can be established.
The transfer of risk takes place with the announcement of the readiness for shipping if an individual contract includes the pick-up by the customer.
Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. Veuillez ressayer.
customs duties). Most importantly, they charge well during the day and function well at light. 2.5 Belated changes of the customers reasons, also the standstill of the machines will be charged. persons who complete a legal transaction for a purpose that can be associated with their commercial or self-employed professional activity. Once you have connected the app with your device, you can watch the images and videos taken by the camera on your phone or any suitable device and includes two-way voice communication. 16.2 The regulations of CISG (United Nation Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods or UN purchase law) are not applicable. Haven't had it long enough to hand out a 5-star review, but it's plenty bright and went together without issue. p>, Tel. 10.6 The customer does not receive guarantees in a legal sense. I purchased a light from your company in August this year which was supposed to come with bulbs but they were not with it, I e-mailed your company and these were quickly dispatched to me. 8.1 For ex-factory deliveries or for shipped sales, the risk of loss of the goods or the risk of deterioration of the goods is transferred to the customer with the transfer of the product to the freight forwarder, carrier or other transportation person, including our own. Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez saisi une question valable. I would thoroughly recommend The Lighting Company and won't hesitate to use them again myself. 10.7 Improper or incorrect use, natural wear, inadequate warehousing and careless handling as well as especially incorrect subsequent improvements by the customer or third parties will result in a lapse of the warranty claims - assumed that the company is not responsible for these circumstances. The ineffective clause will be replaced by the legal regulation. Otherwise, assertion of the warranty claim is not accepted. Our friendly showroom team are always happy to help you pick the right lights for your home and support you however we can. 4.4 In case of a cross-border shipment, the customer may be responsible for paying additional charges such as taxes (e.g. 5.8 The scope of delivery is only determined by the written order acknowledgment of the company or by the acknowledging order in cases where the order acknowledgment was not established. 4.3 The customer is responsible for insuring the product. Slectionnez la section dans laquelle vous souhaitez faire votre recherche. See who visited your home whenever at anytime from anywhere. 13.1 The company will retain ownership to all documents, especially cost estimates, drafts and drawings. 4.5 A special shipping cost fee applies to the delivery of single products or samples.
You set the preferences in the app and it changes them to something different when you next go in to it. Payment will always be allocated to the oldest outstanding debt. Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires qui sont ncessaires pour vous permettre d'effectuer des achats, pour amliorer vos expriences d'achat et fournir nos services, comme dtaill dans notre Avis sur les cookies. 5.7 Partial deliveries are permitted within the delivery time established by us, assuming that no disadvantages result from partial deliveries. AGILITEAM est a votre coute! Acceptance of the order is reserved with the acknowledgment of the receipt of the order. t? LUTEC offre une prestation globale dusinage de prcision et ralisation de pices complexes dans les domaines de haute technologie. <>]/Intent/Perceptual/Subtype/Image/Height 40/Filter/FlateDecode/Type/XObject/Width 40/SMask 1 0 R/Length 2600/BitsPerComponent 8>>stream I recently bought a floor lamp from The Lighting Company and have to say that the customer service I received was nothing short of brilliant. It worked as soon as it was installed. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez saisi une donne valide. Trouvez des rponses dans les informations sur le produit, les questions/rponses et les avis. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Every smart device seems to have a slightly different exact sequence to get it into programming mode. The respective amounts will be listed separately. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Reliable light, nice looking and motion detection works well, Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2020. 34 Be the first to receive exclusive promotions, updates and product announcements. Bridge End House, Low Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 4DF. Had a lutec camera for around 2 years now and it's useless. These may only be used when using the product. endobj Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2022,, Inc. or its affiliates. The cable between the solar collector and the light is quite long, which works great for me to grab that shy winter sun! We can't find products matching the selection. The right to prove and request higher default interest damages is reserved. This is not applicable if the contract violation was caused maliciously. Cliquez sur Personnaliser les cookies pour refuser ces cookies, faire des choix plus dtaills ou en savoir plus. Votre demande a rencontr un problme. 11.1. LUTEC Sunshine 500 Lumen 5000K Solar Motion Sensor Light Outdoor LUTEC Sunshine 500 Lumen 5000K Solar Motion Sensor Light Outdoor Acrylic Panel Solar Flood Lights Outdoor 500LM 7.5 Watt Waterproof Outdoor Security Lighting, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region and age The developer provided this information and may update it over time. If a right of retention exists, then this can only be executed with counterclaims for the same contract. Warranty claims of the customer assume that he has fulfilled his investigation and reproved obligations in an orderly manner. bG%+*.C:hP'47;ggff;nycIGoeKvuMzq^^xh#MN-\_\ /^VVeSXZ>23 RnhbE AD A$q B),(8ydy&O.YYwO?9:Uaa5KetKMk{ohndekiea5j>U[SSTTt?iM2w"Zpv9;@R&;%$~_/cW9GGfffj ocCH$B9rF"SO$|#N(3Gt]r7f
#;;KWqT%TUW[J!ed4r9MLb76((7?2R4llWrr,_srj?_Mvw7m;T7m*\+d%{DU-,"CBMM=igJKKcEEEaah0>stptl[kyXsIoGV*HI;a=sUUu+%c 6.6 If the financial circumstances of the customer are worse after the contract agreement and if it has an impact on the payment, ADV PAX Lutec GmbH can request a prepayment. The customer is responsible for the additional cost of a supplementary delivery if the cost was generated because the product was shipped to a different location than the agreed place of delivery. 7.2 The customer is obligated to handle the products with care; the customer is liable for reductions in value or loss even if the reduced value or the loss are not his fault. 6.3 During default, the customer must pay interest in the amount of 8 percentage points above the current basic interest rate. Really like the new update too. Oral agreements are not binding. 4.1 The prices listed in the proposals are valid until a new proposal list has been published. Nous vous promettons une garantie de 2 ans, si vous rencontrez des problmes lors de l'utilisation, n'hsitez pas nous contacter en cas de problme concernant notre plafonnier encastr, nous ferons de notre mieux pour le rsoudre dans les 24 heures. Brochures, documents provided by the customers, sketches and lists of requirements are non-binding assuming they were not explicitly agreed upon as part of the contract. 1 0 obj "FDDdzN=Sw}35gQVWJ 5UTkRsHg 5.6 Damage claims from the customer due to late deliveries are excluded, except if the delay is based on intention or gross negligence. The customer will be automatically in default if payment is delayed. In these cases, the legal warranty period is applicable. Excellent lamps once you get them working and connected. Contactez nous! JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. endstream 2.2 Deviating, contradicting or supplementary general terms and conditions will not become part of the contract, even if they are already known, except if they have explicitly been accepted in writing. Fdrer pour mieux travailler ensemble. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The decline of the service right of the company is waived if the payment is being made or if a security for it is provided. Toutes les photos de produits, photos de nos collaborateurs et photos de notre production ou de notre btiment sont protges par le droit dauteur! %PDF-1.7 This lump sum fee increases accordingly in the case of cash-on-delivery shipments. Aprs avoir consult un produit, regardez ici pour revenir simplement sur les pages qui vous intressent. Nos prix incluent l'co-participation sur tous les produits concerns.
During my contact with The Lighting Company, I found Caroline to be extremely helpful when the bulbs for my lamp were omitted from the package. All the additional charges, such as postal charges, shipping, packaging, etc., will be invoiced separately and must be paid by the customer. If you have any problem, please feel free to contact us:, Independent of the possibility of claiming a higher actual damage, the company can request 10% of the sale price if the customer makes an unjustified cancellation or if the company cancels a received order due to circumstances that the customer is responsible for (especially due to delay of payment). 9.3 Information about the qualification, usage or processing of the product do not relieve the customer of his obligation to perform his own tests and trials. Spots LED Encastr 8W (quivalent 60W) Couleur RGB Changement Variation Color RGBW IP44 Blanc froid 5700K Rond Dimmable Encastrables par Tlcommande (lot de 4), Spots LED Encastr 8W (quivalent 60W) Couleur RGB Changement Variation Color RGBW IP44 Blanc Chaud 2700K RondDimmable Encastrables par Tlcommande (lot de 4), Spot encastr LED WIFI, spot plafond LED WiFi 5W RGBWW dimmable, downlight LED encastr rond 230V pour salon, chambre, compatible avec APP, Alexa, Google home, Jayool LED Spots Encastrables Rond 5W, Luminaires Encastrs Plafonnier, 3 Pouces Couleur Changeante avec Tlcommande et Minutage, Blanc Chaud (2700K), Lot de 4, Spot LED Encastrable RGB Couleur Luminosit Rglable 700 Lumens avec Tlcommande pour Salon Salle de Bain Cuisine Exposition Couloir (lot de 4), spot led encastrable /SUMGLED/ 5W WiFi LED Spots Encastrables, Dimmable RGBCW 2700K-6500K, Compatible Alexa,Google Home, clairage plafond encastr pour exposition,salon,cuisine, ktv,bars, Spot LED Encastrable Extra Plat 230V 5W Set de 6, Encastr Lampe Plafonnier, Spot LED 3000/4000/6000K, Spot de Plafond IP54 pour Salle de Bain Salon Cuisine Chambre Coucher, Depuley Plafonnier Suspension Mtal Noir, Lustre Salle Manger Fer Forg, Hauteur de Cble Rglable, 3 Ampoules E27 NON Fournies, pour Restaurant, Salon, Chambre et Escalier[Classe nergtique A++], OUKANING Ventilateur de plafond avec clairage et tlcommande 42 pouces avec lumire 3 couleurs vives - Plafonnier LED - Ailes pliables - Plafonnier moderne (marron), Lumires de Garage LED, Exmate lampe de Magasin Dformable 60W E27 6000lm, Plafonnier de Garage LED avec 3 Panneaux Rglables pour Garage, Atelier, Grange, Entreptt. 1 Exclusive validity of the general terms and conditions. SPEM AERO est spcialise dans le traitement de surface mtallique et la peinture industrielle tels que phosphatation, zingage, marquage jet d'encre, thermolaquage et laquage des mtaux, etc. 2.3 The terms and conditions are only valid for entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as customer), i.e. 11.2 Damage claims of the customer due to deficiencies fall under the statute of limitations in accordance with 10.5 of the goods, other claims in accordance with 14. The lighting is perfect and even though the light wasnt fully charged, it worked anyway. 5.4 The delivery period is extended adequately in case of force majeure as well as in cases of industrial disputes; especially strikes and lockouts as well as the occurrence of unforeseen obstacles, which are outside the control of the company, assuming that such obstacles had a verifiable and significant impact on the delivery of the item.