When the fence pleases, most folks will buy more fenceand need additional output. Cancel. Solar units require more maintenance such as: Keeping the panel free of dust, debris, snow and ice. 10 Basic Electric Fencing Parts and Components Needed To Set Up a How do you join electric fence polywires and tapes?
We only use the top courier and freight movers in Australia to ensure that your fully tracked electric fence order arrives as safely and quickly as possible. Best to keep them out of sight. If you order now, we will ship it to you as quickly as possible after it arrives. For some reason solar units are attractive to thieves and vandals. Learn More . Most farmstore units are too weak to stop more than a horse or dairy cowand often not even then if the fence happens to experience high weed contact. Theyre larger in physical size (and heavier) than. Plug-in units cost less because they dont need a battery and energizers that only run off a battery dont have the more expensive solar panel to recharge the battery. Weve compiled a list of common energizer questions to help you choose the right unit for your situation. FREE Ground Delivery on qualified items for orders over $100. Watch our How-to Videos or download Instructions/Chartsforassistance. We recommend using a 2 amp battery tender when recharging the spare battery to prevent overcharging. Tip: If the fence is located away from the energizer, use insulated wire (ideally buried underground), which can maintain voltage across longer distances. If you are using a content blocker, check to see that you have not globally turned off Javascript. A good rule of thumb is to buy a larger fence energizer than youll think you need. As a general recommendation, an angle of 50 is optimal for the longest use in most areas of the continental USA. Solar units are very portable and quick to set up, operable in minutes.
Correct placement of the energizer and solar panel is critical to the best operation of the unit. (Especially in the northern USA.) (Not covered by warranty.). More output also equals less hassle from weeds and ornery livestock. Limitations on output also limit the length of weed-laden fence that can be properly energized. Unsubscribe at any time, Monday-Thursday: 7:30 am 4:00 pmFriday: 7:30 am 2:00 pmSaturday: 9:00 am 2:00 pmSunday: By appointment only, Copyright 2022 Big Red Fencing | All Rights Reserved | ABN: 34 636 420 169, Showroom: 15C 24 Dexter St Moorooka QLD 4105, Electric Fence How To's, Tips and Tutorials, Solar Powered Electric Fence Energisers, Mains Powered Electric Fence Energisers, Battery Powered Electric Fence Energisers, Mains or Battery Powered Electric Fence Energisers, Electric Fence Insulators For Star Pickets and Steel Post, Electric Fence Insulators For Wooden Posts, Electric Fence Testers and Fault Finders, Electric Fence Connectors, Joiners, Bolts and Buckles, Electric Fence Gateways and Gate Handle Kits, Electric Fence Flashers Alerts and Alarms, Electric Fence For Pigs Goat & Sheep, Electric Fence How Tos, Tips and Tutorials, Electric Fence Instruction booklets and manuals, Battery Powered Electric Fence Energisers, Mains or Battery Powered Electric Fence Energisers, Electric Fence Connectors, Joiners, Bolts and Buckles. The advantage of solar is well known: When the sun shines, the solar panel recharges the battery which eliminates the hassle of carrying the battery to and from a recharger. Electric Fence Laws and Regulations for Australia. Keep up on all of the latest news and industry trends. Since it is common for cloudy weather to last a week the battery must be large enough to supply the energizer for several days. Users like the plug-and-play simplicity of solar unitsjust place it on the ground next to the fence, drive in a ground rod and attach the leads. The suns position above the horizon will change from season to season.
View guide , On qualified items for online orders over $100. Home> Electric Fencing> Electric Fencing Kits> Solar Kits. The item you have selected () could not be found. In most cases, a 0.60 joule unit will cover most needs (3-5 rolls of net).
No buried lead-out wires or underground cables are required. Solar IntelliShock fence energizers feature an external charging port which allows the unit to be operated without a battery and plugged directly into a 110V power source. Theyre more expensive per joule of outputagain because of the battery, solar panel and larger case. Do NOT use an extension cord as it may cause a decrease in voltage and expose the power adapter to the elements. Position the energizer so that the solar panel faces due south. When using a solar fence energizer in the winter, many find keeping an extra 12V battery on hand to be an effective strategy to maintain voltage on the fence during the low sunlight months. As a result, Premier strongly advises against allowing toddlers access to any electrified fences. Determine the correct tilt angle for the solar panel. You also obtain these benefits: Due to risk of fire, do NOT use continuous output fence chargers with electric netting or electro-plastic conductors such as rope, twine or tape. Or call us at 800-282-6631. Our folks are used to helping in a soft, no-pressure way and have used many of the units we sell on their own farms.
Your browser has turned off or is blocking Javascript. Also, due to this incident and others, experts now suggest that human contact by an energized wire to the head and neck may be the most dangerous point of contact. Big Red Fencing offer wide a range of electric fence kits to suit most animals and situations. Premiers load sensing solar units provide enough power for all types of livestock, including sheep, goats, poultry and wildlife or for fences that experience heavy weed contact. Do you know the item # of the product you want to order? Over time, batteries will drain their energy, even when not being used. And they cost less per joule of output than from any other source. (Fi-Shock brand energizers which are sold as low-impedance, continuous current output should NOT be used with electric netting.) Regularly remove all debris from the solar panel. Design your own system using our DIY solar panels and accessories. Note: In the northern USA from November until February, there may not be enough hours of sunlight to fully recharge the battery. The energizer was a UL approved unit.
Periodic recharging of the battery while in storage prevents them losing too much energy, thereby extending their lifespan. Use only with a low- or wide-impedance intermittent pulse energizer. A DC battery. In 1991 an accidental fatality occurred when a young childs head contacted an electrified fence while the child was crawling on wet grass. The item you have selected () is back-ordered and will not be shipped with the rest of your order. Continue Join the mailing list to recieve discounts and sale info as well as promo codes and product updates. Learn more , MondayFriday: 7am5:30pm CT (JanuaryDecember), Solar IntelliShock 60 with Digital Tester, do NOT use continuous output fence chargers. Place the energizer near an outlet and where the 110V power adapter will be protected from inclement weather. However, the ability of the solar panel to recharge the battery can be maximized by making angle adjustments each season as shown in the illustrations below. We urge all to especially avoid this kind of contact. If you don't have access to the mains, and don't want to lug heavy batteries in for charging, this could be the right solution for you. Your security comes first. When compared to our competitors, Premiers solar energizers have a much higher pulse outputranging from 0.30 to 2.0 joules. The fence was correctly installed and functioning properly. Keeping the panel fully exposed to the sununshaded by trees, grass, fence posts or buildings. or The kits include everything you need to get you started. They all have oneeven if its hidden inside a plastic case. Looking for a solar energizer not featured here? Solar Electric Fence Kits are becoming increasingly popular, due to their reliability and ease of use. Does an electric fence need to be a complete circle? Proper storage and maintenance of battery when not in use. Thats why Premiers solar fence energizers are sized to provide reserve energy for a minimum of 4 sunless days. Properly storing your solar fence energizer reduces strain on the battery. We use solid data protection software and practices All payments are through secure gateways so your info stays safe and your payment protected. You may be required to charge the battery externally. If you cant see a kit that suits your needs, please contact us to discuss a custom designed electric fence kit. Please check the item # you entered. Premiers unique energy-saving energizers automatically reduce battery drain by as much as 70% when the fence is not in contact with green weeds. All energizers sold on Premiers website use an intermittent pulse and are suitable for use with electric netting. 200 Metre Gallagher S12 Solar Electric Fence Complete Kit, HotLine Shrike Solar Kit - for a small fence - ideal for strip grazing, Hotline FireDrake 34 Solar Fencing Kit - up to 3km, HotLine FireDrake 34 Solar Fencing Kit Tall Posts - up to 3km, HotLine FireDrake 67 Solar Fencing Kit - up to 5km - this is the kit I would pick for my horse, HotLine FireDrake 67 Solar Fencing Kit Tall Posts - up to 5km, Solar Powered Poultry Net Kit- for 20m and 50m enclosures, Solar Panel to Charge 12 Volt Battery - easy to use - just clips on top, Solar Arena 2 Light Yard - a lot of light with no need for mains power, Sheep,CattleandAlpacaShearingCombsandCutters, HeinigerSheepandCattleShearsandClippers, ListerSheepandCattleShearsandClippers, EIDTagLivestockSmartReadersandDataCollectors. For even more efficiency, the panel on solar units can be adjusted to match the angle of the sun through the seasons. It depends. When you buy an energizer from Premier, you purchase more than an energizer. If you have turned it off manually in your browser, please enable it to better experience this site. No.