I was touched by how many people told me how he'd bragged about his sister the writerI just wish I'd given him more to be proud of sooner. God had chosen me to be his messenger and Markar needed to hear these words from God. Once again, God anointed his head with oil and abundantly blessed his life, and his cup runneth over.. He gave them communion and prayed with them. Griselda, Amanda, Joey, Eric and Krystal, I love you baby.As I began to reach out for the right words to express my thoughts about my brother Juan, I remembered the many valued and meaningful roles that Juan played through out his life. Lessons we learnt from you, advice we got from you, we promise to keep. Rest assured, Der Vartan is now in the presence of God and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; he is in the company of the saints and angels, and his loved ones that have gone before him, resting in Heavenly Peace. I could see that God was holding Markar in the palm of His hand and that he was destined to a higher calling. But a stroke just happened to come his way. He would often say, Laughter is the best medicine and he had plenty of funny stories to entertain us. Will Iran fight Azerbaijan if Baku seeks to invade Syunik? ******************************************************************************* FROM ATIM (COUSIN), Alison Stormworth wrote: When they go and leave you, do not make a saint out of memory. Your email address will not be published. We called him Jimmy D. He and I shared the same birthday on July 3rd. He remained a keen sportsman who loved football, baseball and boxing. Once again I thank you for sharing this and hope that you and your loved ones are doing well. And he left the hospital with something even more precious: a baby boy. You will see them on my page in different places. My brother Juan loved his God. Teach us acceptance of what we cannot understand. First, my deepest condolences for your loss; I've lost my brother just over week ago. He spoke out when it really counted; his strong principles did not allow him to let something wrong stand unchallenged. First and foremost, please accept my condolences on the passing on of your brother. Let us reaffirm our faith and hope in His glorious resurrection and comfort one another by saying: Chrisdos Haryav ee Merelotz, Orhnial eh Haroutiounen Chrisdosee(Christ has risen from the dead; Blessed is the resurrection of our Lord). See you at the dawn of that day when. He was a wonderful young man and would give (and quite often gave) the shirt off of his back to anyone who needed it. I have a vivid memory of Walter, about 13 or 14, swinging some of the younger neighborhood kids around in his arms until they squealed with laughter. My lifelong friendship with Markar was part of Gods Master Plan. Thanks again and may God bless you. But there is no other way that I want to remember him than this. The tears slowly poured down my face. In the Holy Gospel of John, Christ speaks to his disciples, and says: You have not chosen me; but I have chosen you And, indeed, I believe God had chosen Markar to be one of His good and faithful servants. Of course I cried louder than he did, as was always the case. He had a very large extended family and, without a doubt, was loved by all. He was a devoted husband / son / father / uncle / brother and friend. Thank you. Thank you for helping me write my brother's eulogy. A very poignant and touching tribute. It is painful to accept you have gone. No one can ever imagine what it means losing you. I guess he did not ask me because I did not know how to make bread or run a business. You did everything for me in this world. I found this Eulogy to be a Perfect format as a guide to use and would like to say I am glad you posted it on line for others to see and use as a guideline. However, as we remember our beloved Der Vartan on the 40th day of his passing, let us turn our fear into faith, our sorrow into joy, our loneliness into Divine companionship, and reach out to God, our Divine Comforter., St. Paul in his first Letter to the Thessalonians writes: But we would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. As I reflect upon these words, I have come to realize that these words were a message from God to Markar through me. But it didn't kill him. You are gone now but you will always be remembered. } I still do not understand what is happening. Thank you for sharing. Some photos of Oxford and its colleges, including places you can't normally visit. The exit was so abrupt: what was the urgency? Then I get a call passing the news that the stroke has won. I remember the day like it was just yesterday. Papa, Brother, Daddy I have always called you. Part 2, In Memory of Uncle Garabed: Charles Garabed Der Kasbarian. The kind the doctor gives you. It was at this point in his life that I began to see Gods Master Plan for Markar slowly, but surely, coming to fruition. I gave the eulogy for my brother. Melloydy EntertainmentNashville, TNFor booking inquiries:Email: melloydyent@yahoo.com, WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR HEALTHYOU HAVE EVERYTHING, EMBRACE YOURSELF AND FIND THE JOY WITHIN/ROCK WHAT YOU HAVE, AGING- A STATE OF MIND (THINKING YOURSELF YOUNG). You made me remember what it was like to cry. He would want me to spread this message to anyone who will read itDRUGS KILL! Memories are what we hold very firm to us. Your eulogy is beautiful and touching. I am so sorry about your loss. It was lymphoma instead. He loved his family profoundly. Markar was always proud to be an Armenian, proud to be an AYFer, proud to be a Tashnagtsagan unger, and proud to be affiliated with the community of St. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church. He would often say to me: God never gave me a brother, but if he had, I would want him to be exactly like you. As he enters his eternal rest, I am confident Der Vartan was greeted by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who said: Well done, good and faithful servant. A summer holiday in Germany's southern district. One of my earliest memories is on the front porch at our house on Poplar Street. Awake at Dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving. Kahlil Gibran [Aloha ka koa a hui ho (I love you; you are the special one). We ran away from home, always coming back in time for supper; made daring midnight escapes over the backyard fence; and played a game we invented called "Guess the Shakespeare quote". } In due course we will understand and so I will not cry because you are gone, I will smile because of the beautiful memories I have of you. , Throughout his life, Der Vartan faithfully served the communities of Whitinsville, Mass., Granite City, Ill., and North Andover, Mass. But as he described to me this baseball-sized mass, I figured it really must be a baseball. Thank you for being my brother. He was at his happiest when he was surrounded by his family - even during those inevitable tough times that life has a way of throwing at you. I still remember the night he called me, to tell me the doctors had found a lump in his chest. But a stroke just happened to come his way. I was happy to tag along, knowing any mischief we got into would be blamed on one of them. He loved everything about Hawaii, the place, the atmosphere, the air. We knew he was brave and strong as he won the first fight within the first week of his hospital stay. I must confess ,I too have used some of your words to describe my own brother who just recently passed away. Proverbs 10:7 says the memory of a good person is a blessing. I will hold onto that forever. I think life, then, was just about perfect for Walter. I want to do it because I am his only sister and best friend. Oh uncle Ndumbe, in your absence who will be my adviser, guardian and father! Markar was ordained at St. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church in Providence on July 26, 1992 by his Eminence Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian and anointed Der Vartan. By the love, grace, and mercy of God, Der Vartan realized his dreams and taught us all a valuable lesson: Never judge a book by its cover. Never judge a person by his appearance, but take the time to look into his heart and soul. All we could was hope and pray. Thank you for posting your heart felt eulogy. I fondly remember 16 Doyle Ave. in Providence and the good times we shared together with his mother Rose and sister Roxanne. I remember when I showed you my passport with a visa, you asked me if somebody has given me money, I said no, it is only you who gives me money. Walter also played the piano, his skill part inherited talent and part due to the incredible reach of those long hands. He was a true Christian. It was a no-brainer that I would write a eulogy for my brother. Der Vartan, you will always be with us forever and ever. He is looking down upon us, he is watching over us, and he is praying for us. My brother never stopped learning especially through his loving wife and children. The Netherlands, aka Holland, is at its peak in April. Adieu brother and friend. The only time I was even allowed to enter my big brother's realm was when [our young aunt] P. came to visit. He fell asleep half way through and I looked at him and I felt his pain and I knew that this would be one of the most profound moments that I would spend with my brother. God knew that you did not deserve the pain that awaited you had you stayed on. On the occasion of the 40th day of Der Vartans passing, let us once again be mindful that after every sunset, there is a new dawn; after every cold winter, there is a warm spring; after every storm, there is a calm; after every Good Friday, there is an Easter; and after every death, there is a resurrection. Markar would always say: If it was not for Uncle Mal and Uncle Jay, I would have not realized my dreams. *To protect their privacy, I've initialized the names of his loved ones. As I reflect upon the life of our beloved Der Vartan, I realize that through Gods love, grace, and mercy, Der Vartans life was not only blessed, but blessed abundantly, to the point his cup runneth over.. It is with great sadness that I write this Memorial for my brother James. I am so grateful that I was able to come spend time with him when he was at the hospital just four short months ago. Imagine all the pain he had to go through every day. He was only 40 years old: a life cut short and God had to take him away from us. I first met Der Vartan 35 years ago. And the bike eventually turned into a mini bike, and then a bigger motorcycle, and then a Trans Am, which he wrecked one day when he fell asleep while driving home after a night shift. The blow was hard and the shock was severe. He was a kind and gentle spirit. I think everyone would agree I probably deserved it. Like the patron St. Vartan he was named after, Markar proclaimed: From this faith, no one can shake us; neither angels nor men; neither sword, nor fire, nor water, nor any, nor all other horrid tortures. Vassen Hesoosee yev Vassen Hayrenyatz (for the Love of Christ and for the love of Armenia), I will prevail. Ironically, like St. Vartan, Der Vartan lost his life on the battlefield; but, like St. Vartan, Der Vartan will always be remembered for generations to come. I was getting any of that. We are saddened because of our loneliness, our fears, and our uncertainties. Today, though we stand in the presence of death and remember our beloved Der Vartan, we stand on the threshold of life: the abundant (eternal) life which our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has promised to each and every one of us. Again, I greeted the news with some skepticism. I know the pain of losing a brother so I pray you have found peace and the pain has been somewhat lifted. This really helped me. You affected people of all ages, you contributed in changing lives, you shared experiences and to me, you were an experience. It is like a dream to me and I cannot help but have a warm feeling when I think of you. We will remember you through the many people still left behind whose lives you touched so positively. He loved and embraced those around him, with those long arms and with his fearless heart. And that is perhaps the lesson of his life. He would call my sisters and I Sistah. But the pain we feel really is insane. On the occasion of the 40th day of Der Vartans passing, let us, once again, listen to the whispering tender voice of our Lord and Savior, who said: Let not your hearts be troubled. Only God knows why this happens. You may not realize it, but you leave an amazing legacy behind, four beautiful, handsome and brilliant children. I've had a hard time putting the words together for my brother's eulogy but point by point you've nailed it and now I can begin to write about my brother who has departed. Walter was a wonderful stepfather to two children, E. and L. And a great friend to his children's friends, his friends' children, anyone who shared his Peter Pan-like love of childish things. I just lost my twin brother and the honours fall on me to write his eulogy. That soulmate was Pauline Bergreen. I wanted to write a heartfelt eulogy for him and after reading yours it totally inspired me to write a personal one. After that incident on the bike, when he turned into a black and blue, blood spurting monster before my very eyes and then miraculously survived with nothing more than a few scrapes and some coveted BandAids, I decided my brother was indestructible. When hope vanishes, our faith is weakened and there is pain, sadness, suffering, and mourning, for all has vanished. Thank you, sir. As I read it, it was as if you wrote it for me for my brother who passed July 7th, 2018. And this was when it took his life away. (All my love) Malamo pono (Take good care) Ke Akua HoomaikaI Oe (God Bless You) We love you Jim! In which the dog stars in her own photo album. Amen., We are always saddened when death invades a family circle, and quite naturally so. He played beautifully, our grandmother MeeMaw, who doubled as our piano teacher, always said. Thank you for putting together such a beautiful eulogy. As years roll on and days go by, in our hearts a memory is kept of the one we love and will never forget. The Providence community should be proud that they cultivated and produced such an individual; and that individual was able to faithfully serve the Armenian Church and nation. I am the one who knows everything about him. You are a young man with a comical personality and, I feel, people will not take you seriously.. UNCLE, YOUR SUDDEN DERPARTURE HAS LEFT A VACUUM WHICH WILL BE ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO FILL.WE HOPED GOD WAS GOING TO GIVE YOU MORE TIME SO THAT YOU WATCH US GROW TO BE RESPONSIBLE ADULTS BUT WE KNOW GOD TAKES ONLY THE BEST .ONE THING I LEARNED FROM YOU WHICH IS SO REMARKABLE IS THAT I SHOULD NEVER SELL MY CONSCIENCE FOR EATHLY GOODS AND TO BE A MAN OF MY WORDS AND PRINCIPLE AND TO BE DECIPLINED.UNCLE I PROMISE THOSE WHO KNEW YOU WHEN YOU WERE ALIVE WILL ALWAYS THINK OF YOU WHEN THEY SEE THESE QUALITIES IN ME.GOOD BYE UNCLE NDUMBE UNTILL WE MEET AGAIN. Yours was beautifully written! Through the love, support, and generosity of the Armenian community of St. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church and Vartkes Markarian, the Godfather of his Ordination, Markar realized his dreams of becoming a priest. I remember the day like it was just yesterday. He then sought to go out and teach others what drugs do to people. I was instrumental in having Der Vartans first set of vestments sown (the vestments he was ordained in and later wore during his Wake and Funeral Services) and I was there when he celebrated his first Badarak in Granite City and assisted him on the altar. url = url.replace( /#/, "" ); I screamed and ran inside for my mother. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.. So we would try our best to be strong for you but I am so happy you left with Christ in you and we would continue to pray to the Lord endlessly as you told us. I admire your eulogy. window.location=permalink+"?pintix=1"; Do Armenians have a future as an independent nation? And children feelthey feel in their heart who loves them, and recognize a kindred spirit. Absolutely touching and heart felt. The pages of your book will never be closed, just as the pages of Ninfa, Jaime, Mom and Dad's pages are not closed either. The small village of Fairford, in the southern Cotswolds, has one of the few examples of pre-reformation stained glass in its village church. For this reason, he would always say: Home is where the heart is; and my heart will always be in Providence., Without a doubt, Der Vartan was one of the most compassionate, well-loved, humble, and faithful servants of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Armenian Prelacy. Peace to All. I am proud of your accomplishments and the Armenian Prelacy is proud of your accomplishments. var e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('charset','UTF-8');e.setAttribute('src','https://static.typepad.com/.shared//js/pinmarklet.js?r='+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e); Imagine all the pain he had to go through every day. As the years progressed, so did their love for one another. Where you are, you would want us to be happy. I love you so much and I know you are resting in the bosom of the Lord. No matter what I become in life, tomorrow, it is kind of worthless without you. Now I realize that my 35 year friendship with Markar was not just a coincidence, but it was one of Gods great blessings, with a divine meaning and purpose. Adversity was no stranger to Markar. Stand with Ukraine: 4 positive practical ways to help. The Cotentin Peninsula, La Hague, Bayeux, and St Lo. Walter tempted death, from the time he was a kid on a bike, inventing stunts to impress his little sister, to the many times he drove all night after working a week on a boat on the Intracoastal canal, to the times he hung sheetrock high above the streets of Minneapolis in a fifty story building. It is harder than I ever thought life could be without you. In the winter, he literally lived ON the frozen lake, ice fishing in his ice house. My brother, Juan Michineau died last Saturday 11/20/10 at 45 years old of a massive heart attack, it was instant. It was in this city that Markar became an unger, a member of the Providence ARF Kristapor Gomideh. Initially, Archbishop Ashjian was reluctant to accept his candidacy to the priesthood. He loved seeing his own children involved in sports and activities that build character. Well miss the gentle father, who cradled his babies against his hard chest while they slept, who taught his son to throw a baseball, who taught his daughter to ride a bike. Thank you for sharing your tribute note. I appreciate everything the Varadian family has done for me and my family throughout my life. The inspiring words of Psalm 23 touched his heart and soul. He could be counted on and depended on always. %PDF-1.3 Your brother sound like he was an amazing person and I know he is proud of the impact he left on the lives he touched. Teach us understanding of what we cannot change. He always lived near a body of water, from the time he was born on Poplar Street, next to the Ouachita River. Believe also in me. I will be missing you brother. Looking back, he was always a family man.Juan was a comfort for our mom and dad when they were alive. He led by example as he mentored his nephews and nieces and his own children in a way that anyone of them can say that he was an inspiration in their lives.My brother Juan was a business man who saw opportunity and made the most of it. When he was about 15, he was fishing in the bayou when he saw a man fall out of his boat. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. He was always so proud of his strength. I have to admit, there were many of us, like Archbishop Ashjian, who did not take the time to know the real Markar. Walter was the tallest in the blue uniform of Monroe Brick. Online concert to feature an exclusive performance by the Komitas Quartet, ARF of Boston to host panel discussion, Human Rights Concerns Facing Armenia and Artsakh Today, ANCA mobilizing grassroots pro-Armenian activism across the US, Armenian Genealogy Conference announces new speakers, When your back is against the wall, protect your dignity, The Armenian Bar Association calls for due process and respect for rule of law in Armenia, Armenian Community Center of Greater Detroit donates Armenian Genocide books to Novi Public Library. He faithfully served the Providence community and forged many bonds with a countless number of individuals and families. A complete one stop resource to scuttle fear in the best of all possible ways - with laughter. function callPin(permalink) { I loved the way you turned the pages of your lives together. One could say that what he touched turned to gold because he had a vision and his vision prompted him to act. My condolence to you and your Family for your loss. On the occasion of the 40th day of his passing. I am proud to say you were my uncle and I will miss you very much.