RGP for maintenance dredging/excavating in existing water bodies including debris removal from within channels (e.g. In addition, there is certain other information that will facilitate our review. (also known and hereafter referred to as The Freedom of Information Act, as amended (FOIA) (Reference (c)) and will not be made public due to the statutory protections in Reference (a). It must be signed by the property owner to be considered a formal request. The Maintenance, Operating System & Security Software Change Log is a template. OW-OWOW-2774], USCG, USACE, USEPA, USFWS, NOAA, and FHWA, EO 13807. Wetland, Stream, River and Brook crossings, RGP for development work in the City of Nome, Alaska. This document allows early review based on limited, easily obtained information so you can identify project opportunities, issues, and potential problems before investing significant time and resources. Los Angeles District Hydrology & Hydraulics (H&H) Branch Policy Memorandum #1. While each facility will be somewhat different, primarily due to location and structures involved, there are items which every manual must address. The DoD CFIUS process should, to the extent possible, be a transparent process. FWS has responsibility for sea turtles on the nesting beach and NMFS in the marine environment. The claim for annuity payments must be properly completed and signed by the person or persons authorized to receive the annuity. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) help contractors apply for a CAC or other government credential. The Requestor must submit the information below, along with a transmittal letter, for requests under the jurisdiction of the Buffalo District Army Corps of Engineers. The retired member may revoke the request to discontinue participation within the 30-day period following submission of such request to the Secretary concerned. Automated compliance scanning tool that leverages the DISA Security Technical Implementation Guidelines (STIGs) and operating system (OS) specific baselines to analyze and report on the security configuration of an information system. A Special Event Permit is required for any event or activity and must be obtained from the West Point Project Management Office at least 30 days prior to the event or activity. This ICA includes the criteria for establishing, owning, operating and maintaining wetland mitigation banks. For use for Corps General Permits including Nationwide Permits in lieu of ENG 4345. This report will list the target plant and any planned activities associated with management operations. Removal, Social Security Number, DoD ID Cards, Frequently Asked Question (FAQs), Medical, Common Access Card (CAC), Eligible. In addition, it can provide a basis for developing appropriate compensatory mitigation for impacts to vernal pools. The prospectus should be organized in the following format as described in the mitigation rule to facilitate the review of the proposed project by the IRT. If the determination is made to defer reinvestigations, individuals will be immediately enrolled into the DoD Continuous Evaluation (CE)/Continuous Vetting (CV) capabilities, as required. This EDGES covers maintenance of existing structures and new development, including subdivisions, commercial development, roads, water supply infrastructure, and sewer mains, pipe and power lines, stream restoration and stabilization (including mitigation banks) and similar projects. Scientific measurement devices; 15. Dredging, transport & disposal of dredged material, beach nourishment, rock removal & rock relocation; 8. The printed form and supporting documents should be mailed to the appropriate office. To construct structures and/or conduct work in or affecting "navigable waters of the United States" pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and to temporarily discharge fill into waters of the U.S. pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, in association with the Ventura Harbor Maintenance Dredging (RGP 24) renewal Project. The following information is to assist permit applicants when preparing project drawings. This template integrates requirements for a mitigation banking instrument as required by 33 CFR 332.8 for a single mitigation bank project. The California multi-agency Project Delivery Team developed this general outline to assist in the development of the Long-term Management Plan for mitigation banks. To apply for a US Army Corps of Engineers Special Use Permit, all blanks must be completed. The implementation guidance for the Corps to carry out Section 1043(b) of WRRDA 2014 to establish a pilot program up to 20 projects construction projects to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and project delivery efficiency of allowing non-federal interests to carry out authorized flood risk management, hurricane and storm damage reduction, coastal harbor and channel inland navigation and aquatic ecosystem restoration projects. Repair or maintenance of existing currently serviceable, authorized or grandfathered structures and fills, removal of structures; 3. Pamphlet describing permit application process. The purpose of this Checklist is to provide the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sufficient information to determine if a Categorical Exclusion is legally sufficient, if an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required to comply with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). This Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of Lake Cumberland. To authorize eleven restoration activities in waters of the U.S. designed to maintain, enhance, and restore watershed functions that affect aquatic species. This form can be used when you want confirmation that a project on your property does not fall under the regulatory requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Huntington District, Manned Submersible Vessels. Guidance and information to the public, specific to the effective management of the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway shoreline, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has developed the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan. Guidelines for conducting an administrative inquiry for information systems. Residential, Commercial and Institutional Developments, and Recreational Facilities; 9. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Developments, and Recreational Facilities; 9. The Consolidated Dredging-Dredge Material Reuse/Disposal Application is part of this process and is the only application that you need to complete for most proposed dredging projects in the San Francisco Bay area. Use of this SOP is required by all who use GPS/GIS data for the purposes of obtaining a Department of the Army permit or jurisdictional determination, as well as all Regulatory personnel. The policy and requirements in this chapter apply to administrative actions associated with the collection of debts owed to and collected by the DoD. This plan describes the types of private uses and activities that may be permitted on public lands. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prohibits the use of herbicides on or in its reservoirs except in strict compliance with an individual aquatic pesticide permit signed and issued by the Corps. Information Systems (IS), Guidelines, Information, Security Measures. Procedures and requirements to follow by the Corps' Districts while implementing are identified in he guidance. The Stream Maintenance Program (SMP) includes annual channel maintenance activities within seven designated River Management Units (RMUs) on the Salinas River within Monterey County, from river mile 2 upstream to river mile 94. The types of private uses which may be permitted on the shoreline are described within this plan. 1 through 7. Use of this booklet for highway projects, and other projects with an integrated planning process, should be preceded by review of the Highway Methodology Workbook. This Permittee-Responsible Mitigation (PRM) document has been developed to provide guidance on the required elements of a compensatory mitigation (CM) plan that is compliant with 33 CFR 332. Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program, Training, Policy, Implementation, Management, Oversight. An individual holding a valid power of attorney may complete (including the signature element) and file the annuity application form on behalf of an annuitant. To ensure rapid and accurate evaluation of materials prepared by the applicant, the Corps requests proposed maps and supportive documentation supplied for W/US-NW/US determinations and delineations be submitted in a standard format. RGP for activities in WOUS related to mechanical sand and gravel excavation. Discharges of Dredged or Fill Material Incidental to the Construction of Bridges; 7. The purpose of this regulation is to provide policy and guidance on the management of the shoreline of Cagles Mill Lake, Indiana. This process applies to the Regulatory Program within Los Angeles District (SPL). This instruction summarizes administrative interpretations of complex laws and regulations applicable to NG members in Title 10 or Title 32 duty status. NEPA Check List - Items to be submitted by requestor. Construction of Steps, Walkways, or Footbridges in All WOTUS within the Little Rock District in the State of Arkansas and Missouri. The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred because of private exclusive use. The purpose of this section is to outline the options available for companies that are in-process for a facility clearance (FCL) to submit electronic fingerprints. RGP authorizing regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Beach Raking Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The implementation guidance provides guidance based Section 1171 amending Section 1022 of WRRDA 2014, for an authorized flood damage reduction project, or separable element thereof, with a project partnership agreement for construction under Section 211 of WRDA 1986 and executed before December 31, 2014, that at the request of a non-federal interest, a credit equal to the estimated federal share of the cost of the project or separable element, in lieu of providing a reimbursement of that amount. The non-federal interests can carry out projects that are authorized with potential credit or reimbursement subject to requirements under the guidance. DoD cyber exchange. The guidance requires the task force to issue guidelines for the use, maintenance, and oversight of environmental banks in Louisiana, after a public notice and opportunity for comments. This is a suggested framework for developing performance standards and credit release schedules. Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Collection, Debt, Individuals, Information, Repayment. In order to comply with the NHPA, the Corps has prepared this checklist to assist applicants, their consultants, and the Corps in minimizing time and effort preparing submittals to the State Historic Preservation Officer and expediting the review process. The permit applicant is required to prepare and submit information regarding project alternatives. It is requested that your provide the following when you submit pre-application requests, requests for wetland delineations confirmations, all nationwide permit verifications and applications for regional and individual permits. The following checklist is designed to assist you in providing a reviewable package when applying for permissions under Section 408. Linear transportation projects and stream/wetland crossings; 19. The 2018 SOP is applicable in the geographic boundaries of the State of Georgia. Brochure describing waters of the United States for the purpose of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act; and navigable waters of the United States for Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. It is by no means all inclusive of the scenarios that can occur with an Alternatives Analysis but captures many of the most common topics. The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan is to furnish guidance for the management, protection, and preservation of the Mississippi River's environment while allowing a balanced use of the shoreline. This SOP is expected to be used in conjunction with the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations on implementing NEPA at 40 C.F.R. Section 1161 of WRDA 2016 amends Section 2039 of WRDA 2007. This policy is intended to address mitigation issues in a manner which guides permit applicants toward appropriate, viable, meaningful, adequate, and practicable mitigation proposals to successfully replace lost functions and values of the aquatic ecosystem. Mining Activities; 17. This Shoreline Management Plan provides guidance and information for effectively managing the shoreline at Walter F. George Lake, including its adjacent public lands and waters. Specifically, the RGP covers the following regulated activities in eligible areas of Newport Bay: 1) maintenance dredging under and adjacent to private, public, and commercial docks, floats, and piers; 2) the discharge of dredged material at adjacent beach sites for beach nourishment, the LA-3 Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS), confined disposal facilities, or at approved upland disposal sites; and 3) the repair and in-kind replacement of docking systems (including docks, piers, gangways, floats, and piles), bulkheads, and piles. RGP for work associated with construction, expansion, modification, or improvement of linear transportation projects that result in impacts up to 1 acre of WOUS. This booklet provides guidance to permit applicants, consultants, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project managers on how to identify and display wetland functions and values acceptable for the Corps New England District Regulatory Program. constructed drainage channels, bridges, culvert road crossings, water intake structures, engineered bank stabilization, etc. The following information will normally be required for consideration of a proposal regarding compensatory mitigation for adverse ecological effects. However, this list contains general information typically necessary for this office to confirm jurisdictional and/or wetland delineations as part of the permit process.