Yuan F., Peng H., Yin Y., Chunlei Y., Ryu H. Preparation of zinc oxide nanoparticles coated with homogeneous Al. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using biologically synthesized protein-capped ZnO nanoparticles. Klingshirn C. ZnO: From basics towards applications. Koodziejczak-Radzimska A., Markiewicz E., Jesionowski T. Structural characterization of ZnO particles obtained by the emulsion precipitation method. Bhachu D.S., Ankar G., Parkin I.P. Electrical conduction and dielectric studies of ZnO pellets. Wu S., Li J., Lo S.C., Tai Q., Yan F. Enhanced performance of hybrid solar cells based on ordered electrospun ZnO nanofibers modified with CdS on the surface. ZnO and TiO. 1 0 obj By the incorporation of dopants or formation of a composite with other materials, the photocatalytic properties of ZnO could be enhanced. Based on this study Li et al., concluded that ZnO displays high photocatalytic activity below the UV range. It imparts good printing properties (high fluidity). Luminescent properties and lattice correlation defects on zinc oxide. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Growth and structure of pure ZnO micro/nanocombs. Other studies by numerous researchers prove that ZnO offers unique photocatalytic properties, making it possible for this oxide to be used as a photocatalyst in the process of degradation of various substances [195197]. Evidence of the formation mechanism of ZnO in aqueous solution. Hariharan C. Photocatalytic degradation of organic contaminants in water by ZnO nanoparticles: Revisited. Kumar R., Kumar M.S., Mohadevan N. Multiple emulsions: A review. Heideman G., Datta R.N., Noordermeer J.W.M., van Baarle B. Frade T., Melo Jorge M.E., Gomes A. One-dimensional ZnO nanostructured films: Effect of oxide nanoparticles. <>>> Topoglidis E., Palomares E., Astuti Y., Green A., Campbell C.J., Durrant J.R. Immobilization and electrochemistry of negatively charged proteins on modified nanocrystalline metal oxide electrodes. Zhang J., Gao G., Liu F. Preparation of zinc oxide nanocrystals with high stability in the aqueous phase. Ibarra L., Marcos-Fernandez A., Alzorriz M. Mechanistic approach to the curing of carboxylated nitrile rubber (XNBR) by zinc peroxide/zinc oxide. Znaidi L. Sol-gel-deposited ZnO thin films: A review. Apart from the applications mentioned above, zinc oxide can also be used in other branches of industry, including for example concrete production. Roy S., Basu S. Improved zinc oxide films for gas sensor applications. Khranovskyy V., Lazorenko V., Lashkarev G., Yakimova R. Luminescence anisotropy of ZnO microrods. Moballegh A., Shahverdi H.R., Aghababazadeh R., Mirhabibi A.R. Synthesis and characterization of flower shaped zinc oxide nanostructures and its antimicrobial activity. As can be seen from the survey of recent literature presented here, particles of zinc oxideboth nano- and micrometriccan be produced by many different methods. Many researchers have attempted to correlate the biological activity of inorganic antibacterial agents with the size of the constituent particles [209,210]. 5o^y |Pf#0Zj$FI8_$mU B0M7K73ftvs{]~umsI>)@!fW0*zsG zivH?+T:@&BK6lB+3*oz_ ^;3A2B BD'Q=>[m0%No>^!beE/4O7Ekn>K\vi:g.T0|O0~RT0x`5ykPh}o.B5)#txQDck4[v/3z(DH+,Nk5giY2.M Arnold M.S., Avouris P., Pan Z.W., Wang Z.L. Xiao Q., Ouyang L.L. Wastermark K., Rensmo H., Lees A.C., Vos J.G., Siegbahn H. Electron spectroscopic studies of bis-(2,2-bipyridine)-(4,4-dicarboxy-2,2-bipyridine)-ruthenium(II) and bis-(2,2-bipyridine)-(4,4-dicarboxy-2,2-bipyridine)-osmium(II) absorbed on nanostructured TiO. Complete UV emission of ZnO nanoparticles in a PMMA matrix. The need to reduce the content of zinc oxide in certain materials, and to limit the degree of agglomeration, has led to the development of various methods of modifying the ZnO surface. Xu T., Ji P., He M., Li J. Fortuny A., Bengoa C., Font J., Fabregat A. Bimetallic catalysts for continuous catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol. 1 0 obj Chae D.W., Kim B.C. Janitabar Darzi S., Mahjoub A.R. Interphase synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide. Todos os direitos reservados. Khoshhesab Z.M., Sarfaraz M., Houshyar Z. Aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition of transparent conductive zinc oxide films. Wang D.H., Kou R., Gil M.P., Jacobson H.P., Tang J., Yu D.H., Lu Y.F. stream Photoluminescence studies of ZnO thin films on R-plane sapphire substrates grown by sol-gel method. These materials are also useful in biomedical research and in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This work was supported by Poznan University of Technology research grant No. Investigating the relative stabilities and electronic properties of small zinc oxide clusters. 2 0 obj React. The experiments showed that POMs play a very important role in the formation of ZnO nanospheres. Chem. Poland; E-Mail: Received 2013 Dec 17; Revised 2014 Mar 25; Accepted 2014 Mar 27. Pyne S., Sahoo G.P., Bhui D.K., Bar H., Sarkar P., Samanta S., Maity A., Misra A. Cross S.E., Innes B., Roberts M.S., Tsuzuki T., Robertson T.A., McCormick P. Human skin penetration of sunscreen nanoparticles: Uddin M.J., Cesano F., Scarano D., Bonino F., Agostini G., Spoto G., Bordiga S., Zecchina A. Tailoring the activity of Ti-based photocatalysts by playing with surface morphology and silver doping. Chemical methods can be divided into two groups: dispersion methods and condensation methods. Nikoobakht B., Wang X., Herzing A., Shi J. Scable synthesis and device integration of self-registered one-dimensional zinc oxide nanostructures and related materials. Thiol dosing of ZnO single crystal and nanorods: Surface chemistry and photoluminescence. Hong R., Pan T., Qian J., Li H. Synthesis and surface modification of ZnO nanoparticles. Kim M.S., Nam G., Kim S., Kim D.Y., Lee D.Y., Kim J.S., Kim S.O., Kim J.S., Son J.S., Leem J.Y. %PDF-1.5 Wang J.X., Sun X.W., Wei A., Lei Y., Cai X.P., Li C.M., Dong Z.L. Tanasa D., Vrinceanu N., Nistor A., Aristodor C.M., Popovivi E., Bistricianu I.L., Brinza F., Chicet D.L., Coman D., Pui A., et al. The resulting product may contain particles measuring approximately 20 nm. Zou H., Wu S., Shen J. Polymer/silica nanocomposites: Preparation, characterization, properties, and applications. The condensation methods (controlled precipitation, the sol-gel method, hydro- and solvothermal methods, formation in an emulsion or microemulsion environment, and many others) involve the use of a molecularly homogeneous solution subjected to a process of nucleation. Mahato T.H., Prasad G.K., Acharya B.S.J., Srivastava A.R., Vijayaraghavan R. Nanocrystalline zinc oxide for the decontamination of sarin. Influence of zinc oxide during different stages of sulfur vulcanization. Growth of well-defined ZnO microparticles with additives from aqueous solution. lp.nanzop.tup@aksmizdar-kazcjeizdolok.akzseinga, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/, hexagonal structure; particles diameter: 2125 nm, hexagonal structure; particles diameter: 1835 nm. Xu C., Cao L.X., Su G., Liu W., Qu X.F., Yu Y.Q. Becheri A., Maximilian D., Lo Nostro P., Baglioni P. Synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles: Application to textiles as UV-absorbers. Pysko L., Niciski K., Piaskiewicz M., Bereza M., ojkowski W. Synthesis of zinc oxide with nanometric particle size, its characteristics and influence on the properties of rubber compounds. Zinc oxide reacts with silicates (e.g., sodium silicate) to produce zinc silicates, which are water- and fire-resistant materials used as binders in paints. Jain N., Bhargava A., Panwar J. Mao Z., Shi Q., Zhang L., Cao H. The formation and UV-blocking property of needle-shaped ZnO nanorod on cotton fabric. ZnO semiconductors have been extensively studied as antimicrobial agents due to their photocatalytic activity under UV light [212,213]. Yue S., Yan Z., Shi Y., Ran G. Synthesis of zinc oxide nanotubes within ultrathin anodic aluminum oxide membrane by sol-gel method. Moreover, ZnO has a highisoelectric point (IEP) of about 9.5, which can be expected to provide a positively charged substrate for immobilization of low-IEP proteins or enzymes such as uricase (IEP ~ 4.6) at a physiological pH of 7.4 [206,207]. Tang E., Cheng G., Ma X. Zinc oxide: Hydrothermal growth of nano- and bulk crystals and their luminescent properties. Benhebal H., Chaib M., Salomon T., Geens J., Leonard A., Lambert S.D., Crine M., Heinrichs B. Photocatalytic degradation of phenol and benzoic acid using zinc oxide powders prepared by sol-gel process. Xu J., Pan Q., Shun Y., Tian Z. <> Samarasekara P., Yapa N., Kumara N., Perera M. CO. Larbi T., Ouni B., Boukachem A., Boubaker K., Amlouk M. Electrical measurments of dielectric properties of molybdenum-doped zinc oxide thin films. High photocatalytic activity of ZnO-carbon nanofiber heteroarchitectures. Zhong K. Photoluminescence from zinc oxide quantum dots embedded in silicon dioxide matrices. Lanje A.S., Sharma S.J., Ningthoujam R.S., Ahn J.S., Pode R.B. 8600 Rockville Pike zincite structure; particles diameter: 5460 nm, reaction temperature: 60 C; drying: 24 h, 80 C; calcination: 500 C, zincite structure; aggregate particles: ~100 nm; shape of rod; particles, reaction: 50 C, 60 min; dried of gel: 80 C, 20 h; calcined: under flowing air for 4 h at 650 C, hexagonal wurtize structure; uniform, spherically shaped of particles, reaction: room temperature; drying: 60 C, reaction: room temperature; annealed of sol: 2 h, 500 C, hexagonal wurtize structure; particles: nanotubes of 70 nm, Solvothermal hydrothermal and microwave techniques, reaction: 510 h, 100220 C in teflon-lined autoclave, particles morphology: bullet-like (100200 nm), rod-like (100200 nm), sheet (50200 nm), polyhedron (200400 nm), crushed stone-like (50200 nm), reaction: 510 h, 100200 C; HMTA concentration: 0200 ppm, spherical shape; particles diameter: 55110 nm, hexagonal (wurtize) structure, size of microcrystallites: 100 nm20 m, time of autoclaving: 15 min, 272 h; final pH: 710. The photocatalytic activity of ZnO can be further improved, and the range of the visible spectrum for zinc oxide can be extended, by adding other components [187]. Synthesis and characterization of crystalline hexagonal bipods of zinc oxide. Xia H.L., Tang F.Q. Mason P. Physiological and medicinal zinc. S0 Stoimenov P.K., Klinger R.L., Marchin G.L., Klabunde K.J. Kong X., Ding Y., Yang R., Wang Z.L. Du X.W., Fu Y.S., Sun J., Han X., Liu J. zgr ., Alivov Y.I., Liu C., Teke A., Reshchikov M.A., Doan S., Avrutin V., Cho S.J., Morko H. A comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices. Influence of urea on precipitation of zinc oxide nanostructures through chemical precipitation in ammonium hydrogencarbonate solution. Zinc oxide particles: Synthesis, properties and applications. Hong R.Y., Qian J.Z., Cao J.X. ZnO nanoparticles obtained by mechanochemical technique and optical properties. Faciale synthesis of ZnO nanorod arrays and hierarchical nanostructures for photocatalysis and gas sensor applications. Lin F.C., Takao Y., Shimizu Y., Egashira M. Hydrogen-sensing mechanism of zinc oxide varistor gas sensor. Kumra K.M., Mandal B.K., Naidu E.A., Sinha M., Kumar K.S., Reddy P.S. Yan H.Q., He R.R., Johnson J., Law M., Saykally R.J., Yang P. Dendritic nanowire ultraviolet laser array. endobj Encapsulation of zinc oxide nanorods and nanoparticles. Biomol. Dynamic mechanical spectroscopic studies on plasticization of an ionic elastomer based on carboxylated nitrile rubber by ammonia. ZnO provides similar or superior activity to that of TiO2, but is less stable and less sensitive to photocorrosion [185]. Spectrochim. _w'EM`#Jp^A7R4o2tN{z}h/03j));i$d1(ydRcA5!Y4A)nz%}d\Aj]NJ;. An extreme biomimetic approach: Hydrothermal synthesis of -chitin/ZnO nanostructured composites. Synth. /Parent 3 0 R Absorption was measured immediately before exposure to UV and at set time intervals, using a UV/Vis spectrometer. Wahab R., Ansari S.G., Kim Y.S., Seo H.K., Shin H.S. x=k\q@. Spectrosc. Surface modification of zinc oxide nanoparticles influences the electronic memory effects in ZnO-polystyrene diodes. In dispersion (mechanochemical) processes, zinc oxide is obtained by the grinding of suitable precursors. Chang W., Choi J.W., Im J.C., Lee J.K. Tecnologia | TECHSMART, Cadastrando categorias e produtos no Cardpio Online PROGma Grtis, Fatura Cliente Por Perodo PROGma Retaguarda, Entrada de NFe Com Certificado Digital Postos de Combustveis, Gerando Oramento e Convertendo em Venda PROGma Venda PDV, Enviar XML & Relatrio de Venda SAT Contador PROGma Retaguarda. Inorg. Splendid one-dimensional nanostructures of zinc oxide: A new nanomaterial family for nanotechnology. ZnO thin film with nanorod arrays applied to fluid sensor. Usman Ali S.M., Ibupoto Z.H., Chey C.O., Nur O., Willander M. Functionalized ZnO nanotubes arrays for the selective determination of uric acid with immobilized uricase.