13. 60 days to maturity. Alternative cultivar names: 'Teddy Bear'. SKU: SUN06. Great for containers or interplanting in the vegetable garden. Sunspot Dwarf Sunflower has a short plant with very large blooms. Eriophyllum lanatum. Common Woolly Sunflower Scientific name. Very floriferous and perfect for pots and containers, award-winner Helianthus annuus 'Suntastic Yellow with Black Center' (Common Sunflower) is a dwarf, well-branched annual boasting a profusion of large blossoms, up to 6 in. Suitable in 3 gallon or larger. These sunflowers bloom during the summer months and stay for three weeks.

Dwarf Sunflower. They usually live in mountains, they usually have an affinity for mining, gems, and metalworking, and they usually have big beards and short statures. DESCRIPTION: NAME: Sunspot Dwarf Sunflower SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus Annuus COLOR: Sunny Yellow petals surrounding a Deep Golden center PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost PLANT HEIGHT: 20 - 24 PLANT SPACING: 18 - 24 BLOOM TIME: Summer - Fall HARDINESS ZONE:. The plant was first domesticated in the Americas. This sunflower species is also used as wild bird food, as livestock forage, in some industrial applications, and as an ornamental in domestic gardens. NAME: Sunspot Dwarf Sunflower SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus Annuus COLOR: Sunny Yellow petals surrounding a Deep Golden center PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost PLANT HEIGHT: 20 - 24" PLANT SPACING: 18 - 24" BLOOM TIME: Summer - Fall HARDINESS ZONE: N/A Jul 16, 2021 - DESCRIPTION: NAME: Incredible Dwarf Sunflower SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus Annuus COLOR: 10 Yellow Flowers with Brown Centers PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost PLANT HEIGHT: 15 - 20 PLANT SPACING: 9 - 12 BLOOM TIME: Late Summer - Fall HARDINESS ZONE: N/A

'Sungold Dwarf'. Sunspot Dwarf Sunflower. Sunspot Dwarf Sunflower.

Scientifically known as dwarf sunflowers, these plants love to grow in bunches and occupy small spaces such as gardens and planters. Miniature versions of tall garden sunflower (Helianthus annuus), dwarf sunflowers are bred for short height and showy flowers.

Standard sunflowers can reach heights of over 8 feet (2.5 meters), but the dwarf sunflower barely grows beyond knee height with most varieties achieving a maximum height of only 3 feet (90 centimeters).

Dwarf sunflowers range in height from 1 to 3 feet, depending on the cultivar. 'Big Smile' grows to a height of about 8 inches and has 4-inch-diameter flowers with yellow petals and a black center. That cultivar produces a single flower. Up to three 'Big Smile' plants can grow in one 6-inch-diameter pot.

Sunflower, Dwarf Incredible (Helianthus annuus) Code: HADI Tags: Container, Flower Seeds for Beds and Borders Dwarf Sunflower Incredible grows to just 30-40 inches tall, and the yellow flowers can be up to 9 inches across.

Lovely dwarf sunflower to 2' tall with single, giant yellow flower 8-10" across. Long lasting bloom lingers up to 9 weeks. Good in containers; children love this one. This is an example of the timeline you would see based on your growing conditions. Also known as Dwarf Sunflowers, Minature sunflowers grow from 2' to 4'.

Rhododendron. Flowers are single or double and vary in size and stem length. Wild H. annuus is a widely branched annual plant with many

Quantity. Region na - Dry-Med Soils - Full Sun About.

There Are Nearly 70 Species of Sunflowers. Some are good cut flowers. Dwarf name generator.

Short sunflowers are usually called dwarfs and tend to grow in clusters. Blooming in summer, this compact, pollen-free Sunflower is perfect for containers or the sunny border. While traditional sunflowers can grow quite large, indoors you should look at dwarf varieties. These look almost identical to typical sunflowers, theyre just a bit smaller. Many dwarf varieties stay under 3 feet tall which makes them much more manageable for indoor growing. A couple popular dwarf varieties include: In pots, flower size and height will increase as the pot size increases (4-8" pots recommended). Dwarves come in many different forms, but they usually have traits in common. Sort by.

Description. Only growing to a maximum of 3 feet tall, it is miniature compared to most sunflower varieties. Choose from popular pollen-free types that offer a nice clean appearance. Common names. Helianthus. Helianthus annuus 'Firecracker' (Common Sunflower) is a semi-dwarf, well-branched annual boasting a profusion of large, bicolor blossoms, 4-6 in. Sunflower. Apr 4, 2022 - DESCRIPTION: NAME: Sunspot Dwarf Sunflower SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus Annuus COLOR: Sunny Yellow petals surrounding a Deep Golden center PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost PLANT HEIGHT: 20 - 24" PLANT SPACING: 18 - 24" BLOOM TIME: Summer - Fall HARDINESS ZONE: N/A LIGHT REQUIRE

Jul 22, 2018 - DESCRIPTION: NAME: Dwarf Teddy Bear Sunflower SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus Annuus COLOR: Double Yellow Fuzzy 6" Flowers PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost PLANT HEIGHT: 24 - 36" PLANT SPACING: 18 - 24" BLOOM TIME: Summer HARDINESS ZONE: N/A LIGHT REQUIREMENTS: Sun SOIL & WATER P $ 3.99 $ 39.99.

DESCRIPTION:NAME: Sunspot Dwarf SunflowerSCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus AnnuusCOLOR: Sunny Yellow petals surrounding a Deep Golden centerPLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frostPLANT HEIGHT: 20 - 24"PLANT SPACING: 18 - 24"BLOOM TIME: Summer - FallHARDINESS ZONE: N/ALIGHT REQUIREMENTS: Scientific Name: Helianthus silphioides; Sun: Full sun; Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist; Size: 3-10 feet (0.91-3 meters) Lowest Temperature:-20F (-28C) 40 Dwarf Sunflower Varieties 1.

Dwarf Sunflowers: A Care Guide For Gardeners - Harper's The pollenless Teddy Bear dwarf sunflower (also called the Sungold Dwarf sunflower) looks like 2. NAME: Incredible Dwarf Sunflower SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus Annuus COLOR: 10" Yellow Flowers with Brown Centers PLANT Seed (s): Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost PLANT HEIGHT: 15 - 20" PLANT SPACING: 9 - 12". Elf Sunflowers. Helianthus is the scientific name for sunflowers. With almost 70 different species, sunflowers appear in many different shapes and sizes. DESCRIPTION: NAME: Sunspot Dwarf Sunflower SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus Annuus COLOR: Sunny Yellow petals surrounding a Deep Golden center PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost PLANT HEIGHT: 20 - 24 PLANT SPACING: 18 - 24 BLOOM TIME: Summer - Fall HARDINESS ZONE:,Buy online here,Authenticity Guaranteed,Online

Plants are branching and have large leaves.

It was derived from the Greek words for sun and flower.

Dwarf sunflowers have the same low maintenance care requirements as their taller family members and grow best when in full sunlight. Sunflower seeds are also sold in grocery and convenience stores, but these are for eating, not for growing. If you already have a fully grown sunflower plant, put the seeds from the flower in an airtight container and keep them in the fridge. Pick a dwarf variety of sunflowers for best results, since larger varieties grow best in the ground. Black Oil Sunflowers are an heirloom cultivar known for their high-quality seeds that are used for oil and bird feed. Price $2.00.

They come in yellow, orange, pink and reddish tones, often with more than one color in the flower. Dwarf sunflowers (bedding pot type sunflowers) bring retailers profit potential as the container market continues to expand. This name generator will give you 10 random names for dwarves. Scientific Name: Rhododendron; Rosinweed Sunflower.

Name: A-Z. Teddy Bear Sunflowers. (10-15 cm), adorned with bright golden and orange petals surrounding chocolate brown centers. Add to Wishlist. Dwarf sunflowers are simply miniature versions of the normal, tall sunflower, Helianthus annuus.

Common Woolly Sunflower is a perennial wildflower species that can grow between 30 and 60 cm. Plants are 2-3 tall with 10-12 diameter blooms. DESCRIPTION: NAME: Incredible Dwarf Sunflower SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helianthus Annuus COLOR: 10 Yellow Flowers with Brown Centers PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost PLANT HEIGHT: 15 - 20 PLANT SPACING: 9 - 12 BLOOM TIME: Late Summer - Fall HARDINESS ZONE: N/A The common sunflower is a large annual forb of the genus Helianthus grown as a crop for its edible oil and seeds. Roundstone Native Seed has been growing and supplying clean, high quality, regionally adapted Native Seed to the Eastern half of the US for over 20 years.

(15 cm), adorned with bright golden petals and chocolate brown centers.

Add to cart. Common Woolly Sunflower may also be referred to as Oregon Sunshine, Golden Yarrow, Yarrow-leaved Eriophylum, Dwarf Woolly Sunflower, or Purshs Woollyleaf.