Even so, if there is not a significant price differential, I would prefer using T&G panels. You can call a finish carpenter to do this. The trick is not to fasten down the first piece until it's abutting its neighbor. You need underlayment for vinyl flooring. Its possible to fill the holes in the subfloor with cement-based fillers or caulk. Here is one example of a OSB subfloor drainage hole. Let alone the other 300 lbs you will add to the floor with tiles, mortar and grout! Do not use glue, you might want to pull it up some day. Answer: Fix low spots in wood or concrete subfloor with underlayment, leveler, or patch. Prior to glueing sheets of plywood together, fill up any spaces that may exist. I found this site when I first got my home and it has a wealth of good information. My qustionn is what to do when gaps appear. It is absolutely amazing to me that flooring professionals actually think (thought) that glueing underlayment actually makes (made) sense. So heavy that a wood framed building MUST have specific deflection ratings (joist spacing + thickness of subfloor) before tile can be installed. vBulletin v3.7.4, Copyright 2000-2022, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Just kidding, that's why the forum is here. I am wondering if we could remove all the plywood and refinish and use only the tongue and groove from underneath as the only floor? It is sufficient to use an exterior-based caulking compound. It has a longer open time which should be used. It is best to use an applicator gun to apply caulk and silicone sealant, since this makes it easier to apply the proper quantity of filler to your gap. Waste of time, but if it makes you happy.oh well.. Be more concerned that your floor is "flat" to within the floor manufacturer's requirements for a successful installation. Stagger the next row, and persuade both to fit perfectly. Once the plywood has been installed, cover its seams and nail heads with floor filler that has been mixed with a latex additive, rather than water. To reveal the space between the subfloor and the wall face, remove the baseboard if it is there. If you fill the cracks the sub-floor can buckle. by edee_em Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:08 pm, Post When you use a nail gun to connect subfloor sheathing to the floor joists, the nail may sometimes miss the joist and go through the sheathing instead. No reason for gaps. Large gaps can be filled by rearranging the floors. This results in flooring that are more stable and do not creak or shift. Find the lowest areas in the floor, such as the corners of the room and pour the compound into those areas. Spruce Sat Jul 18, 2020 6:09 pm, Post Smooth this filler into place along each seam with a putty knife. A floor levelling compound is too brittle. If there is water damage, you want to get the particle board out from under the walls too (that can be a challenge). Also, before the obvious question comes up - we did not put OSB in contact with the basement foundation.
Follow our suggestions to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Allow the filler to harden overnight before installing the vinyl. Even plywood sub-floors need room for movement (not much, but they still need some room). Here is your problem: "This leveler was put on top of a few layers of old viny" A few LAYERS of VINYL.wt???? They are mixed together like dough and may be moulded either before or after they have dried. That will expand in different weather conditions. Now, you certainly can leave a gap if you wish, but except for a few cbu boards, most of them don't care at all. Is it stronger and more rigid than ordinary plywood? If it seems to have stopped moving, there's no harm in letting the GC fix it now and see what happens next. Anyone know how much that costs in the midwest? You'd never install a finished floor in a house still open to the elements, so by then, things are essentially dried out - finished floors are one of the last things installed. Sarabeth Asaff has worked in and has written about the home improvement industry since 1995. If in fact you Do end up with gaps you want filled go to Hd and get some floor leveling compound. This filler is similar in composition and texture to thinset mortar. Unless your gaps are huge, there's no reason to fill. Floorboards on both sides of the gap should be cleaned. So you can use one of them for your house. I would cover the whole (new) floor with luan first. Gaps can and will appear (it depends upon the skill of the one installing the sheets of plywood), and large gaps cannot be ignored. Floor patch. Thanks, I think it will do the job. Allow the paint to dry fully before moving on. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Adding filler is not a smart idea since it will be pushed out of the way when the wood expands in response to the moisture. Anyway, my question is about when there are large gaps betwen the sheets of plywood. The sticking point is that if my suspicion is correct, and deflection caused this (as opposed to defects in materials or workmanship) then nothing the GC did was "wrong." In that case he has no responsibility to correct the problem. Measure twice and cut once. Wood strips, wood shims, and ropes can be used as flooring gap fillers. Keep an eye on your flooring and notice any changes. Check down below-. I can't leave it partially ripped out as there is height difference and also HUGE splintered wood edges all over the place, unfortunately. Don't worry too much about what you have already filled.It's not that big of a deal.To echo the others flat is the most important thing for you. Remember to let your subfloor dry before adding your finishing layer. Birch plywood is extremely smooth with no surface voids, visible grain or high sections. But it will significantly minimize the likelihood. I also took photos from the basement view. You are taking a bit of a chance on this one though. Since movements downwards is usually restricted, the buckles move upwards creating bulges in the floor. Thanks. Tile is HEAVY. As a finishing touch, sand and paint them in the same color as the rest of the subfloor. Each sheet is glued down AND stapled with all those horrendously long staples (and sometimes nails as well). The simplest solution for filling huge gaps in the subfloor is to bring the floorboards closer together. Even if they can be filled, you should consider the time and money spent on them. Powered by Invision Community, Filling spaces between sheets of plywood flooring, http://www.dap.com/images/products/59184.jpg. But, I just happened to come across some videos and pages that show us how to fill those seams for painting plywood flooring or other projects that require seams not to show up or through. So a cement type levelling compound will crack and peel away from the floor. What's good and not too expensive? they also make a feather patch it has a longer open time you can get that at a flooring store it's used by flooring installers to feather out areas that are going to get vinyl flooring Fix All is at home center HD or Lowes. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Timing is everything when it comes to plywood subfloor gaps. I believe it could be the original flooring because it appears that some seemed stained and varnished. by A. This is particularly true if the existing floor contains asbestos fibers, which make it dangerous to remove. Abatron WoodEpox Replacement Compound Wood Filler 4.6 Check Price The second product is Donald Durhams Rockhard Water Putty Wood Filler. It comes out or walk out." It sounds like several things have happened.
There are no repairs required for regular gaps. It may be a good idea to replace your floors and install a new subfloor. Replace the particle board with T&G plywood the same thickness of the original floor, the seams should line up over the joists. It's a floor, it holds compression loads, not tension, so it doesn't matter, especially if gluing to the joists as well. Sand the plywoods surface using 80-grit sandpaper to make it smooth. How long can you keep miso soup in the fridge. I don't know what T & G subflooring is, but I'll ask about it the next time I buy plywood. Copyright 2021 The Wood Whisperer, Inc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm installing subfloor on which I intend to put Drop-and-Done vinyl directly on top. Why are you filling these gaps? Using a putty knife, scrape away any extra putty from the wood surface. That's kind of a tough question. I agree with tight joints on the original install but the way I'm reading this thread is he's already installed the plywood. Make little additions to the container, beginning with roughly 1/2 teaspoon of wood flour cement for every 1/8 cup sanding dust in the container. SEVERE cracking in newly remodeled kitchen. This would also bother me. Wood filler is so expensivemaybe DAP Plastic Wood, or would that be overkill? Pasted as rich text. Oh great, now I have royally screwed up the subfloor by filling in the gaps. This project has gotten well out of hand. The subfloor may have gaps or fissures that cause unusual sounds. Your link has been automatically embedded. Closing subfloor gaps will not ensure that you will never have mold problems. Bingo, what Mark said. Underlayment is a thin layer of material between two others. Now that you mention it, I remember once using it for floor leveling in the bathroom prior to toilet installation. Think about what they do when installing sheet vinyl - they purposely FILL the gaps to make it perfectly flat and smooth prior to installing the vinyl. I have used a setting compound like Durabond to fill the seams and staple holes on the underlayment but then I do more walls than I do floors .. and I always have some Durabond on hand. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, https://www.homedepot.com/p/Custom-atching-and-Finishing-Compound-SF10/100152565, Weyerhaeuser%20Edge%20Gold%20with%20Down%20Pore%20--%20NRWA51.jpg, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Filling up gaps and cracks wont help if your subfloor is in bad shape overall. These woods are reasonable and will go for long lasting. Thanks. That might be what I'm looking for. If the gap is slightly greater, fill it with caulk but not flush with the surface. Also, you can make any necessary repairs. (And for some strange reason my cat grabs hold of pieces of wood sticking out and tries to rip them off with his mouth--and occasionally succeeds!). To fill gaps in the subfloor, you can use various items. Drag the knife along the seams close to perpendicular to the plywood. We did such a plywood floor for a sail loft once. However, this is not entirely correct. Those gaps could create an issue in the long run. If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. There would be a huge gap along the bottom of the wall, but couldn't I just use a taller baseboard? When the glue has dried fully, some sanding may be required. In a small container, combine the wood filler with a tiny amount of sawdust. Hammer or screw the birch plywood every four inches along each seam. This floor is too heavy for your structure. Because there is little space for expansion between the wood structural panels when they are closely butted together, buckling might occur. There are very good ways to do that, but you would need consultation and guidance. As a subfloor gap filler, you can use different materials such as wood strips, wood shims, or ropes. Lay out the first row, and don't nail anything. But they are not the most aesthetically pleasing way to repair your floor. It is just the nature of the beast. If that's the wood right under your carpet it's not subfloor it's underlayment and it's supposed to have a quarter inch gap for expansion and contraction. Anyway, although I presume that they would be more expensive, it doesnt seem to me that they would be any more rigid than ordinary plywood. 2) use a wood transition piece - that looks exactly like the wood vanity (stained and cut to match) to overlay the gap from the vanity to the floor. Helping You to Do It Yourself! Question: How to fill a low subfloor area? When installing subfloors, keep in mind a piece of advice. Post I hired a contractor because I wasn't confident that I could do the job. Ive written up all I know about filling large gaps in subfloors to help you. Your previous content has been restored. If you are worried about them you can squeeze in some silicone of latex caulking as a "quick and dirty" remedy. What material would be best for this? If you don't want to do step 1, you could fill it completely with a wood transition piece. Or fill in? The greatest approach to avoid subfloor gaps is to prevent them in the first place. For creaks, yes I will be screwing the plywood down some more with 2" screws but I didn't know if gaps like that might cause issue. SUGGESTIONS WELCOME! If you are new here, please review posting/commenting guidelines below. I am currently filling in the cracks in my subfloor in my living room. Those can grow wider and broader with time. 4.8 Compare Prices 3. You now know precisely how to fill large gaps in the subfloor.
Not going to happen.
I've never used this thicker product, but I did install a temporary sheet vinyl floor that was carpet-taped to the underlayment (which was not smooth-seamed). Thing is, the wettest it will usually ever be, which means the most expanded point, is when the material is new. I did not, however, like the slight bubbling from either infiltrated air, heavy furniture, or house movement. Upload or insert images from URL. If you don't I don't know what to tell you. Use one or all of these fillers, depending on the condition of your existing substrate. Basically, creating a better version of Dricore. I guess the question comes down to are those 1/8" seams necessary, after all? by edee_em Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:36 am, Post If you intend to sell your home in the future, it may also increase its overall worth. Yes, the further you drive a fastener through anything, the less holding power you have, but I wouldn't worry about a few being a bit deep. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. To lay a new subfloor, join the planks and secure them so they dont move. IOW, you must allow for the severe moisture content variations when first building the house, but if you actually use ply rated as underlayment, let it acclimate properly before installing, and cover it with your finished flooring in an appropriate time, you do not need a gap! They didn't even want nails in it other than around the edges. The months of April and October are the most favourable for hardwood floor restoration. I was afraid the ringshank nails or seams would show, but they didn't. To conclude, caulk should be used for corners and edges, wood filler for flat surfaces, and spackle for drywall. Seeing this second mention of T&G, I had to look it up. Because the flooring that is going over it is not carpet and pad (which is what I just ripped out). If they are small enough to fill, it is not needed for a floating floor. 4.1 Confirm the price Price: $4.50 for J-B Welds 8257 KwikWood Epoxy Putty Wood Filler. Well you are getting more than your forum registration fee back with all theses questions! The American Physicists Association recommends a 1/8-inch gap between panel edges and end joints. After you cover everything, you cant examine your subfloor for modifications or minor faults. For me- the question would be "has it continued to move or is it done settling?" If it's continuing, you have a larger problem and the legal approach might be necessary. You should not have cracks that are very big in the new floor, but if you do here are a few things I would keep in mind. I am working on this house that my son will live in as soon as he and his family finish up in the military. I had a contractor replace the particle board in my kitchen floor with plywood. Tore up carpets today. Gaps between boards. So. Here's an example from today: https://imgur.com/a/QMuIVCa. FWIW, the subfloor needs the gaps because when it is typically installed, the house is not closed in and it can get a lot of moisture from rain or maybe even snow sitting on it. Especially in traffic areas. Plastic wood would probably do a good job, but I want something cheaper. If you are putting wall to wall carpet down, a good underlay material will help with a lot of them. If there are wider gaps that are not closing up, bring in a professional contractor who is experienced in floor repair. I wish I had left the kitchen alone for now and I hope at some point the result will be worth all this effort and expense. The reason for wide subfloor gaps must be identified before attempting to fix them. Wood filler should be placed in a syringe. And they usually have little effect on the stability and reliability of your floor. Wood Putty is used to fill up the gaps between floorboards. The exceptions to this are if you have a plumbing leak that saturates the panel, but then you've got bigger issues than plywood expansion, namely getting the leak repaired and then replacing the plywood/osb because its delaminating from being soaked. IOW, fill it up with thinsetit won't hurt! Before I laid down some subfloor, everything I read/watched said to leave a 1/8" expansion seam around plywood panels. This problem can be remedied without the help of a professional. The fact that your self leveling is CRACKING before the tile is set, tells me the floor is too heavy for the frame. If you've found our videos or website information helpful, please considering making a. It was remodeled at one point, but this section is from the original part of the home. Agree with what Rogue says above. There should be a 1/8 inch gap at all ends and edges to allow your flooring. by A. Before putting the cover, you can inspect the dried-out boards for any alterations. If you fill them and have any expansion or contraction due to climate, youre going to have issues. View Full Version : filling gaps in plywood w/ thin set. This article will explain the various methods for filling subfloor gaps available. Fortunately, its something that can be remedied with a few helpful hints. Just butt joint them together and don't fill the gaps. Spruce Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:06 am, Post I didn't, and later regretted it. In response to variations in moisture content, plywood and oriented strand board (OSB), like other wood products, will expand and contract somewhat. Qucik tip on installing the thin underlayment. I may have purchased their book years ago but it could have been someone else. Wood filler varies from wood putty in that the filler is often made up of sawdust or wood fibres suspended in a binder, while putty is typically made up of a plastic such as epoxy, fibreglass, or polyurethane, according to the manufacturer. by A. This may sound apparent.
The number and size of gaps/cracks impact how the floor felt underfoot and repaired. Easier said than done. Spruce Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:18 am, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Deep nail divits filled. As the previous poster said however, if you want to pursue this path, a legal consult is advisable. Things are not going well on this remodeling project. If you're laying vinyl sheet goods, then the screws have to be below the surface and you must float the surface with floor leveling compound to fill any irregularities that will telegraph through the sheet goods. By In this case you can use particle board rather than plywood for subflooring. Ah, those drains are on the big guys' premium products.
You can post now and register later. After one hour, repeat the application process. Then lift the edge of the one piece of plywood until you can fit the syringe over the void in the middle. First, the vinyl layers (plural) were not removed (super duper wrong move). by edee_em Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:59 am, Post A community dedicated to helping people with advice on personal home improvement projects. When fixing significant gaps in plywood subfloors, a good method is to mix patching compound to a hard, mortar-like consistency, trowel it into the gaps, and then wait for it to stiffen before smoothing it out with a trowel until it is smooth. I have stopped filling in cracks now, however. Mobile homes move. http://mobilehomerepair.com/index.php. It is one of the few floors this structure can handle. All site content Copyright 2009-var year=new Date(); year=year.getYear(); if (year<1900) year+=1900; document.write(year); House-Improvements.com, Ask your questions pertaining to the interior that don't fit in the above categories, I'm confused. I don't want gaps, but sometimes I don't get what I want. The store said it would be easy to remove the kitchen vinyl and underlayment but I do NOT think so. Creaking wont stop by putting glue in those. Is there a better way to fill in the cracks and nail holes? There are these "wonderful" divets in the ends of every sheet of T&G OSB from HD (picture attached) that need to be filled. by edee_em Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:47 am, Post They are drainage grooves so water doesn't get trapped in the butt seam during rain (new construction). If deflection was the problem, his fix should solve the problem and this becomes a maintenance issue as it may or may not move over time. Keep in mind that nails can be pulled up, but screws cannot. Gaps Between Baseboard and Floor: Guide for a Perfect Fit! Cracks should not be more than 1/8" in the floor. No, I'm talking about future plywood installation, and it sounds as if "Fix All" is not the product for large gaps.