Sign the petition. The Stop Jackdaw campaign argued that burning gas reserves from Jackdaw would create pollution equal to half the annual emissions of Scotland. Can we send you emails about important campaigns, stories, and actions? The UK is considering approval of Shell's new Jackdaw gas field. A bombshell report has just revealed how the French insurer AXA has been finding gaps in its own green policy -to insure exploratory oil and gas operations in whats been called the Great Amazon Reef. Its currently being considered for approval by the UK government and could be given the green light over the next few months. Done properly, with the right support and investment, the move away from fossil fuels could see three jobs in clean energy for every oil and gas job at risk. Thank you for signing! But it will produce pollution equal to half of Scotland's annual emissions. Sign here. This campaign is hosted by Tipping Point UK and Uplift. Please sign and share this petition today. Organisers have now turned attention to the Jackdaw gas field 100% owned and operated by Shell for which the supermajor is currently seeking approval from offshore regulators. Right now, fossil Fuel giant Shell is trying to develop a new gas field in the North Sea: Jackdaw. Environmental activists protesting against the Jackdaw gasfield at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in June. We then need to take that transferable skill base and revenues and push them into direct infrastructure in renewables. At its peak, Jackdaws output would only meet between 1 and 2% of UK gas demand. If burnt, the gas from Jackdaw would cause half the total emissions of Scotland, or all the emissions of Ghana. See our privacy and cookies policies for more information. Public money has to ensure that workers and the climate are put first. If you are involved in any group that wants to sign onto the group response, email by Midday April 14th. The group says the gas from the field would produce the equivalent of half the annual emissions of Scotland if burned. Millions of people are taking quick, simple actions for climate justice be one of them. That would be more damaging to the environment and more threatening to our energy security. Jackdaw will only intensify the climate crisis, as its gas is particularly polluting due to its naturally high CO2 content. This also wont be for another four more years in 2026, and production will drop by almost 60% within three years. This project cannot be allowed to go ahead. We will only send you updates about the campaign and ways you can get involved. Second, the proposed electrification of the Shearwater hub would not significantly lower emissions according to OPRED because it would not impact the emissions vented from the amine unit. Tell Boris Johnson to reject the Jackdaw gas field now. Maciej Walczuk, an activist with Stop Jackdaw, said: The UK Government is using people's rising bills as an excuse to allow Shell to continue profiteering from the climate crisis. No more new oil and gaslicences-tell Prime Minister Boris Johnson that we want no more oil and gas licences for the North Sea, and want him to help us transition to renewable resources as a replacement. Climate justice is a key part of protecting the environment. Now is the time to fight it. Will you share this to get more people involved? Aitchison added: The fact is that any gas extracted will belong to energy giant Shell, who will sell it on the open market to boost their huge profits, so it wont bring down our soaring energy prices at all. Only those currently raking in oil and gas profits would lose. Now we need to do it again. And as the head of the UN recently said investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure is moral and economic madness.. Please tick here if you wish to be contacted about Friends of the Earth Scotland and ways to support us. stop plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria, Ask UK government to take decisive action to combat climate change, Tell investors not to buy Totals toxic bonds. Something went wrong while submitting the form. The government knows that burning fossil fuels drives the climate crisis, yet theyre approving a new gasfield in June, without proper climate checks, and declaring a national emergency over heatwaves in July. Right now, fossil Fuel giant Shell is trying to develop a new gas field in the North Sea: Jackdaw. When they fail they should be held to account. We mobilised to stop Cambo and well mobilise again to stop Jackdaw and every new field they try to push through. Stop Cambo organisers claimed a major victory when Shell announced in December that it would not invest in the project. Sign up for our twice-weekly bulletins, to get the latest news delivered to your inbox. A Bill that is introduced in the Scottish Parliament is scrutinised and debated by MSPs. Jackdaw will also do nothing to lower UK household energy bills or provide a more reliable energy supply. Why We Need To #StopJackdaw & Pursue A Just Transition In The North Sea. Help us reach 5,000! Energy prices are hitting record levels and Rishi Sunak is making us, the taxpayer, foot the bill. While well-intentioned, campaigns to stop domestic production would actually result in increased global emissions, as the UK would simply ship in the oil and gas it needs from other countries, at a greater carbon footprint. In fact, it collected almost 100m from the UK government. Environmental campaigners have slammed the UK Governments approval of plans to develop the Jackdaw gas field as ignoring climate science and entrenching reliance on gas. You'll have the option create an individual account or to link your account to an organisation. So were taking legal action to stop Jackdaw, and whenever we see the government acting unlawfully to greenlight new fossil fuels we stand ready to fight in the courts.. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Burning the gas from Jackdaw would create 50% of the annual emissions of Scotland, or more than the annual emissions of Ghana, in a stark demonstration of how responsibility for the climate crisis does not fall equally across all countries. The UK government must stop issuing any new fossil fuel licences and instead start planning for a managed phaseout of production, with a just transition for workers and communities., Climate activists vow to fight as new gasfield gets go-ahead in North Sea, Sign up to First Edition, our free daily newsletter every weekday morning at 7am BST, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. People power stopped the Cambo field and we have to repeat that success with Jackdaw, they said. Organisation. UCL research found that new oil and gas licences were incompatible with the UKs international climate commitments, while peer-reviewed analysis by Oil Change International has found that 40 per cent of existing developed reserves of fossil fuels cannot be extracted to have a 50 per cent chance of staying within 1.5C. This was on the basis of the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment & Decommissioning (OPRED) considering the environmental statement of the project and concluding that it will not have a significant effect on the environment.. These include a planned carbon capture and storage facility where Jackdaws gas will come ashore. Shell may be headquartered in the UK but, in 2020, the UK was the only country where Shell operated that it didnt pay any tax. After seeing successes at the end of 2021, today the Stop Cambo team launched their campaign to stop the Jackdaw gas field. Can you chip in to help stop climate change and create a more just, prosperous world? Not ready to donate? Yes, I can share this It has previously said the project would see 500 million spent in the UK and, at peak, output from the project could account for around 6.5% of UK gas supplies. Sign the petition to stop this polluting project: Fossil fuel companies are planning to launch over 30 new coal, oil and gas extraction projects in the UK. Jackdaw is a high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) gas condensate field and its gas reserves have a high CO2 content. We demand a rewrite to include these vital measures! Tell the government to stop all new coal, oil and gas extraction projects. In early 2022 Shell slightly tweaked their plans and resubmitted proposals to develop Jackdaw for approval. The shift away from fossil fuels is being delayed by energy companies desire to continue to profit from oil and gas, and our government is failing to stand up to them. Responding to the campaign launch Deirdre Michie, chief executive of trade body Offshore Energies UK, said: Offshore energy companies like Shell are the driving force behind the UKs race to net zero, rolling out renewable energy projects in wind, hydrogen and more every week. The Stop Cambo campaign has been a focal point for action against the controversial oil field west of Shetland, backed by operator Siccar Point Energy and minority partner Shell. This project was rejected in 2021 for being too polluting but now fossil giant Shell is trying to push it through again. Shell wont stop until the UK government stops them: w. hile the world is racing to lower emissions and we struggle to pay our energy bills, Shell wants to profit while worsening the climate crisis. Previous pressure from forced the government to step in and review a new coal mine in Cumbria last year, but now, with the final decision on the table, its up to us to stop it for good. That the Parliament considers that the approval of Shells proposed Jackdaw gas field in the North Sea would cause significant harm to Scotland, and the world; understands that approval of the Jackdaw field reportedly contradicts recommendations in the 2021 International Energy Agency (IEA) report on achieving net zero targets that there is no need for new oil and gas fields; notes reports that the gas field contains over 58 million barrels of oil equivalent and, if drilling is approved, burning the gas produced would create more than half the annual emissions of the whole of Scotland; understands that the field would not start production until at least 2025 and so would have no impact on the current cost of living crisis; considers that climate change is an existential crisis that needs urgent and radical action; believes that opening the Jackdaw gas field would be at odds with Scotlands aims of being net zero by 2045 and the global goals of the Paris Agreement; supports calls for the UK Government to reject the plans for the Jackdaw gas field and all new oil and gas field licensing and developments, and urges both the UK and Scottish governments to act faster to reduce demand for fossil fuels, and to prioritise the transition to a low-carbon economy, with a clear industrial plan and consultation with trade unions and workers, particularly from the oil and gas sector, to ensure a just transition for workers and communities across Scotland. If you find other current petitions which you think should be on this page, please tell us about them! A company who, in the midst of a fuel crisis where people are having to choose between eating and heating, announced record 14 billion profits and paid their CEO 6.4 million. So if we can mobilize even more of us now, we can stop their dirty work everywhere. A Bill is a proposed Act of the Scottish Parliament. Sign here. Ask UK government to take decisive action to combat climate changeencourage the UK government to take action across many areas of the climate crisis to make a real difference following COP26. Please take 10 minutes and sign them and do something today to take Climate Action: Ask the Leicestershire Pension fund, which has an estimated 154million invested in fossil fuel companies to stop investing in fossil fuels and add their voices to pushing the UK government to do the same sign here. First, the process for cleaning the high CO2 gas (the amine unit) is itself highly emissions-intensive, as Shell will directly vent CO2 into the atmosphere. Sign to stop this. Shell has only made minor changes to the Environmental Statement while restating its argument for its proposed concept without changing the overall project philosophy, proving that their commercial interests are Shells main priority. Friends of the Earth Scotland say the legal challenge will send a strong message to the government that climate campaigners will oppose fossil fuel expansion in every way they can. Sign here. The UK Government must reverse this approval, stop issuing any new fossil fuel licences and start planning for a managed phase-out of production, with a just transition for workers and communities. This is just the start of the campaign to stop the Jackdaw field. Send a letter to Barleys and HSBC to cut ties with all fossil fuels now: find a template letter here. Will you add your signature and spread the word? Fossil fuel giant Shell and BP has announced sky rocketing annual profits. Shell may be headquartered in the UK but, in 2020, the UK was the only country where Shell operated that it didnt pay any tax. The North Sea Transition Authority has granted consent to the Jackdaw project, boosting domestic gas supply in the years to come. In 2021, the same year we saw record gas prices and high oil prices, Shell collected more than $120 million from the UK. Heres what you need to know about #StopJackdaw. Francesca Willow is a Geordie writer and artist based in Cornwall/London. Over 3,600 people signed a petition by Friends of the Earth Scotland, Greenpeace and Uplift opposing the field. Jackdaw is one of the top ten biggest gas fields left in the North Sea, at ten times the size of the Abigail oil field that was approved in January. Oil and Gas company Total are issuing what they call sustainable bonds but they can use the money to drill for oil in the Arctic. In fact, it collected almost 100m from the UK government. However industry proponents said that protestors plans, while well-intentioned, would result in higher emissions and reduce the UKs energy security. You'll have the option create an individual account or to link your account to an organisation. The UK has faced a summer of unprecedented heat, and Greenpeace says that if gas from Jackdaw is burned, it could produce CO2 emissions equivalent to more than those of Ghana. These ghost flights are a shocking waste of resources and a needless source of emissions. Registration number SC003558. Email is how the global climate movement is able to stay organised. Right now, fossil Fuel giant Shell is trying to develop a new gas field in the North Sea: Jackdaw. In 2020, the International Energy Agency said that there should be no new oil and gas fields approved for development anywhere in the world to keep within the 1.5C limit of dangerous climate warming. All Rights Reserved. Moreover, Jackdaw was named in reports suggesting the government would look to fast track key developments this year amid a drive for greater energy independence. Information about committees and records of all debates, questions and answers. Sign and share this petition calling on the UK government to stop Jackdaw, stop all new oil and gas extraction and secure a just transition for workers, Amplify the #StopJackdaw campaign using this social media toolkit. We are calling on you and your government to reject the Jackdaw gas field, and stop all new oil & gas licensing and development, in line with climate science. Sign here. And we have a matter of weeks to act. A coalition of groups have created a technical response to the consultation and would love other organisations to sign up as co-signatories. As a group, Stop Cambo will be focusing on the #StopJackdaw campaign (seeing as the Cambo oil field is currently still paused). One quick and simple thing we can do help push our government to take serious action against the climate crisis, and set a strong example for other countries to follow, is sign petitions. Tell Asda, Sainsburys, Morrisons and Tescos to stop selling Russian diesel and fuelling the war in Ukraine. This project was rejected in 2021 for being too polluting but now Shell is trying to push it through again. Tell him to stop buying Russian gas and invest in renewable resources. Are you sure? This project was rejected in 2021 for being too polluting but now Shell is trying to push it through again. 350 will send you email updates when you can make a difference. The only winners from Jackdaw are Shell. If Shell and the UK government think they can push through a climate wrecking project, that wont lower bills or provide energy security, then theyre wrong. All new fields will do is make more money for oil and gas companies, who are profiteering while causing the climate crisis. Thats why we have to urge Prime Minister Boris Johnson to reject Jackdaw and all new oil and gas fields. Sign here. It must also do much more to alleviate the suffering of households as the energy price crisis bites, and urgently ramp up retrofits to keep homes warm while helping end reliance on expensive gas.. TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. No, not now. Were here and ready to show that the public wont stand for more extraction. And the people affected should be able to seek justice. But it wont solve either. Unfortunately, we need to continue with fossils (yes even fracking onshore). Slowly every year moving a bit more over. Shell wont stop until the UK government stops them: while the world is racing to lower emissions and we struggle to pay our energy bills, Shell wants to profit while worsening the climate crisis.