Accessibility | Privacy Notice Only graduates permitted in cafeteria. For questions about the submission process, please contact Chapek has been swept up in the news as many of his Disney employees are calling for him to make a statement denouncing the Florida legislature's recent "Don't Say Gay"bill, which aims to restrict discussion of gender and sexuality in schools. Your school Dean will congratulate you. Indiana University Bloomington May 10th at 10:00 a.m. (Please gather by 9:30 a.m.). If you are physically able to do so, please remain standing. Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Credit Cards and Venmo payments only. Events, Get
Leave your purse or backpack at home for graduation, and stick to just the necessities, like your keys, phone, and wallet. The company also pledged to pause donations to political campaigns in Florida. Samantha Power --Anna Lindh Professor of the Practice of Global Leadership and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School and William D. Zabel 61 Professor of Practice in Human Rights at Harvard Law School, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Tom Linebarger -- Cummins Chairman and CEO.
Cords also are available for purchase directly from the various society headquarters. The names of individual graduates are read as they cross the stage and are congratulated by school deans and the Chancellor. All IU graduation ceremonies will be in person with no testing, masking, ticketing or other requirements for graduates or guests.
-- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1975 Robert D. Orr -- Lieutenant Governor, State of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1974 Otis R. Bowen, M.D. However, an uncited newspaper article states, After conferring their diplomas, President Moss gave the class a talk The newspaper then prints Moss speech in its entirety. Graduates will receive more details in the mail. Finally, 1997 saw the first reinstatement of midyear graduation since 1944, and a winter commencement was held on December 22, 1997. IU East. Graduates, please wear your regalia and bring your hood. It was the Presidents duty to deliver the Baccalaureate sermons; however, it is assumed that the President did also deliver a small speech after the diplomas were conferred upon the students. Accessibility | Privacy Notice We expect our commencement speakers to come in and really help send them out into the world," Carney said. "We want our students to feel celebrated in a way, thatthis is looking forward.
Id rather have Mark Cuban.. "Being the head of such a large corporation but not saying anything when Disney World resides in Florida is maddening, and as a person in the LGBTQ+ community, I truly felt betrayed," Smith told The Herald-Times.
Graduates can wait for family and friends at Wilkinson Hall or on the grounds of Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall. about Saturdays undergraduate commencement ceremony, Bob Chapek,current chief executive officer of The Walt Disney Companyand IU alumnus, Faculty chair calls provost memo 'a slap in the face' pittingfaculty against grad workers, Florida legislature's recent "Don't Say Gay"bill, IU student sues Bloomington over 'All Lives Matter' mural rejection, alleges discrimination, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy.
Because of the large number of graduates, doctoral degree recipients are the only graduates whose names are announced. You can still join the celebration even if you cant make it to Commencement in person! Indiana University Bloomington To graduate with academic distinction, baccalaureate degree candidates must: Candidates who are awarded honors in general scholarship are distinguished by fourrageres, which are looped cords worn from the left shoulder during the commencement exercise.
Students may upload letters of recommendation to their applicationor students may sharethis separate form with recommenders to submit letters on the student's behalf. On December 7, 1941, the United States officially entered into WWII after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. You can also find more details on parking, procession lineup, and seating on the What to Expect page. Gentlemen- You may choose to wear a dress shirt, tie, and pair of slacks. Make sure the skirt or dress is an appropriate length for a professional occasion, but not so long that it sticks out of the bottom of the gown. All graduates must wear custom IU apparel at Commencement. Please ask them to remain in their seats until the commencement ceremony ends and, if they must go to out to the foyer, that they remain quiet. Prepare yourself for this grand event by knowing whats happening and when. -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1979 Otis R. Bowen, M.D. Application materials include: Three letters of recommendation, at least two from IU faculty, Recommendation letters can be submitted in two ways. | Keep in mind, will be warm and you will be wearing a long sleeved gown. Guests, Invitations &
Ready, Family &
Commencement is a significant ceremony, and you should dress accordingly.
Candidates for graduation please arrive at the Student Events & Activities Center no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday May 12th for rehearsal. Find the dates, times, and locations of the ceremonies for this academic year and start planning for future dates. | Access to the stage will be by the steps on the right (as you face the stage).
Remind your guests about proper crowd etiquette. Accessibility | Privacy Notice Please join us to celebrate graduate students who completed their master's programs. Then add on to the Commencement festivities by attending your school or programs recognition event. Seats are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Undergraduate candidates tassels on the right. Cellphones on silent mode please. They said its only going to be 90 minutes, Surakanti told her friends about Saturdays undergraduate commencement ceremony. A photographer will take their picture after they step from the stage holding their diploma covers. All rights reserved. Please give all valuables and personal belongings to a family member or friend to hold. When Indiana University announced last week that Chapek would be this years undergraduate commencement speaker, IU alumni, parents, community members and even people with no apparent relation to the university spoke out against the decisionon social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Please dress in a respectful manner. Spring: Dan Coats -- United States Senator, Winter: Claudia Mitchell-Kernan Vice chancellor of the graduate division of the University of California, Los Angeles, presidential appointee to the governing board of the National Science Foundation, 1995 Birch E. Bayh, Jr. Indiana Senator, 1994 Hanna H. Gray President emerita, University of Chicago, 1993 Robert Shaw Conductor and music director emeritus, Atlanta Symphony, 1992 Helen Suzman Member of Parliament, Republic of South Africa, 1991 Lee H. Hamilton -- United States Congressman, 1989 Jill S. Ruckelshaus Womens and civil rights activist, 1988 Herman B Wells Indiana University chancellor, May 9, morning: Ann G. DeVore -- State Auditor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), May 9, afternoon: H. Dean Evans Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction (Gives a Greetings from the State), May 10, morning: Ann G. DeVore State Auditor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), May 10, morning & afternoon: Edwin J. Simcox -- Secretary of State, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), May 11, afternoon: H. Dean Evans Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1985Robert D. Orr -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), May 5, morning: Edwin J. Simcox -- Secretary of State, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), May 5, afternoon: John M. Mutz Lieutenant Governor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), May 6, afternoon: Robert D. Orr Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), Morning: Robert D. Orr -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), Afternoon: Richard M. Givan Chief Justice of Indiana Supreme Court (Gives a Greetings from the State), Morning: Richard M. Givan Chief Justice of Indiana Supreme Court (Gives a Greetings from the State), Afternoon: John M. Mutz -- Lieutenant Governor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1981 Morning & afternoon: Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. -- Chief Judge, Indiana Court of Appeals (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1980 Morning & afternoon: Otis R. Bowen, M.D. Im excited for the event of it, but I wouldnt mind it being over in, like, 10 minutes, Surakanti said. Start getting excited and take care of tasks in advance by ordering invitations and attending Grad Fair. Copyright 2022 The Trustees of
Graduate Commencement is tentatively scheduled to take place on May 5 at 3 p.m. at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall (1001 E. 17th Street). Celebration ceremonies organized by the schools, departments, and programs. -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1977 Robert D. Orr -- Lieutenant Governor, State of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1976 Otis R. Bowen, M.D. Bloomington, Ceremonies &
Carney declined to comment on the recent controversy surrounding Chapek. Avoid bringing a bag to the ceremony. Service cords will be distributed to military veterans. Graduates will receive rehearsal instructions for the following days commencement ceremony at the Senior Shindig on Thursday, May 12 at 5:30pm in the Student Events Center on campus. IU spokesman Chuck Carney said Chapek, who graduatedfrom IUwith a bachelor's degreein microbiology in 1981,has been a long respected member of the alumni community. Rank within the highest 10% of the graduating class of their respective school, Must have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours at Indiana University, and, Must meet the IU cumulative GPA criteria outlined below, Highest Distinction 3.90 - 4.000 Crimson & Cream. Application for Student Speaker for the 2022 Commencement is now closed. Honors are awarded by vote of the various faculties, and the fourrageres are provided by the university.
Graduate commencement will be at 3 p.m. Friday at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall. Chaplin -- Chancellor, Washington University (Address entitled: College Discipline), 1902 George E. MacLean -- President, University of Iowa (Address entitled: American Culture), 1901 Frederick Treudley -- Superintendent, Ohio Public Schools (Address entitled: What is of Most Worth), 1900 William Oxley Thompson -- President, Ohio State University (Address entitled: The State and Education), 1899 John M. Coulter -- Professor of Botany, University of Chicago, F. H. Snow -- Chancellor, University of Kansas, W.W. Parsons -- President, State Normal School (Address entitled: Higher Indiana), 1897 Cyrus Northrop -- President, University of Minnesota, David Starr Jordan -- President, Leland Stanford Jr. University, A.S. Draper -- President, University of Illinois, 1895 Henry Wade Rogers -- President, Northwestern University, 1894 W.R. Harper - President, Chicago University, 1893 Albion W. Small -- Professor, Chicago University (Address entitled: The Coming of Man), 1892 Rev. As you descend the steps on the left side of the stage, you will receive a gift from the Alumni Association and pause momentarily for a photo. Get more information on. Its the big moment that concludes your academic journey at IU. Graduates do not need to sign up for these photographs before the ceremony. Tentative Location: Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall, Tentative Date: Saturday, December 17, 2022. And Disney is a huge company, so thats kind of cool.. Pick a pair of comfortable dress shoes or loafers if youre going for a masculine look. | Ready, Family &
Following these instructions, graduates can celebrate at one of the longest traditions on the IU East campus- The Senior Shindig . The Commencement ceremony is the premier graduation event, a celebration where the entire Indiana University Bloomington campus comes together in grand fashion. A one-stop location for getting all the graduation items you need for Commencement. The ceremony includes the procession of the platform party, remarks from President Whitten and Provost Shrivastav, and a speech from a Commencement speaker. Graduation isnt the best day to break in a new pair of shoes since youll be doing a lot of walking and standing. You will be told when to sit. Undergraduate commencement will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Memorial Stadium. Honors cords will be distributed to December and May graduates who qualified for them. Indiana University, IU
| Ladies-You may choose to wear a dress or skirt. He knew a little about the backlash against Chapek for not making a statement opposing thebill, he said, but hopes people will be able to keep politics out of the graduation ceremony. IU will provide assistance with speech development and editing. Guests, Invitations &
Carney noted the guest speaker's address is intended to inspire the graduating class by sharing their personal story, including both accomplishments and challenges that happened along the way. Plans for Commencement start well in advance, and so should your plans to attend. Some, such as IU Ph.D. candidate Allie Smith, tweeted about howthey, as a gay and nonbinaryperson,would be "heartbroken" if someone like Chapek spoke at their commencement. *There were, however, two exceptions: In 1845 Judge David McDonald of Bloomington addressed the class and in 1848 J.C. Vaughn of Louisville addressed the assembled crowd. Head to the Get Ready section to see the things you need to do and when. It's the end ofone chapter but a beginning to a whole other. In 1988, the university conducted the first outdoor commencement ceremony in 17 years, allowing for a single ceremony for all graduates that year. Student speakers have a successful academic record with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a history of participation in campus and community activities. The ceremony lasts about 90 minutes and includes conferral of all degrees, a student speaker, and induction into the Alumni Association. This card has (1) your name; (2) honors designation if applicable, and (3) a number. It was then noted that a mid-year commencement could be added in the future if the number of December graduates continued to increase. Upon entering the cafeteria, go to the designated area for your School (i.e., Business, Education, HSS, NSM, Nursing, Social Work), where a school representative will give you your name card. Ready, Family &
Copyright 2022 The Trustees of Indiana University, Indiana University Commencement speakers, 1892-present, Resource available to authorized IU Bloomington users (on or off campus), Distance Education Document & Book Delivery, Services for Library Users with Disabilities, Access & Assistance at Other Campus Libraries, Archives of African American Music & Culture, Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center Library, Diversity Resources: Our Values in Action. Look for the live stream link in the top corner of the website on the day of the ceremony so you can watch from anywhere.
Diplomas are not actually distributed at the commencement exercise.
Pick a solid-colored or striped dress shirt with a collar, and add a coordinating tie. Avoid wearing stiletto heels or very high heels for the ceremony, especially if its outside. Copyright 2022 The Trustees of The big ceremony is just one of the events and activities that are part of the graduation celebration. For subscribers:Faculty chair calls provost memo 'a slap in the face' pittingfaculty against grad workers. Once everyone is assembled, the Registrar and Director of Alumni Affairs will brief you on what you should expect at graduation. John H. Barrows, of Chicago (Address entitled: The Need and Comfort of Theism.), Accessibility | Privacy Notice Accessibility | Privacy Notice Cords become the property of the student. For questions call (765-973-8221) or click here- IU Proud: Recognition Levels: Join: Alumni Association: Indiana University. IU East conducts one commencement exercise per year (upon conclusion of the spring semester). Some argued he is too liberal, while others argued he is too conservative. The Commencement Ceremony begins PROMPTLY at 6:00 pm on Friday, May 13 at the Tiernan Center. In 1989, a resurging interest in winter commencement led to winter graduates being given a reception in their honor. -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1972 Norman F. Arterburn -- Chief Justice of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1971 John J. Loughlin -- Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1970 Richard E. Folz Lieutenant Governor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1969 Edgar D. Whitcomb -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1968 Robert L. Rock -- Lieutenant Governor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1967 Robert L. Rock -- Lieutenant Governor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1966 Robert L. Rock -- Lieutenant Governor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1965 Robert L. Rock -- Lieutenant Governor, Indiana (Gives Remarks), 1964 Harold E. Achor -- Chief Justice, Indiana Supreme Court (Gives Remarks), 1963 Matthew E. Welsh -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1962 Matthew E. Welsh -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1961 Matthew E. Welsh -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1960 Harold W. Handley -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1959 Harold W. Handley -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1958 Harold W. Handley -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1957 Harold W. Handley -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1956 Frederick Landis -- Chief Justice, Indiana Supreme Court (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1955 George N. Craig -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), June: George N. Craig -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), February: Thomas E. Jones -- President, Earlham College, February: Maurice O. Ross -- President, Butler University, June: Henry F. Schricker -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), February: Vincent Sheean -- Author-Correspondent, June: John A. Watkins -- Lieutenant Governor, Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), February: Kenneth Lindsay -- former member of Parliament, 1949 Henry F. Schricker -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1948 Ralph F. Gates -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), 1947 Ralph F. Gates -- Governor of Indiana (Gives a Greetings from the State), June: Wiley Rutledge -- Justice United States Supreme Court (Address entitled: Was Thomas Jefferson Wrong?), February: McIlyar H. Lichliter -- Grand Prior and active member at large of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council (Address entitled: Sanity in a Muddled World), April: Ralph Cooper Hutchinson -- President, Washington and Jefferson College, August: Francisco A. Delgado -- LL.B. Honor cords are to be worn over the left shoulder. Do not sit until your entire row has returned. Students may participate in commencement if they graduated the previous December, graduated in May of the current year, or are candidates to graduate during the upcoming summer (June or August).
Cap and gown orders may only be placed on online at Herff Jones or at the Grad Fair 11am-3pm on April 12 in front of the Campus Bookstore. Be sure to get started on preparing for Commencement, like checking your eligibility, applying to graduate, and ordering your apparel. Graduates may keep their caps and tassel and crimson sashes. You could also wear a polo shirt with a collar.
* The individuals delivering the master oration may qualify as commencement speakers but they are not listed below. Indiana University seniors Sydney Adams, Caitlin Holtmeyer and Pravalika Surakanti stood behind the arch of the IU Sample Gates in their white dresses and red sashes Thursday, waiting to snag a better spot to take graduation photos.