See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. We love your photos and welcome your news tips. They're fighting back. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2022 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Ulvrova said that while the probability an offshore eruption is fairly low, "results can directly serve as input in decision making should there be an emergency related to volcanic explosion in that area. Ulvrova added that, while the evacuation plan for a more likely land-based eruption is well established, a tsunami could also pose a risk: "We cannot neglect it and it should be included in the hazard maps for the region," she said. A slumbering volcano under the Italian city of Naples shows signs of "reawakening" and may be reaching a critical pressure point, according to a study published on December 20, 2016. The eruption of the Indonesian supervolcano Tambora in 1815 is a well-documented example: the following summer was dubbed the year without a summer, and even places as far away as Switzerland suffered crop failure. Your email address will only be used for EarthSky content. Many of these are underwater, in Pozzuoli Bay. "Most of their activity consists of small to moderate scale eruptions, which would have a limited impact in a restricted area.". Also known as the Phlegraean Fields, Campi Flegrei is Europes only supervolcano, located beneath Naples, Italy. Their findings suggest that "a significant tsunami hazard exists in many areas of the Bay of Naples," with the risk most prominent in Pozzuoli Bay. The EarthSky team has a blast bringing you daily updates on your cosmos and world. Thank you! Over time, magma begins to accumulate in the chamber, cooling and slightly crystallizing. The last volcanic event recorded was known as the Monte Nuovo eruption in 1538, which was "fairly small". We have to be cautious, though, about connecting the long-term behavior over thousands of years to short-term changes over years to decades, and their implications about the potential for eruption, Kilburn says. Indeed, the results may be valuable for understanding large calderas worldwide, he says in an email. The rift valley is a classic example of a divergent plate boundary.

. Every donation will be highly appreciated. More info. Get the best of Nat Geo in streaming, digital, and in print today. Stingrays recorded making sounds for the first timebut why? Lava spews out of a fissure in the Virunga mountains in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Instead, volcanoes can show some signs of activity but then die down without a trace of an eruption. As Forni explains, these characteristics can hint at what's happening in the volcano before each eruptionand may be a key to why eruptions are sometimes tiny and other times tremendous. Extreme damage was reported on the island and over 2,000 residents perished. Local scientists are worried that such drilling could itself initiate an eruption or earthquake. "'Supervolcanoes' (a term that, imho, should be abolished) do not always produce gigantic 'supereruptions'. READ MORE:Volcano: What would eruptions look like on asteroids? So before you go running to the nearest underground bunker, let's break down this new study. Oops! Support us - Help us upgrade our services! It had a magnitude of 4.25.2, but caused catastrophic shaking assigned XI (Extreme) on the MCS scale. How to see Stonehenge: Everything you need to know, Photograph by Christian Jungeblodt/laif/Redux. Its formation some 39,000 years ago saw lava and rocks thrown hundreds of kilometres away in what was the most violent eruption in the past 200,000 years in Europe. Each layer of erupted rock and ash did not form tidy, even layers. We talk about one of the most densely populated areas on Earth. None has a bolder plan. In addition, the study reported that the uplift episodes are believed to be governed by overpressure of the shallow hydrothermal system, magma movement through the crust, or both phenomena. We actually dont know for sure what the next step is going to be, Forni says, noting that the chamber could continue to cool and permanently go quiet, or a new build-up cycle could start. We, the next generations, and perhaps the entire human race will not be here to witness a massive eruption. "This is not always the case: often magma stalls at some depth, loses gas and cools, and becomes 'uneruptible'. The magma reservoir underneath the Phlegraean Fields fills up only very slowly. Today, there is no sign of imminent reawakening of activity, although there are abundant signs of the presence of a still active magma chamber in the forms of solfataras, warm springs, gas emissions etc. The Big Apple has a rich and storied maritime history. These rumbles have also sparked some debate over their cause, and recent work suggests that the tremors don't reflect a shallow chamber refilling with magma, Troise points out. The strongest quake in the Earthquake sequence was a magnitude 3.1, which is the strongest earthquake in the caldera going back to the last major period of unrest and rapid uplift in 1982-1984. [26], In its weekly bulletin of April 6 2021, the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) reported that the Rione Terra (RITE) GPS tiltmeter had an average uplift rate of 13mm per month +/- 2mm. Our expert volcanologists and photographers offer unique travel experiences: The Macellum at Pozzuoli where evidence of recent uplift can be seen on the columns, Bubbling mud pool inside the Solfatara crater, The new harbour quai of Pozzuoli, constructed at a lower level after the recent uplifts in 1982-1984, View into the crater of Monte Nuovo (1538 eruption). It contains many fumaroles, from which steam can be seen issuing, and over 150 pools (at the last count) of boiling mud. Francesca Forni of ETH Zurich is the study lead author. Campi Flegrei has been marked as the most dangerous volcano in the world, pipping the likes of Yellowstone to the top title. Supervolcanoes have caused short-term climate catastrophes, crop failure, and famines in the past. However, for all the talk of the likes of Yellowstone and Campi Flegrei being overdue, Mr Behnke said this is not the case. TOPSHOT - A photo taken on June 6, 2013 shows Pisciarelli fumaroles and mud pools from the Campi Flegrei caldera, a super volcano, near Naples. This allows them to determine the current stage of the magma system. The original article said the latest study was published in the journal PLOS One. Rising seas threaten the Gullah Geechee. The volcanic activity in the region has been producing explosive eruptions in the past for at least 60,000 years, including two super eruptions, according to Martina Ulvrova, from ETH Zurich's Institute of Geophysics. To tease through the complexities of the region, Forni and her colleagues examined volcanic material from 23 eruptions, analyzing their elemental chemistry to identify signatures of their formation. [15], A study from the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia shows that the volcanic unrest of the Campi Flegrei caldera from January 2012 to June 2013 was characterised by rapid ground uplift of about 11cm (4in), with a peak rate of about 3cm (1in) per month during December 2012. The exact trigger for the start of a new cyclewhich could build to a major eruptionis unclear. Volcanic deposits indicative of eruption have been dated by argon at 315,000, 205,000, 157,000 and 18,000 years ago. By modeling offshore eruptions at the active volcano, which sits to the west of Naples, researchers were able to show that tsunamis could pose a risk to the region. One particular takeaway will likely make a bang: The researchers conclude that magma under Campi Flegrei may be entering a building phase, potentially culminating, at some undetermined point in the future, in a large-scale eruption, the team writes in their study. The team's composition analysis suggests that the volcano's last eruption in 1538 represents this bubbly magma stage. "We now know that there are quite a lot of 'failed eruptions', which are often marked by the typical signs of unrest (seismic, gas emission, ground deformation) that announce an eruption, but then don't take place. In one, researchers discovered magma appears to be building under the volcanic system, suggesting Campi Flegrei is entering a new caldera cycle. Since 1950, its grounds had suffered repeated vertical uplift episodes and subsidence phases. (Also find out why Yellowstone's supervolcano may rumble to life fasterbut not soonerthan previously thought.). And in the meantime, the team at Vesuvius Observatory is actively monitoring the volcano's every whisper so that if it does wake up, they'll be listening. Pozzuoli Bay would be severely impacted by a large explosive offshore eruption at Campi Flegrei. However, scientists predict this could be a "pre-eruptive state" where eruptions could be imminent at some point in the future. Some of the early warning signs of an impending eruption of a magma chamber are land elevation and changes in the composition of the gasesthe Phlegraean Fields emits. How we went from hunter-gatherers to monument builders, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2022 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Copyright 2022 NATURE WORLD NEWS All rights reserved. The volcano last erupted in 1538, when a week-long discharge led to the formation of a new volcano, Monte Nuovo. Though a large-scale eruption like the one that occurred 39,000 years ago is very unlikely, a new caldera-forming eruption in the area is a possibility. ", Anna Tramelli, from Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, told Newsweek that tectonic earthquakes at the Campi Flegrei volcano are "not an alarming signal of activity.". Analysis of Campi Flegrei offers fresh insight into its activity cycle, but any rumors of impending doom would be greatly exaggerated. Unauthorized use is prohibited. [13], At present, the Phlegraean Fields area comprises the Naples districts of Agnano and Fuorigrotta, the area of Pozzuoli, Bacoli, Monte di Procida, Quarto, the Phlegrean Islands (Ischia, Procida and Vivara). Can it be saved? Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. These tales are worse. 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Despite their new findings, the researchers cant predict exactly when the next major eruption at the Phlegraean Fields may occur. Sign up HERE for science breakthroughs in health, business and more that matter. Tigers have nearly tripled in Nepal, but at what cost? Age-old secrets revealed from the first metropolises, New law in Spain could help families in their search for relatives, How we went from hunter-gatherers to monument builders, How multiple COVID-19 infections can harm the body, Inside the hunt for mysterious twilight asteroids, Debate deepens over Wuhan market's role in the pandemic, 'Lost' treasure trove of fossils rediscovered after 70 years, How a satellite found a tiny islandand made Canada a bit bigger, How you should dispose of unused or expired medications, In Cyprus, this is where you can find Aphrodite, Menorcas houses of the dead reveal these ancient secrets. "An alarming signal would be a migration towards the surface or a local surficial deformation," she said. Related article: Earth's Slow, Steady 'Heartbeat' of Geological Activity Still Consistent After 27 Million Years, Tags We can hypothesize it can occur, but we don't know when, says lead author Francesca Forni of ETH Zrich in Switzerland. There are also effusive gaseous manifestations in the Solfatara crater, the mythological home of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan. In broad strokes, the cycle starts with the slow buildup of magma in the chamber, leading to a massive crater-forming blast. Any hypothetical massive blast would likely be far in the future, possibly thousands of years or more. This plan, however, does not include the event of an eruption taking place at sea. In another report, researchers looked at the ground deformation that has taken place in the region since the 1950s, finding that the volcano has been building energy throughout this period, potentially indicating it is "evolving towards conditions more favorable to eruption.". The Virunga chain is part of the East African Rift Valley system, which marks the boundary between two plates: the Nubian plate to the west and the Somalian plate to the east. But Forni and her colleagues point to one key change: the formation of a crystal mush with so much dissolved water that some of it is forced into the magma as bubbles. Three geological phases or periods are recognised and distinguished.[7]. The quake struck at about a depth of 1.8 miles, at approximately 7.45 P.M., according to Italy's earthquake monitoring body. That's why studying how Campi Flegrei works is so vital. Campi Flegrei is a volcanic complex consisting of 24 craters and edifices. An eruption at Mt Etna in Sicily, one of three clusters of volcanic activity in Italy. This summer, adventure is never far away with Nat Geo Premium with Disney+. The eruptions that follow this big event are relatively small and frequent blasts of hot, dry magma that likely originates from deep inside Earth and doesn't linger as it heads out. I wonder if you had all of those samples, how clear the picture would be, she says. ", Christopher Kilburn, a professor of Earth Science at University College London, told Newsweek that research on the volcanic threat at Campi Flegrei has largely focused on land-based eruptions, "however, an eruption offshore cannot be categorically excluded, so the [study] is important to make sure that Italy's Civil Protection is prepared for even the less-likely scenarios.". Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) webcams / live data, Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) volcano eruptions, Campi Flegrei volcano (Italy): sea water turns red, worries about possible connection with volcanic activity, Campi Flegrei volcano (Italy): inflation and weak volcanic unrest continue. The strongest quake since March 29 2021 had been of magnitude 2.2, and the RITE GPS station had measured 72.5cm of uplift since January 2011. She stresses that the work focuses on chemical cycles, not really when or if Campi Flegrei is going to erupt soon. What's more, many researchers not associated with the work expressed concern about the application of the results to modern conditions. [24][25], On Sunday April 26, 2020, a moderate earthquake swarm hit Campi Flegrei caldera, which included about 34 earthquakes ranging between magnitude 0 and magnitude 3.1 with the swarm centered around the port city of Pozzuoli. "Overdue is a human concept; volcanoes erupt when there's magma capable of reaching the surface. It was declared a regional park in 2003. 2022 All rights reserved. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. The area also features bradyseismic phenomena, which are most evident at the Macellum of Pozzuoli (misidentified as a temple of Serapis): bands of boreholes left by marine molluscs on marble columns show that the level of the site in relation to sea level has varied. The volcanologists also created a model of the cycle. [citation needed], A 2009 journal article stated that inflation of the caldera centre near Pozzuoli might presage an eruptive event within decades. According to their tests, an explosion would form a "crater-like cavity at the water surface" with a column of water appearing in the center. The researchers explained that volcanoes go though cycles. The rift valley is a classic example of a divergent plate boundary. No state is losing land like Louisiana. You can unsubscribe at any time. Today, more than half a million people have settled near the slumbering volcano, whose rumblings and effusive gasses reflect the heat that still brews below. "Campi Flegrei is an active volcano that has been producing explosive eruptions in the past for at least 60,000 years including two super eruptions," Martina Ulvrova, from ETH Zurich's Institute of Geophysics, told Newsweek. He said: "Volcanoes do not erupt when we believe they're 'overdue'. He said: We can reconstruct from past eruptions the rhythm that supervolcanoes have, and hopefully predict where they stand in their cycle. For the submarine volcanoes south of Sicily, see, A supervolcano located west of Naples, Italy, International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, "One of Earth's Most Dangerous Supervolcanoes Is Rumbling", "The supervolcano in italy; Campi Flegrei", "Volcanism and the Mantle: Campi Flegrei", "Mobility of a large-volume pyroclastic flow emplacement of the Campanian ignimbrite, Italy", "Volcanoes Wiped out Neanderthals, New Study Suggests", "Caldera unrest prior to intense volcanism in Campi Flegrei (Italy) at 4.0 ka B.P. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. The waves would take about 15 minutes to cross the Bay of Naples. It contains many volcanic centers (cinder cones, tuff rings, calderas) that have been active during the past 30-40,000 years. Order yours before theyre gone. Why murder hornets are getting a new name, Beloved Chincoteague ponies' mythical origins may be real, A few jaguars now roam the Arizona borderlands, How raccoons became the ultimate urban survivors. Campi Flegrei has been active for 60,000 years, with the caldera forming during two large explosive eruptions. To be clear, the volcano is not currently heading for catastrophe. Researchers say that the accurate location of seismicity and estimate of source mechanisms "can resolve fault systems and track fluid migrations through volcanoes. A new study suggests that the Phlegraean Fields one of the most active and volatile volcanic regions in the world is at the early stage of a new cycle that could culminate in another gigantic eruption. Campi Flegrei has had strategic and cultural importance. The newly elected mayor allowed the project to go forward. The Virunga chain is part of the East African Rift Valley system, which marks the boundary between two plates: the Nubian plate to the west and the Somalian plate to the east. What are supervolcanoes, and how catastrophic can they be? Several recent studies have indicated changes are taking place at the system. Their study, published today in the journal Science Advances, could help scientists get a grip on the waking and sleeping cycles of these cataclysm-causing volcanoes. According to Napolike, the latest quake seems to have been stronger than the one felt on 16 March, just in the same area. The volcanic island of Ischia suffered three destructive earthquakes in 1828, 1881 and 1883, the most destructive occurring in 1883. The finished wines need to be fermented to a minimum alcohol level of 11.5% for reds and 10.5% for whites. While most Campi Flegrei wines are blends, varietal wines can be made from individual varieties, provided the variety used comprises at least 90% of the blend and the wine is fermented to at least 12% alcohol for reds and 11% for whites. Researchers actively monitor the system and understand the cues that could signal pending eruptions. Considering the unrest seen at the port of Pozzuoli, it is probable that the next eruption will take place within that region of the caldera. [22] Two people were killed and many more people injured in Casamicciola on the northern coast of the island of Ischia, which is south of the epicentre. The chemistry of the last eruption, she says, indicate[s] that the magmatic reservoir might be 'ready' for accommodating magmas from recharge without erupting frequently., It's really made a huge contribution having this data together to kind of see how things are changing over time, says Victoria Smith, a geochronologist and volcanologist at the University of Oxford. A daily update by email. Gas emissions and fumarole temperatures did not change significantly. Correction 7/22, 2.25 a.m. The Phlegraean Fields have become more active again in recent years. [14] In 2012 the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program planned to drill 3.5 kilometres (11,000 feet) below the earth's surface near Pompeii, in order to monitor the massive molten rock chamber below and provide early warning of any eruption. Olivier Bachmann, a professor at ETH Zurich, is a study co-author. Earth, Space, Human World, Tonight. [27], Red Campi Flegrei is a blend of 5070% Piedirosso, 1030% Aglianico and/or Sciascinoso and up to 10% of other local (both red and white) grape varieties. Long periods of dormancy and small eruptions characterize this stage. [17] In May 2017 a new study by University College London and the Vesuvius Observatory published in Nature Communications revealed that an eruption might be closer than previously thought. He wrote on Twitter: "Yellowstone, probably the most famous 'supervolcano', is not only NOT 'overdue', but if it were to erupt again, it would very likely produce a relatively small eruption, without a chance of having global consequences. Horrific summer travels? [citation needed], Italian wine, both red and white, under the Campi Flegrei DOC appellation comes from this area. Smith emphasizes the complexity of the Campi Flegrei system. In the paper, Forni and her team point to recent unrest, such as ground deformation or changes in emitted gas, as signals for potential magma recharge. Overlapping craters of all sizes pockmark the Campi Flegrei volcanic region, which is nestled at the western edge of Naples, Italy, and stretches out into the Mediterranean Sea. For clues on what's happening in the magma chamber below, a team of researchers have now examined the chemistry of volcanic rocks and glass from historical eruptions, using that data to create a computer model to simulate the conditions leading to an eruption. Still, with a dense population nearby, any eruption can prove deadly, and events as large as the 1538 blast could happen in the future. Satellite view of the Campi Flegrei; the Gulf of Pozzuoli in the foreground, parts of the Gulf of Naples and the city of Naples in the right background. Venice's plan to save the city may also destroy its fragile lagoons, How one photographer and his farm survived Portugals wildfires, Life, both big and small, returns to NYCs 500 miles of coastline, How the 'wickedest city on Earth' was sunk by an earthquake. Volcanologist Christopher Kilburn at the University College London adds that the paper is a good example of how to use geochemistry to better understand the lifecycle of this large volcanic system. A further injection of magma into the magma chamber triggers an enormous eruption. Like salt freezing out of seawater as ice forms, the magma's dissolved water doesn't get incorporated as much into these crystals, increasing its presence in the leftover melt. St Vincent volcano: NASA satellite reveals giant plume over Caribbean, Yellowstone rocked by 1,700 earthquakes amid fears of 'overdue' blast, Yellowstone NOT most dangerous volcano- Campi Flegrei eruption would force mass evacuation, Yellowstone is not the most powerful volcano, New Zealand earthquakes: Tremors could trigger volcano eruptions, Antarcticavolcanoes could erupt and make planet. Because of this, it's nearly impossible to retrieve material from every historical eruption, leaving inevitable gaps in the record. New videos taken in Australia and Indonesia reveal at least two stingray species make clicking noisesbut it's unknown how they do it. In particular, the Campi Flegrei is infamous for its frequent episodes of major ground deformation in the form of large-scale up- and downlift of the ground (bradisism, see below). She said in a statement: But we do not have to worry about a catastrophic eruption in the next 20,000 years. Citizens of the areas of Pozzuoli, Bagnoli, Agnano and Fuorigrotta, after feeling the shock, hurriedly poured into the streets. Twice in the last 60,000 years, large blasts of volcanic ash and rock have blanketed the region, and a smattering of smaller bursts have happened before and after each big eruption, including the most recent event in 1538. The researchers then incorporated this information into a computer model to simulate Campi Flegrei's eruptions since its last big blast 15,000 years ago. It adds that from 1985 to 2011 the dynamics of ground uplift were mostly linked to the caldera's hydrothermal system, and that this relation broke down in 2012. A Reuters article emphasized that the area could produce a "super volcano" that might kill millions. Ground inflation continues at steady rates of up to 1 cm per month, centered in the Pozzuoli area, and micro-seismic and degassing activity remain elevated. Also known as the Phlegrean Fields, Italy's Campi Flegrei is a complex volcanic site composed of a network of craters and hydrothermal features. Should the volcano erupt in the future, models suggest that it could produce a 100-foot tsunami, severely impacting coastal areas like Pozzuoli and Sorrento. In 1538, an eight-day eruption in the area deposited enough material to create a new hill, Monte Nuovo. "For the largest explosions, incoming waves hitting Naples would have the highest amplitudes of around 1.5 meters. The driving mechanism of the ground uplift changed to periodical emplacement of magma within a flat sill-shaped magmatic reservoir about 3,000m (9,843ft) in depth, 500m (1,640ft) south from the port of Pozzuoli. Something went wrong while submitting the form. But he too warns against drawing too many conclusions about the current state of affairs at Campi Flegrei. The whites are composed of 5070% Falanghina, 1030% Biancolella and/or Coda di Volpe, with up to 30% of other local white grape varieties.[27]. She warns that even a small eruption, which can occur during the early stages of a cycle, would wreak havoc on the region. This page was last edited on 24 June 2022, at 11:43. A new study published in the journal Scientific Reportsanalyzed seismicity patterns recorded at volcanoes at Campi Flegrei since 2000, to proxy the processes involved in the long-term-unrest of this densely populated caldera. Volcano: What would eruptions look like on asteroids? Overall, the samples of erupted materials point to cycles of magma cooling and heating, similar to those previously suggested for other large volcanoes.

Lava spews out of a fissure in the Virunga mountains in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [3] It is considered a supervolcano.[4][5][6]. [18][19][20][21], On 21 August 2017 there was a magnitude 4 earthquake on the western edge of the Campi Flegrei area.