The standard size for a Military Shipping Label is 4 inches by 6 inches which also may include an RFID inlay which is required when shipping to certain Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) warehouses. By adhering to MIL-STD-129, contractors can avoid this and other losses such as high labeling costs, delayed reimbursement, and negative supplier performance ratings. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R 14 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Most shipments use a combination of unit packs and exterior containers. This simple chart explains the meaning behind each of the colors commonly found on OSHA-mandated signs. This standard is to be cited only for military marking for shipment and storage. The newest Military Shipment Label (MLS) requirement, MIL-STD-129R, was released in 2014. <>>>
You want to be sure your data is accurate so that it correctly reflects all required data elements of the shipment. w:}e A@z:U*#8
@%xWe' If shelf-life markings are required, the system allows you to easily input that information. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ODYSSEY: The Leader in Defense Commerce Solutions Blog, DLA Making Moves to Prepare for Data Analytics Becoming the Weapon of the Future, How to Simplify Printing DoD Compliant Labels, Three Reasons Manual Data Entry is Holding You Back, The United States Air Force Utilizes Space-Aged Logistics System for Inventory Tracking, Three Emerging Technologies for Driving Military Efficiency, The Best Way to Combat the Supply Chain Crisis, The Biggest Surprise for New Government Contractors, Small Businesses: Dont Miss Your Opportunity to Apply for PPP, 2021 Trends That Every Government Contractor Should Know, Item description and nomenclature, exactly as it appears on the contract, purchase order, or requisition, Military preservation method and date of unit preservation, if applicable, Serial number(s), preceded by the abbreviation SER NO, Barcode markings, including NSN and CAGE, if required 2D (PDF417), and serial number, Increasing your chances of being paid on time for your products, Making it easier for government agencies to reorder from you. It is primarily used to ensure consistency and uniformity across packages which, in turn, is used to help military personnel easily fill the requisition when they are low on stock of an item. Key Advantages of A2B Trackings Military Shipping Label Printing Process: If you have a government contract that requires compliance to the IUID Policy there is a good chance that you may also have a requirement for MIL-STD-129 labels which is the standard for marking military shipments and containers in storage. RFID use, which was once optional, is now the default expectation for pallet and case shipments. We make sure your package gets delivered to its desired location on-time at a lower cost than you can do yourself. The MSL data encoded in the symbol includes data identifiers that allow it to be interpreted by a machine. Although these labeling requirements can be quite complicated, many companies find value in successful compliance and have the ability to maintain a long-term partnership. Military shipping labels (MSLs) are used to identify who the shipper is, what supplies or assets are being delivered and the final destination of the shipment. %PDF-1.5
Learn more about OSHA's campaign to raise safety awareness and how your company can participate. The TCN, or Transportation Control Number, is a 17-character data element assigned to control and manage each shipment throughout the transportation pipeline for payment processing. <>
Copyright 2022 Creative Safety Supply | All Rights Reserved. Phone: 650-591-7600 The most significant change MIL-STD-129R introduced, however, was the standardized use of two-dimensional PDF417 barcodes. The DD1348 and a barcoded DD250 are supported in Comply/Shipper. Contractors that do not comply with these requirements will likely have their shipments rejected. Anyway, besides all of the reasons to use the MSL over the DD1387, Mil-Std-129R is quite clear on the point.
The PDF417 is a very dense data symbology which can accommodate all of the data previously required to be linearly bar coded (NSN, Contract, CLIN, CAGE and Shipment Number), as well as the maximum number of five serial numbers or UIDs per container. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and Purchase Orders. The marking of shipments of supplies, equipment, and ammunition will be as specified in this standard. This type of identification provides in-transit visibility that takes place in almost-real time, which improves asset management, data quality, and material maintenance. All of these data elements need to be presented properly on your label to conform to MIL STD 129. The standard for container and shipment labeling of military equipment and supplies is the Department of Defense MIL-STD-129 requirement. Our BarCodeOS enabled scanners add intelligence to the barcode scanning process. Talk to one of our experts today. F: (425) 438-8764
It may be advantageous for some data, such as serial numbers, to remain in linear bar code format in addition to the 2D symbol. This will lead to more timely payments to you as the vendor.
MIL-STD-129 applies to just the labeling of shipments and containers, while MIL-STD-130 applies to the individual unit loaded on pallets or into cartons. the quality exceeded their expectations and they were extremely pleased.. This can be read with a digital imager and is different than the traditional string of bars and spaces people typically associate with a barcode. Call and ask how you can receive a discount on your first label or plate order with us. Claudia's Notes:The interfiled Revision P with Notices 1 through 4 provides the latest information in one consolidated document. Web. MIL-STD-129 serves many purposes. The proponent of this change is the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy Program Development and Implementation (OUSD AT&L/DPAP/PDI). The military is moving away from the use of linear barcodes, as these crowd the label and cant carry data to sufficiently support the DODs modern automated supply chain. The fifth annual Safe + Sound Week kicks off August 9th! The TCN is embedded in the 1D barcode at the top of the label. Marking is "the application of numbers, letters, labels, tags, symbols, or colors to provide identification and to expedite handling during shipment and storage.". These compliance documents will prepare you forthe inevitable DCMA audit. 5.6.3 Contractor-originated FMS shipments. Our team of packaging and shipping experts, can assistance with ensuring that all of your military exports meet any and all military compliance standards, including MIL-STD-129. This standard incorporates MIL-HDBK-129. Unlike Kaizen, 3P focuses on breakthrough changes in the production process. MIL-STD-129: Military Marking for Shipment and Storage, Ernst Manufacturing Drawer Storage Organizers, Social Distancing Restaurant and Bar Signs, Globally Harmonized System of Classification & Labeling, OSHA's Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP), OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements. Major changes to Mil-Std-129 came with Revision P's Change Notice 4, known as MIL-STD-129P(4), released on 19 September 2007.
And keep in mind that label requirements differ for each level of packaging. P: (678) 982-6454, ID Integration Field Offices:
MIL-STD-129 defines the containers in which items are shipping as either Unit Containers, Intermediate Containers or Exterior Containers. Just as the assembly line changed the game for manufacturing, so too can technology bring much-needed automation to the military shipping label process.
This standard provides the minimum requirements for uniform military marking for shipment and storage. MIL-STD-129 standard is used for maintaining uniformity while marking military equipment and supplies that are transported through ships. For the DOD, use of the PDF417 allows the depots to use automated data collection systems, which was virtually impossible with linear barcodes. ID Integration Sales Offices:
Standard 130 also describes: Other markings that are non-identifying, such as This End Up, are covered under MIL-STD-129. A primary focus of the revision was the use of two-dimensional PDF417 bar code symbols to replace linear bar codes on all container identification labels. Were here to help you make sense of the most recent DoD packaging requirements. There are rules for marking each container level, and for unpacked items. The purpose behind the DODs UID registry is to have a single location where information on everything the department owns can be stored and accessed. The description of items should be exactly as per the contract. Having a consistent labeling standard allows government personnel to easily track shipments, monitor supply levels, and reorder when necessary. Form DD1387 is the predecessor of the Military Shipment Label (MSL) which is in wide use today. With MIL-STD-129R, the emphasis is on an increased need to identify serialized items with IUIDs. For Exterior containers certain additional labels like Military Shipment Label(MSL), serial number barcode and Direct-Vendor Delivery label(DVD) are required. By ensuring youre creating correct MIL-STD-129R labels, you are. MIL-STD-129 is the United States Department of Defense Standard Practice Military Marking for Shipment and Storage. This important standard describes labeling requirements for any shipping containers that hold supplies and equipment for the U.S. military.
These PDF417 barcodes take up more space than the 2D Data Matrix barcode, but this symbology allows for automated data systems to read all information about the contents of a shipment. When shipping pallets, each pallet is an Exterior Container. 4 0 obj
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PIIDs are all unique and consist of a combination of thirteen to seventeen alpha and/or numeric characters sequenced to convey certain information. This specialized barcode also has the ability to accommodate the demands of Unique Identification (UID) markings. "OHH&B0 o//wU
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-W'Mw V 10R [4] Defense contractors can benefit from this same capability in their own warehouse systems. <>
With the additional information that is now necessary, its no wonder that MIL-STD-129R migrates away from the use of linear barcodes. It also provides identification methods to help the DOD, and its contractors, simplify and standardize the tracking of assets. The 2D symbol encodes all of the data that appears on the MSL, even some that does not, such as the contract, order, shipment and contract line item number of the container contents. When more than five items are contained within the package, an additional list of barcoded serial numbers and IUIIs are needed. The system lets users simply choose an NSN, then uses that data to automatically populate all the additional information needed to print a compliant MIL-STD-129R label. The first thing to know is that there are three kinds of containers: unit, intermediate and exterior, as shown below. Labels are printed and syntax is checked using the latest in thermal transfer printing. Linear barcodes found on the MSL and DD1387 have no such identifiers, though software systems are able to understand it from context. 3 0 obj
While MIL-STD-2073 and ASTM-D3951 dictate how exports are packed and packaged, MIL-STD-129 dictates how they are labeled. [3] The PDF417 is a very dense machine-readable symbol that may easily contain the data of those barcodes, plus five full-length IUIDs (Item Unique Identifiers) [2].