SS Ol'Timer; 29271/20270 @ Darmstadt in '56; helped start/flew ACRP Rhein-Main in '56, 292X1 asgn Okinawa, Shemya, San Vito, Lackland, Norton, Eglin, Russian linguist Bremerhaven 6913th RSM Able Flight, RB-47 Command Pilot; Chief, NSA Recon Coll Div, Cryptanalyst served USAF 20 yrs then 19 w/NSA, Polish linguist served in Europe. Car accident, Misawa 1965-66, 453rd EWS Flagging Division, San Antonio, 1999-2005, EW expert; Cmd Staff, 6981/CC, retired as ESA/CC; retired to fishing guide in Alaska, 292x1, T1 Misawa 77-79 - 20 years USAF - Keesler AFB, Mississippi; Clark AFB, Philippines; Iraklion AFS, Crete; San Antonio, Texas; Taiwan, Misawa AFB, Japan; Kunia, Hawaii; Kelly AFB, San Antonio, TX; Kadena AFB, Okinawa; and Ft. George G Meade, MD. To stay up to date follow us on Facebook. (IFEL 1956-04 1958-04) Basic and Intermediate, Korea, EW expert/icon - Callsign "Dragon" - Electronic Security Command, Air Force Special Comms Center, Director, Sutdies and Analysis - AF Electronic Warfae Center, Philippines and Kunia, 6950th ESS 1977/78, Asgn 29th RSM, Brooks AFB in early 50s; retired Air Force, 202 asgn Goodfellow as instructor 1974-78. former Russian linguist @ Rhein-Main, Eielson, et al. Intel, JCS; 6994th Det 1 CC, Howard AFB, 27th AIS/CC, Langley AFB, VA; the 607th AIG/CC, Osan AB, Korea, AFTAC/CC, Patrick AFB, FL, WWII 1st Sgt; pioneer in using computers to make/break codes; asgn Hq USAFSS, USAFSS Korean and Vietnam vet; staff and command positions; USAFSS Order of the Sword, 1979, Morse op; Germany, Italy, Crete, San Antonio, Deputy Public Affairs Officer @ Hq USAFSS, SS Ol'Timer, Cmdr 6913thRSM,Bremerhaven, Ger, et al, 1A8XX; Perished in MC-12 crash near Kandajar, Afghanistan; 306th IS, Beale AFB, USAFSS COMSEC Vet; served in Navy in WWII, Korea; asgn Vietnam, Asgn 29th RSM, Brooks AFB in early 50s; Motor pool, Chinese linguist. R30474, Iron Horse; 6924SS Da Nang 67-68. Member of two combat crews in October 1962 that flew electronic reconnaissance missions around Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis; between June 1965 and March 1966 he flew 100 combat missions over North Vietnam in support of Operation Rolling Thunder as Chief Electronics Warfare Officer (EWO) on the EB-66. RU Linguist - Karamursel 58-6, Zweibrucken, AFSPECOM/P4 San Antonio, - Commissioned 1963 - 6901st SCG, in Zweibrucken, Germany (1964-67) and HQS USAFSS,in San Antonio (1968-69). 292 - 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan - 1958-59, 8th RSM Exec Off and Ops Off in early 50s, 202 asgn Chicksands, SPECOMM ctr; civ computer consultant; died Frankfurt of cancer, Crypto & multi-lingual linguist; Belgrade, Moscow, DoD, 207/ACRP @ Eielson; killed aboard RC135 RIVET AMBER lost in Bering Sea crash. Left the AF and joined the Navy and ended up back in Viet Nam. (IFEL 1957-04, 1959-10), Northeast Cape, Alaska; Frankfurt and Darmstadt, Germany; Shu Lin Kou, Taiwan; HQ USAFSS; Goodfellow AFB, SS communicator in Germany, Crete, Japan; SSO at Adana, retired '73, HoH 1990; linguist, Ops Officer, and Commander. Died in Pentagon crash on 9/11. for the 8th Component Repair Sq. 12 years in the service, which included spending several years serving as an electrical technician in the Security Services in Korea, Japan, Oklahoma, Texas and Mississippi. (IFEL 1956-01, 1959-07) Basic & intermediate. Asgd Vietnam, Germany, Taiwan, Greece, Kelly. Premier ACRP maint tech; outstanding NCO; "All Air Force" softball pitcher. Datalink pioneer with modernized RIVET JOINT. Chinese linguist. Hall of Honor 1995; ESC/CC, DCS/I AFSC, J-2 PACOM, ACSI USAF. Zweibrucken and Rhein Main. Quadraplegic fm swim accident, Vietnam-era Russian linguist; Feb 69 - Aug 71 6990th SS, Kadena AFB, Okinawa; 14 Op on the RC135M's, and a 2 Op on the RC130's when TDY at Cam Ranh Bay, Viet Nam [6 times]; About 195 RC-135 missions and 65 RC-130 missions. MAFAC basic and intermediate 1968. Duane served with 6994th, Det 2 in Pleiku.16 AF Hall of Honor - 2001, (Sanz School 1960-08, IFEL 1964-01) Korea, Thailand, Philippines. NSA Civilian Analyst; Lifetime FTVA, SS Ol'timer who was a WWII Vet; tours Turkey, Phillipines, Cmd Hq, et al, Led USAFSS efforts in Korea in '52/'53, USAFSS/DO in mid-60s, HoH member 1984, 'Hell of a leader', Russian linguist asgn Bremerhaven 1959-63, then commissioning. USAFSS 1958-1979; 6987th RSM, Taiwan; 6911th, Darmstadt, Germany; 6950th Chicksands; 6993rd Medina Annex; 6903rd Osan, Korea, HoH Honoree; asgn Philippines, Turkey, Misawa/CC 74-77, Okinawa, Germany, Panama, Chinese linguist. Russian linguist at Rhein-Main in early '60s. Radio Traffic Analyst, 1954; Clark AB and Ft Meade as NSA civilian, Need more info - Personnel NCO - Crete, Yokota, Goodfellow, Offut and Berlin - retired early 1970's, USAFSS Ol'timer; ACRP, Spanish Linguist, AMS' known for great sense of humor. Asgd Illinois, Texas, Crete (64-67), NSA (67-retirement). SS 292XX Ol'timer, HQ, Scotland, England, Italy, Vietnam; Pres of English Golf Course, Retired in 1977, Served as operations clerk at 6922nd RGM, Ashiya AB, and 6918th, Brady AB Japan in late 1950's - early 1960's, SS Ol'Timer, 6913th RSM Cmdr, Bremerhaven 1960, Crete, Cmd Hq, et al, 292 of Dawg Flight, 6922nd SW 68-69/Chicksand 69-71, died 1-01 car accident in CA, 6921st/Misawa Wing Comptroller; pilot @ Korat; Misawa 1963, Ops; killed in EC-47 shoot down at Nha Trang, Chinese linguist asgn Okinawa, Philippines, Taiwan; one of first flyers in RB-29s 1950s; Yokota AB, Japan from 1955-57. Hall of Honor, 1987; Airborne SIGINT pioneer as one of the original 11 USAFSS flyers at Yokota in the early 1950s. USAFSS Ol Timer, Brooks, Kelly, Bremerhaven, et al, Asgn Det 3, 3rd RSM, Naknek/King Salmon AK, USAFSS Ol'Timer, AFSS Cmd Hq. Comm center manager asgd Germany, Turkey, England. 1953-1956: Ankara, Turkey. Separated as SSgt. Staff Judge Advocate/USAFSS, Clark, Chief Judge Far East. Chaplain at 7011th Personnel Support Sqdn, Bremerhaven serving all Amn Assigned 53-55, Lackland AFB, Thailand, Little Rock AFB, Korea, Okinawa, Germany and ESC/Kelly AFB, USAFSS Staff, 6912th/CC at Bingen Am Rhein in late 50s, Dep Dir of NSA, Squadron, Group and Wing/CC at multiple locations, including Pentagon, Japan, Offutt AFB, 6920 SW (Johnson/Shiroi AB, Japan), 29 RSM (Clark AB, PI), HQ USAFSS, 6900 SW (Frankfurt GE), NSA (Ft Meade, MD), 6931 SG (Iraklion AS, Greece), 6924 SS (DaNang, Vietnam), 6950 SG (RAF Chicksands, UK), USAFSS/ESC LO and NSOC(FGGM, MD), England, Maryland, Texas, Florida, Turkey, Iceland, and California. More Information please, SS ACRP linguist @ Yokota; lost on RB-50 msn 09-10-56, US Coast Guard, USAF, Vietnam, 6981th, Hakata, Japan, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata Japan, Daze flight 1958-69, Vietnam era, airborne maintenance 6994th Scty Sq, Long time Big Safari; Airborne Maintenance. (IFEL 1959-01, 1961-07) Later USAID civilian, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan - 1970-72 Dawg Flt - 292, 292, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata Japan - 1966-69; Original member of AN/FLR 9 test at Chicksands 1963-1968, Reverend/Chaplain; USAF ret after 30 years, 1962-1964 NCOIC/Asst NCOIC Supply of the 6985 SS (?B-24 Nav, WWII POW? 292XX, 6918th RSM, Keesler, Incirlik, Thule, Misawa, Chicksands, Sheppard, Goodfellow, and Medina Annex. SS Ol'Timer; Admin/Personnel Cmd Hq, PACAF, England, Europe,Scotland; DIA, Communicator; was the first SS liaison @ Hq AF, Russian Linguist - Area specialist @ Elmendorf; killed in E3A AWACS acc at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. (58-61)- San Angelo,Tx. 6987th, Taiwan. Major, Admin Assistant to General Kloko, Russian linguist; SS Ol'Timer; ACRP RM, Yokota, Kadena, Hq; "WWII AMS". Need addl info pls, 203X1 RU Linguist, Graduated from Indiana University Basic Russian (Class Ru2) Aug 1960. Polish linguist asgn 6916th/Rhein Main; then radio op in air/sea rescue; USAFSS Polish/Russian linguist. Russian Linguist; WWII B-24 pilot; Piloted AF-1 and Kremlin 1; Retired as DI-AFSS, ARDF opr killed in EC-47 "BARON-52" shoot down over Laos, Hungarian/Serb-Croatian abrn linguist asgn Landshut, Rhein-Main, Goodfellow, Kelly, A SS founder fm ASA; Premier Morse Code Opr (54-WPM send & receive); Brooks, et al, 29251; 1968-1971 6910th Darmstadt, Germany, USANG; Adjutant General State of Utah; key in stand-up of 169th IS. ACRP arbn maint tech/Rhein Main '56; killed in auto accident; outstanding athlete, USAFSS ACRP, Arab linguist 6916th SS/Athens; heart attack @ home in Athens, 292X1, 1969-70, 6921 Scty Wg, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan. SS Ol'Timer; ACRP Ling @Yokota AB;lost on ACRP msn: 9-10-56. Communications for USAFSS, Edibburgh Scotland, Multiple assignments overseas, final assignment as Commandant NCO Academy, Goodfellow AFB, Comm Analyst Navy to AF '49; Cmd Staff, PAC & ETO's, USAFSS vet; Korea, San Antonio, Germany, Turkey, combat tour in Vietnam, Comm Analyst; Navy to AF 1949; Cmd Staff, Pacific & ETO's, X1 (Msn Supe), Osan AB Korea 1971/2 Able Flight, 202 - Delta Flight - 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan - 1968-70, Command Chief, multiple ESC assignments; SEA/Command Chief in Berlin, ASA during Korea; 202 @ Shiroi/6902nd (1958), Misawa/6921st (1958-60, 1970). Co-founder of FTVA and first president. RY30474 Iron Horse; QC; 6924SS Da Nang 67-68. SS Ol'Timer, Brooks Morse Intcpt; 41st/6913th RSM in early-mid 1950s. Morse controller asgn Onna Point, Kirknewton, San Vito, Chicksands; Korean War (Army), 202X0, assignments included San Antonio, Houston, Ft. Meade, Sinop,Turkey, Zweibruchen and Darmstadt, Germany and Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, SS Ol'Timer, 6913RSM, Bremerhaven, Ger, et al, 25 years AD - Japan, Thailand, Philippines, England, Texas and finished his career in Alaska at Eielson and Elmendorf. SS Ol'Timer; WWII USN; SS Ops from '51; Mason Somerset Lodge, Russian linguist, airborne AMS, 169th UTANG, Pentagon - NGB, SS Ol'Timer; Cmd Staff; Dir San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo; 32 Mason&Shriner, US Merchant Marine, USAF, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, 6918th, Hakata, Japan, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan; State Dept, Intel Director for 5 Secretaries of Commerce; FSO in Yugoslavia, South Korea, and West Germany, Russian Linguist - Texas, England, Germany, Russia/USSR, Southeast Asia, Okinawa, Washington DC, and Hawaii, Chinese linguist. Arlington Hall Station, VA, in 1962-63, Fairbanks, Alaska, Republic of Viet Nam senior intelligence advisor; Fort Knox, KY; an unaccompanied year in Sinop, Turkey; Stuttgart, Germany; and finally to Fort Meade, MD where he retired in 1982 from the US Army Intelligence and Security Command. Deputy Comdr at Iraklion about 1967-1970, served in Germany, Japan, Pakistan, Greece, and Thailand, also Personnel Officer for Electronic Security Command, 29 year career - B-24 pilot during WWII, 292X1 asgn Misawa, Shulinkou, Clark, Osan, 6993rd/San Antonio, Chinese linguist, Goodfellow instructor mid-70s, Asgn Hq USAFSS/ESC, wife of CMSgt Jerry Polansky, Originally enlisted, commissioned; 6913th RSM Bremerhaven; SAC B-52 Gunner Vietnam era, Arab linguist; 6916th Athens and Ft Meade, Korean linguist; Skivvy Nine, SUSLAK, and Ft Meade, SS Ol'Timer fm WWII Rad Opr early Shift (Msn) Supv at 2nd RSM, Darmstadt, Ger, Asgn 29th RSM, Brooks AFB in early 50s; Chinese linguist; NSA, Ops Tech Adv Cmd Hq Staff; Navigator Cmd Flight Section; HoH 1984, 1990 Hall of Honor inductee; Legendary COMSEC'er, Abrn linguist @ Rhein-Main/Yokota in late 60s, Misawa 68-71; ended career @ NSA, Hq USAFSS Civil Engineering @ Kelly, Frankfurt, Yokota, RG-50s vet; RJ program - Greenville, TX. Sanz school Aug 1960-May 1961. Chinese linguist assigned to Misawa/Yokota 1961-64. Daze flight - 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan - 1964-65; Asgn Tripoli 1956-57, 6901st in early 60s, Admin, SS Ol'Timer, 27-yrs; Cmd Staff, Taiwan, Vietnam, et al, Service 1942-73 Bronze Star, AFSC 8032/8016 - Commander - 6924th Sec Sqdn, Da Nang Vietnam - 1966-67, Austin, Texas; London, England; Bremerhaven and Frankfurt, Germany; and Ankara, Turkey, RU and Viet Linguist, 6921st RGM, Misawa, 6990th and Cam Ranh Bay, HQ USAFSS (numerous - retired as Director of Security), Kirknewton -Scotland, Goodfellow, ESR, Ramstein - GE, Misawa - Japan, Service in WWII, Korea, Vietnam; OSI agent; USAFSS Security, WWII Vet; Goodfellow historian for 22 years, Linguist and Electronic Warfare specialist, USAFSS, 292 Morse Op asgn 6915th RSM/Japan, 6911th RSM, Darmstadt; SAC Abrn Cmd Post, Russian linguist asgn Darmstadt/2nd RSM mid-50s; headed German dept @ WVA Univ, 202x, Misawa 1959-63, 22 years in USAF, Misawa, Chinese linguist. 202 asgn Chicksands during the 50s, career USAFSS, Chinese linguist. Currently this is being updated voluntarily by Joseph Pepito Figueroa, this list may not be 100% accurate but we provide and continuously update it continue a generations long legacy. 6925th, Clark AB; Taiwan 6987th. (IFEL 1962-04) (Death maybe in 2008), 292 - 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan - Charlie Flt - 1962-64; 6948th Goodfellow, deployed on USNS Hoyt S. Vandenberg 0 1965, Comm Elec Maint asgn Hq USAFSS (60s), Chicksands (50s), Ops Off @ Misawa 1952-55; died in B-26 crash @ Misawa, Russian lingust; killed Sep 2, '58 C130 shoot down over Armenia, Russian linguist, great wit and punster. AMS asgn Rhein Main, Offutt, Yokota, Incirlik, 207X1 asgn Wakkanai 1958-63, Misawa 1964-66, Goodfellow, Medina, 6910th/6911th RGM, Darmstadt - early 1960's (Air Police), Tuslog, Det 3 at Karamursel, Turkey 1960-1961 Served in. 6922 RSM (Japan) as Morse Operator, May 56 - Apr 58, 6925 RSM (Philippines) as Morse Operator, Apr - Nov 58, 6950 RGM (England) as Morse Operator, Jan 59 - Feb 60, 6923 RSM (Kelly AFB), Mar 60, 6960th (Hq USAFSS) as OJT 702X0, Mar - July 60, Basic Chinese. (IFEL 1954-07) Korean and Vietnam wars. 30 years w/USAFSS during 60s/70s/80s. Heart attack at San Antonio, Asgn Hq USAFSS/Comptroller-Budget during 1960s-70s, Enlisted 1951; Intel/comms specialist; England, Turkey, Germany. 202X0, Vietnam, Goodfellow, 6922nd RGM Kadena, Okinawa in 1960, SPECCOM at Security Hill; Karamrsel, Turkey , Okinawa (JSPC); Boerfink, Germany. Then career in real estate. USAFSS - started 1958 - 6929th, Osan-Ni, Korea 62-63. Taught @ NCO Academy (Goodfellow). at Wright-Pat, Vietnamese and Russian airborne linguist; Thailand, Okinawa, and Offutt. @ Brooks, Det 4/Germany. Director, SS Ol'Timer; Morse Intcpt Opr; Brooks AFB; 41st RSM Bremerhaven, Ger 1952-54, USAF Security Policeman asgn Japan, Turkey, England, Vietnam, Chinese linguist IFEL 1964-10; 3 striper AMS, DFC; 6988th C-130Bs; SILVER DAWN operational vet, Civilian Security Specialist - 30 year service with USAFSS, Pilot F111 - OIC OPN AW (SAWD 2) 6901st SCG, Zweibrucken, W. Germany 1964-1966, SS Ol'timer from '50's, 304XX maint, Turkey, Alaska, San Angelo, Thailand, NSA, et al, USAFSS 1951-55, Radio Mechanic (A Trick), 41st RSM, Bremerhaven, Asgn Nha Trang/EC-47s, Offutt/RC-135s. Flew sorties on RC135-V&M's, Rivet Joint aircraft in Okinawa, Athens, and Eielson during the MOB/FOB concept from Offutt. 1942-1945 WWII enlisted, 1947 -1971 USAFSS - 6913th RSM in Bremerhaven (MSgt, from Dec 56 until Jun 59) NCOIC Non-Morse Intercept and Msn Supt, Misawa and 6993rd, SA TX, Abrn asgn Rhein-Main, MacDill, Eielson, Kelly, Offutt, Berlin, NSA, 6910th Darmstadt, Germany 1960-63 - 29251, Asgn 29th RSM, Brooks AFB in early 50s; Mess Sergeant, Ops, Director Cmd Alert Ctr;X-POW 9-67 to 3/73 following shoot down of RF-101, ComSec Scty unit, also served in Alaska in the early 50's, Ops, Cmd Hq & ETO area: Bremerhaven, Pakistan; Viet Nam; Goodfellow, Asgn Shiroi AB, Japan late 50s, Trabzon; So Dakota State Univ ROTC, USAFSS Ol'Timer, Linguist, ACRP/Rhein Main; 'Schnuckiputzi' @ Royal Bar, 29290/Printer; ACRP-B29's; USAFSS-Ol'Timer; functioned as front-end Radio Opr, USAFSS & ESC - 6989th SS, Misawa AB, Japan - 1974 - Italy, Vietnam, Afganistan, Okinawa, Japan; 292 - Baker Flight - 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan 1966-68 and 1970-71, Vietnam 1968-1970, USAFSS enlisted then officer; asgn Wakkanai, Misawa 50/60s; Batcat @ Korat, AMS/Chinese linguist asgn Yokota, Thailand, Opr/ACRP @ Eilsen; killed in RC135 COBRA BALL accident in Shemya. Other asmts included 6990th, 6949th, Pentagon, USFK/Seoul, tour with ADC, 6916th/Athens, NSA & Det 2/Greenville, TX. Hall of Honor 2000; 30 year USAF Security Service Veteran. Russian Airborne Linguist, Turkey, Greece, England, Korea, Japan, Vietnam - Kelly AFB, Monterey - DLI, Eielson AFB, flew ACRP missions on C-130B-II aircraft while assigned to the 6988th Scty Sq at Yokota in the mid-1960's, 6985th, 6988th, 6918th, Misawa; Alaska, Korea, Germany - Weather Forecaster, USAFSS ACRP; 6949th SS/6994th Cmdr; USAFSS Cmd Sect Pilot, HoH Member; former CC @ San Vito, Fuchu, Key West, Shu Lin Kou; USAFSS/IG, SS Ol'timer, pers/admin CMD 1st Sgt, SSFCU Gen Mgr, FTVA Past Pres, 1984 HoH, USAFSS Ol'Timer; Ops Off; Cmd Plans/Programs staff, Asgn 6902nd Spec Comm, Shiroi, Kadena 1957-60, 202XX - several tours in USAFSS, including England, Hawaii, and the Headquarters, Chinese linguist. Auto accident. Asgn 6950th in 50s and 60s, then to NSA til retirement. Svc in WWII, Korea. 202 asgn Elmendorf, 6924th, 6950th, 6952nd. ), AC&W to SS ELINT/EW; Tripoli, 6900SW, Cmd ELINT Staff, 202 "for life"; Danang, Vietnam, asgn Crete, MT/Augsburg, last asgn Chief EESD in late 80s, 6913th - Montana, Nebraska (2), England (2), Texas and Germany (2), Korean linguist; Blue Sky RB-47 program at Osan, Kimpo, and P-Y-Do; Foreign service career with State Dept and prolific USAF historian/author, Korean linguist asgn Osan, Seoul, Ft Meade, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan, ARDF Opr killed in Pleiku-based EC-47 shot down over Vietnam, AMS/A203 Chinese/Vietnamese asgn AFSCC, 6988th/Yokota, 6990th/Okinawa, 36 yrs fed svc with 21 active duty, 15 civil service on Security Hill, SS Ol'Timer; 21 yrs mil & 28 years CSvc; 32 Scottish Rite Mason & Alzafar Shriner, Russian linguist; BBall player Hq & 6950; Eileson in 60s, Intel comms; Korea and Vietnam era; Greenland and Guam, Ops Officer; SS O'Timer; OIC Compartmented Projects, 6922 Scty Sq, Clark AB, PI and TDY at 6988 Scty Sq Yokota AB, Japan 1966 - 1968, Asst NCOIC Comm Ctr @ Rhein Main in mid-60s, USAFSS Radio op; Greenland, Alaska, Yokota; couriered "moon rocks" from Apollo 11 mission, NCOIC Msn Control/Col Mason troubleshooter; asgn Peshawar 62-64, Asgn Turkey, Thailand, Goodfellow, Hq USAFSS, 29290; SS Ol'Timer; Tripoli, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Korea, Hawaii, ESC career asgn Chicksands, Zweibrucken, Brindisi, Iraklion, Osan, SA, Ft Meade. R291X0; 6924SS Da Nang 67-68; Det 1, 6916SS Hellenikon; died at Athens, GR. HoH 1984; US Army and USAF; HQ USAFSS Pioneer, 202XX, 208X2A, Spanish Instructor, RC-135 V/W, C-130 SENIOR SCOUT AMS, and EC-130 COMPASS CALL Flyer, 2nd/10th RSM vet from 1949-55. Chinese linguist. ; USAFSS flyer with tours as follows: 6924th (Non Soong Thailand) 72-72, 6987th (Shu Lin Kou AS) 72-75, 6990th 75-79, 6916th 81-86=5, 6990th 85-88, 41st/Davis-Monthan 88-91. Claim to fame: Flew next to honorees Red Haire and Mike Doty many times. Served in Italy, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, and Hawaii. Russian linguist asgn Incirlik; AECP @ Syracuse U. MK (Spanish) - AMS - Offutt, Panama, Key West, HQ ESC, 6944th, 6949th, Polish Linguist - Berlin, GE, ACRP; AMT @Rhein Main in late 60's/early '70's; died early 80's, Linguist, USAFSS O'Timer; early linguist in ACRP Rhein Main, Ger & Yokota, 292 at 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan, 1960-62, Asgn Vietnam, Greece, Germany, Kelly, Pentagon, Desert Storm, USAFSS, A29271/ASRP @RM,killed RC135,Rivet Amber, Lost in Bering Sea, 202 Asgnd Clark, Misawa, Osan, Ramasun Station, Thailand. Radio maint asgn Karamursel, Turkey 1970-72; Peshawar, Pakistan. (IFEL 1958-09, 1962-01), RU Linguist 73-76, Civilian at Hq ESC, AFIC, AIA and AFISRA. Prior Chinese linguist, staff off, ordained minister, great guy. Superb AMS. WWII (Navy), Korea (Army), Vietnam (USAF), Hall of Honor; legendary Arab linguist and superintendent; 6916th - Athens, SS Ol'Timer, 41st (6913 RSM), Bremerhaven; many others, Asgd Doc Control for 35 years @ HQ USAFSS, ESC, AFCD, Germany, Japan, Korea, Maryland, and Texas, 15th Radio squadron, Korea 1953; Cmdr 6924th Ramasun Station, Thailand 1972; Cmdr 6987th Shulinkou, Taiwan; DCS/Ops Security Service 1975-1977; Wing Cmdr Goodfellow AFB Texas 1977-1980, Asgn Hq USAFSS, Chicksands, Kirknewton, Vietnam, SS Ok'Timer, Data Processor, Zweibrukcken, Crete, Cmd Hq, et al, 292 - Charlie Flight - 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan - 1960-61, ACRP, Russian linguist Rhein-Main/Eielson early/late 60's, SS OL'Timer; Brooks AFB; 6913 RSM, Bremerhaven, Ger, et al, Korean linguist, 7 years; VA employee 15 years, 20 year vet, additional 17 years as civilian in Cryptologic Support Center (CSC), Asgn 2nd RSM during period 1949-1955, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan, US Navy and USAF, WWII, Korea, 6918th, Hakata, Japan, Bremerhaven, 6913th RSM 292XX; retired as recruiter, ACRP; Vietnamese linguist @ 6990tth/Kadena, AFSC - 304, USAFSS 1950-77 - Goodfellow AFB, Clark AB, RAF Chicksands, and the Air Force Cryptologic Depot (AFCD), Intel Analyst; Italy, South Korea; commissioned and became Neonatal nurse, ACRP; Russian linguist; Eielson, Rhein-Main & Athens; heart attack in Athens early 70's. DLI Basic Russian 9/73-7/74, Goodfellow 1974, TUSLOG Det 94-1 Karamursel CDI Turkey 74-76, 6950th ESG, RAF Chicksands, 75-76 and 79-82, NSA A-2 Ft Meade, MD 76-77, Goodfellow 83-84, 6985th ESS, 6994th ESS and 25 IS, AIA; linguist; killed in Hanoi Det 2, helo crash, while on JTF-FA duty, Y292X1 (Morse Op) 41st RSM Bremerhaven - 1954-1955, Asgn 6931st/Iraklion Crete, 6921st/Misawa early 80s, 202X0 asgn Misawa 1959-, Elmendorf 1963-66, 292 and 20790, Asgn Danang, Chicksands, Medina, Eielson, Morse op asgn Darmstadt, Misawa, Pleiku, Turkey; NSA, SS Ol'Timer, 292XX/202XX/204XX, NSA, Vietnam, Taiwan, et al, 22 years with USAFSS - ELINT, 6912th RSM - circa 65,Wakanai, W Germany, Nellis, NSA, USAFSS Inspector General Team Leader 1968-72, 1st Sgt @ Clark, Chix, Myrtle Beach (2066CS); SEA @ EESD, PESD, ESC/AFIC, DCS/Opns in '50's; SS O'Timer; 6914 RSM/6910 RGM/CC 1957/58. Chinese linguist. Suicide. USAFSS 1958-65, 6930th RSM, Iraklion, 6913th RSM, Bremerhaven - radio printer Intercept Op. (IFEL 1958-05, 1960-07), 202X0; SS Ol'Timer, served in Germany, Turkey, Vietnam, et al, Asgn 29th RSM, Brooks AFB in early 50s; retired from NSA. Russian Linguist and Cryptologist for the Air Force and served in the Korean War, stationed in Japan. 292 - USAFSS - Rhein Main, Omaha, BONUS BABY and other locations in the 50's and 60's. (IFEL 1956-04,1958-11) Korea, Taiwan, USAF 1951-54 - 41st Radio Squadron, Mobile (RSM), Brooks AFB TX, Bremerhaven GE, PA National Guard - Deployed to Desert Storm, Russian linguist asgn 41st RSM in early 50s, Personnel expert, SS Ol'Timer from ASA in '50, Prior Enlisted Russian linguist, Commissioned in '72, 6916 SSM, Rhein Main, DaNang, Kadena, 6947th SSM, MacDill, 6949th, 6990th, SAC IN, 23 years USAF service, 2nd RSM vet; Key player implementing data automation at Hq USAFSS; Budget exp, W202X0; 32 years including WWII, Korea, Vietnam; USAFSS Ol' Timer, Asgn 29th RSM, Brooks AFB in early 50s; Commander, Russian linguist; Japan, Germany, Vietnam, Texas, @ Eielson; killed aboard RC135 RIVET AMBER lost in Bearing Sea Crash, 1st Sgt/Ops Supt Danang 1965-66, also 6981st/Elmendorf, Airborne linguist; possibly survivor of 1979 Shemya crash, 304X4 asgn Misawa 1960-62, USAFSS during Berlin Airlift, Korea, Vietnam. Linguist, ACRP @ Yokota, Rhein Main, Hq USAFSS, et al, Asgn 6986th, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan, R73200, Pers Super, 6986 Scty Gp, Wakkanai AS, Japan & Cmd Hq Staff, et al, Chinese linguist. (IFEL 1963-10) Date Uncertain, USAFSS COMSEC vet; asgn Det 4, 136th CSS in Germany, 292X1 asgn 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan, and Vietnam, 202 classroom instructor at Goodfellow; Chicksands. (IFEL 1965-04) Asgn: Kadena, 203-Ru asgnd Germany/Turkey/Offutt/Eielson 60's and 70's. (IFEL 1953-07, 1954-03), First "airborne" radio tech in the Far East, Det 12, 1st RSM, Wakkanai - Japan, Hokkaido - Japan, Yokota - Japan, Det 1, 6924th RSM, Yokota. The Kraut is legend. Chinese linguist. Served as a Marine for 2 years before joining the Air Force. Airborne Mission Supervisor at 6988 Scty Sq Yokota AB, Japan 1967 as SSgt, Asgn 29th RSM, Brooks AFB in early 50s; motor pool, SS Ol'Timer, 30170 in ETO & SEA; WWII gunner w/42 msns on B17 & B29's ETO, SS Ol"Timer, Communicator, Cmdr Shemya, Hq Eur Sec Rgn, Fkft, Cmd Hq, et al. Data Automation - USAFSS and ESC - 31 years - Director of Information Services, 6910th Security Group at Brooks AFB, Darmstadt and Landsberg am Lech, Germany. Founding Member of FTVA Hall of Honor 1983, retired as Sr Civilian Advisor to ESC/CC, Annual Civilian Award named for Gordie Sommers, Headed Tape Library in Data Automation at Hq USAFSS, USAFSS/1st Sgt of 2nd RSM during unit's transfer from Army to USAFSS, 48-51. Senior partner in Topeka law firm. Russian linguist @ Rhein Main, Yokota, Osan, Athens, Offutt. Started as a "dit chaser" and ended as Operations Officer of the 6985th. 207X1 - Multi ground/airborne assignments - Crete, England, Nebraska (6997th), Okinawa (6990th), South Korea, Texas, Alaska, and Maryland - GS-14 - 39 IOS, Hurlburt Field, Linguist; Bremerhaven, Lackland, Chicksands assignment. (IFEL 1955-03, 1958-07), 203 RU Ling, 6910th RGM, Semback and Darmstadt - 1959-63, SS Ol'Timer; well known for Basketball prowess; Cmd Hq; Italy, Osan, Misawa. 202XX analyst, 6901st, killed in auto accident, Asgn 29th RSM, Brooks AFB in early 50s; orderly room clerk, USAFSS for 28 years. Berlitz Sch of Languages, Wash. D.C., Sep 64 - Sep 65, 6924 RSM (Vietnam) as Vietling TAC/Gunner, Dec 65 - Oct 66, C-130B-II's, 6988 RSM (Japan/Vietnam) as Vietling Gunner, Oct 66- Aug 67, C-130B-II's, 6990 SS (Okinawa) as Vietling Gunner/TAC/AMS, Aug 67 - Dec 73, RC-135M's and C-130B-II's, 6908 SS (Thailand) as Vietling GMS, Stan/Eval, Sep 74 - Sep 75, 6990 SS (Okinawa) as Vietling TAC, Oct 75 - Aug 77, RC-135M's; total flying hours: 8,600+. Kirk continued to maintain the list until Ted Colquhoun assumed the duties in February of 2011. Oct59-Dec60 6916th RSM/Rhein-Main AB; Dec60-Dec61 TUSLOG, Det 76 (Det 1, 6916th)/Incirlik AB; Dec61-Oct62 6950th RSM/RAF Chicksands; discharged. 202X0 Analyst asgn Crete, Augsberg, Ft Meade late 70s/early 80s, analyst instructor NSA '83; Headquarters Air Force Intelligence Command (XP) and the Air Force Electronic Warfare Center from May 1991 to July 1993, 292X1 asgn Chicksands, Alaska, San Antonio in 70s, Asgn San Antonio, Landstuhl, Sembach, Kirknewton, Izmir, Non-Morse Op then intel off; asgn GAFB, 6906, 6912, 6922, 6950, Hq IG, R203X0-2; 6924SS Da Nang/Monkey Mountain 65-66, Chinese linguist. 1951-1953: Security Service, Brooks A.F.B. (IFEL 1958-05, 1962-04), USMA Graduate 1937 - 6900 Security Wing, Germany - USAFSS/CC, retired 1971; HoH 1983, USAFSS Logistics asgn Kelly, England, Germany, Vietnam, 6908th and 6990th Dogger, COMBAT APPLE Vet. Asgn USAFSS Director of Inspections; NSA; 6912th CC; 6922nd CC. Policy Div Chief/Nat Intel Cmte @ CIA; Cmdr of 4 USAF comm intell bases. (IFEL 1957-01)(May be Dec 9, 2012), A20771, 65-67 - 6918 SS; 67-68 - Det 1, 6994SS; '68 - 6993 SS. USCG; 292X0: 6940, 6990, 6924, Hq PSR, 6917; ALC RAFB; Hq SAC OAFB. 6944th Scty Wing; '77-'78; USAFSS airborne wirebender. Radio Printer/Manual Morse Controller; Keesler AFB, MS; Kelly AFB, TX; March Field; Darmstadt, Germany (6911th RGM, Dec 54 to Dec 56); Samsun, Turkey (TUSLOG Det 2, Dec 56 to Dec 57); Darmstadt (6911th RGM, Jan to Dec 58); San Vito, Italy (6917th RSM, Feb 61 to Sep 62), San Antonio, TX (USAFSS HQ, Sep 62 to Oct 63). Russian linguist asgn Turkey mid-60s then NSA career, Chinese linguist. 292 asgn Chicksands; taught college in VA after leaving service. These military assignments were Travis AFB Calif, Biloxi MS, Da Nang AFB Viet-Nam, Zaragoza AFB Spain, and Homestead AFB Florida. Daze Flight - 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan - 1964-66; 6903rd SS Skivvy Nine; Comm Center pro, Chief Hq USAFSS/DOM in early 70s, Ops Off @ 6924th/Danang (1966-67), Hof 68-69, 202 T1 asgn Misawa 1965-67, Osan (1970-72, 1977-78), Opns,Russ Linguist, SS fm '50, Moscow Attache Staff in Cold War days, Hall of Honor, USAFSS/ESC, Vietnam, RC-135 RJ Modernization Program, Airborne analyst @ Omaha, Rhein Main, Yokota, Morse Intercept Op, 52-54, 41st/6913th RSM, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan - Able Flight 1970-72, SS Ol'Timer; 28-yrs in Cmd, 207X2, Scotland,Germany,Italy,Turkey, et al, 6912 ESG, Berlin Ge. He served in Korea for 8 months and at McCord AFB in March 1954. Here is his bio: 1954 - 1957 Misawa Japan (ground radio intercept operator); 1957 - 1559 Darmstadt, Germany (ground radio intercept operator); 1959 - 1961 Rhein Main, Germany( airborne radio intercept operator); 1961 - 1966 Dover AFB, Delaware (Base Disaster Control NCO); 1966 - 1969 Howard AFB, Panama Canal (Base Disaster Control NCO); 1969 - 1973 Lowry AFB, Denver, (Instr Safety/disaster control school), Morse op asgn Det 3, 3rd RSM, Naknek, Alaska 1953-54, 292X2 asgd Germany; later civil service @ McGuire AFB NJ, USAFSS Ol'Timer; WWII B-17 Rad Op; SS Msn Supt; Pacific, Goodfellow, NSA, 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan, et al, Arab linguist, HQ ESC, 6916th, 6931st; known authority on CENTCOM AOR; SENIOR SCOUT engineer during his post-AF career, ARDF Opr, killed in EC-47 "BARON-52" shot down over Laos, USAFSS Russian linguist Berlin, Wakkanai, San Vito late 50's/early 60's, Chinese linguist; airborne w/assignments to Korea, Misawa, Kadena, HQ USAFSS; well-known as party emcee and entertainer, Hq USAFSS Dir of Admin, B-24 pilot in WWII, also asgn Goodfellow, Asgn Pakistan, Italy, Turkey, Misawa 1962-64, Worked in data automation in early 60s, 6986th Scty Gp AFSC R68770, Asgd Misawa, PacSctyRgn, Hq; ran Sys Req DCS/Plans & Programs late 60s, 292/207 @ Crete, Chicksands, 6984th Goodfellow, Skivvy Nine, Yakota, Goodfellow, Air Staff; Korean linguist who flew Gooney Birds from Osan (Operation Blue Sky airborne activities undocumented), Russian linguist, 6912th RSM in Bingen and Berlin, Germany, CC @ Shemya; USAFSS Personnel; USAFSS Operations in 1950s, 292/202 asgn Libya, Greenland, AFSCC, Hq USAFSS; served 1953-61, 207X1 - 22+ years, P.I, Turkey, Misawa, Danang (Several years) retrained in late 70s or early 80s, Ol'Timer from 50's; 20290; worked for then Capt O'Shanasshey, 292 - 6918th RSM/SS, Hakata, Japan, 1962-64.