I've been looking at it and nothing obvious strikes me. Weve tried lemon, salt, and baking powder but never thought to try white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. My mother in law uses denture cleaner to remove brown staining caused by tea, on her teaspoons. Quikrete is a fast-setting brand of concrete that is sold in hardware stores across North America. Hey! All of these are solved with it. I prefer using vinegar when am doing my cleaning and that also applies to cleaning my plastics, and your are completely right on the money, vinegar spells doom and gloom for all germs, you got to love vinegar. I was afraid to use just bleach, and didnt realize how many alternatives there were! Well see the ways to remove wet cement as well as dried cement/mortar from your tools. It was a pain trying to get the stains out of common things such as plates and bowls. Required fields are marked *. I use vinegar more for cleaning than in my cooking or recipes. Moreover, when used for cleaning purposes, it spells death for almost all single-celled organisms like bacteria, and it kills viruses as well. Thanks for the Tips! Whatever the product or substance used, the best release agents are oil or waxy substances that repel water. Thanks, Gaylord, for the suggestion. Well discuss mold release agents more, but the best forms of release agents are oil or wax-based products or substances in a nutshell. There will be an instant reaction that will cause foaming. If the cement is still wet, then getting it off those masonry tools is quite easy but it takes a few steps to get hardened cement off your tools. Im definitely adding clean plastic Tupperware to my spring cleaning list Its incredible how quickly certain foods will stain plasticchicken stock, tomato sauce, and carrots steamed in the microwave are the biggest culprits in my kitchen. This is how I get stains out of my teacups: Concrete will often be mixed or transported using a 5-gallon pail. Plus, they are non-toxic and surprisingly cheap/. My mom doesnt buy Windex she uses that. This is the same as using denture tablets. Ha, tomato, the bane of plastic containers and utensils everywhere. That is if you ever intend to use the pail again. Thanks. Voila! I cant seem to get my kids to understand the hot water need. news: snipped-for-privacy@4ax.com: Ignoramus8962 fired this volley in Cleaning bottom of copper pans takes a little more elbow grease. Its helpful to know that tomato stains will not come out of plastic that has been microwaved. I tried a very queer experiment last nightadding vinegar to detergent whilst washing my dishesbiggest disaster of the century Im never trying out thought-out theories and experiments like that ever again. Angle grinders are great tools for sanding, polishing, and cutting. GizmoPlans.com LLC is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. STEP 3: After pouring the concrete dissolver on the tools, the areas with the hardened cement will begin to foam and disintegrate. It begins to fall off your tools. This is important if the tools are made of aluminum. STEP 5: When the big lumps of hardened cement have fallen off and your tools look clean, turn off the angle grinder. I really hadnt noticed the effect of the microwave on plastics. STEP 6: Rinse your tools with water and dry them in the sun. Perhaps youve got a garden hose ready, and youre prepared to blast off any wet cement before it cures. We also have some cute plastic kitchen accessories and I actually get paranoid about using them too much in case they get stained, so now I can make proper use of them and know it can be put right! I tried the bleach solution in one and the vinegar in the other. I have these two clear plastic water bottles I love. HDPE plastic does allow sticking, but some other forms of plastic that are siliconized or rubberized do not allow for adhesion as HDPE does. Plenty of tinted-orange bowls in the cupboards. We hope you find something here that inspires and helps you to DIY! There are multiple videos online portraying the installation phase of concrete. Dont worry about it, your tools are safe and you are in no danger from toxic fumes. Tea stains wash away easily after that. Glad to know about the cautionary sentence there, about putting tomato paste or sauce in my plastic containers, does more harm than good and am not so keen on slaving away at the kitchen sink trying to outdo the misery of my own doing . As a result, you may have some concerns about using bleach to clean it. Ive learned about the tomato stains in plastic containers the hard way, and usually have ended up throwing them out, and now use glass, as you recommended. Im going to try the alka seltzer method tonight, I have some bags resting on my house, and its a pretty good way to give it a use. LOL NOPE BUY NEW BOWL FIRST OR TRY WHITE VINEGAR . Dont stick it in one spot. I feel really silly for using bleach and lemons and everything else over the past 30+ years now. I think curry has to be the worst food to stain and is sometimes very hard to get out. Gary the male chef in the house. Denture tablets are wonderful for a multitude of things! I have used a few of them myself before reading this. Let a man explain how to remove essential oil stains from plastic or such bathroom sinks. mounted on 4 swivel casters. Cream of tartar is good to clean stained glass pictures coffee decanters Ive used on the bottom of copper pans cream of tarter is expensive does a good job. Thats what YOU think. Regular 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 gallon) As Pam is an oil-based spray, it can be used as a concrete release agent. They complain that they cant handle the hot water. Not so much. Isthere some We bought a house with a carpet on the concrete patio slab. Try glass for storage of these items instead. To Remove Stains caused by Red foods ie, TOMATO STAINS: The hardened cement will begin to break down and fall off into the bowl. I try to wash things as soon as possible or soak them, especially the tomato plastic bowl stains. At some point in its life,each plastic itemwill inevitably become stained and discolored. Pen ink stains on shirt pockets? I just watched someone clean tomato stains out of plastic ware (not microwaved) simply by using COLD WATER and Dawn dishwashing liquid (someone said it doesnt matter what kind of dish liquid you use-but Im not sure thats true). Baking soda can also remove all of the stains that have been mentioned above, and it is also good for removing oily residues. Instead of spending money to replace a new one for the Yellowed plastic, this is a wise choice. The cement that hasnt come off will be so soft itll come off easily with the scraper. Plastic can stain so easily, especially after storing leftover spaghetti sauce or my husbands homemade salsa. I had tons of plastic things of different kinds staining because of turmeric intense dishes. You will notice the vinegar bubbling as it comes in contact with the cement. I actually came across this article trying to find a way to clean a stain made by finger paint on my daughters plastic highchair. I didnt know that hand sanitizer could be used that way so that is cool to know. Were a big pasta household, so we have plenty of plastic bowls that have been stained with that infamous tomato sauce. Using release agents to prevent concrete adhering to your bucket is a common practice for concrete workers. I think that the baking soda paste is the best way to remove stains from plastic, especially curry. circles gone! Materials That Concrete Will Not Adhere To. Hot water is also a must. For larger commercial projects, the application of commercial form release via a pressure sprayer is utilized. Maybe Ill give these tricks a whirl, and see what happens. I put a big scoop in the sink, add my stained glasses/mugs, and fill with hot water. I really like Oxyclean to get stains (especially tea stains) out of plastic pitchers. Wala. And good advice about using glass over plastic if you can too. I was actually about to give up and just go with glass and metal containers(even though it would have killed my wallet) but now I can re-achieve that clear non-tinted color. I try not to use plastic in the microwave, anyway. 7 Steps | Clean an Area Rug on a Hardwood Floor, 3 Methods | Clean Floor Grout Without Scrubbing, How Much to Tip House Cleaning Service (Quick Guide! Please keep in mind that this is not a food-safe compound, and should never be used to plastic containers, or other items used in the kitchen. Ill try out some of your methods and see if I can give them a longer lifespan. So i guess I will be using several plastic pitchers. But, wow, lots of great ideas here! I am a tea maker too. 3) Add 1/4 cup of water, or add enough to cover 1/2 the bottom of container. I am constantly amazed at the power of vinegar. If you have concerns about using bleach in your containers, vinegar is a great alternative. I washed them out with soapy water and ran though the dishwasher and now they are as clear as the day they were new! Now, I have some more options to try to take care of it. STEP 1: Put the tools you want to clean in a bowl large enough for them. Being somebody who prefers to buy plastic cooking utensils as Im very clumsy, Ive found this article to be a Godsend! Believe it or not, using a damp coffee soaked rag and a paper towel may work. STEP 2: Dilute muriatic acid into water. Ill be trying out several of these. 1- Concrete dissolver2- Gloves3- Face shield4- Dust mask5- Rubber brush6- Water. Some of these links may be affiliate in nature, meaning we earn small commissions if items are purchased. Ignoramus20184 wrote in The bonus is that most of them are pretty inexpensive! It should not touch your skin or be inhaled. Read more about cleaning with lemon here. A large percentage of these instructionals show the use of a bucket at one point or another during the concrete pouring project process. Likely, youll wonder whether or not the concrete will stick to your forms. But be forewarned: This is an all day intensive task but your sink will shine like chrome. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This means that you have even less time to get your tools and equipment, like a plastic pail, clean before the concrete cures. This is a powerful tool so be careful when using it and ensure it has a wheel brake system. That is the acid working. Water stained tap in the bathroom? Ive tried the baking soda thing before, but there are some other really great options here. 1- Muriatic acid2- Water3- Acid-resistant long rubber gloves4- Gloves5- Wire brush6- Plastic bucket7- Dust mask8- Face shield9- Ammonia. Is this vinyl that were talking about? So you should always put on a face shield. Vinegar is such a healthy and versatile product, and I think Ill try that for my plastic pitchers that I keep my tea in. Just kidding. Except by dynamite or hydrochloric acid. Occasionally raw meat will stain my cutting boards also but I wash them quickly enough that it comes off with a little scrubbing. Eventually it got so tiring, I just recycled the containers. Too bad about the tomato-based stains, thats what I have the most problems with. Some really useful tips here. As for the Alka Seltzer and the Denture tablets, I shall try those, since I have been meaning to find a use for them. Let sit until all discoloration is gone. Using formal release agents or even oil-based lubricants such as Vaseline to coat a plastic bucket surface before exposure to wet concrete will help prevent any concrete adhesion to the pail. It usually gets most of the junk out, but not all of it. Though at this point, Id rather just avoid that. I know some bowls & cups swear they are microwave safe but any plastic that has spent a second in a microwave that I have owned has warped or stained eventually with ease. I have a few concrete vibrators that have concrete specks on them. It would be a shame to remove the forms to see all kinds of fragments of wood imbedded in your new concrete after all. Gizmoplans.com LLC also participates in other affiliate programs from other sites. Working with concrete is not without its issues. We usually cook more food than we need, so that we can put the extra in plastic food containers for freezing, but cleaning after can be a pain. If the blemish doesnt disappear, then pour the alcohol into the container and let it sit for a few minutes. I am always staining plastic containers, especially with tomato-based sauces and soups so its good to know that I can actually revive these items and save them from going to landfill. The vinegar is not really working as well as Id like in my coffee pot water portion. Cement, the portion of concrete responsible for binding the materials together, is not an overly sticky substance. Get Rid of Cockroaches in Your Kitchen For Good! But I will take what I can get. Any oils work well, and food-based oils are biodegradable and thus environmentally friendlier than chemically activated release agents. For releasing concrete from wood forms, the best release agent used by professionals is an oil-based agent. Not all plastics allow concrete to stick well. PolyTech Forum website is not affiliated with any of the manufacturers or service providers discussed here. So many many great tips written here! The grinder sends off sparks too. Your email address will not be published. I have a laptop which has silver paint on the edges. Release agents are chemicals used to prevent adhesion of curing concrete to items such as forms or other materials. STEP 6: When your tools are clean, rinse the tools with ammonia solution to neutralize the acid and protect the surface of the tools. Great tip. Your email address will not be published. STEP 2: Pour white vinegar into the bowl until the tools are immersed. This is a variation of the technique posted above. Needless to say Im spending money to replace it. The parts of the tool can also come flying off. These are great tips! I have a number of plastic storage dishes with orange curry stains, so I am excited to see that all I need to fix that is some baking soda. Most of my plastic equipment tends to break before it discolours, but I have to agree with you that spirit Vinegar is really good for cleaning off stains. Thank you for giving us all those natural options. It is a natural food-safe substance and is made with organic compounds that are easily absorbed by the body. With little ones I really hate to use bleach on anything, so these alternatives are just what I needed. Let the containers and other items soak in the solution for one or two hours. This acid also gives off toxic fumes so keep your mask on. To be honest, though, I wouldnt really feel comfortable using bleach on my kitchen items. Getting rid of cement from tools while it is still wet is the wisest thing to do because the cement is yet to cure and hasnt bonded to the tools. I used Turtle Wax Rubbing Compound and Heavy Duty Cleaner and a Dobie scrubbing pad and some elbow grease. STEP 1: Put on your face shield, dust mask, and gloves to protect your skin and eyes. These ideas will be helpful to try. Note to self: tuck this away for future reference . I have quite a supply of them after my mom passed away and didnt know why I kept them. Ive felt myself becoming more utilitarian while reading this blog, as theres almost a myriad of uses on this blog just for a mundane Lemon! Bookmark! Oil and water repel each other, and this is the principle employed by barrier release agents. I dont like the idea of bleach and I never use it on anything. When you say the plastic is ruined, is it scratched or stained? http://igor.chudov.com/misc/ebay/tmp/J-G-Porter/133.JPG, http://www.euclidchemical.com/product_detail.asp?id=338&pselect=317&cselect=332&tselect=307, http://www.detco.info/database/detco_products_database_view.php?editid1=531. Thank you so much for these tips! The only plastic that usually stains is the tupperware that holds tomato-based sauces. Youve apparently never eaten Korean food. Im always trying new stuff out for cleaning them. Another helpful post, Lynne. Ive used some of these solutions for other stains but hadnt tried them on plastics for some reason. 5) ALL CLEAN!! Afterwards I like to add some lemon to get rid of any residual smells. In the old days these timers had a relay, but Hi, Our 16 YO Kenmore softener looks like getting tired. Lets just say, I had to re-do all my dishes again..Word of advice, If you are using vinegar to clean up, use it alone, same case for the detergent. Id give this a try, if you havent already. As a nice bonus, the sink is clean, too. The tools should be soaked in it. I like how there are lots of natural options on this list. Dawn Power Dissolver is designed to remove stains, so try it with your plastic items. You have just saved us a few dollars thanx again. Your email address will not be published. It is proven that plastic leeches chemicals into your food, so Id rather just avoid it altogether whenever possible. Plus, I try to never microwave plastic ever because it seems to alter the composition of the material. I discovered by accident my husband makes iced tea in clear/frosted plastic pitchers all the time!! I find, however, that if I take preventive measures and soak the dishes that I do not plan on washing immediately, I can avoid this dilemma for the most part. I dont really cook with plastic ustensils anymore but when I used to they were so hard to clean, I almost gave up. Back when I used to use plastic tupperware for my leftovers, I would always hate to have spaghetti; I knew that I had to either use up all the sauce (which was quite difficult in one sitting), or I would have to risk staining my plastic. news:stmdnQg16o5tHXjTnZ2dnUVZ snipped-for-privacy@giganews.com: How to remove concrete residue from plastic. I guess, besides tomato discoloration, Ive never had issues with stains on my plasticware, with the exception of wear and tear from the dishwasher. All logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Seems a lot safer. Squirt some into the container, rub, wash, rinse, and dry. STEP 5: Take a wire brush and scrub your tools clean. Concrete, or rather Portland cement, the adhesive part of the concrete, sticks very well to plastic buckets. In case the cement has already hardened, just use any of the step-by-step methods explained above and the cement will come right off those tools. Dont use bleach on plastics, it will eat at it and eventually ruin them. If you do use bleach, make sure it is diluted with water. Gizmoplans is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This will allow the bond between the cement and sand to get destroyed leaving behind a soft mush. Since the two of us have pretty much been self-employed our entire lives, we have a lot of experience designing and creating all sorts of DIY projects for businesses and homesprojects that have helped us make money or save money through the years! How to Organize Kitchen Chaos 15 Minutes at a Time. Problem:3/8 in. In this case, knowing how to prevent the concrete from adhering to your plastic bucket is essential. Maybe I have just been lazy but I always thought that once plastic was stained it was impossible to clear it up. Some tablecloths of this type can also be put in the washing machine (but not all). I dont trust adding hand sanitizer (I feel like some residue will be left over in it and make me sick) but I will use the alcohol method and see how it works. To stop concrete from sticking to another surface, a release agent is often employed. Barrier release agents are those that are commonly oil-based, such as petroleum jelly. You dont even need soap. Rinse thoroughly and air dry. If youre interested in saving or making money, browse on through. It will start to lose its hold on the tools. I have several plastic containers I cant get clean. Im going to try both of those. I have a few plastic containers that have some stains that are hard to come off. Any suggestions? Thanks for all the tips, but nothing has worked on my $400 Vitamix. Diane, we are slowly moving away from chemical cleaners and moving towards more natural solutions with vinegar being the leading disinfectant and floor cleaner (diluted with water of course).