In 2020, 21.490 Aussies enrolled in beauty-related programs. The beauty industry plays a significant role in peoples lives. These. The key players are embarking on Merger and acquisition as a stratergy to strengthen their market dominance. Beauty therapy takes up 34% of enrolments in beauty programs, followed by beauty services with 29% and make-up with 16%. The pandemic racked an industry thats heavily reliant on consumers ability to test and purchase products in person. These creams and pills may even have included ways to, Even though this period was known as the Golden Age of Spain, being tan was heavily frowned upon, as the. L'Oreal also renewed a long-term licensing agreement with Takami brand and signed a collaboration agreement with his dermatology clinics in Tokyo. The lixir Cellulaire de Nuit costs $1,225 for 20 ml. More than 80% of skin aging is caused by the sun. Lets take a look at the connection between the beauty industry and social media platforms like Instagram. People have more trust in brands that are present on social media and actively engage with their audience, as these latest. In 2015, Sephora had over $5 million in revenue per store. The future looks bright for the beauty industry. Influencers play a critical role in social media marketing, but brands should tread these waters carefully. also want to see all body sizes, skin colors, and genders in the marketing targeted at them. Additionally, more than half of consumers will be more interested in a product if they see a Facebook ad about it. The majority of Australian employers in the beauty industry are women. 40% of facial skincare users reported using the products more often. With the influence of social media today, the cosmetic industry has seen even greater growth. In addition to this, almost half of them post about brands online. Imagine not ever being able to control your sleep-wake cycle. These programs play a significant role in the relationship between consumers and brands. People have more trust in brands that are present on social media and actively engage with their audience, as these latest cosmetic industry trends show. It doesnt matter if beauty is only in the eye of the beholder; every person wants to be the most beautiful version of themself. The COVID-19 pandemic had an effect on nearly every global industry, and beauty was no exception. Since their whole lives have been influenced by social media. The British Beauty Council and Oxford Economics recently divided the beauty industry into 3 categories: personal care and maintenance, personal enhancement, and services. Online experience innovations, new clean and organic product lines, and a willingness among consumers to buy premium products indicate growth opportunities across all categories. Sustainability is a top priority for many of todays consumers. Also, keep in mind that if youre. And every Have you ever wanted to find out more about asthma? But things are looking up as 2021 marked the best year ever for cosmetics. Here, well be discussing the beauty industry trends within that industry. For instance, In 2019, San Francisco-based Gryphon Investors, announced the acquisition of anti-aging skincare brand RoC from Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. RoC has a 60+ year history in anti-wrinkle and anti-aging skincare, with more than 75 products sold in the United States, Europe, and Latin America.Asia Pacific Registers the Fastest Growth RateGrowing population and rapid urbanization, along with the increase in per capita spending on personal care products in highly developing economies such as China, South Korea, India, and Indonesia are contributing towards the growth of the skincare market in this region. Right behind this moisturizer is a night detoxifying elixir by La Prairie. There were also over 110,000 manicurists and pedicurists, and more than 55,000 skincare specialists. The popularity of trying to get a tan began a century ago, when Coco Chanel accidentally got sunburnt on a yacht. Additionally, new sales channels and business models are evolving and growing. Men specifically have become more aware of this importance, and the market for mens skincare is a major part of this increase. North America makes ups around 26% of the market. In this section, well be exploring skincare and its relationship with the beauty industry.
By 2026, eCommerce beauty sales could reach $358.4 billion. After taking a performance dip in 2020, beauty brands are finding new and innovative ways to connect with their customers. They found that 78% of consumers will gladly pay more for a personalized shopping experience. The same research has found that consumers are more likely to buy skincare products online if they knew the company cared about the environment. LOral remains the top player in the beauty industry, with nearly $6 billion more in sales than second-place Unilever. Right behind MAC, theres Kylie Cosmetics with over 21 million followers, Anastasia Beverly Hills with 19 million, Calvin Klein and Sephora with 18 million, and NYX Professional Makeup with 14 million followers. Hairstylists need products to serve their clients, and consumers need products to manage their colored hair at home. Cosmetic industry stats show that 24.9% of women in Australia buy their products from supermarkets, with Coles and Woolworths being the most popular options, while 23.3% buy them from their local Priceline pharmacy. will also find that todays teenagers dont want their skincare to be tested on animals. Data indicates that the use of cleansers and other skincare products is on the rise: The skincare market is vast and ever-growing. For Instance, Zalando, Europe's fashion and lifestyle e-commerce company, witnessed a YOY increase of 300% in sales of skin-, nail-, and hair-care products in 2020.Rising awareness regarding the various benefits of using personal care products has resulted in a rise in their demand over the last few years. Women and men around the globe want to look and feel good, and cosmetics are one of the many ways to achieve this. The Personal Care segment is the most prominent beauty industry sector in Australia. When comparing these numbers to the worldwide beauty industry, its clear that the US contributes a large portion of the overall revenue. Actually, the beauty industrys size should go up by 3.10% between 2022 and 2026. Online shopping has taken up 36.1% of all beauty sales in 2021. Despite being pretty young, over 60% of millennial consumers have developed relationships with their favorite brands, already lasting for a couple of years. 18% of consumers say they seek out guidance from in-store professionals, an experience that brands will need to replicate online if they want to stay competitive. The Top 10 Most Fascinating Health and Beauty Industry Statistics, Social Media and Beauty Industry Statistics, Fascinating Historical Beauty and Skincare Industry Statistics and Facts.
42% of consumers say theyd buy a product promoted by an influencer, while 43% said they were unsure and 15% flat-out said no.. Googles study found that YouTube was the number one source for beauty content among women aged 18-54. In 2019, 33% of beauty buyers online liked or followed a beauty brand. The numbers once again improved the following year with a percentage of 35.8%, which is expected to reach 50.7% by 2025. Whats more, over 60% of them modify their spending to maximize the benefits of the loyalty programs they follow. Whats more, as augmented reality (AR) also develops, it becomes easier for people to test out products before buying them. The lixir Cellulaire de Nuit costs $1,225 for 20 ml. show that consumers are becoming aware of their actions and want the brands theyre using to be aware, as well. The global beauty industry is expected to increase at a rate of 4.75%, generating an incredible $716 billion by 2025. (Australian Industry and Skills Committee). While established corporations lead the pack in global sales, up-and-coming brands are dominating social media. Teenagers spend approximately $44 billion a year on beauty products. These empty packages are usually too small to be recycled, so they end up littering our environment. The ever-growing beauty industry is worth over $17 million in the US alone. Beauty advertising grows at a rate of 2.2% per year.
The brand is available in Japan and other Asian countries, notably China.Reasons to Purchase this report: Key Topics Covered: 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Study Assumptions & Market Definition1.2 Scope of the Study2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY4 MARKET DYNAMICS4.1 Market Drivers4.2 Market Restraints4.3 Porter's Five Force Analysis4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry5 MARKET SEGMENTATION5.1 Product Type5.1.1 Facial Care5.1.1.1 Cleansers5.1.1.2 Moisturizers, Creams, Lotions5.1.1.3 Serums and Essence5.1.1.4 Toners5.1.1.5 Face Masks and Packs5.1.1.6 Other Facial Care Products5.1.2 Lip Care5.1.3 Body Care5.1.3.1 Body Wash5.1.3.2 Body Lotions5.2 Category5.2.1 Premium Skin Care Products5.2.2 Mass Skin Care Products5.3 Distribution Channel5.3.1 Specialist Retail Stores5.3.2 Supermarkets/Hypermarkets5.3.3 Convenience Stores5.3.4 Pharmacies/Drug Stores5.3.5 Online Retail Channels5.3.6 Other Channels5.4 Geography5.4.1 North America5.4.1.1 United States5.4.1.2 Canada5.4.1.3 Mexico5.4.1.4 Rest of North America5.4.2 Europe5.4.2.1 United Kingdom5.4.2.2 Germany5.4.2.3 France5.4.2.4 Russia5.4.2.5 Italy5.4.2.6 Spain5.4.2.7 Rest of Europe5.4.3 Asia-Pacific5.4.3.1 India5.4.3.2 China5.4.3.3 Japan5.4.3.4 Australia5.4.3.5 Rest of Asia-Pacific5.4.4 South America5.4.4.1 Brazil5.4.4.2 Argentina5.4.4.3 Rest of South America5.4.5 Middle East & Africa5.4.5.1 South Africa5.4.5.2 Saudi Arabia5.4.5.3 Rest of Middle East & Africa6 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE6.1 Most Adopted Strategies6.2 Market Share Analysis6.3 Company Profiles6.3.1 Procter & Gamble Company6.3.2 Beiersdorf AG6.3.3 L'Oreal SA6.3.4 Unilever PLC6.3.5 The Estee Lauder Companies Inc..6.3.6 Amorepacific Corporation6.3.7 Shiseido Company Limited6.3.8 Johnson & Johnson Services Inc.6.3.9 Kao Corporation6.3.10 Colgate-Palmolive Company7 MARKET OPPORTUNITIES AND FUTURE TRENDS8 IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE MARKETFor more information about this report visit, "Skincare Products Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2021 - 2026)", If shoppers cant get to a store to try on makeup in person, augmented reality try-ons might be the next best thing. Aussie women usually buy local brands to contribute to the animal rights movement, as Australian make-up brands put a lot of effort into creating cruelty-free skincare and make-up products. 63% of consumers have more trust in brands that have an Instagram account. Accentures study makes it clear: 3 out of 4 beauty customers respond well to personalized recommendations. How much is the beauty industry worth in 2019 in the US? Health concerns combined with an increase in online shopping have steered more consumers toward brands that display organic or natural on their product labels. Most of those employees consist of cosmetologists, barbers, and hairdressers, with more than 650,000 employees altogether back in 2014and growing. Additionally, they want their products to be made from botanically derived ingredients that are water-efficient, and they prefer companies that can make honest free from claims. They want to see products in person before committing to a sale. Dublin, April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Skincare Products Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2021 - 2026)" report has been added to's offering.
The foundation and eyeshadow categories have particularly helped this growth. 20+ Australian Beauty Industry Statistics (2022 Edition), What Does a Mortgage Broker Do in Australia, The Best Camping Mattress in Australia: 2022s Top Contenders, 30+ Inspiring Volunteering Statistics in Australia. Revlon is another cosmetics brand that Australians love, with a share of 8.32% of respondents putting it into the second spot of a 2019 survey. In this article, well cover all of the most important beauty industry stats, from industry-wide trends to consumer behavior to the rise of eCommerce and new technologies. Paraben-free is bandied about often enough that its become the no MSG of the 21st century. Some basic initiatives include social isolation directives, limitations on business opening hours, and travel restrictions. The fragrance and perfume market also plays a big role in the overall beauty industrys revenue. Cosmetics consumers are fickle. Did you know that Australians spend a whopping $22 billion on beauty products a year?
Australians aged 35-44 are close, occupying 18.6% of the employment rates. In 2021, it noted revenue of $3,391 million, with an estimated growth of 5.8% in the next four years, i.e. The beauty industrys main products are makeup and skincare, followed by deodorants, perfumes, and toiletries.
Nowadays, a mans skincare regime includes everything from anti-aging skincare and sunscreen to makeup. Out of them, around 16% buy make-up products, but they usually dont spend money as lavishly as Aussie women do. Cosmetic companies are producing more than 120 billion units of cosmetic packaging, most of which are for single use only. These beauty industry statistics for 2022are here to enlighten every beauty enthusiast and show how their desire for beauty is making this industry thrive. With the rise of new trends and technological advancements, this is definitely the most popular industry in todays society, and its certain that it will only grow. Since their whole lives have been influenced by social media, skincare industry trends show that theyre under constant pressure to look perfect and keep up with the latest fads. have shown, which can leave a notable hole in a persons bank account. Only 0.69% of men working in the personal care industry are full-time employees, and 0.71% are part-time employees. Whats more, online retail in 2016 was estimated to reach almost $2 billion.
Young adults from the age of 20 to 24 are also willing to work in beauty services, as they take up 20% of the workforce in beauty therapy. The research has also discovered that the use of skincare products in men aged 1844 has risen to almost 90%. Some of the forces driving this trend are demand for more organic and natural products, hair loss solutions, and dandruff-related products. Because of this, its important to know the recent beauty industry statistics, its facts and trends, in order to stay informed and educated. Personal-care products for men have evolved and grown beyond traditional grooming products, as we can see in the latest deodorants, shaving creams, and razors. Australian beauty statistics unveil that over one million millennial men also use beauty products. However, dont forget that cosmetic products cant replace a healthy lifestyle, including a good nights sleep, healthy diet, and regular physical activity. Whats more, 16% of men splurge on manicures and pedicures, spending around $736 million a year, which is still lower than the $1.3 billion women dish out on nail care. In 2022, the message is clear: men need to take care of their appearance too. Research and Markets
The Ordinary is a leading clean beauty brand. Meanwhile, top industry players are expanding their product lines and web experiences to meet new demands. With the rise of new trends and technological advancements, this is definitely the most popular industry in todays society, and its certain that it will only grow. Namely, in the fourth quarter of last year, hair salons expanded their revenue by 84%, while beauty salons rapidly delivered an upturn in income by 112% compared to the same quarter in 2020. Skincare has more beauty industry market share than hair care (22%) and make-up (18%) combined. The sale of mens skincare products alone rose by more than 10% in the same year. The same research has found that consumers are more likely to buy skincare products online if they knew the company cared about the environment. The COVID-19 restrictions impacted the spending spree in a lot of beauty and personal care sectors in 2021, including hair care, make-up services, and massages. The most expensive skincare product in the world is La Crme de la Mers Crme Rgnration Intense, which costs $2,400 for 16.5 oz. This is exactly the key problem of Once youve entered the business world one of the most valuable skills to excel at is time Diabetes and its many complications economic costs and fatalities are having an increasingly severe impact throughout the 2022 All Rights Reserved. 51% of consumers also dont want to see photoshopped adsthey want the product to show all the flaws that a normal, healthy body has: wrinkles, cellulite, gray hair, tooth gaps, scars, and so on. The main target of these cosmetic launches was the skin biome. Finally, the average CPC for beauty and personal care ads is $1.68. 51% of consumers also dont want to see photoshopped adsthey want the product to show all the flaws that a normal, healthy body has: wrinkles, cellulite, gray hair, tooth gaps, scars, and so on. The majority of men stated that they used BB cream, concealer, or foundation at least once in a year.
Videos showcasing sustainable and eco-friendly products are trending in both uploads and views. A certifying body or organization must classify a product as organic after reviewing the production process and packaging of the product. In fact, brands report that influencer marketing is more effective than direct mail.
, its facts and trends, in order to stay informed and educated.
The majority of shoppers across all demographics prefer to browse and shop in-store. Consumers who support the new cosmetic trends also want to see all body sizes, skin colors, and genders in the marketing targeted at them. Additionally, they want their products to be made from botanically derived ingredients that are water-efficient, and they prefer companies that can make honest free from claims. Sephora also offers beauty classes and has beauty hubs where its customers can virtually try any product out in augmented reality. The ideal, flawless porcelain complexion was achieved with thick layers of white powder that were combined with oil or wax to stick to the skin. What does the beauty industry consist of?
The market is still dominated by a handful of large companies, but eCommerce brands should be able to capitalize on this trend. New skincare products are hitting the market every day, from organic anti-aging serums to gender-neutral foundations and concealers. Hence, the increasing interest in anti-aging skincare products for youthful skin and skincare products enriched with vitamin-c, vitamin-E, collagen, and others to delay the aging, has resulted in an increasing number of manufacturers trying to penetrate this highly lucrative market through various strategies such as product innovation, mergers & acquisitions, and others. They used various creams and pills to protect their skin against the sun and wind, and they even included perfumes made from natural oils in their religious rituals. According to the information collected by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee, beauty therapy, hairdressing, make-up artistry and massage therapy are the most sought-after jobs in the beauty industry, with JustCuts, one of the biggest franchises in Australia, being the number one employer.
In the last few years, there has been a shift in the way the public reacts to unethical practices in the beauty industry. What about men? The Global Skincare Products Market was valued at USD 140.92 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.69% during the forecast period 2021 - 2026.The COVID-19 pandemic influenced consumers' spending habits and purchase decisions leading to a slight decline in the market growth by 1.12% in 2020 owing to various governments imposing multiple measures intended to slowdown spread of the COVID-19. claim, is made of a mixture of nutrients and natural elements that are supposed to smooth the facial features of the user and leave the skin rejuvenated and soothed. Right behind this moisturizer is a night detoxifying elixir by La Prairie. The secret to the companys success is staying close to clients through Sephora Studio. Out of the personal care sector, personal hygiene products are most in-demand, with a share of 80%, and oral and dental care is just right behind with 78%. These creams and pills may even have included ways to stop allergies from showing on the skin. Wildly colored hair has entered the mainstream.
While its dominated by large companies (Este Lauder reports $7.4 billion in annual sales), niche brands are finding plenty of eager consumers. Cleanser products have seen a resurgence since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The constant developments and innovations in the industry make it easier and easier to have great skin. 41% of cosmetic product consumers discover new brands through social media profiles; 23% have clicked on a promoted or sponsored link. Concerns over harmful chemicals, environmental responsibility, and animal cruelty have all shaped consumer habits in the beauty industry: Clean beauty has been on the rise for over three decades. Search volume for Manscaped, the DTC mens grooming brand has exploded by 7,800% over the past 5 years. 548 Market St. Suite 95149 San Francisco, California, Beauty Marketing And Social Media Statistics, Beauty ECommerce And Technology Statistics, Clean, Natural, And Organic Beauty Product Statistics. However, research has found that men have started taking care of their skin, as well. Each generation remembers a unique trend, like Jackie Os suits or the Rachel hairstyle from Friends. Most often thats Instagram, but other social networks arent neglected either. If this piqued your interest and you want to learn more fascinating Australian beauty industry statistics, take a look at the facts and figures we compiled below. They turn to online reviews and seek beauty inspiration or new trends on the internet. Nude by Nature is at the top of the list, with Napoleon and Natio right behind. They used various creams and pills to protect their skin against the sun and wind, and they even included perfumes made from natural oils in their religious rituals. And makeup artist Huda Kattan has over 50 million Instagram followers. LOrals main products are makeup, haircare, skincare, hair color, and perfumes. Organic skincare market trends predict impressive growth for this branch of the beauty industry. While women spend an astonishing $15 billion a year on grooming products, men layout 7 billion dollars. According to IBISWorld, there are 33,520 Hairdressing and Beauty Services in Australia, although other research puts the number closer to 35,000. Required fields are marked *. and shopping habits are a bit different, and e-commerce and social media are evolving hand-in-hand. predict impressive growth for this branch of the beauty industry. Although all Australians generally show an affinity towards grooming and beauty, one region is more invested in vanity than others. This intense regeneration cream, as the skincare facts claim, is made of a mixture of nutrients and natural elements that are supposed to smooth the facial features of the user and leave the skin rejuvenated and soothed. According to McKinsey, the increase in online sales during the pandemic did not make up for the drop in sales at brick-and-mortar locations. Cosmetic products also did very well, raking in an estimated $1,607 million in 2021. Haircare includes shampoo, conditioner, colorants, and hair oil. , the rise in awareness of the therapeutic power that scent offers has increased the growth of this market. People can easily follow trends and stay up to date, while cosmetic brands can market their products. In third place comes MAC Cosmetics, with a percentage of 7.19%. YouTube vloggers, bloggers, and Instagram influencers have changed the way in which potential customers discover new brands, thus changing traditional marketing for good. Within those categories are 15 sub-categories: Self-care is a serious investment. Todays teenagers have grown up with social media, so its no wonder 62% of them also research beauty products online before buying them. Most often thats Instagram, but other social networks arent neglected either. After going through a minor income fall in 2020, the market got back on its feet the following year. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No scientific studies have linked parabens and cancer to date, but products without the common preservative are out-selling the competition. Some of the major key players in the skincare products market include Procter & Gamble Company, Beiersdorf AG?, The Estee Lauder Companies Inc., Unilever, L'Oreal, among others. Its estimated that it will grow by 3.5% every year.
Instagram gives beauty brands the chance to connect with their audience. Aussies spend around $1 billion on cosmetic procedures a year, Healthcare and Education, beauty is a female-dominated sector. Throughout history, trends have been set by the famous and influential. Even though this period was known as the Golden Age of Spain, being tan was heavily frowned upon, as the skincare trends from the time show.