| Cookie policy A DECam Search for Explosive Optical Transients Associated with IceCube Neutrinos, Angular distribution of prompt neutrinos in Extensive Air Showers, Multi-Messenger Connections among High-Energy Cosmic Particles, Electronics Development for the New Photo-Detectors (PDOM and D-Egg) for IceCube-Upgrade, R.Nagai, A.Ishihara and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, High-elevation synoptic radio array for detection of upward moving air-showers, deployed in the Antarctic mountains, J.Nam, P.Chen, Y.C.Chen, S.Y.Hsu, J.J.Huang, M.H.A.Huang, C.Y.Kuo, C.H.Leung, T.C.Liu, B.K.Shin, Y.S.Shiao, M.Z.Wang, S.H.Wang, Y.H.Wang, D.J. Besson, C.Hornhuber, A.Novikov and on behalf of the TAROGE and the ARIANNA Collaborations, A wind-turbine for autonomous stations for radio detection of neutrinos, Radio Phased Arrays: A low-threshold detector in the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA), Observation of Optical Transients and Search for PeV-EeV Tau Neutrinos with Ashra-1, S.Ogawa, M.Sasaki, T.Aoki, H.Oshima, R.Nagasawa and on behalf of the Ashra-I Collaboration, High-energy neutrinos from individual blazar flares, F.Oikonomou, K.Murase, P.Padovani, E.Resconi and P.Meszaros, ANTARES search for high-energy neutrinos from TeV-emitting blazars, Markarian 421 and 501, in coincidence with HAWC gamma-ray flares, M.Organokov, T.Pradier, on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration and on behalf of the HAWC Collaboration, Searching for Time-Dependent Neutrino Emission from Blazars with IceCube, E.O'Sullivan, C.Finley and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, E.O'Sullivan and on behalf of the Hyper-Kamiokande Collaboration, F.Malmenbeck, E.O'Sullivan and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Trinity: An Air-Shower Imaging System for the Detection of Ultrahigh Energy Neutrinos, A.N.Otte, A.M.Brown, A.D.Falcone, M.Mariotti and I.Taboada, Development of a Cherenkov Telescope for the Detection of Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos with EUSO-SPB2 and POEMMA, A.N.Otte, E.Gazda, E.Judd, J.F.Krizmanic, E.Kutzenzov, O.R.Matamala, P.J.Reardon, L.Wiencke and on behalf of the JEM-EUSO and POEMMA Collaborations, Bounds on diffuse and point source fluxes of ultra-high energy neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory, F.Pedreira and on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration, Performance of the ARIANNA pilot array, and implications for the next generation of UHE neutrino detectors, C.Persichilli and on behalf of the ARIANNA collaboration, A search for IceCube events in the direction of ANITA neutrino candidates, T.Montaruli, J.Vandenbroucke, A.Pizzuto, A.M.Barbano and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Searches for neutrinos from fast radio bursts with IceCube, J.Vandenbroucke, A.Kheirandish, A.Pizzuto and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Enabling a new detection channel for beyond standard model physics with in-situ measurements of ice luminescence, A.Pollmann and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Searches for "subthreshold" sources of Gravitational Waves and High Energy Neutrinos using Advanced LIGO/Virgo, IceCube and ANTARES data, T.Pradier, M.Colomer, B.Baret and on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration, Mass ordering discrimination from supernova neutrino burst, Coherent radar reflections from an electron-beam induced particle cascade, Constraints on sterile neutrino mixing usingIceCube atmospheric neutrino data, Constraining the environment of neutrino-emitting regions in jets of FSRQs, A.Reimer, M.Bttcher, S.Buson, D.Miceli and on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, A new calculation of Earth-skimming very- and ultra-high energy tau neutrinos, M.H.Reno, T.Venters, J.Krizmanic, L.A.Anchordoqui, C.Gupin and A.V.Olinto, Measurement of the multi-TeV neutrino cross section with IceCube using Earth absorption, S.Robertson and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Neutrinos and UHECR nuclei from blazars: from a single-source model to a population study, X.Rodrigues, A.Fedynitch, S.Gao, A.Palladino, D.Boncioli and W.Winter, Evolving Antennas for Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Detection, J.A.Rolla and on behalf of the GENETIS collaboration, Concept and Analysis for a 1 100 PeV Tau Neutrino Observatory, A.Romero-Wolf, W.Carvalho, J.Alvarez-Muniz, J.Bazo, J.Bellido, A.Cummings, A.Gago, H.Schoorlemmer, S.Wissel and E.Zas, Results of Inter-Channel Timing Jitter Measurements Using Low-Power System on Chip Waveform Digitizer for Experimental Physics Applications, Constraining anomalous EeV ANITA detections with PeV neutrinos, I.Safa, A.Pizzuto, C.Arguelles, F.Halzen, R.Hussain, A.Kheirandish and J.Vandenbroucke, A New Approach to Sift out Neutrino Sources from Astronomical Catalogs, Time-dependent search of neutrino emission from bright gamma-ray flaring blazars using ten years of data of the ANTARES telescope, Time-Dependent Sensitivity and Discovery Potential of KM3NeT-ARCA detector, A.Sharma, A.Marinelli and on behalf of the KM3NeT Collaboration, Unfolding the True Atmospheric Neutrino Event Rate in the 1Gev - 1Tev Range Using IceCube/DeepCore, J.Sandroos and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, The Sun shadow observation with the ANTARES neutrino telescope, T.Chiarusi, L.A.Fusco, A.Romanov, M.Sanguineti, F.Versari and on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration, Searching for neutrino emission from hard X-ray sources with IceCube, M.Santander and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Galactic Bulge Monitor with Ashra-1 and NTA detectors, M.Sasaki and on behalf of the Ashra-I/NTA Collaboration, Characterization of the Astrophysical Diffuse Neutrino Flux with IceCube High-Energy Starting Events, A.Schneider and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Tackling limited simulation and small signals, C.Arguelles, A.Schneider and T.Yuan, Correlation of IceCube neutrinos with the 2MASS Redshift Survey, S.Sclafani, N.Kurahashi Neilson and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, High-energy astrophysical neutrinos from interactions in the Local Bubble, M.Bouyahiaoui, M.Kachelriess and D.Semikoz, Adoption of continuous wavelet and recurrence plots to comparative studies of neutron monitor data sets from the period 1975 1992, T.Seredyn, A.Wysokinski and Z.Kobyliski, Characterizing the High-Energy Activity of Blazars Possibly Correlated with Observed Astrophysical Neutrinos, A.Sharma, A.Marinelli, J.R.Sacahui Reyes and M.Osorio, Measurement of the Diffuse Muon Neutrino Flux using Starting Track Events in IceCube, M.Silva, S.Mancina and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Neutrino telescope in Lake Baikal: Present and Future, The Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope: First results of multi-messenger study, Overview of recent results of the ANTARES neutrino telescope, First Double Cascade Tau Neutrino Candidates in IceCube and a New Measurement of the Flavor Composition, J.Stachurska and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Search for Neutrinos from Populations of Optical Transients, R.Stein and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Measurement of the diffuse astrophysical muon-neutrino spectrum with ten years of IceCube data, J.Stettner and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Measurement of the Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillation Parameters with NOvA, Neutrino oscillation research with KM3NeT/ORCA, S.Hallmann, B.Strandberg and on behalf of the KM3NeT Collaboration, Hybrid detection of high-energy cosmic neutrinos with the next generation neutrino detectors at the South Pole, S.Toscano, P.Coppin, K.de Vries, N.van Eijndhoven and J.A.Aguilar, The Next Generation of IceCube Real-time Neutrino Alerts, E.Blaufuss, T.Kintscher, L.Lu and C.F.Tung, Characterisation of Two PMT Models for the IceCube Upgrade mDOM, D.van Eijk, J.Schneider, M.Unland and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Observing GeV Neutrino Transients in the Multi-Messenger Era, V.Van Elewyck, S.E.M.Ahmed Maouloud, G.De Wasseige, M.Ahlers and M.Bustamante, Probing the Earth Core Composition with Neutrino Oscillation Tomography, J.Coelho, S.Bourret, E.Kaminski and V.Van Elewyck, Current constraints from cosmogenic neutrinos on the fraction of protons in UHECRs, A.van Vliet, R.Alves Batista and J.R.Hrandel, IceCube as a Multi-messenger Follow-up Observatory for Astrophysical Transients, J.Vandenbroucke, A.Pizzuto, K.Meagher and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Observing The Next Galactic Supernova with the NOvA Detectors, Supernova Neutrinos search with the LVD experiment: the 2019 update, C.F.Vigorito, G.Bruno, W.Fulgione, A.Molinario and on behalf of the LVD Collaboration, Design and Status of JUNO and Its Potential in Astroparticle Physics, An Acoustic Calibration System for the IceCube Upgrade, D.Heinen, S.Shefali, R.Turcotte, L.S.Weinstock, C.Wiebusch, S.Zierke and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, The IceCube Upgrade - Design and Science Goals, A.Ishihara and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Multi-messenger interpretation of the neutrinos from TXS 0506+056, W.Winter, S.Gao, X.Rodrigues, A.Fedynitch, A.Palladino and M.Pohl, Concept Study for the Beamforming Elevated Array for Cosmic Neutrinos (BEACON), S.Wissel, J.Alvarez-Muniz, C.Burch, A.Cummings, W.Carvalho, C.Deaconu, G.Hallinan, K.Hughes, A.Ludwig, E.Oberla, C.Paciaroni, A.Rodriguez, A.Romero-Wolf, H.Schoorlemmer, D.Southall, B.Strutt, M.Vasquez, A.G.Vieregg and E.Zas, Comprehensive estimate of the sensitivity of ANITA to tau neutrinos, S.Wissel, C.Burch, W.Carvalho, J.Crowley, J.Alvarez-Muniz, A.Cummings, A.Kauther, A.Romero-Wolf, H.Schoorlemmer, E.Zas and on behalf of the ANITA Collaboration, SkyLLH - A generalized Python-based tool for log-likelihood analyses in multi-messenger astronomy, M.Wolf and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Astrophysical Tau Neutrino Identification with IceCube Waveforms, D.Xu, L.Wille and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Solar neutrino physics at Hyper-Kamiokande, T.Yano and On behalf of the Hyper-Kamiokande Proto-collaboration, Flaring Rate Distribution of Gamma-Ray Blazars and Implications for High-Energy Neutrino Emission, K.Yoshida, M.Petropoulou, C.M.Urry, P.Coppi, C.Bailyn, G.Vasilopoulos, K.Murase and F.Oikonomou, A generic unified model for the IceCube neutrinos and the ultra-high energy cosmic rays in the photomeson production scenario, Measurement of the high-energy all-flavor neutrino-nucleon cross section with IceCube, T.Yuan and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, A Multi-Messenger Picture of Galaxy Mergers: Neutrinos and Electromagnetic Emissions, Seasonal Variation of the Underground Cosmic Muon Flux Measured at Daya Bay, New Detection Signatures for IceCube at High Energies, Atmospheric neutrino backgrounds and the DSNB in Super-Kamiokande, QuarkNet Coordination of a Cosmic Ray Experiment Outreach Project During a Total Solar Eclipse, M.Adams, N.Unterman, C.Carr, J.Rosenberg, A.Valsamis, T.Dallal, M.Matten, J.Miller, E.Schur and A.Sears, High School Students Cosmic Ray Measurements during a Solar Eclipse, M.Adams, A.Valsamis, C.Carr, J.Rosenberg, N.Unterman, T.Dallal, M.Matten, J.Miller, E.Schur and A.Sears, Study of cosmic ray ratio of free paths normal and parallel to IMF with muon data, Holistic study of space weather and space climate: 1700- 2018, Proton flux variations in the inner radiation belt in solar cycle 24, S.Aleksandrin, A.Galper, S.Koldashov, V.Malakhov, V.Mikhailov and T.Zharaspayev, Study of the Forbush Decrease Events of January and May 2005 observed with High Cutoff Rigidity Muon Detector at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Preliminary Results from A Mini Neutron Monitor in Central Saudi Arabia, Multi-channel time over threshold module for the SciCRT detector at Sierra Negra, Mexico, The heliospheric modulation of electrons and positrons over a complete solar cycle, O.M.Aslam, D.Bisschoff and M.Potgieter, The solar modulation of protons and anti-protons, Neutron Monitor Time-delay Measurements to Track Cosmic Ray Spectral Variation Due to Solar Modulation at High and Low Cutoff Rigidity, Obtaining a History of the Flux of Cosmic Rays using In Situ Cosmogenic $^{14}C$ Trapped in Polar Ice, S.BenZvi, V.V.Petrenko, B.Hmiel, M.Dyonisius, A.M.Smith, B.Yang and Q.Hua, A new set of self-consistent very local interstellar spectra for electrons, positrons, protons and light nuclei, Testing anti-particle local interstellar spectra through solar modulation studies, ORCA (Antarctic Cosmic Ray Observatory): 2018 Latitudinal Survey, A New Neutron Monitor at the Juan Carlos I Spanish Antarctic Station (Livingston Island-Antarctic Peninsula), J.J.Blanco, O.Garca Poblacin, J.I.Garca Tejedor, J.Medina, M.Prieto, A.Lpez-Comazzi, S.Ayuso, R.Gmez-Herrero and C.Steigies, Solar Energetic Particle Observations with the PAMELA Experiment, A.Bruno, E.R.Christian, G.A.de Nolfo, I.G.Richardson and J.M.Ryan, Spectral Analysis of the September 2017 Solar Energetic Particle Events Based on Multi-Spacecraft Data, Space Weather Observations during September 2017 with CALET on the International Space Station, A.Bruno and on behalf of the CALET Collaboration, HXI Collimator on-board Chinese ASO-S mission, Energetic Particle Acceleration in the Heliosphere from the IMAP mission, The Influence of Coronal Mass Ejection Characteristics on the Spread of Solar Energetic Particles, Estimating the effects of coronal magnetic fields on high energy cosmic rays, Numerical Modeling of Galactic Cosmic Ray Proton and Helium Observed by AMS-02 During the Solar Maximum of Solar Cycle 24, Time dependence of the p/He ratio in cosmic rays according to the force-field approximation, C.Corti, V.Bindi, C.Consolandi, C.Freeman, A.Kuhlman, C.Light, M.Palermo and S.Wang, Test of validity of the Force-Field Approximation with AMS-02 and PAMELA Monthly Fluxes, Voyager 2 Observations of the Anisotropy of Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Heliosheath, A.C.Cummings, E.C.Stone, B.C.Heikkila, N.Lal and J.Richardson, Relativistic solar proton propagation in the interplanetary medium. searches for TeV gamma-rays associated to high-energy neutrinos, F.Schssler, H.Ashkar, M.Backes, K.Egberts, F.Brun, M.Fssling, C.Hoischen, J.P.Lenain, I.Lypova, S.Ohm, D.Parsons, C.Romoli, M.Seglar-Arroyo, M.Zacharias, A.Zech and on behalf of the H.E.S.S. Influence on the rotation curves of spiral galaxies. How the Knee and Ankle Features of the Cosmic Ray Spectrum Relate to the Dominance of the Heavy Nuclei Above 10^20 eV. collaboration, Possible origin of the Geminga slow-diffusion halo, Analysis Methods for Neutrino Follow-up Observations with MAGIC, Prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Commissioning Status of the Optical System, The Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to the transient sky, V.Fioretti, D.Ribeiro, T.B.Humensky, A.Bulgarelli, G.Maier, A.Moralejo, C.Nigro and on behalf of the CTA Consortium, A Survey of TeV Emission from Galactic Supernova Remnants with HAWC, H.Fleischhack and on behalf of the HAWC Collaboration, Modeling the non-thermal emission of the gamma Cygni supernova remnant up to the highest energies. <> Dependence of hadronic interaction models in atmospheric electric field simulations for GRAPES-3. UbG Copyright 2022 ec Estudio Integral. The OLVE-HERO calorimeter prototype beam tests at CERN SPS. 0000003032 00000 n R.Beisembaev, D.Beznosko, E.Beisembaeva, O.D.Dalkarov, V.Mossunov, V.Ryabov, S.Shaulov, M.Vildanova, V.Zhukov, K.Baigarin and T.Sadykov, Gamma-Ray Bursts as Sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays across the Ankle, D.Biehl, D.Boncioli, A.Fedynitch, J.Heinze, A.Rudolph and W.Winter, EUSO-TA ground based fluorescence detector: analysis of the detected events, Mini-EUSO engineering model: tests in open-sky condition, Test benches for the upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory electronics, M.Bohacova and on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration, Microphysics of electron acceleration and heating at nonrelativistic perpendicular shocks of young supernova remnants, A.Bohdan, M.Pohl, J.Niemiec, T.Amano, M.Hoshino and Y.Matsumoto, A Cosmic Rays Tracking System for the Stability Monitoring of Historical Buildings, G.Bonomi, M.Caccia, A.Donzella, D.Pagano, V.Villa and A.Zenoni, The AMIGA underground muon detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory - performance and event reconstruction, A.M.Botti and on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration, The Aachen Muon Detector for testing the local production of Scintillating Surface Detectors for AugerPrime, T.Bretz, P.Ferreira, A.Garcia, T.Hebbeker, J.Kemp, C.Peters and J.Schumacher, Non-thermal emission from the reverse shock of the youngest galactic Supernova remnant G1.9+0.3, Towards an improved mass composition analysis with LOFAR, S.Buitink, A.Corstanje, A.Bonardi, H.Falcke, B.M.Hare, J.R.Hrandel, T.Huege, G.Krampah, P.Mitra, A.Nelles, H.Pandya, J.P.Rachen, L.Rossetto, O.Scholten, S.ter Veen, T.N.G.Trinh and T.Winchen, Anisotropies of the Highest Energy Cosmic-ray Events Recorded by the Pierre Auger Observatory in 15 years of Operation, L.Caccianiga and on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration. The Automatic Installation And Configuration ProcedurE for the Data Acquisition System of KM3NeT. endobj Synergy Between Art and Science: Collaboration at the South Pole. Designed by, INVERSORES! G.A.De Nolfo, A.Bruno, J.M.Ryan, S.Dalla, J.Giacalone, I.G.Richardson and E.R.Christian, G.A.De Nolfo, A.Bruno, J.Dumonthier, I.Liceaga-Indart, J.Legere, R.Messner, J.G.Mitchell, J.M.Ryan, G.Suarez and T.Tatoli, First search for GeV neutrinos from bright gamma-ray solar flares using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, G.De Wasseige and on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration, Experimental Biases on the Heliospheric Contribution to the Observed TeV Cosmic Ray Anisotropy, Statistical study of solar energetic electron spectra with STEREO/SEPT, Analysis of the performance of the SciCRT as a solar neutron telescope and current status of the experiment, Indicators of Space Weather Events in Cosmic Rays Flux During the Solar Cycle 24, A.Gil, R.Modzelewska, S.Moskwa, A.Siluszyk, M.Siluszyk and A.Wawrzynczak, Differential Rotation of the Sun as a Source of Galactic Cosmic Rays Quasi-biennial Oscillations, Anisotropic Cosmic-ray Enhancement (ACRE): Case Studies of 07-Jun-2015 and 26-Aug-2018, A.Gil, G.Kovaltsov, V.Mikhailov, A.Mishev, S.Poluianov and I.Usoskin.