So I just use this as another example. Now, you can omit that last step if you wanted to keep it down and just do the algorithm one more time. Just repeat it until you see gray on top. The fastest average time to solve a Megaminx rotating puzzle cube is 30.39 seconds by Juan Pablo Huanqui (Peru) at the Wuxi Open 2019 in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, on 1011 August 2019. I used the basic 3x3 algorithms from the booklet, and added an extra edge. It wasn't all that lucky either. This is my first sub-3 time. I was in such a mood to get my best time so far on my 11th birth day 23rd may 2007. It's only 6 colors. Like I said, you have to be able to solve at least the 1st 2 layers on the three by three in order for us to move forward. 1.In Step 2, to place which corner in the operating slot depends on whether there is incorrect top corner (gray corner) in the upper left corner or upper right corner of F. If yes, then move the target position of the target corner to the operating slot; otherwise just move any incorrect corner to the operating slot. The Megaminx is solved! Now, we're just going to repeat the same process to all of these edges on that first layer. L kind of looks weird, but that's basically kind of like a backwards like you get all the three by three. 1.The steps for solving the side edges in the lower part of the Megaminx is similar to that of the 33. Hey Everyone. On the image above a white and a black-body Megaminx is accompanied by their smaller brother, the 22 Kilominx (Flowerminx), a dodecahedron-shaped Rubiks Cube shape mod and a 33 cube. Darn it, I wanted sub 2! Now do any 4 corners on your megaminx. So we're going to do the return move. But if you're not, just follow along. The teacher's recommendation is shown until at least 5 student responses are collected. No skipped steps! All right, there we go. I just have to get the right algorithm sequence. I have my f to l. A pair and then you're going to step aside. I use the same method as with the 3x3x3. Now, keep in mind if you finished all of the puzzle down to your last layer and you already have your gray star or your top star is already there, then you basically skip this step and move on to the next step. I might throw in a little bit of f too well on one of these examples. i will post thevideo of it on soon. So what I would do is I would take it out just like this. Now we're going to solve the edge that belongs on top of it, which should be pink and like a pale yellow, which is right there, You're gonna line it up and you're gonna move it over to the right just like regular second layer beginners method. The world record time for a Megaminx solve is 27.22 seconds, set by Juan Pablo Huanqui of Peru on 28 July 2018 at CubingUSA Nationals 2018, in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love minxing in school :D on boring lessons :D, After Marina Open 2008 I'm motivated to next steps of megaminx, I told Erik I would beat my PB a few hours before this time. Cube Notation & First Layer: All right, you guys. Make dR turns to move the target position of the target corner (now on the upper left corner of F) to the operating slot, and execute Algorithm 10 to solve it. And when it's not solid, just gonna do all more time. seems very possible. if i had a better one i might do OK. this was my first solve after getting it in the mail a half hour earlier. 10th day with the puzzle (Chinese version) sub-4 is next. 2: F2L. 4: F2L (for all but last layer). i cut whole minute off of my time. Please do not be intimidated by this crazy looking thing. If you have the case where no matter which way you turn this, you will only ever get one edge that lines up and that's it. 2. It's easier for the edges than a 12-colour, but for the corners. I recently loosened the screws on my minx. I hadn't previously broken my record in a while. Once you find it, you're going to face it and you're gonna perform that same algorithm I showed earlier. And I think this is it right here. If for whatever reason, all of these are already lined up, then you have skipped this step. My friend even confirmed my time. Place the matching sides of the target edge as F, R, white side as dR. Function of Algorithm 4/5: to move the edge piece target edge from the upper edge of F or R (starting position) to the right edge of F (target position). It consists of 2 look OLL and 2 look PLL. for the #28 contest on speedsolving, I did this right after I took my average. So I have green and purple, so I find my green and purple, which is right over here. Are cubes improving nowadays? this thing gives you a claw. So once you have your star done, it should look just like this with matching colors on the side, just like a three by three. luck. I'll make this easier to understand. Take classes on the go with the Skillshare app. You two are prime. It's incredibly addicting and very fun. As long as you can do that, this should be a very simple and fun course! Please post how long it took you to solve it and what your average 3x3 solve time is. i didn't have a guide. And now we're gonna find pink in greed pink and green. There you go. Everytime I solve it I get a little better. Mine is kinda broken and only has 6 colors. Not a lucky time, and I have much room for improvement. And now we're gonna find orange and blue, which is right here. If you don't know how to solve at least the 1st 2 layers of the few by three, I do have a course that will teach you how to solve that because this is going to be based off of the three by three models. Solving Angle:Place the gray side at dR, and the target corner in the down right corner of F (operating slot). First day solved the minx the cheap and popish version. Coming to practice, its by far the most important thing you need to do to get good at megaminx. My name is Byron. 4. So that's how we take care of that step. Steps:(Below diagrams are vertical view) The Inverted triangle consists of 3 pieces, the down left edge, the down corner and the down right edge. So I'm gonna probably go with this one. So the set up move is what we're gonna do. Swithing to 12 colors made it much easier. I wasted a lot of time finding the pieces though. The other sides are divided into 2 halvesthe upper half consisting of pink/light yellow/light blue/orange/light green, and the lower halfconsisting of blue/red/dark green/purple/yellow. I still use a many-look LL there's a lot of room for improvement here. The steps and algorithms for solving the Megaminx are similar to those of the 33. Dont watch videos that are meant for speeds much faster than your current speed though, it will only confuse you and not add any value. I'm *thinking* about putting some petrolium based lube on there to loosen it up. You're gonna be doing the same thing on the middle layer. So now I'm gonna move this piece to the right, and then I'm gonna position it back down in the starting position. So if you know how to do left Well, this is gonna be the explanation of exactly how to go about this kind of second middle layer thing with after. But as Faras three by three Zehr concerned, it's basically the exact same thing. Soon to get way better. This was my first sub-5, which I am very happy with :), hopefully more to come, after some research and some new springs! I see this one, and I know that it's gonna belong over here because of the blue and red, and this one is blue and red. How to Memorize Speedcube Algorithms Faster. Magical Minds Cube Open 2022 (Unofficial Event), Why Speedcubing is Beneficial to the Mind as well as the Body, My Cubing Journey - Hardhik Varma Kalidindi, My Experience at My First WCA Competition and Tips For Your First Competition. Or you can just do beginners method. Thanks to Jol for letting me use his Megaminx and for helping me with commutators..sub 7 is possible.but anything after that is crazy. Move the slot over, and then we're gonna put it back in, and we're gonna switch these two out. I located the edge right over here, so I'm just gonna move it over now. Each side also consists of center piece (1), edge pieces (5) and corner pieces (5). So just go ahead and do that and I will catch up with you then if you are familiar with F too Well, this one is going to be done using F 20 This is a parent here. Then choose the appropriate Algorithm for the case to solve it. In the next video So I'm just gonna say the set up move and then they return move. This was the second solve I've timed in a long time. What's this movement was that movement? Looks like I could use just a little more work on my average, though - get rid of the 'slow' times. Now, in this case, where the two that lineup are across from each other. I have a few faster solves but they are too lucky to count. I have been a competitive speed silver for about the last 11 years. But this is a pretty straightforward puzzle. Commentators is basically where we're going to move the corner. As you can see, it's got a couple extra steps. I am really improving on the Megaminx :), 6 year old solves Megaminx cube in 1:35.49 seconds. They may be across from each other, or you may only be able to find one. This step is EXACTLY like the Rubiks Cube. So now that it's here, gonna perform my algorithm and then once you're done, you just move it back down here where it's nice and solved. Second F2L (S2L): Once you've gotten that section done, it should look like this all way around. It belongs between pink and yellow. And now the corner needs to go up here. 4 days before the next UK puzzle meeting. If you guys are looking at getting faster or anything like that, maybe you don't know if too well and you'd like to learn. I'm using a very slow LL method I taught myself by modifying 3x3 algs so I could probably drop my time 1+ min. Someone's gonna move that down, solve that, then you're going to solve this corner in that edge as an F to L. A pair. So the set up move is basically going to be our prime de prime are. It's getting really cool. The Megaminx has a total of 12 sides. There are a few steps where you might get stuck but the algorithms below will help you go through the difficulties. First solve today. Using a very basic method with only five algorithms. I totally forgot about my Megaminx until recently. Sometimes. Please post if you found this to be a challenge or not as well if you decide to try this out.. 1: White star. I started timing practise and got this fastest solve while taking an average of 5 solves (first solve too). And then we're going to do the reverse of that move, which I guess you could say is going to be like, uh, algorithm number two, which is going to be our prime d are. So just gonna place a corner there first. Had puzzle less than a week. Just have to divide my times by two, it means losing half the time searching for pieces and moving the fingers twice so fast. You're looking for at least two of these That lineup, they may be next to each other. Grant and Daniel, I'm coming!! can anyone tell me how to find colour faster? Or actually, it's pair is I had a second go back here. These two are facing up, so that's fine. I timed myself by eye on my iPod clock during a math lecture in Advanced Placement Calculus. Function ofAlgorithm 9: to move the upper right corner to the down right corner and down right corner to the upper left corner of F. Algorithm 10 does the contrary. And then once you see gray on top, make sure you do that Final de and we're just gonna pick one of these other corners and was gonna do it again until we see Gray on top again. This step only deals with the orientation of the top layer (gray side) edges Permutation will be dealt with in the next step. It's all the same. We're gonna move that over, and then this corner on that corner are going to switch. We're just gonna assume whatever face you're looking at is the f face R l you etcetera. second ever sub-1:10 solve. What a fun puzzle. Look back and see. The level is determined by a majority opinion of students who have reviewed this class. So we're gonna insert this corner the normal way, just like that. Solving Angle:Place the gray side at U. Second day of minxing and i've already cut 1 minute 40 secs off my record. It's not there, so I do it again. When it comes to Megaminx though, the amount of algorithms eclipses those of 33. Execute the matching algorithm according to the cases shown in below diagram. lol ), really good solve! It consists of, All this time, you should also watch as many. Unless youre at a sub-45 level, its not recommended to learn PLL, and its best to wait till youre world class before learning OLL. We can line up are star edges. Now, once all edges are correctly flipped, then we're ready to move on to the next step. And we're gonna bring this one down in the bottom. 2.If the target edge is in a wrong side edge or with incorrect orientation, move it to the top layer to apply the solving steps. I'm a Chinese boy. US Nationals 2006, This was quite a solve for me, when I finished I was rather surprised at the time! Easily my PB thus far. We have a set up move, and we have a I would say return move. I'm using a Chinese megaminx and a Fridrich-style method. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. my profile is ddaarrkkssttaarr8877. Now we're just gonna be working on lining up the grave star similar to our cross on three by three. I think my times will improve though. This can be faster but I have to practise my LL. There are many Cuber in China! I finally finished, in front of a crowd of about 100 guys, before 9. So in this example, we have a dot You're gonna hold this anywhere you'd like for the most part. I figured since I kept getting so close during my average that I wouldn't stop until I broke my record. We're gonna move it in the spot between pink and yellow. So now we're gonna place this on the bottom. I only have a 6-colored version which I think is more difficult than the 12-colored version. Lubing my minx certainly helped, and I'm getting a little better at finding the pieces. no skips, fairly fast recognition..will break 4mins soon. I really dont know how i finished this this fast. 8: Orientate LL corners (also using commutators). So Good Luck and Happy Solving! So just do that with the rest of the ones that you have. Just, yeah, you got to do it a lot more often. So this one is gonna be green and orange. So what we're gonna do now is we're going to orient all the corners. 2:30 is fast approaching. is India's leading cubestore. it was not my best. No luck. Receive all updates on new puzzles, compeititions, tips, tricks & a lot more, 2022 CubeleloBrainlytic Solutions Private Limited, Megaminx is definitely one of the most interesting events in the WCA; being so different yet its similar to a, This blog is written assuming you already know, Note - this is just a rough plan, and collection of tips based on what I did when I was starting out with, First of all, you should learn 4 look last layer if you dont know it already. While taking my average today, I looked up at the clock in amazement when I finished this one. So as long as you at least have the knowledge of that, this is gonna be a piece of cake. tsamba.!! 2.If the target edge and corner are in a wrong inverted triangle or with incorrect orientation,move them to the top layer to apply the solving steps. I can't keep track of what I'm doing. So you're gonna locate that edge? Check this one. So that will take care of all. Now we're just going to start solving Let's say this area right here, which is noticed how that kind of zigzags up and down. Now we're gonna be doing is getting our cross essentially just like a three by three. Now, before we get started, I just want you guys know if you guys were interested in picking of this mega minx this cubing, Matt, anything I use in my videos, it will all be linked in the course description so you guys can pick some of the stuff up for yourself now the first thing we're gonna be doing is going to be establishing a color we want to solve based on the center color. Well, I have all my corners solved, but one, this is the last one. I totally missed the whole lecture though :P Oh well. Maybe so just locate the edge, which I have it right here. And that's gonna be this and then you're going to get your backwards. We could just place it on top, and then we have a pair. i did 2 wrong plls because i was too nervous. I'm gonna go with this one because it's easiest. So we're gonna go do our Senate move. That is how you solve a mega mix. We're gonna leave those alone. Solve the white corners one by one. We gonna go our prime d prime are, and we're going to move. Hope this helps you get to where you want to be at in Megaminx solving! So starting with beginners method, where you're gonna want to do is locate the corner. So we're gonna move this corner over here. You're Awesome! Orient your Corners: Now we have the Grace side or the Gray Star handled. Execute Algorithm 1-3 to solve the down right corners of the S upper sides. Better late than never. So I'm gonna start with this one, and we're going to look at the colors who have pink and yellow. But if it's not, just perform the algorithm one more time. Already cut off 30 seconds from yesterday. Not lucky, I get these sub-3:40's all the time now. Didn't remember what the exact time was so made it .99. Some guy said he'd time me and I said I probably would not be able to finish since it was 5 of 9 and I couldn't do it that fast yet. If I wanted to solve the blue side, I would find the blue center similar to a three by three. Solving Angle:Place the gray side at U. Now it's gonna repeat this for the other corners. And then you're just gonna perform this the same solution that you did earlier for this case. This platform gives me the chance to do just that - but on a larger scale. So that one's properly placed. However, this is basically what the line would look like. And then you're going to look here if this one is solved than you're good. Repeat Stepl until all 5 corners are solved. 5: Orientate LL edges. This time, I saw an opportunity and switched on the last 2 faces. So if I wanted to solve yellow, I would pick this or this pale yellow or blue. And now this one. 5. Still trying for under 5 minutes. Now, once you get to the point where you're on the last layer were really close, almost done, you're going to be presented with just a couple of patterns. I did this right before the all-hall meeting at my residence hall. However, on here instead of across is actually a star shape. Function of Algorithm 7: permute the top layer edges. =]. In case you are interested in any production equipment I used to create this course, follow the links below: My Lighting: amazing white desk: microphone I use: extension cable: camera tripod/boom: microphone boom I use: camera/boom 90 degree adapter: camera that I use and I LOVE: Camera Slider:, Quick Release Mount:, Motorized Slider Dolly: So if you either use F 12 or beginners method, you're just gonna continue the same process for all of these sides until you just have the last layer remaining. This course is gonna be dedicated towards those that are interested in learning how to solve the mega makes The mega minks is a very interesting puzzle. The next steps are to solve the down corner and down right edge. And this was the fastest but what is weird the day before they were all over 8 minutes. And I'll show you that in a moment. So now we're gonna have one in front of us, one to the left. The timing guy told me, "You beat 5 minutes!" So here I have this yellow and white. Try to learn where youre going wrong, check what splits youre getting, compare them with other cubers who take as much time as you, and do slow solves. Now my goal is 90 secs: probably my limit for a really perfect solve. The Megaminx is an official WCA competition event. I couldn't believe it myself. Keep doing this till you get where you want to. Lot better than my old 4:31 solve. So here's what we're gonna do. With case 3, execute Algorithm 6 once to solve the orientation of all top layer edges. Megaminx is definitely one of the most interesting events in the WCA; being so different yet its similar to a 33 cube at the same time and having more faces than any other WCA puzzle. What I find really enjoyable is teaching people how to solve it then watching them grow into faster and faster cubers. Something must have clicked what ever it is i loving it because now i am almost to my goal being able to solve in under 5 minutes most of the time. In this course, I will teach you how to solve the megaminx puzzle. I'm excited to meet and talk to you guys about this awesome past time. i hope for under 5. All right, so I got all mixed up. Now, we're going to do our set up move, which is basically going to move this cornerback up there where it belongs. It's either going to be a dot case backwards l It's going to be a line, or it's gonna be the cross or a full star, and that's gonna be similar if not exactly the same as what you would see on a regular three by three. Almost 8 Min. 1.For Step 2 & 3 above, we use the algorithms for solving corners & edges in the earlier steps Asyou can see, the original position ofthe inverted triangle does not fitthe cases ofAlgorithms 1-5 Thats why we need to shift its position by F turn (and F turn to restore it afterwards) to set up the case.