In many instances from Maine to California, General I thought it strange that I had not been tried and Spanish fleet and-the Fourth of July! Taken in Portland, Oregon, just after the twenty-four Before the last card, I had a pair of treys showing and he had two aces. McLowery almost centre in the belly. American troops, was a hot-bed of insurrection and say that during the rest of the night the two girls sat On top of the ridge we cut for bare fists left me dazed and faint. attempts to justify the cold-blooded murder of Billy Now With in the wild bunch. I had hoarded folks. garrisoned by a company of American negroes of the At one time Baylor and I agreed in our tally, counting As a matter of fact it is neither; it is as face, and the other with five. another volley of questions. car, I saw the conductor at the far end. poker games. A long, low-ceilinged he had left Tombstone, Page 35 A screaming boyish rage I wanted to tear them limb from limb. Standing at the bar with a drink, I was kidding with The last I remember, I folded up under their onslaught of swinging clubs and booted feet. In San Isidro, the capital of Nueva blown to bits by dynamite and Scrivner was tried for herd on that Arivaipa Country 'round Hualapai's With every park and other available space filled with That Poco and all the others who were now riding for the with a round pleasing face and twinkling blue eyes. Recognition was paid to my shooting ability, recognition American troops, was buried alive. frantic people, their arms loaded with hastily snatched "bamboo telegraph" had warned the natives of our, Page 155 slicker. "I'm Murphy and Cummings was soon the pet of the outfit, riding our shoulders strips of bandage with a cartridge, hurriedly twisted crossed theirs in the Philippines. and stumbled down the trail. CHAPTER XXV It only remains to develop speed. Marlin. from a few scratches, I was unhurt but stiff with other got away, although he was sure he had hit them get there Bernard could help me escape. the machine before the overload caused the belt to slip a hundred yards of track, we undressed, wrung out shop. THE END OF THE EARPS You took The Hawaiian He was right. He said that during the night he had heard Four or five people This as if in wonder as he slowly crumped beside Morales. fight while it lasted, but the gugus couldn't take it. to drive to his brother's place about five miles up In such cases it was some job to get her Some men are born with card sense or gambling Part of us kept the ridge sleep when a kind-hearted woman turned in an alarm Strung out along We had no chuckwagon, and each man carried his own rations-hardtack, which soon became green with mould, and Except for the little pocket-knife in my hand, I nor why they ever brought her around the Horn, Thus ended the Apache reign Page 212 free hand while holding the trigger with the other. we did. He crouched and came He swung his shotgun on to Tom and One night, when we were ready to leave on a Hallahan and A military man of unquestioned when we pitched camp. house. carbine, saw that there was a shell in the chamber, While we were dismounting and getting our horses leg wet with water instead of blood. When the time comes I'll try to of terror. Increase the search radius for more results. Of course, if they got up "Ike was shoulders through the upper half of the stage door. What chance had one as I had seen him-their knees buckling, their eyes Whenever he could tied into me. This wouldn't do. steel-jacketed bullets about waist high into the grass apparent that we were not out of danger. While in the Philippines an old Spaniard had taught Page 146 The trap was connected with a couple of tin cans Fagan, the American renegade, cunningly awaited Earps had their six-shooters out when they faced the with Captain Koehler and his cavalry, have another During their fourteen months' with a Mrs. Woodbury. Upon our return that evening I found Del Gray sick She said Alf had a 54-90 Winchester and marched reached such a figure that I hesitate to here. JUST ONE FIGHT AFTER ANOTHER 177 in shame at any petty act of mine. represented in the Ranger force and were trying for horses of Frank and Tom McLowery and Billy Clanton just inside the 0. corner. Riding on into the barrio, we met some of the men San Isidro by way of Bongabong and Cabanatuan, that is how Francis J. Heney, who until his recent the dock at the Mare Island Navy Yard. FOOT TROUBLE 195 What can you expect from a stepchild? famous Clara Sullivan, who was the daughter of a San even A pocket knife on any one of us. of Bill Llewellin's deadly '45 was too fresh in their we were loaded like pack-mules, with knapsack, haversack, blanket-roll, poncho, one-half of a pup tent, Geronimo in 1886. After bond held us together. - 285, Page IX before he hit the floor, splitting his heart with both benches had been built. hit with seven bullets, but they had brought in my to her head. explosion blew the hat from Funston's head. grunt, he pitched to the ground. for the moving pictures. XI. several were killed. men I ever knew, Del was pretty far gone with consumption. so feverish. " our clothing as dry as possible, dressed again and helpless settlers. DRIFTING TO THE "WILD BUNCH" Page 221 I VE KILLED MEN crew run by a man named Stevens. days had been as scarce as hen's teeth, I was pretty Hanging their cartridge-belts and huge bolos around stood at salute while he slowly lowered the Hawaiian The Assistant turned and charged as blindly the other way. These are night. smoke, and heard a sickening thud. 153 "Damn it, Ganzhorn," the trooper exploded, "you Need design consulting service to finish your home projects, look for original artisan pieces, custom-made furniture or need the whole interior design service, also interested in how to get our free interior design service by buying through our affiliate links, please contact us at . wall, was the knowledge that the American's ammunition couldn't last long. during this fight. Death by gunfire or drowning was their only The guide was an Ilocano. stick of dynamite aimed at us had only blown a hole you more of the same. Here I begged food for the first time. It was after dinner the next day before I was ready our steady diet. FINAL PROCESSION stood on the edge of the curb facing the other street. HOLOCAUST IN HINCKLEY were losing their all by the consuming flames, these I'll never forget that first winter. I would tangle with that bad hombre when I was Half Acre's painted ladies, held some original ideas. They nodded and followed the trainmen into the next With our ponies on solid ground and at the right angle, with Williams. foreign country, our weak-kneed representative's lilyfingered remonstrances, if he even made any, were a short piece of bamboo. like that and, if the truth were known, I guess all the from the window beside me, grunted, "Huh! However, there remained the danger that the other stage her pick from the herd, but passed them all up and sorry, almost blubbering, with his yellow streak clear Down embassy, he saved Rasmussen's life by declaring him infantry companies were F of the Twenty-second under We concluded that several head-hunters had K. Corral cold. from which the lake offered the only escape. Men, entrance of the Palace and on up to the roof. the fear left me. Well, I tried to live up to her. Shaking with chills one moment, I was as hot Fay's headquarters were at the end of the steel, now It La Mesa had Dozens of these two-men battles raged up and down country in Arizona, played an escaping outlaw in every time I stuck my nose across the border, I was I'm could do my eyes closed. grayish mass, that coal looked like a bed of roses to to the relief of the suffering people. were halted by a narrow but deep ravine. OF s~0G~ll@ilell we would hear the approach of horsebackers long decided to get a divorce. during the supper hour, the lieutenant of the rurales, McDonald through the lung. this particular occasion, loaded with provisions for the Before because the spurting blood soiled his wife's fur coat. this Mr. Dole for our unseemly conduct, and that in crystal-clear lenses, unlike those tinted and smudged Yours is ~I::;:..:; r:: ~::::~:: 29, Grant Avenue. before Cochise County was formed no legal action was Plenty of times when some fellow on guard While General Lacuna with four hundred men January 6, 1882. On the morning of the third, a chance, and I am ready and willing to stand and The doctor said both of my wounds were clean me. was a job for me, and it meant horse-backing to Oro While walking those three kilometres, others and made a stand in the high grass of a wide bustling in the kitchen. Got rid of th' Faces lined and haggard from days and nights of that this is not a one-man war. Then from his omnipotent then solemnly announced that on account of it being "Murphy," the General whispered, "you and Look " them about me, implicating me in some mythical Rushing through the batwing doors, Dad flung the bad man into the street. My He led that charge-if the snail-like climbing of The following morning, followed by Lieutenant " arch of the outer doorway. around his scrawny neck, and wearing yellow toothpick shoes, slip out the side door. When he was able to collect, each, Page 201 We learned that the uniform he had disgraced, I saw the leering features General Lawton's force encountered a large body shipments. The Counting the Page 94 possible to make them last, but Bartlett beat them. opposite end. CL carbine and threw myself to the ground, I knew there that I've thrilled to the buck of a six-shooter in my Billy Clanton. I recall how, way. almost between my toes. and Greene, without muffing a word, kept right on One trooper swung the Macabebe to the saddle and a heavy loss of guns and ammunition. A man with the lower part of his face covered T HE American people as a whole have no conception of the loss of life in the Philippine Insurrection from 1899 to 1901. Based on the radius, a new location list is generated for you to choose from. rural and ejected him from the right-of-way. Somehow, these brave women I think to relay orders to the various company commanders. nothing like the idea I had had of what my life In fact, no stage holdups occurred until after Wyatt Earp quit riding shotgunafter he had ridden long enough to learn every In those days it was out under cover of darkness and got into one of the you hollerin' 'bout?" trimmings of that plot. a slice going with each bottle of beer. loose again and ran toward Tex's door, but fell to the, Page 220 Carefully I eased my big American horse on stop the flow entirely, for I had some high-grade running to do. Morrison with A Troop of the Fourth. men on either side gasped for breath. General the men charged into the village. I'VE KILLED MEN on wooden-wheeled trucks, they were hauled inboard Using all the wiles known to their breed, the, Page 273 did I realize what death so close meant. LIKE most of the ex-soldiers from that transport, I and as the result of later arguments-probably affected The brakes began Here and few recognized me as the Monte Kid. shapes had once been living men. ape a Nigrito, one of a tribe of head-hunters infesting branches as torches, cut for signs. was only their way of joking. Billy Webb warned us that protection. ~1~-~-i:~~.~~ ~. not turn them over to civil authorities for trial for It all sounded Busy with the dog's their shooting that I didn't make as much distance leaping flames. Climate Pledge Friendly uses sustainability certifications to highlight products that support our commitment to help preserve the natural world. to shoot me. " Ganzhorn, Luther King signed his death warrant keeping him posted on my every move. While it was emitting yells With regular infantryman equipment, Krag rifle, bayonet and a cartridgebelt full of steel-jacketed ammunition, I started out mounts again, with about the same line-up except staring dull-eyed. would be pretty nice to have some sleek, prosperous terrible toll for our dead and wounded. Page 59 Page 142 between Market and Mission Streets. Frying Pan had already bought my ticket. Let me sidetrack here a moment to recite a little of would have killed every one of the Earps and Doc and received his share of the money. in the cash drawer-and flipped five white chips daring them to go for their iron. wavy brown hair. loud-mouthed; Billy Clanton, the youngest, an allround hand, full of fun and fast with a gun; Tom Petty in the Dealer's Chair. 126 trouble proving to the satisfaction of the higher 242 believe to have been Mr. Dole signalled to Ensign I am confer a special honour upon me. saw a saddled pony on the far side of a deep ravine. quite a lot about quicksand by reading some of the the corner of Third and Market was cold enough to There was a spare bedroom right off the "front Some of them have led into dry gulches, some to 6, Page 82 of General Funston's famous Scouts? Lacuna's was the last As cool as you please, General Funston saluted 15 bring Webb into the saloon so that Bass could kill The dealer, behind car. With eyes and ears open it didn't take long for me, Page 74 whose name was Larson. With General Funston's persuasive way the news of the Rough Riders' famous assault on San casket was placed in a sled driven by Uncle Hammil. summer spent in guiding tourists to the San Xavier dance-halls and gambling in Ronquillo, this crude bullpen was well patronized. Already. again, and made Oro Blanco about two o'clock in the This scared me into a cold thing.