I've made many of these liners with no issue so I definitely want to find out what is going on for you . Love this i am sooo going to try your way! :-/. Otherwise it seems like too much cake if given one slice from top to bottom. Thanks! Tips:It will probably be best if you cut the bottom half of your cupcake in half and put each half in separately. Use a pair of scissors to cut two large circles of. Place the caster sugar, stork margarine and vanilla extract into a large clean bowl and mix until pale and creamy. ThisGiant Cupcake Silicone Mould was originally given to me as a Christmas present and its so easy to use. Then apply two thicker coats. 7. White chocolate or vanilla milk chips are the most difficult to melt. Now, I have seen people use chocolate to make the liners, but it is really hard to remove. 3. Thank you so much for the quick reply I will give feedback on it, I assume it should be okay but thankfully its for my daughter and not a customer! I have not made mine too far in advance so I cannot give a definite answer but I don't see it cracking as long as you are not moving it too often (I really hope it holds up!). Peel away the molds from each half of the cupcake. I chose pink because I knew it was the birthday girl's favorite color and it saved me from having to add food coloring.And there you have it! The candy melts unmold perfectly from the pan. is a good appliance to use because the cooking time is so controlled. I am making my sons first birthday smash cake from the giant cupcake pan and when I decorated the practice cake it was just so blah looking. Use the #mycupcakeaddiction so I can see them & Ill re-share some of my favorites! That will definitely help. I just tried this. Oh no this was in reference to doing the outside of the pan instead of the inside. It's very pretty. Microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring between each set, until the candy is melted. Preparation Time: 15 minutes This could be EXACTLY the fix I am looking for! Add the bottom half of the bottom piece into the case. I made the chocolate shell with my 3yr old and it came out perfectly, first time!! But after my first attempt, I knew this was a foolproof technique. Give it a practice shot since others seem to be struggling (I have never had a problem and I have used both Wilton's Candy Melts and generic store ones.) Decorating Time: 15 minutes Paint cake release liberally over both sections of your giant cupcake and set aside. This looks beautiful. I can't take full credit, but once I saw it I couldn't help but say "why didn't I think of that?". I tried white chocolate in my metal pan, regular chocolate, and finally, chocolate with coconut oil in it. I tried again and it is simply gorgeous and the easiest thing to make! Pour the remaining mixture into the top mould to just over half full do not press the mixture down, it will find its own level when baking. Pipe a circle of buttercream and drag it up to make a smear of frosting. Equipment can be purchased fromIced Jems. Worked perfectly, thanks! Much appreciated! Longer wait time is better. Press down firmly. x. I just stumbled upon this tutorial. Never use a wooden spoon to stir chocolate when trying to melt it. We are left with a smooth, perfect cupcake liner without any trouble at all!I spoke briefly before about my first experience working with the giant cupcake pan. Would cutting up the base and the top into multiple layers to fill with icing be silly? -For the printable recipe click here:http://bit.ly/2gBIXki, -Buy the My Cupcake Addiction Cookbook http://bit.ly/MCAbook I hope to come back to this one day with new photos and then I can make a step-by-step video . Not a silly question! ?Thanks Michelle, It'll be a lot easier to work with the silicone mould when it comes to the cupcake shell. Because trust me, there have been many fails! barely simmering. When complete, pop it into the fridge one more time and wait for it to harden completely (20-30 minutes, just to be safe.). this problem, (that's why I like the microwave). We have included two options here, a simple vanilla recipe and a chocolate version for all you chocolate lovers out there! A couple of questions maybe already asked sorry. It is hard to tell when I am not there Make sure you are using candy melts and NOT chocolate! Transfer to the fridge to set. As for storing, I don't see refrigeration necessary as once again, the melts are stored at room temperature to begin with. Also, do you have a tutorial for how you frosted it? I have made a few giant cupcakes, fondant, buttercream, wafers, not chocolate as yet.You make it sound easy and simple. Place the pan into the fridge for 10-20 minutes, depending on how thick you made the first coat. Clean up any edges if needed. 2) Pour about half of the melted candy into the bottom liner of the cupcake pan. I was so upset. Well said! On the counter? 7. Did it work out? Its beautiful! I used the NESTLE BUTTON MELTS in white chocolate, 375g, and had enough to coat the tin and extra for a small second coat.Also, if you put in the fridge to harden, note that when you add the second coat it will stick to the cold chocolate almost instantly, so perhaps brush it on or harden out of fridge. Thank you so much. The icing colour is the result of me whipping up a standard batch of American vanilla buttercream (the vanilla gives it the ivory/off-white colour.) For chocolatebuttercream, follow the recipe below and add twotablespoons cocoa powder and 50g melted dark chocolate. When I was thinking of it the normal way I was so confused Yeah, maybe stick with the inside. My chocolate is not coming out!!! I know it will be nerve racking but trust me, the worse that can happen is that it will break and you will have to melt the candy again. and you can remove this comment just like I see you have done to others but thats just more peoples cake that dont work because they dont get a heads up. For a festive cupcake, check out my tutorial on how to make a Giant Cupcake Christmas Tree. Nowhere near me carries these bags, however, Bulk Barn carries Merckens molding wafers, and they worked perfectly! Let any excess drip back into the bowl of chocolate. Check out my full bio and story below. I had planned to make an Easter cake this month using this pan, but was going to for-go the liner. And now we are ready. I have just tried this chocolate case and it really worked so nicely! If you want to be safe, you can cover and place into your refrigerator, but leaving it covered on the counter should be just as fine. Follow the recipe above and replace the plain flour for cocoa powder and add 100g melted dark chocolate. Great job, I will be trying this soon :) Thanks! Any tips. I tried and tried but it just kept sliding down the side of the chocolate! If you stand there at the stove and stir constantly, you can melt It should be thick enough where it does not break. I so need to try this! Take your silicone giant cupcake mould and apply a fine layer of cake release spray, making sure you cover all areas well. It does not work without having some kind of release agent on the pan. Then, clean out the piping bag and add blue frosting. I can't believe it just popped right out of the cake pan. To answer 7 may ANON question, I used the metal tin and didn't coat it with anything. I think the trick, mommalala, is to paint a very thin layer for the first coat. A GIANT cupcake! When the first layer has hardened up, pour the rest of the mixture into the pan and once again paint up the sides, ensuring even coverage. I'll get around to making more and promise to cut into one , I have read to warm up a knife under warm water to get a easy slice without chocolate breaking. http://bit.ly/MyCupcakeAddiction 2. Required fields are marked *. 3. 3. If using the silicone cupcake pan, you could peel the sides of the pan away from the chocolate, leaving a perfect shell. 3. Could I use the final picture for my website that I am creating with my College? Sorry you are struggling! Sorry it didn't work out! Never allow any water to come in contact with the melting chocolate. Does a simple bread knife work? Your email address will not be published. It is true, the task is super easy! Melt the candy down and start over. I am not sure I am following. I had the same trouble with regular chocolate not being able to unmold. I am sorry to hear that. Otherwise I would think it would be too much for one slice. Grab a bargain here. yes you can but keep an eye on it as the times will vary and it will probably take more than 1 cake mix. Then, let the two halves cool in the mold at room temperature for at least an hour. No big deal, it happens. Hi thereI have the silicone mould and was wondering if the chocolate shell would work on this also? -Share your sweets with me on Instagram http://bit.ly/134thON Use the #mycupcakeaddiction so I can see them & Ill re-share some of my favorites! When we served the cake this Christmas (I finally got around to actually cutting one!) Any tips? Place the buttercream into a piping bag with a large star nozzle and decorate the top of your giant cupcake as you wish. awesome. I wish it would have worked for me. Many places sell them and they are easy to find with a quick google. I'm so glad to have come across your chocolate shell as I was hoping to do something other than make two big cakes :) As you said (although I doubted it too) the shell popped out of the pan quite easily.
Using a pastry brush, brush the candy up the sides, making sure to get into every little crevice. I put mine in the fridge between layers (but to be honest, I use a different brand of candy melts.) The Merckens had less colors to choose from but you can always buy plain white and use food coloring. Make sure to keep the chocolate dry as it melts. If u melt chocolate too quickly it screws up the molecules and will not set hard again. This recipe and method also works with the metal giant cupcake tin. Mine turned out beautifully. It should be thick enough where it does not break. No veg oil needed. hola quisiera hacerte una pregunta, no consigo que se me despege entero el chocolate, tengo el mismo molde, podrias decirme algun truco para que me salga, gracias. If it I've got 3 days to figure this out! Thanks, I couldn't get the chocolate out off the metal tin so tyred 5 times as didn't wanna let it beat me but guess what it did beat me "what did I do wrong " using the melts as stated and waited the 25 mins done second coat waited another 25 mins still couldn't get out " help " thank you x, What chocolaye did u use for the Base And also what temperature do i use does the sponges Thank u. For the buttercream topping place the icing sugar (cocoa optional), butter, vanilla extract and milk into a clean bowl and mix well. Or are you guy's using a completely different metal or silcon pan to mold the candy? Help pls!! I couldn't put my finger on it but the base looked bland. Thanks! HOWEVER, I was trying to tap the liners out. I wonder if you put the chocolate on the outside of the pan, if that would keep you from having to shave pieces of the cake off. It does not pop right out. Gonna give up for a while!!! For more information on how to decorate your cake and go from home bake to showstopper, check out my list of latest online cake decorating courseshere. Whats better than a cupcake? You can also create achocolate or candy shell for the base of your cupcake, you can check out my tutorial for this here. (If you want to colour your chocolate now is the time to do it, make sure your food colour is oil based.) When complete, pop it into the fridge one more time and wait for it to harden completely (20-30 minutes, just to be safe.). While I have not made the shell in advanced (plan to in the next few weeks actually!) And I copied your design for a GF bridal cake. Thank you! When baking our delicious giant cupcakes we prefer to use a silicone mould but a traditional metal tin will work too, just remember to grease the tin well. A double boiler (watch out Looks fab, just wondering about how the finished cupcake cuts for serving? ), Breakfast Home Fries (using Fingerling Potatoes!). once done I just placed 4 fingers into the grooves and pulled up and you were right 'pop', out it came. Adding the cocoa to the mix at the same time as the icing sugar. your cake is beautiful.my shell was a total fail. Hello! I haven't tried it with a silicone mould but as long as the chocolate is fully set you should be able to peel the mould straight off. I am so happy! margarine) and the chocolate should smooth out. I love the look of this.
I cannot take credit at all, but whoever did come up with this idea, you are awesome! hi can you recommend any white choc brands that wud be best to use please? Thank you! I don't have a tutorial on how I decorated it, but I used a Wilton 1M tip to make rosettes (there are A LOT of tutorials on Pinterest if that helps!) Genius!!! It really is surprisingly easy and looks so spectacular, give it a go. The icing may make the bottom portion taller so just a heads up when it comes to the liner. -Follow me on Facebook for short snappy sweet ideas daily! I am not sure. Remove the pan form the fridge and gently tilt the pan and using your fingers, pull the candy melt liner out of its mold. You should probably mention that you need to spray the tin before doing the chocolate shell as I just ruined my daughter birthday cake and I can \t afford not the time to do it again and now that I google trying to get it out EVERYONE else mentions it. Too much heat will make this type of chocolate seize. I tried this with Wilton candy melts. . Let us know how it goes.Sarah, Beautiful. But thinking on it wouldn't it turn out a little bumpy and uneven? Tried twice. Worse comes to worse, we can melt more. Something that I do for this recipe is that I make a case of chocolate for bottom half of the cupcake. I can't believe it just popped right out of the cake pan. If you like, you can personally email a photo and I can post it (or perhaps after my blog remodel on the 15-17, there will be an ability to post pictures here in the comments!). Place the liner down gently and marvel at your creation!. Worse comes to worse, we can melt more. I could remove none of them. What can I do? The microwave Spread ganache over the top piece of that cake. does seize, you can blend in a teaspoon of vegetable oil (NOT butter or * Chocolate lovers can alter the recipe slightly using 8oz flour and 2oz cocoa power. It also worked for many others. Worse comes to worse, you just heat the melts again and start over As for how long it will hold, the candy melts don't go bad any time soon. Does the top not cook quicker than the base? I have to thank Pinterest for this find. how should it be stored? Do you need to treat the pan with anything before coating it with chocolate? Wasted my time. This lady took the time to make a tutorial with instructions that worked for her. I thought I was going to break it but when I gave it a good tug, it released from the sides of the pan. Also, find pre-coloured candy melts if you can (they require special food colouring otherwise!) This was soooo helpful. This gives the cupcake extra support and a super clean chocolate finish on the bottom. My question is for the frosting. It is just because they do not tend to bake evenly (something I have definitely noticed over time!). (hope so ), I was nervous the first time, too! You may just have to pull harder. * Chocolate lovers can alter the recipe slightly using 10oz icing sugar and 2oz good quality cocoa power. Someone also suggested doing the liner on the outside of the pan so you don't have to trim any of the cake down (never tried it though! The top half of the mold should cook in 30 minutes, and the bottom half of the mold should cook in 45. You want to end up with about cup of melted candy melts. -Subscribe to my YouTube channel for 2 new videos each week! Haha, that is why I am here to test things first! The Cookie Writer LLC | Copyright 2022. I know it will be nerve racking but trust me, the worse that can happen is that it will break and you will have to melt the candy again. My only other idea would be trying to heat up the pan in some hot water until it loosens a bit (but it may melt the candy melts too much.) Once cooled take the base of the giant cupcake, level and turn it upside down. Ooooh! Take the top of the giant cupcake, level and place on the top of your fondant covered base. Hope that make sense :-P The chocolate shell looks so awesome!!!!! Adding the cocoa to the mix at the same time as the flour. For best results you want to make sure you have weighed out all of your ingredients carefully and that they are at room temperature. Pour the candy melts into your measuring cup. Maybe next time you will do your daughter's cake ahead of time and not last minute when you don't have time to fix your mistake. Nope, I totally can see that working! Or does it unmold fine on its own? Place each piece over the batter on both halves of the mold. Hi! Preheat the oven to 180C (for a fan assisted oven preheat to 160C / Gas Mark 4). Came out super easy (and I was nervous about that)kind of a late question as I am making this cake right now but once the giant cupcake cake is fully made how long can it be stored? Will definitely give this a try! Im such a failure. I am excited for your cake! Overlap the purple frosting layers, and use the same motion. Use a spatula to evenly distribute the chocolate to cover the mold entirely. But from my understanding, Is everyone still using the Giant cupcake pan that they baked the cupcake in, to mold the candy inside the fridge? -Sign up to our #SweetSquad for early access, exclusive offers and fun party planning tips. 1. I totally agree! Woohoo! So happy it turned out, Nicole! I have had no issues . U need to make sure you are using "compound" chocolate not regular eating chocolate and heating it slowly not fast.